(2013/05) May 2013

Vicvic, oh ok at least I know I am not alone.

Today thread abit slow , is it due to the server problem?

I stop carrying my girl since I knew I am pregnant. Cos I wanna play safe.
hey mummies... i'm back... been super busy can't log in plus this dreaded flu... argh... my detailed scan is on 18th Dec... then next gyne appointment is 14 Jan... wah piang... that's 7 weeks to seeing my gyne.... yawnz.... how come until now i still can't feel baby move ar... thought they say 2nd one should feel earlier... and i don't look pregnant... i look bloated.... grrrr.....
I got Braxton hicks yday!!
Was so angry wif my #1. It's fuming mad type of angry.
Then my tummy suddenly cramp (waves of cramp) after that went stone hard. Hope it's a one time off cos v scary. Can feel
Twitching pain at pelvic area. Tot I popping !!

This morning my tummy so pain that I black out for a while. Sigh
Gg to bring my gal for swim class later. Hope all is fine. Now
I raised my voice at her also no energy ...

Hubb say Keep
Cool. Y get so angry. But he not at home
Mah. My #1 is in the noti 2 stage. So noti now
At least u can see ur bb again in dec...
I feel very pregnant lor. And I really got bump le. Go out sure is pregnant not fats...

Sparkle bee,
I googled actually really got people got BH as early as us. But they say is normal. And usually only second time mummy can feel it.
hi mummies, i was on overseas and missed quite a lot of sharings...busy reading threads. all must be excited knowing the baby gender i am equally excited hope can see at my next appt in next sat.

Babymaine- i also can't feel baby moving leh.
braxton hicks - i got that late 2nd tri... but actually it's normal to get it now... as long as not pain and not frequent interval...

bbkk - 18 dec seems so far away...
i want to see my little penis... that's what i call him now... hahaha... i so scared the little penis will shrink into a vagina... i will ki siao lor... then just now i bring my girl to school... then i was talking to another parent... i told them it's 95% boy... then he say sekali it's the finger how??? i sian half... my mind went blank... ya hor... what if really is little finger how????
Laughing at ur comment.

Won't de lah. Sure is penis de. Do u see any three lines on scan? If no 3 lines is penis Liao. Rest assured... Haha
bbkk - i dunno how to see lor... that's the thing... gyne told me 95% boy... during my daughter time, he said 80% girl... i hope 18th i won't get the shock of my life... must ask the sonographer to scan and show me... mwahahaha...
Sparkle bee, I dun get it during my first pregnancy. But I know how contraction feels.yes is very scary.
Control ur temper..

Babymaine, ya ask him show u.
If my appt scan show gender 80%, I will take it and assume le. I won't think that much already.
iko0508: ya...am selling seafood lor...
u miss sg food??

worried 79: green bean is cooling. not advisable. but to me, one bowl occassionally is fine la. moderate is the key word. otherwise take red bean soup instead?
Babymaine: u v gao siao leh.. shrink into vagina.. Lol! So u want ur bb to have big penis? From far can tell it's boy! Hee
I can't feel any mvmt too.. Actually kinda worried.. my appt is next week.. Hope everything is well..

Sparklebee: izzit preggars r easily angry? I lose my patience on my ger a few times too! I got really mad n started screaming.. after tt I felt bad.. haiz!
bbkk: its not regular rite. if regular then u have to be alarm. if its like once a day at irregular timing. i think it should be fine. just dont overwork. have more rest, walk less.
it could be uterus stretching too
2K: but those pineapples on Hawaiian pizza r fine right? Of cuz I missed Sg food.. Anyway I'll be returning next year for my delivery.. so I'll stuff myself with it.. Hee!

Re: poop
I know it's disgusting but No matter How much water n fruits I take.. my poop still v v hard leh.. izzit due to e multivitamins that we r taking?
2ks, it has been for 2 night different timing and in fact I felt it now again.

I also having hard poop. I think is normal bah
bbkk: think u have to strap to ctg machine then u will know is it contractions. but i think prob not. cos when i had threatened pre term labour, i actually time it, when it comes regularly i know its contractions.
but to have ease of mind, maybe u wanna visit your gynae earlier?

i remember i was having contractions for 2 days when i was only 32 weeks, then finally 2nd day i called my gynae and he told me to admit immediately, then i know the seriousness of my case, almost given birth to a premature baby.
just monitor. if its not regular type, mostly its fine de. dont scared yourself...relax, rest more, walk less, dont carry elder, dont do heavy stuff
worried79: its not for pregnant woman. will m/c or something like that...i cant remember. but its a strictly no for me.

vi: its one wipe bleed or what?
Oppss..thanks! I think my mum mentioned before that some herbs are not safe for preggy woman too. Will take note.

yours is spotting or bleeding? i had spotting 2 weeks back too, u will need to monitor, if it goes on, best to call clinic and ask.
hello ladies, havent been checking in here..hows evryone doing? i cant feel baby movement yet leh..worried coz didnt go for any check up for one mth alrdy ..cant wait for this sat ..fingers crossed! plan to inform my hr only after this week's check up.dunno why i cant feel super excited or happy like while having my number 1
The posts move faster than I can catch up! I had my checkup yesterday and its likely a gal. =) That means 2 gals to grow up with each other with small age gap, shopping, discuss bgf etc.

I usually avoid all kinds of herbs, raw food especially pineapples and barley during pregnancy.

welyn, I guess we are now more experienced so its natural not so gan cheong. I remembered for #1, time seemed to pass by so slow as each visit is like 3-4 weeks gap during 1st & 2nd trimester. But now with #1 to take care of, 3-4 weeks no longer seem that long.

Anyone experiencing very bad back ache? I was asking gynae yesterday if this is due to epidural during #1 delivery but he said unlikely. Its more due to pregnancy plus we are still carrying our kids. My back aches a lot when I carry my gal or stand for a while.

Think I've put on the most weight here. Week 14 and 6kg already! Bump is super obvious and I get seats on MRT at Week 7. I guess the skin stretches very fast since I had my #1 barely a year ago.

Jiayou everyone! 2nd trim is here and things should be more comfy.
Finally I can log in now..

bbkk: the 3 lines are obvious in the normal scan?

sparklebee: must not get angry so easily, my #1 also terrible 2 stage now and the assertive stage, so whenever he drama mama, I walk away or ask the dad to settle. If not I will scream and be v angry. Not good for us leh. This phrase will pass soon I guess, but I heard there is horrible 3? what is horrible 3? lol
babymaine - your funny comment makes me lol too

Yvonne - congrats on having bb boy =)

Vi - Yea see gynae tmr and hope everything is fine! Try to rest more.

Cramps/Pains/braxton hicks
I sometimes have light cramping, and slight pain at the sides, like pulling sensations. Also have more discharge now.
charliebrown: yes, confirm got horrible 3. is when they are talking way soooo much and all the whys and how and arguments and bargaining comes about!
2Ks: oh no.. dang gui is a no-no? i went dian xiao er last night and the service staff say dang gui and the ginseng duck is suitable for pregnant ladies so we ordered the dang gui one.. omg...

green bean.. yum yummmmmmmmmm... i like green bean more than red bean but my mum banned me from eating.. we have to avoid so much cooling stuff until i think we too heaty lor... nose bleed sure come soon..

Vi: you better now?

back pains: any mummies starting to have back pains? mine is starting.. almost couldn't wake up yesterday cause was so painful.. took a while..

poop: been constipating for 4 days! took lots of fruits then finally relieve today..

we are almost 16 weeks or some already reached.. how's our tummy size? mine is still small until like i ate too much for dinner... haha.. but i rub my tummy unconsciously often.. haha..

coming to end of year soon in about a month's time.. any NYE plans? once we reach 2013, we can start counting down le.. its THE year! hahaha..
Iko, for bananas, eat the small and short ones. The long one is too cooling for us

Vi, don't walk so much k? And maybe let your gynae know also that you bled a bit. Drink more water to keep the cough away.
Rach: dont worry too much, the amount used for the duck wont hv much impact la... that duck I also eat. But the staff should advice lor cos when I eat they will advice
Bkkk, I also have cramps on n off and it's more regular when I'm under stress. At first, I was equally worried but after some researching, it's seems to be caused by stretching of ligament.
Iko0508, I feel the same pull whenever I carry my 1yo niece too. Wonder if it will cause any prob? :'( Also, whenever, I bend forward, I think I can feel my bb been squashed. Is it normal?
Charlie brown!!! New word- horrible 3!?
I was looking forward for her to turn 3 yo leh!! Skip the terrible 2
Stage. she is not even 2 yet. I fear for the worst has yet come!!

Ya I must ren ren ren. Breathe in n out. Hubb still say she is an angel mah. Got noti meh? Keep tellin me that!! Arrghh angel infront of daddy only. Cos she wan daddy to
Bring her to stable To
Ride pony n horse. Now
Kids r manipulative. Scary
Apart from
The tummy cramps n pain... Anyone felt the breast engorgement? My breast r so painful like super engorged wif milk now.
Hubb still dare to laugh as me say how come my symptoms (aching feet, sore back, engorgement, bh)
fast forward by one Tri... Issit
Age or cos it's #2 for me??
Hi mummies, doc say i should be expecting a gal for my #3!
I hv a five yr old boy, a coming to 2 yr old gal and now a new mei mei!! :D

Hopefully it stays this way and please dont tell me later its a boy haha!!! Love little gals a lot!!!! And great that #2 now has a sis with a close age gap.

Are those mummies with #3 on the way thinkin of getting a seven seater? Is it necessary?? The cars are ex nowadays. :S
So still thinking whether really need or not. Sigh.

2K, u are inspiring! Pregnant yet still do BP and even deliveries!! Guess it is also an option for those who intend to be SAHM to consider. Do some small biz on the side to earn some extra income.

During first yr, my major expenses will be pampers. Cos i use disposables all the way. But i think its worth it. Its already not easy to take care lf baby. Why make it so laborious to have to wash their nappies. Just use and throw. I save money by breastfeeding instead. I was able to breastfeed no 2 for a yr and that saved loads and loads!! Now she stop breast feeding, each time i buy formula, really heartpain. $68 per 2-3 weeks.

Doc asked me to continue eating the progesterone ping pong pills til 37 weeks.
guess i will continue to puke n be drowsy for the rest of the pregnancy then. Really no fun.

Any of u have problem drinking plain water? I cant. The taste is wierd. I end up adding some wee bit of ribena so covers the taste.

As for dang gui and chinese herb, if unsure, just avoid. But actually, i understand fr chinese medical store the ones we are not to consume are those that 活血
(move blood). So dang gui is one of the herbs.
Rach - eat red beans instead. Try putting in slow cooker and then add sago once the beans are soft. Very delicious as well!

Another yummy snack we can eat is tang yuan and sweet potato in ginger soup. I make my own tang yuan but u can buy fr super market. The soup, just drop some pounded ginger (old ginger, one whole, cut, peeled, pounded), into boiling water, boil sweet potato cubes together and add brown sugar.
Then boil tang yuan separately and serve together. Super yummy!!! Perks me up.

Other foods that perk me up : kidney! Liver! Sounds like confinement food eh... I add these to mee suah or congee. Super yummy. Nowadays, the kidney is really a breeze to prepare. I ask the butcher to cut all the veins for me. All i do when i go home is put in ice cubes n water and put in fridge. Change water once before cooking! Tried it so many many times. Always yummy. No smell. Crunchy.

Steamboat is another perk me up food. But i neeed the super bouncy fishball fr bedok market. Dip into my chili sauce. Wah.... Totally sedap kekeke.... Love sotong, prawns, kidney , liver , pork belly , pig trotter tendon (jelly jelly one! Eat it last so it absorbs all the goodness).

MamiB - hi 5 I hope mine doesn't transforms too... Please remain a Didi... Lol... I have the breast engorgement too... Which I know I'll start leaking breast milk soon.. For #1 I also started leaking around the same time 18 - 20 weeks...
