(2013/05) May 2013

tsm: its okay la..1st time mummies dont know mah...

bbkk: your girl is so cute...my boys only will sit on my tummy and ride horse lor...

Bbkk, your daughter so sweet and mature for her age. Haha my boy don't even understand he's going to be a Kor Kor soon and still make me carry him! He's 24 months this month though

Fool4love, your CL rate is ok. Mine is 2300 excluding taxi fee to my house.
FM: have 1 more quest is which brand of FM is more suitable for newborn bb? Any suggestion?
Then hor 1 big can FM can last for long (1 weeks? 2 weeks?)for newborn bb?
Actually, i am also contemplating to go for a 2-bedded instead of 1 bedded due to cost and also, hubby won't be staying over.

Most likely will go for Mt. A after hearing my SIL's account in TMC. haha...she said she heard a child saying 'Thank you Mummy' to her when her epidural wears off. She was staying in a 2 bedded and my BIL was just sleeping on the next bed.
tsm: there is no specific brands la..just go which what brand u prefer lor.
most mummies used similac or enfa...their advertisement and marketing most...
what highest DHA etc. but then i tell u, there is a certain amount of DHA that a baby can take anyway, any extra will come out as poo. FYI

i remember my SIL feed FM for her newborn..think 1.8kg last about 2 weeks.

ikuko: damn eerie man...ok i bring my buddha there...lol
Ikuko: eee... Scary! Aiyah they are everywhere so really dont matter one bed two bed four bed. Lol! As long as we are upright we no need to be afraid. Ask them to go. Leave us a lone. I did that when i was single room in uni. Had a few encounters. I m not scared. I feel they are more scared of us. Just be brave n firm.
Bbkk: ur girl is so cute !!

My CL charge me 2200 . Haven't meet her yet to give her deposit . Btw, what is the levy that was mentioned?
Dian tang: I think it's payable to MOM. it's less than S$6 per day. So for 28 days, the guy told me it's about S$150+ or something... Cos the CL that i'm hiring is a malaysian lady
Just to share my charges for Mt A back in 2010
(Single Room, Natural delivery with epi & assisted (i.e. vaccum)):
Hospital charges $2348.55
Epi doctor charges $375
Hospital charges for baby: $841.20

This is back in 2010, now the latest Mt A maternity package for single room, assisted with epi is $2650. For Mt A I notice not much hidden charges. can refer to:

There is no need to bring pump to hospital. For my #1 I kiasu so brought along my pump but actually hospital got and they will help you sterilise the bottles and parts etc.

tsm: for the FM, just buy the small small tin to standby will do. else if later baby don't need FM then wasted. That time my BM was very low at first so I supplement with enfa FM as that's the smallest tin my hubby could find near my house LOL.

I've been telling my #1 abt #2 since I was preggie as I had very bad MS right from the start so need #1 to understand as I cannot spend as much time with him. Now he will sayang and kiss my tummy everyday. I will also tell him "baby loves kor-kor. kor-kor loves who?" and he will say "Baby!". I think just keep telling them and involving them in our pregnancy and soon they will understand and welcome their new siblings =) will be preparing exchange present nearer the delivery date too. 1 from #1 to #2 and 1 from #2 to #1.

initially it was my mil who was going to do my confinement since i'm staying with her... but after many advices (some of them from here), i managed to talk to my hubby and got his endorsement to get a confinement lady...

my mil says that she's okay cos she's afraid that i wont like her cooking... I'm more concerned about the night feed... Spoke to my SIL and she told me that to ensure ample milk supply, she had the baby latch on for even the night feed to 'generate' the milk...

I was afraid that my mil wont be able to handle it cos it's at night and all. But i think i'll be very stressed with two elderly at home as well...

Just praying that everything goes well...
Fool4love: sometimes I also get worried so much but I just say it out to my DH , frens or my mum . Then I feel better . No point worry cos it may affect the baby . We must be happy , then baby is happy .
bbkk - Your girl is so cute, next time she will take care of you and meimei ^_^

tsm - Can I ask roughly how much is the transport fee for the confinement lady? That's for her coming to our place and going back to M'sia right?
Hmmm does every confinement nanny charge transport fee huh? Seems like unexpected expense from us but yet seems legitimate lol.

Irene - Thanks for sharing the charges. So baby charges we will know only when we discharge hor? Cos the breakdown of the delivery package that the gynae assistant passed me doesn't seem to mention about that.

Wah can feel the financial burden liao. CL, gynae visits, antenatal course, baby stuff, hospital bills, infant care... Year end bonus not enough to cover half... *pulls hair*
Mummies who have confirmed their confinement nanny, can check with ya if any work permit is required for the confinement nanny?

Thx v much!
Chiro, i dunno how much yet. She said wil show me the taxi receipt and claim from me. Then, her hometown is Ipoh so might need buy a coach ticket to her .
Ya, i oso didnt expect tis coz she didnt mention over the phone, jz found out on the day i paid her deposit.
But we r chincai and agreed , as long as she work well during my confinement.
hahaha BBK ya gal so cute! is quite cute hor to see our no.1 so sweet to their mei mei.. my gal also will say when mei mei come out i will give this n that to mei mei.. and sometimes she will suddenly come to my sayang my tummy and kiss my tummy. Now her everything is for mei mei here mei mei there. haha Her English name is more of less confirm! unless my detail scan tmw suddenly pop out a hotdog. i will faint liao LOL

Do u gals eat like non stop? i can drink one big bowl of soup then feel mins hungry... last night my dad bought beehoon i told my mum im not eating.. but i once i start i cannot even stop! i can tell my mum im not hungry.. im not going to eat but i still keep eating non stop.. Zzz do u gals like that? i feel im gonna be like a pig. haha but my weight still 50kg!! ;< i hope to put on more weight
Fabbie! Hi five! I m really eating non-stop as well. Eat porridge for brekkie, followed by a star fruit and five strawberries. Then sweet potato ginger soup at tea break , a chicken essence. And then curry chicken rice for lunch, a lychee drink, another apple. Then i snack on 2-3 packets of biscuit or seaweed. Omg.. And i feel jelat so i cut another star fruit and another serving of sweet potato n ginger. Then its dinner time. Rice n vege n meat n soup. Bloated. Now hubby ask me wana go eat durian not. Lol
I was also feeling hungry every 2-3 hrs . Yesterday night also wake up cos hungry , I drank a cup of cereal and another time is Horlick . No wonder we gain more weight in second tri .
Anyone still having sensitive nipples? Mine still hurt. When will it go off? I scared it stay throughout then how to bf? Very worried
Hi 2ks, fool4love, mami b,

Sorry for the late reply as i was busy chasing my k drama. :)

Fool4love, i also asked her the same question but she says she feels a cold wind which sent shivers down her spine.

2ks, think its gd to bring. At least, it gives u more assurance.

Mami B, i also think they are everywhere but maybe with a room mate, i feel more assured.lol..timid me.
Mami b hahaha u like eat more than me sia. I'm trying to control Cus I don't want my Tummy to burst lol. My dad bought too much of durians from malaysia. n every day I try to limit myself to eat 4 pc per day. Really trying at least not to eat durian for one day. Scare I eat too much then become Heaty. But really can't resist! Aiyo

Bbk mine too! Starting to hurt le. I don't wear a bra at home. And I realize nipples getting more sensitive when I accidentally touch it. I will go Ouch!! -.- n I think this will last till the day I quit breast feed. Sianz think must prepare to buy nipple cream Liao! I remember bf time always nipple crack
I feel like having fishballs. Later i go bedok market to buy that plus another pack of chili padi. Hehehe.... Make steamboat chili, boil the fishballs. Chomp chomp.

Since i m there i will grab fresh pork shoulder, kidney n liver again. Maybe szechuan vege also to make some soup. Maybe some threadfin as well to pan fry. Very sweet the fish meat.

Eat a bowl of bak cho mee before i come home.
Tabao two three packs of tau huey.
Good morning mummies!

Mami, all your food makes me hungry haha!

Bbkk and Fabbie, during pregnancy also can apply nipple cream right? Maybe if your nipples feeling pain now, can apply a bit? I think 2 weeks before giving birth I applied nipple cream once in a while to prepare the nipple for breastfeeding, like preparing for war haha.
chiro: not every CL requires u to pay for their transport to your house. just dont ask first, let them say themselves. usually its only applicable for freelance CL.
for agency CL, they have to come out themselves, otherwise the agent will bring them.
for my agency, the agent will bring them to my house.

bewildered: depends actually. some freelance one they dont required u to apply work permit for them. they will go in chop passport and come out, they have their own planning de. but to apply work permit is for our peace of mind. some kpo neighbours are very "kind" to report to MOM...
my CL told me she kana a check before previously
Chiro: The hop package is inclusive of the Baby stuffs and stay in the nursery room unless of coz got complication. Actually you can go to all the website and take a look at the package price different hospital is offering, it is quite transparent. The only thing they do not indicate is the gynae fees and the PD fees, which your gynae should advice you.

For eg: mine gynae fee is 1400 which is already inclusive of the delivery, so i paid the deposit to him and during my discharge, the balance would be included in the hospital fees and the hospital would settle with the gynae directly.
2Ks, can share the agency u book your CL?
my mum tell me to look for CL or ask my MIL to do confinement for me.

really in a dilemma now. I told her my plan is hubby take care at night and i take care in the day and we will order confinement food. She say ask my MIL to cook lah, why so troublesome but i don't want my MIL to be around everyday also lah..:p
2Ks, i had disabled...can try to send?

i wan to plan for a short trip but i only can make it next friday to sun. Hubby's schedule like cannot make it.

Jan onwards i cannot go because of the antenatal class starting on 5th Jan. by the time it finish, i will be in 3rd trim liao!!!!!!

i think can only settle for 2D1N bintan liao. By the way, is it okie to bring bb on flight during the 4 months maternity? haha
alternate days

7 times - before and after 3 meals + before sleep

4 times - before breakfast, after breakfast, after lunch and after dinner

if today i eat too good food, i will check after meal too.

u seeing the diabetics doc soon?
JC: sent..

i am going for a short trip next week with my 2 boys...

eh...4 months baby bring on flight i no try before...
youngest is i bring my boy to korea when he was 11 months
I seen endocrinologist on Tuesday. Asked me to prick 6 times a day. I only follow first 2 days. But I am thinking to prick 4 times a day.
Before and after breakfast. After lunch and after dinner.
If food I nv try before I will prick after meal. My reading so far after meal less than 6.
bbkk: u are so slim...still 50kg only...
i already feel like an elephant lor...already 58kg..sigh..
sure exceed 60kg one
Dian tang : yes i am with NUH. u too?

bbkk : i think u shd follow 6 times first. I also started with 7 times everyday until my next review with the specialist. THan they see my readings than ask me to do alternate days.

the max i can go is 6.6. So below 6 is good. I don't think u r diabetic lah.
it could be caused by the food u had taken on the day of the test. i was suspected to have diabetics for my #1 too. just becoz i had a drink with condensed milk before i went for my check-up and the urine test result no good. had to go for another test on the next day to test again, and luckily everything turn out fine. just have to be careful with our food and drink intake. take care.
JC, I also think I am not. I suspect during my first tri, due to ms I always lie on bed 24hrs. Then eat sour plum to curb my vomitting.. Therefore no burning of sugar.. Cos I dun eat dessert Cake all these and my meal are quite healthy. But then I also got family history so might also the case.

2ks, I was 48kg before pg too... Sob sob...tat time still think I am fat, now I think back not fat at all lor...
ikuko: sorry hor...i am short and fat now lor!
i am just 2kg away from 60kg la...LOL
consoling me huh huh...kekekeke

Bbkk : did they take a prick test at the clinic? it is supposed to test past 3 months history.

if > a certain #, means already have diabetic before.

keep on monitoring and eat healthy
