(2013/05) May 2013

why gynae ask u to count? i think i felt mine already, but its also like once in a while then i feel a kick, not that frequent too

Bbkk can order now. Usage is from 18 weeks till pop. U can use anytime
After 18 weeks. My order came
Quite fast. Less than 2 weeks I got my purchase!:p
Feels like an early Xmas when I recv the parcel! Wahaha

I find that I can't stand n walk too Long cos my pelvic will feel
V heavy. Like
Smthing dropping down. V scary. Mayb my pelvic not strong enuff. So now I m using the exercise ball
Hooe can tone the muscle there. Haha
I think most gynae will ask us to monitor the baby kicks. Must have more than 10 kicks a day.
Maybe I should wait for another week.
Yesterday bb was very cute. She staying one side of my tummy protuding out at right side and it was very hard. I quickly touch there and ask hubby to touch her and say hello. Might be the head poking me. Haha

I think u still early for monitoring lah. U one week later than me. Not fats lah
Thanks sparkle bee.

Bbkk, y need to count kicks? I feel movement at times, but also not sure if kicks or bb turning.

I cant walk long too. Will be breathless. After that, my calf very suan. I miss regular my foot and body massages. Cant wait to start my prenatal massage.

Today, declare mc at home. Running nose turned into blocked nose. Thnk too heaty despite m daily dose of crysanthemum tea n water chestnut. Gg see chinese doc later. Panadol n flu tabs no longer work.
ok...coz my gynae never ask me to count. maybe i will do the counting too. but i m still not too sure whether its the bb kicks. not that strong yet. or like what 2ks said, its fats covering, so cant really feel the kicks! haha
so cute, i enjoyed the late stage where we can feel the strong kicks and like what u said, one side of tummy protuding out! can really feel the presence of the bb!
worried : i still having dreams every night.

they say can drink chicken essense, especially want to deliver that time. Got more energy.

i haven't feel bb kicks yet...my gynae say not so fast 1..around 20 weeks plus.
Sparkle_Bee: i have been eating alot of durians and im trying to control.. i think my eye got one red lump liao LOL cus too heaty haha and cus of u saying durians.. makes me want to eat again later hahah

Captain: u can decide for your ownself? so good lor.. i still need to go thru in law and go thru fortune teller.. haiz hate restrictions! your hub so funny one lor.. mine is didnt even ask. but gynea keep saying NO SEX NO SEX. then every visit finish my hub ask me does he look like a sex manic or what.. why my gynea keep saying no sex as if he going to rape me everyday LOL

Buba: drink more water! i limit myself like 1 day eat 4 eats.. and next day TRY not to eat.. if not really heaty lor!

JC/BBK/: but now i walk abit hor i below will numb like that.. like can feel below like getting heavier.. do u gals?

esther: thanks for the info. maybe go down see see.. last time #1 i got drink then stop. forget why le. maybe ex? haha Ya i hopefully hope they wont be that bad, is me that im sensitive lor.. recently getting more n more sensitive and emotional. and i hate restrictions lor to follow their rules.. haiz.

BBK 10 times a day?? i think mine over liao.. i now very scare baby too active lol .. now at night i wana sleep.. she keep practicing her kicking.. kick kick kick i cant sleep. but a few time i really very tired i knock out when she's still kicking LOL then like maybe 5-10 mins later i wake up. she stop liao. LOL

worried; i also cannot walk too long.. our tummy getting bigger is more harder for us to work.. i still having alot of weird dreams too. LOL
Cannot take danshen n danggui?
My mil ask the ppl at fu hua medical
And they told her I shld start to take now
Once a week!!!!
And she bought quite a lot fr them

Oh dear.....
Vi, I agreed with 2KS that we can eat dangshen but danggui cannot.

fabbie, haha yr description regarding NO SEX is so funny ,LOL!

JC, I heard plp said hv to drink more coconut drink 1 mth b4 deliver day, and so delivery will be more smoothly and faster.
Anyone drink a lot previously?
At certain part of day I also feel that something heavy at the tummy and pelvis. I also feel intermittent sharp pain at the lower abdominal . Hope all is normal .

Kicks : I haven't feel any kicks yet , maybe it is my first and I am only 18 weeks .

Breathing: sometime I feel short breath in the evening especially after meal .
Good morning Mummies~~ =)

Cutting hair
Thanks for your comments ladies, yea if dun trim the hair for too long seems very untidy and 'gao wek'.

Baby Chinese Name
If want to engage someone (like You Long Zi) to pick names, must wait until bb come out first so can calculate the Ba Zi issit?

But personally I don't like fortune telling kind which will affect our mind and beliefs, I believe we can conquer fate. I'm not very sure if there's a certain truth like Feng Shui though.

Baby Movements
Roughly when can we feel baby moving huh? I'm in week 16, can't feel anything yet...
do we have those weird dreams becoz of hormone changes? really can't sleep well at nite. already difficult to doze off, once asleep, weird dreams start, how to rest well?
bbkk: haha...no la..i think its still early. i think 20 weeks or so then can feel the kicks.
but hor..i find some kicks can be painful leh!
JC: i took chocolate for power before delivery hor...then also down a bottle of chix essence hor..
i find not much of use la! just drink/eat for the shake of eating/drinking..LOL
Vi: dangshen can take but dang gui is a no no..
even the hua qi shen also can take..although its heaty based but its good too.

tsm: ppl said drink coconut is so that bb will come out clean. usually ppl drink last few weeks before edd.

chiro: yes...must wait till baby come out. cos must see the lunar bd and the time i think so.
i also go to you long zi.. cos also he is my FIL long time friend.
i actually listens only la..to what he said. but sometimes those stuff he asked me to avoid i really does.
previously for #1 case, he said he is to avoid water till 3 yrs old. i refused to listen cos tot not so pantang mah...
and really leh...he was sick everytime after he goes swimming...thus i rather believe abit.
but i am more into the chinese name. i think names is important. so i rather get a matching name instead
worried: why u think is hormone changes when we have weird dreams? your dreams is like what wor. are your dreams always very tiring? im not sure about hormone changes.. but i dont think so leh.. but i only know that when ya pregnant u wil have alot of werid dreams.. last time no.1 also like that. haha mine is not those running or what so tiring cus i know in my dream i cant even run. LOL
from the pregnancy app, it is due to a combination of progesterone surging through your veins and excitement and apprehension about pregnancy and motherhood.

i don't feel tired from the dreams but just that every night will be dreaming.
i just guessed so lor. coz everytime i asked my gynae abt something, he will say its becoz of the hormone changes in our body. i think when we have dreams, we wont be able to sleep well? i just feel that i dun have enough sleep these days, once doze off, will start dreaming liao
rina: u find the link from the archive, then ask to add in, then PM me/rejoy your name in fb.
but hor..fb very quiet, not much posting.
think everyone dunno everyone as well yet.
are u from aug 2011 thread previously?
Re: danshen
If u go to any medical hall and ask , herbs which are 活血 are not suitable for pregnant women. Danshen has blood thinning qualities as it is used to improve blood flow. This quality of danshen increases risk of miscarriage n bleeding. More info can be found here and various sources on the net as well. When in doubt consult ur gynae also.

(click on "safety" tab to read more)
Hi Ladies,

Just returned from lunch, food from cafeteria not appetising at all. Very sleepy now.

Although I dun eat it, I remembered I attended a pregnancy talk and the nutritionist say a take a bit once a week. Liver can help to give iron and build red blood cells. If not red meat like beef is oso a gd source.

Rice wine:
I oso looking for rice wine, my CL said I finished all the rice wine in my previous confinement! Used to get from my auntie’s friend but she not making anymore.

Baby kicks:
My gynae only ask me to monitor kicks sometime in 3rd tri. i.e 10 kicks a day…. So early can monitor liao? I think 1st time mums won’t feel kicks so soon,when I preg with #1 I only felt at wk 20, this time wk 16 can feel liao.

Chinese supplement:
I resumed drinking my fav chicken essence! I stopped during my 1st trimester bcos no point taking when I keep puking. Now puking less frequent so I take once a week. I oso hav a box of birdnest from my MIL, haven’t open and cook yet.
It gd to take dangshen, heard that it promotes breastmilk. I seen my preggy colleagues taking in office before. However danggui, is a anticoagulant which mean it will unclog the blood, which I think its not a gd idea to take during pregnancy.
fool4love : don't let it bother you. Tell yourself, another 5 more months and you will not see her for 4 months!
Re: chicken essence
When u talk abt chicken essence, r u referring to those bottled kinds or homecook one?

re: bb mvmt
No feeling yet.. faint! Think it's too early to monitor ba..

Re: panting
Yes!! I alwiz feel out of breathe whenever I climb stairs.. v terrible..

Re: rice wine
Why is everyone talking abt this? Is dom good enuff? I only had tt during my #1..
griny: how many bottles u took?? i always cant finished the bottles that my MIL made leh.

iko0508: rice wine usually ppl used it for cooking lor. instead adding water, some CL used that. DOM is considered tonic. not for daily drinking i supposed so.
i love the DOM soup that my CL made for me
mami b: the danshen that u are referring to is different.

Codonopsis Root - dang shen

not Danshen - Salvia miltiorrhiza (as stated by the link u given)
benefits of dangshen

Properties: The herb is sweet in flavour, neutral in nature, and acts on the lung and spleen channels. Being sweet, neutral, noist, not dry, not greasy and mild in potency, it can not only invigorate spleen-qi but also nourish blood and promote the production of the body fluid. with its effects similar to but weaker than those of ginseng, dangshen can be used to replace ginseng but the dosage of dangshen should be doubled as much as that of ginseng wherever ginseng is used except for emergency treatment of collapse. Therefore, dangshen is often used to treat deficiency of spleen-qi and lung-qi and deficiency of body fluid and blood.

Effects: Reinforcing the spleen, tonifying the lung, nourishing blood and promoting the production of the body fluid.


1. For deficiency of lung-qi, lingering cough and asthma of deficiency type, deficiency of the lung and kidney, failure of the kidney in holding air, short breath and asthma, dangshen is often used in combination with astragalus root, schisandra fruit, gecko, walnut kernel and other remedies for tonifying the lung and kidney and improving breath to relieve asthma.

2. For deficiency of the spleen and stomach, anorexia, loose stool, emeciation and lassitude, or sinking of Qi in middle-jiao, lingering diarrhea and proctoptosis, dangshen isoften used in combination with white atractylodes rhizome, astragalus root, bupleurum root, cimicifuga rhizome and other herbs for invigorating Qi and Yang.

3. For injury of Qi and Yin by heat, perspiration, lassitude, vexation and thirst, dangshen can be used in combination with ophiopogon root, schisandra fruit, reed rhizome and other herbs for nourishing Yin and promoting the generation of the body fluid.

4. For paleness due to deficiency of blood, or deficiency of Qi and blood, dangshen is often used in combination with Chinese angelica root, prepared rehmannia root, longan aril and other herbs for invigorating Qi and blood.
JC/Worried: for me im able to sleep well the MOST irritating im unable to sleep well is due to when i always have to wake up and pee in the middle of the night + my hub's engine is so LOUD that make me cant sleep well. haiz.. u gals wake up in the middle of the night to pee? if yes i felt this is the case that causes u more tired. this is what i felt.. cus when im not pregnant i also dream alot.. i wont feel tired unless is those nightmares need to run n run kana chased. that i will feel tired. other than that no wor..

fool4love: what happen wor.. what u have done?

Liver: i do eat liver infact I LOVE liver but since start of pregnancy i getting to dislike to liver.. i still eat but not alot. same for prawns. i love prawns but now with my pregnancy i dont have appetite to eat them.. #1 also the same ^^

iko: if u say u climb the stairs so terrible.. my parents house is even worst lor.. my room is 2nd floor.. LOL i ned to walk up and down. but heng i got maid i dont go down often hahha

i dont drink DOM.. i cannot stand te smell... LOL i rather drink chicken essence. ^^
fabbie : i usually wake up once. I can fall asleep more easily now as compared to before preggy. My hubby's snore also bad lah..somemore he like to sleep facing me and snore!
2K, i didnt realise got another type of dangshen lol!! Just make sure u all get the right herb if u wana buy. One word difference really have big differences!
hi all

haiz.. it's a long story...

anyway, i realised that the copycat in my company just got preggie as well... I'm kinda glad for her cos she's over 35 but on the other hand, i wished that she has gotten preggie later...

She's a copycat cos basically she tends to follow what other female colleagues does... it's like if you go TW for holiday, she will plan a trip to TW... if you have a new bag, she will have a new bag from her hubby... if you get engaged, she will get engaged... when you announce that you are getting married, she will get married... quite irritating
when i went italy for my honeymoon, she went the following week when i'm back at work and told everyone that she's going milan with her hubby... when my colleague got a new car, she went to get a car which is a higher model

so it's really kinda irritating... I keep telling myself that imitation is the highest form of flattery but it's really quite irritating to have such a colleague
mami B: cos my MIL works in those medical shops that sell liang teh all that...so i am quite sure that we can take dang shen..
and i also roughly know the price of the dangshen...
they just increased price lately..
I got 12 bottles initially, den finished halfway. Bought somemore from auntie’s friend, dun remember bought how many more. Think at most 6 more.

I drink the bottle kind chicken essence, any brand is ok for me….. hee….

Feel like drinking it now, but I tell myself to drink only once a week. Just drank yesterday only…. Dunno can drink everyday or not. Worried too heaty.

I find food cook using DOM sweet. My CL even tried to double boiled it, it taste super sweet and yucky to me. I told her not to brew that for me anymore. Many people bought DOM for my last confinement and I can’t even finish 1 bottle! I still have many lying in my cupboard dunno what to do with them. Gave a few to my friends during their confinement and still got left over. I think I will expect more to come this time round. I think I can open shop and sell them cheap cheap! Give me chicken essence I can drink all.

Hate waking up to go toilet. But no choice, if not I will feel pain in my bladder area and I afraid I will get going toilet dreams. And many times after I wake up to go toilet, I had hard time falling back to sleep. So angry!
griny: wah!!! 12 bottles! its alot leh! think i only took 3 bottles.
but my hub love it with ginger and egg.

this round, u try ask CL to double boil the dom with ginger juice. half bowl ginger juice with half bowl DOM..
u try...
fool4love : yr colleague must be super rich man!

some people are like this. They cannot lose out 1. Very stressful for the hubby also.

Think she's just normal middle class... her hubby is doing quite well, i heard... guess can satisfy her monetary requirements ba...

ya! so it gets on my nerve lo... cos everyone is remarking that she will definitely follow suit after they found out that i was preggie...

Though i try not to care about it much, it's really irritating sometimes...
2ks - thanks for the advice!

fool4love - Don't take it to heart about her ranting. Just do your best for your job and stay cheerful k? *pat pat*
Missed out some messages before posting. Wah but the copycat colleague very zhai leh, preggie also can copy at around same time lol.
2ks I'm not frm Aug 2011 but I'm from Oct 2011... Oct 2011 still active in Fb after so long.. we share our up n down , spree for clothes, shoes ,food for Bb n even other things.. we rant abt hb, in laws n maid issue all these are close grp. Will feel better after ranting coz all mummies will encourage each other n giving advice to solve e problems too!

rabbit&snake: i think later part when all of us know each other better the fb group will be alive also la...
its under closed group. u try search...A small small world.
should be able to find de.
i cant access fb now, my manager is in.
