(2013/05) May 2013

WAHHHH I few days nvr come in so many know genders aldy, congrat to those mummies
according to research, it's usually ard 51% boy,49% girl .

Toothpaste/ brushing:
Sama here mine is day n night when brushing definitely wan to puke

Yalor mine I din even go for removal, I let it peel off itself. When I called n ask if I can do my mani pedi, the lady told me better don't even though mine is classic pedi n gelish mani coz of the chemical but some mummies went ahead so again up to u too

Pink tulip/ charliebrown:
Yalor need dig into own saving. Mine too fortunately I aldy plan such tt once I have kid definitely I wan stay w them minimal mths to a yr, of coz if Hb can afford then I can stay home longer . Basically for mine, Hb pay for all household loans n nb expenses, I only pay my own expenses( which I cut down on my shopping) , my ins premium & parent allowance.

Sigh my boy 's cc fee also up n up damn sian. Totally agreed la wking mum shd lower subsidy, sahm higher ma since no income right but again coz they trying to get women to work

Heard b4 diet also matter like more meats etc to get boy :p

Ya I heard usually our kids say baby gender quite zhun not sure real or not. My boy keep saying mine this round is didi... Me n Hb just ohhhhh haha though gender not impt still prefer girl this round la

For mine my Gynae asked me to stop folic acid after my Oscar test last wk as she starts me on iron calcium & fishoil, she's saying inside one of them aldy have folic acid so don't need to take folic acid pill anymore & I still have alot excess.

Mine I only feel sudden pull of my umbilical cord at times esp this 1-2wks. Last wk during my scan my baby actually flip n turn a few times very fast but then I don't feel a time at all maybe bb still small to create the kicking feeling ba

For my #1 his pd has vaccination package too. But if wanna save $ , can go polyclinic I heard is free but jabs r by nurse

After I return to parttime work n b4 my bOy in cc, my
Mum take care for me n we give $1.2K, Hb half I half. Holiday all we pay

Infantcare queue is longggg too leh u better call 1st coz usually if those with siblings there they will have pirority just like pri 1 haha crazy hor

Bbkk: I have no more instict on gender liao. As I was quite sure I was carrying a boy until the sonographer said girl at week 12. LOL

Fabbie: No la... me later than u leh... u will go for detailed scan first before me. Hehe But by week 16 don't see a rod then likely girl.

ASOS: I bought my own size but still came out slightly bigger so I will just leave them till I grow bigger. But really wardrobe crisis now la. Hahaha The loots came earlier than they predicted. So I'm happy!

Baby stuff: Haven't bought a single thing for #2! Oopsy. Hehe the godmas started buying not me.
i also feel that having 2 girls r really sweet n closer ba.. cuz maybe i've a brother.. n i'm not close to him.. n he is not close to my parents too.. so i'm not into having boys! whereas i see my frenz who have sisters.. they will go shopping or holidays with them.. n after having their own families.. they will organise gatherings.. i think guys seldom organise such stuff ba..
RE: Mani Pedi

Din get to do my mani pedi as planned. MBS carpark was insane today! Even valet was jammed up. I gave up after circling close to 30 mins and cancelled my appt.
bb movement: i kinda feel it past 2 nights for a split second but can't confirm if its it.. haha.. felt like 2 small taps from inside.. like *knock knock, anybody?*.. haha..

advise from mummies: how much of housework can we do? right now we don't have any helper and my parents come and help every week.. but we feel really bad and wanna take over.. but u know lah.. old wives tale will say we can't do this do that..
nlimm: r u still on part time now? i heard its not easy to look for part time in Sg.. if i return to Sg i'm also thinking of working.. provided i dun feel lazy.. cuz i'm already so used to waking up late.. haiz!

now that we are having #2.. my hubby got abit stressed up.. cuz our current household income cant seem to support the no. of mouths we are feeding.. plus he is doing part time masters.. need to pay for study loan.. so now he is looking out for a new job with better pay.. i felt so bad for giving him so much burden..
rach: why cant? i am still doing my housework. except moving things i get hub to do it.
otherwise u can engage a part timer to do it for u?
Saw this from the FB: if any mummies interested.

Grace Ng
Hi mommies! I'm not sure if this is allowed, so dear Mods pls do delete this if I have infringed on any rules in this Group.

I NEED SALES STAFF here in Baby Meadows!!! I am looking for mothers, SAHMs, who would like to work 4-5 hours a day (or less), and also be able to take care of your children in the hours before and after your 4-5 hours in the Shop. So let me know the hours you prefer and I will see how we can roster you in the hours of your choice.

We hope to be able to bless moms with a small window of "me-time" out of the house, so we wives can still be interesting to our husbands, and be kept updated with the world while we have so nobly given up our careers to care for our children. This gives you some reason to still dress up to "go out", and still look beautiful for your hubby, if you realise that you are starting to only have baby/child topics to chat with your husband about.

I am also looking only for moms who stay in the East, cos my shop is in Marine Parade, cos it's no point making a long trip to and fro the shop daily for work. Just not worth it for the mommy, I figure

For all queries, I am contactable on my handphone, 98522095, and via email, at [email protected].

Thank you and God bless you everyone!
Rach: Just don't carry heavy stuffs. Take abit of housework as exercise. Of course be careful if u were to mop the floor la... don't wanna slip n fall.
Rach - Can do light housework like folding laundry, sitting down to do ironing etc. Vacuuming, hanging clothes, washing toilets i leave it to hubby. Try to avoid strenuous work. But your parents really v nice, will come and help every week. =)

nlimm - I was thinking of checking infant care in later 2nd trimester or 3rd trimester... Think the earliest I will put bb in infant care is after he/she reaches 6 months... I didn't know have to book this early sia! *faints*
Mummies, check with u all... I did some mahjong paper size water coloring with my gals today. Then my mother suddenly told me that pregnant women are not supposed to do painting else.... Is it really true that we can't do painting?
bb08: I only know there's an old wives tale about painting walls. Cos baby might have a birth mark or something. Not sure about art work.
I'm really happy to have a my #1 a girl. She would be 4yrs old by the time I give birth to #2 next May. She really wanted a mei mei; all little girls want meimeis to play with. Hahaha alas it turned out that my #2 is a boy - we are happy either ways.

Girls are just so ... sweet, you know. I'm sure that little boys are as well, but there is something about little girls. I supposed we are wired differently. The things that she says to us ... are so incredibly touching and filled with innocent love.

I remembered one particularly bad day at work. When I went to pick up my then two yr plus old, I told her about how Mommy had a really really bad day at work, and how sad mommy was that day, as I buckled her up in the car seat. I wasn't sure if she understood what I was saying; she didn't look it. Occasionally she would respond with a one word question - a long drawn out "why", which was good enough to have me continue to pour out more sorrows. By the time we reached home, and I carried her out from the car, she suddenly just cupped my face, looked me intently in the eye, and said so sincerely and earnestly "Mommy, don't be sad ok? Gracie will protect mommy. Daddy also. Don't be sad, mommy."

Then she planted her gentle gracie size kisses on my face.

she was only two and a half then, and yet I felt so comforted.

bb08: artwork should be fine bah i guess? are u really very pantang type? if not then i think it doesnt matter. i still do painting with my boy.

chiro: i noticed that nowadays almost all ifc will be full when u ask like before u give birth more than 6 months. but if u are nearer to the date u ask, there might be a space cos the schools dont plan so early. unless for siblings.
maybe u can just leave names 1st.

alfafa: hee...my elder one hor...although is boy but he is quite sweet one. he will say "i love mama" to me as and when. gimme a hug or bring me my stuff. but then i am sure now only...when they gets bigger, COMPUTER should overtake everything
alfafa: AWWWW.. ya u r right.. its sth abt girls.. they will say things that will touch ur hearts.. i'm waiting for that moment.. but now my #1 is a daddy's girl.. everyday she will only go 'papapapa'.. haiz~~
Alfafa: That's very sweet of your girl!
My boy is a sweet little boy too. Taking tissue for me if Im in tears. But yeah, i guess boys and girls are a different kind of sweet.

Cravings: The ice kachang craving is back! It's insane issnt it? Esp when it's gona storm my end. LOL
Hubby left for a business trip to mauritius today, and won't be back till Sat. So now I have tons of work, a little monstress (mostly!) of a 3plus yr old, never ending housework and a bad case of heartburn to top it all.

Looking at pictures of the beautiful mauritius beach, for a fleeting moment I envied my married but no kids friends; I would have jumped on a plane and joined my hubby for sure.

Only a fleeting moment though, cos I know just how much more I would miss out on without my precious.

Motherhood ... life changing.
Rach: do light household chores like clean furniture ok i guess. my hb mops the floor and clean the toilets now. just be careful whatever you do.

alfafa: your gal is really v.sweet.
am hoping for a boy for my 1st but now a lil girl seems good too. hehe. always tell my hb gals are more filial and thoughtful towards the parents.
Chiro: I called to few ifc which is located near my house last week, all full house oledy. And, I leave my details to them, they will put me under waiting list.

Eventhough my 1st choice is babysitter instead of ifc, but I hv no choice to put my bb in ifc if really cant find a nanny to look aft my bb.

Hsework: I oso doing housework til now but those heavy work will b done by my hubby. But some light housework such as wash dishes and folding clothes is oso his job.I dun wash dishes since I married to him. I hate it.

ASOS: may i know wat is it? paiseh i so "suogu"...
Alfafa: We go everywhere with my son in tow. Hehe But yeah... travelling with a toddler in tow makes the holiday quite different. :p

tsm: asos.com - online shopping portal. We're shopping maternity wear there. Hehe
ooo thank you for all the advise! my mum lah.. cannot clean furniture, cannot mop, cannot this cannot that.. but i still do the laundry, fold them back and magic clean the floor.. very simple ones.. i guess i can up the housework as part of exercising.. hehe..

alfafa: your girl is so so cute!
2KS: hope my #2 who is a boy will be sweet like yours too. I can't wait! Little boys are mommies' darlings I heard.

iko0508: Mine too. She is daddy's girl alright, and she has my hubby wrapped around her little fingers. Hahah but my hubby is also the discipline master at home and can go overboard sometimes, so she will always run to me for cover. And she went through phases as well - she can go from mommy's girl to daddy's girl and back.

Ange: yes I can't wait to experience the different of sweetness. My hubby doesn't want that though; he wants our boy to be a tough little guy, macho man type. Hehe Actually we love travelling with her too! cannot bear to leave her behind. But mauritius is a bit difficult, 5-6 days with a clumsy pregnant me and hubby mostly at work .. don't thik I can handle. Aiiii at 16.5 weeks I have already put on 5.5kg. Xiao liao. I look like I'm 24weeks pregnant, feeling so clumsy already

Sleepy: actually I felt a tinge of disappointment when I found out that my #1 was a girl cos I kept thinking I have a boy. Turned out to be such a bundle of blessing nonetheless. I'm sure your girl will be the loveliest baby too!

tsm: yah man I've also become much lazier since I got pregnant with #2. My house is getting messier by the day. Maybe it is time to get a part time cleaner. Buay tahan.

Rach: hehhehee thanks.

time to go pick her up. See ya everyone!
Alfafa - Your girl is so sweet lor!

2ks & tsm - thanks for the advice, okies i will check them out first =)
alfafa: I'm happy to leave him behind though I miss him when I'm away. This year, he doesn't wanna be left behind so we allow him to tag along. Hahaha But we do make it a point to go away just the 2 of us once a year. But seems like it's not gona happen next year with #2's arrival.
Daddies are always harder on boys. I'm @ 16+ weeks too. Wonder how much weight I've put on. I use gynae scale as record. Cos somehow home scale is lighter.
Coz I think Disney show started at MBS

Yalor still Parttime coz that's the only way I have my own nominal income plus time for my #1 to coach him. But guessed gotta stop next feb as they won't give me hrs for the new sem as it crashs w edd

Ya I heard only painting n pasting on the wall. I'm also still doing art work with my boy. Cutting sewing too but not in master room , only in living room.

Basically I still do all housework except climb to clean my ceiling fan, changing of bedsheets n mopping of floor
My hubby took over the mopping and hanging of laundrey.i only vaccum n pack the house. Toilet n cooking all along is hubby responsibility.

But my hubby mopping not up to my standard. Hahah i bought the magic clean wiper and clean every alternate day
Chiro, I used traditional cloth type. That I got a lot passed down by someone else. So just use it. That time I oso thot of getting Bumwear kind. In the din buy. Anyway I think this time won't b using cloth diaper.... Too much work.

nlimm, for me I can really feel the umbilical cord pulling. Only feel pokes.

Iko0508, 1st preg felt at 20wks. This one yesterday ard 16plus weeks which is earlier for me.

Rach, I still do some house work like change bed sheet, general cleaning of the hse. But hse still not as clean as when we hav no kids. Need to keep an eye on my no1.
Griny: har u got infection? infact he give u the cream to apply is it? my frd one the gynea one is spray one i prefer that! but he always scold me for not bathing when i was in hospital cus i said my body is itchy LOL oh my before my #2 i have a mc and doc woody do d&c. i recover quite long for my stitches maybe its bcus im too sensitive below there le.. but so far with woody not bad. i quite like him lol haha my baby inside is like swimming lap right n left.. LOL

esther: yes. she very caring but very da xiao jie.. haiz. veyr stubborn lo. sighz. hope my #2 will be almost the same but no stubbornness please. LOL

iko: chromosomes meaning like someone say if ya hub is white n pure like a woman most likely is a girl? lol u not coming back to give birth mah? u have to station all the way in HK? i didnt give my mum money for taking care. just that when she buy stuffs she will just tell me what she spend then i give her lor.

nlimm: my hub told me to eat more YAM after my #2 i say I DIE DIE also wont eat yam cus i hate Yam. LOL ya boy say is didi le ah? hahah but i still hope ya u will get a baby gal! then can dress her up. hehehehe

Ange: so good for u.. then u have a 好 right? ya no.1 is a boy right? my hub told me to be frank he abit sad.. LOL but still will love my no.2 even is a gal also. hahaha butmy 6 sense telling me he's pinning hope to see a boy on detail scan LOL

alfafa77: i understand what u mean. and its quite true! dou i dont have a son i cant compare.. hahha . LOL cus my 4yr old gal also like that.. when i cry or whatever she wil sayang me and protect me. and just recently i got emo. i quarrel with my hub till i cry again my gal actually say mummy dont cry already.. big girl still cry cry cry -_____- hahhaa
finally have time to come into smh forum...been so tired sponging #1...fever these days are so persistant and being first time parents, we r so paranoid. pray that his fever will break soon...so poor thing to see them ill

been so tired these few days that totally didnt take care of myself..not enuf sleep, not enuf food...sigh....tough being a mummy

i havent started buying for #2 yet..prob just use all the handme downs from my #1 hahah

talk abt nails, my gelish before my pregnancy is still on my nails...do u think its safe to remove it at the mani pedi place? my nails are so ugly with the colour feeling half my toe...lol
saw all the cute play gyms and rockers online..so tempted to buy...but think it is still too early to buy now.

I heard there'll be another baby fair soon in Mid-Dec. Mummies, can keep a lookout.
Hi mummies,

I feel weird these few night before my sleep. I felt Braxton Hicks contraction on my left lower tummy.
Seriously I do not know how to describe the feeling. It is not painful, but it comes 2seconds. I dun know it is contraction or pulling effect or cramping. But def it is on off on off kind.
I went to google, and surprise that some woman experienced as me as early as 15weeks. I am not sure, I am gonna ask my gynae this saturday. Does anyone feel it?
Bbkk: I don't know how does braxton hicks contraction feels like cos its my #1. But just Ytd night I feel some cramp on my lower right abdominal.. Its like the pain is almost on and off.. R we having the same cramp?
memphissbelle: wah...your nick very long to type.
i think your #1 prob caught virus fever. virus fever might take 3-5 days to recover. some kids after the fever will develop rashes i.e. called fake measles or roseola. but nothing to be alarm of, it the body way of releasing the toxins.
hope your #1 will get well soon.

bbkk: its pretty early to have braxton hicks now leh. maybe u should rest more.
i remember when i had early contractions during 32 weeks, its already pretty scary.
Yam for boy? Hey I like yam errmm maybe tts y my #1 also boy:p
Yalor but since starting to now whoever ask him he all said didi. Really hope is girl girl I shortlisted so many my melody stuffs haha

Wait for sale lor hehe still have time

Aiyo take care. Now new virus ard, viral fever usually take ard 5 days to subside. Jiayou.

Ya too early to feel Bh contraction leh. U feel it today too?

Wah u doing seafood Bp, all the best. Gotta give it a miss this round, I totally reject fried stuffs & seafood this pregnancy, missed the fried ebi tts my favourite .
nlimm: ya, been selling seafood since cny on & off. but this time round might be more xin ku cos i need to do delivery with my tummy la!
oh...the ebi fry is my best seller!
hi memphisbelle,

I always do my nails at the parlours. I did my nails throughtout my entire first pregnancy too. Gynae didnt say anything. Only advised me on hair dyes and treatment.
Seriously I dunno if it is BH or cramp, but it is really on off kind and not painful and not hard. It is really freaking scary. I have it for 2 nights already.
hi morning ladies!

Bbkk: I think I have a same experience with u,I experienced it on last Sat and Sun, not painful but jz on & off 抽搐 on my right lower tummy, sometimes is left lower tummy.
I oso quite scared tat time and dunno wat is happening .
But I released my worries aft checked online coz found tat it is caused by our womb which is expanding.

I will going for my ultrasound scan evening today, will check with gynae the real reasons of this cramp.
tsm & bbkk : me too, have cramps like that sometimes. but i tell myself that having a lil cramps shows that something is going on inside - eg. bb growing. better than can't feel anything at all. don't worry too much. should be fine.
2K: Wow! First time heard if seafood spree.. missed being in Sg.. I missed all these spreeing..

Bbkk: That's really early for BH.. I rem BH quite xinku one.. tummy will turn really hard..

Nlimm: What r u working as? So nice can part-time.. the pay OK?

Re: carrying toddler
Whenever I carry my toddler, I always use the strength on my left to carry her, Then I felt pulling effect on my left side (above tummy but below breast area ).. anyone experience that? The pulling effect only for a short instance..
hi all
i do have occassional cramps too. but its like just comes and goes. doesnt really cause me any discomfort. i m going to 16weeks soon, really hope can feel bb kicks soon...
anyone know if we can take green bean soup? is it too cooling?
my gynae said that we should not be carrying our toddler liao. i know its difficult, i do and still carry my boy at times. but i had slight spotting earlier on, and my gynae said it could be dued to me carrying my boy too often. best not to carry them, but i know its not easy...just have to be careful
I have cramp before but cramp does not come on off right.
Tat why I rule out BH... But I really dunno.
U girls also cramp coming intermittent?
Mine is coming intermittent for 10 minutes or so. After I go toilet awhile and turning here and there and it just gone.


yup intermittent. but there isn't any fixed time interval. like once in a while will cramp a lil, and that happens a few times in a day.
