(2013/05) May 2013

JC: good luck for your Oscar test! Yeah hubby can go in to see the scanning process

I haven't confirmed whether I want a confinement lady, but seems like need very early booking. Not used to having a stranger in the house...

Leg cramps: Thanks 2Ks for the tip. I wear socks everyday to sleep now, so far no cramps.

wow, the thread is moving so fast..

leg cramps: i used to have them during my first pregnancy. i get hubby to massage before i sleep. think the blood circulation helps me. and when the cramps really come on in the calf area, hubby will use a rod to roll along the calf. massage then, makes the pain worse. touch wood, for this pregnancy, i havent had such experiece yet.
June (beautydecay)
we didnt see your info on the list either.. do intro yourself ya.

Leg cramp: wah i hate that! last time #1 i always scream in the middle of the night.. but after wearing socks its better..

esther: i woke up everything yday forget liao.. haha
buba: so good of your hubby. even for my first pregnancy when I had leg cramps at night, I had to "cure" it myself. I moved my foot inwards facing up and it would be ok after awhile. Now second preg, hubby more boh hiew!

worried: my gynae also advise to wear socks at nite to keep the feet warm.

chiro: same here, I also have not confirmed if I want a CL. Sometimes also forget about it..
tsm: nowadays quite difficult to prevent jaundice but my mil told me drinking red dates tea can reduce. I dunno whether it really helps but no harm drinking since red dates helps blood. I'm going to start my dates drinking soon as my blood level is quite low.

Leg cramps: when ur legs is having the cramp try not to massage the muscle as according to my sister the muscles will get bigger and bigger. What I do when I have cramp is i try to stretch my legs straight very slowly cannot too fast the can ask hubby hold ur toes and heels then slowly move up and down a few times after that will get better and can walk.

MS: mummies I'm 12wks and ms is still at peak. I'm waiting for my appetite to be back!!

Maternity shoots: I remember some mummies wants to do maternity shoots rite. My sis wans to take so called studio play and their appt is fully booked till end jan. they say the best period to take is 32-36wks. I'm still thinking of whether wan to take or not leh.
fabbie: hahaha. I still deciding dunno whether wan to get the sbi or not leh. Think I decide on Monday on the spot. My gynae side dun use sbi. I can only use for scan and the jab package for bb.

charliebrown: think my hubby difficult not to hiew mi coz I will beat him, push him until he wake up. Since I'm having cramp and middle of the nite some more he no strength to scold me. Hehehe.
My #1 same blood group as me. Hopefully this baby dn hv to go thru phototherapy.

My mom bought darker n more concentrated type..I'll alternate both birds nest n hashima.

Leg cramps
I bought a leggings from baby fair. The lady told me its gd for preggie, helps cramp n reduces water retention. I wear to sleep. It's kinda of tight bt won't cause discomfort.

Do you all know when can we massage our boobs for gd flow of milk in time to come. 2nd or 3rd tri?
Re: Jaundice
They did admitted to hospital for phototherapy for another day. But level still high so need to stay for another day. My hubby's friend who's a doctor told us dun need to stay in hospital cos it's very expensive to take the test compared to poly clinic. If I didn't recall wrongly, it's abt $500 a day. Asked us to sunbathe ourselves also the same.

My twins are the same blood group with me but jaundice also high. I'm A+ and dh is O+

Maybe I also ate a lot durian as I want my BB to be bigger. For this pregnancy, I tried to consume less of all the yellow food and tonic. Like durian, mango, yellow noodle and etc. I abit more extreme due to my past experience.

Re: Carseat
Mine is a Toyota altis. So far I'm able to put 2 maxi cosi carseat behind and asked my helper to sit in the middle. With the no.3 coming along, I wonder if I can put 1 car seat infront and 1 carseat and infant seat behind? If cannot, last resort is to change car with dh which i feared most.

Re: Emotions
For my 1st pregnancy, I'm very ok. Always smiling, happy and excited. This time round, very easily emo. And warned my dh in advance that we are going to start a quarrel very soon. Just feel like scolding him.. Also cried very easily...last nite cried again and activate him to come home early... Buay tahan myself...

Re: leg cramps
Asked ur dh to massage ur legs.. It helps.
Mine too. Very sensitive and sore. Sometimes got those clogged yellow things... My ex gynae asked me not to do anything with it scared the milk will come out!!??
Bb08, ya we are not suppose to trigger our boobs, it can cause contraction. It gives signal to ur body that bb needs milk therefore will cause contraction. So better dun mess with it. Lol
bbkk : Really??? my boobs are itching. I think it's because of the skin stretching. my tummy and my back are itching too. So I'll apply stretchmark cream to my back, boobs and tummy, and when applying, will somehow 'massage' a lil cuz of the circular motion. hope that is fine? they won't be triggered that easily i suppose? haha.
Vicvic, I think slight massage ok. Cos pumping milk out during pregnancy is a no-no. It will really trigger contraction.
My nipple also got yellow or brown thingy, I dun dare to peel off. Scared affected.
Esther, I also wanna take maternity pic. But I will self take. I will use own black cloth as background and just ask hubby shoot for me. And I wan naked pic.. Haha
Bbkk: whew wheet. Hehehe. I not so daring and no confidence also. Black cloth as back drop is nice. Maybe can get a stalk of rose as prop?
Wah bb not cooperative. Got to repeat the scan but finally got it! Whole process sitting up and sucking the thumb -_-

Abt to give up than manage to lie down ..Scan is okie , have to wait for blood test result
JC: good at least u get all the measurements. Must be very cute seeing bb suck thumb. Mine's on mon. Wonder how's nlimm scan going on.

Bbkk: u mentioned u going for the 3D or 4D scan? Today I read the paper some mummies doing 4D scan can see bb yawning. And know wat bb not only hiccup, they still yawn. I din know until today. But they use this 4D to study the Heath of bb, like bb yawn is becoz the brain development.
itchy boobs: me too!!! omg it is so so itchy! with the whitish/yellowish thingy that can be peeled off.. was so itchy that i applied moisturizer on it.. i read that wearing cotton bra helps to ease the itch..

past lunch time again.. time to feel so so sleepy..

and yay! another 5-6 months to go!

CL: i checked that the feng jie is not from ipoh but somewhere else wor.. had a little chat with hub's cousin last night and feel more relief when she say the CL is good and she recommended her to another friend who also gave good review.. so i guess its her then..
rach: our feng jie is not the same person...keke.
if u decide to engage tis CL then have to book her asap...I will pay my CL deposit $300 tis Sunday.
She said will give me a receipt and namecard, then my immediate ques is "huh... namecard???"

yup, I oso feel so sleepy nw Zzzzz!
Esther, yes my next visit onwards is 4D scan Liao. So with every visit I just bring cd along, gynae will provide me the video.
tsm: yea.. seems like a different one.. but in any case, hope ours will not be a nightmare! wahhh namecard sia.. she big business wor..

weeeet! early friday for me! pang gang lo~~! just ended my meeting early.. haha..

bbkk: wah! every scan from next visit onwards? so good! is it more ex? think i asked my gynae before.. her clinic don't have.. so if want 4D, must go to TMC then have..
Bbkk, does your gyn charged extra for 4D?
Mine does lor. And throughout only 1 4D scan during my last pregnancy.

It depends on your luck. That time when I did the 4D scan. Baby use hand to cover half his face throughout.
Waste my money lor.
But really very clear, like see photo like that.(black and white photo) haha
Re: Itch

Me also.. itchy boobs itchy tummy... scratch a little only becomes super red... quite scary... so yes, faithfully oiling and creaming.

Re: Leg cramps

I read before 3 important minerals to prevent leg cramps - Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium. So make sure you're taking your multivites and calcium pills regularly. Eating a banana occasionally helps too.

Thanks 2Ks for keeping our FB group safe!
Blurdopey, yes lor. Package of $300. I told my hb first one dun have this experience and this is my last one so I must have it. Lol..
Re: 4D scan

I must rem to ask gynae next Friday whether they have this option. Don't rem doing even 3D for #1. Hahaha
Banana: do not eat those big banana like del monte. Those banana are very cooling. Not meant for pregnant woman and baby. Eat those baby banana instead
Hiyooo everyone . Having a tiring day just finished a hr war with my #1 damn stubborn don't know follow whose genes.

Errr mine also have the yellow deposits, when I bath I will wash n remove. This round my nipple is always ' oily' too, boobs not as big as when I had#1 though hope it's not equivalent to less milk:p

Jc, ur Oscar this am?
Esther,Hehe mine later, hope all results be gd

4D scan:
Bbkk: $300 for how many of 4D scan?
Nilmm, good luck on ur scan later.
My 4D is all the way till delivery. I saw my friend 4D that's why I am excited over it. We have same gynae.
TGIF!!!! so glad the weekend is almost here. yawnz yawnz so tiring after lunch, can hardly keep my eyes open.

All the best for those going for the scan!

nlimm: milk supply is independent of boobs size. in fact, my friends with smaller boobs have superb milk supply!

leg cramp: for those with desk bound jobs, it is good to rest ur legs on raised surfaces when sitting down. can use boxes or small stools etc.

bbkk: yup yup! can feel free to add me =)

esther: after 12 week MS should start getting better and by 14 weeks should be ok for most. jia you!
nlimm : sure no problem. Must tell your bb to cooperate lah. I sneak out during lunch time to do the test since i am working from home today.

The more 'gan chiong' i am, the more bb don't want to cooperate.

the doc say my bb not obedient at all!
Esther... mine got better after 13 weeks and went away after 14 weeks... but this entire pregnancy I'm suffering from heartburn man... SUCKS!
Counting down to the weekend! I want to zzz already after a nice hot meal of teochew porridge

My MS is better, but the tiredness is still here. Last time when I was in 2nd tri, I very energetic leh...
Oh u with Dr Choo too? How much is her Oscar blood test n package? She don't have 4D scan ? Still on my way , gog to be late le keke

Glad to hear tt?! Coz I rem for#1 my boob suddenly became so big lor now so so only

Hope so wo with both of us do stubborn n inobedient haha
Bbkk: Wah shiok can see more facial expression liao. Guess it'll be fun. Next time bb grow up can show him/her.

blurdopey: understand bbkk's one is every visit, so think shld be ok bah. Initially I also tot like one time only until she said her's is every visit then shld be quite worth it.

nlimm: good luck on ur scan.
my elder one also stubborn dun say elder one 2nd one only 1yr plus also stubborn throw temper already. The cane is going to be making its way out. Hahaha.

Irene: yah my friend boob small small milk a lot, mine (not big but compare to her's a little bigger but no milk). Told hubby mine zhong kan bu zhong yong. And some more now shrink hopefully got more supply since smaller. Hahaha.

Ange: heartburn also something not very good but still better than MS lah.

Ok I shall wait and wait. Juz can't wait to get it over. Seems like I'm the minimal one still having ms. Hahaha.
Oh ok ok lol, I thought I intro before? Maybe too long le.
My Gynae is dr Phua Soo Mear, Edd early June and I'm in week 11plus now.planning to give birth in ma rather than Thomson. Cos the car park is a headache there.
finally it's Friday, though am working from home, but im feeling quite tired, with backaches.. anyone having backaches?

so much prep for a MTB,i will hav to do more research on prams, carrier etc..

Your helper is really funny..but from your perspective it wld b so angry seein how she does things..but chill abit, dun angry.. my mum always tell me if i'm always angry during my pregnancy, baby will become grumpy or bcome very fierce whn he/she is born.. so bear with it, close 1 eye

5-6mths to delivery seems long, bt i guess b4 we know it, it will b here.. let's count dwn tgt..
Went for my Oscar test today. Doc say sld be low risk. Waiting for blood test.

I have quite a lot of bird nest during first preggy but daughter no jaundice at all...nt even a little. (Thanks God for it). Hopefully this one like jie jie.

Ladies, I saw some emails asking to join FB. I would add you as soon as possible. Sorry, lazy to on com.
Hi mummies,stomach flu is quite mild now and i'm feeling so much better now. Just that my legs are weak and energy level low. Went for gynae appointment again due to stomach flu. Gynae also did scan for me even though i went for routine checkup on saturday only. Cannot see gender again! haha shy baby. I have never felt so weak before! slept most of the day. Now finally can sit up and use computer.

rejoy, i have just created a fb account so that i can join the fb group. Will PM you my email and name so you know who i am. Thanks and sorry for troubling you!

bbkk, my nipple also got whitish thing. But i peeled it off during shower. Slowly slowly peel. I remember that for #1 i also got something like that. And when i was in the hospital giving birth #1, there was colustrum flowing out of my boobs in the delivery suite.

June, i love mount A! Though the parking can be equally bad now due to the renovations. Hope it will be done by the time we give birth
Hehe happy happy,done with my Oscar ! My body was turning round and round when Gynae scanned, and settle at the best position ( Gynae claimed) for her to scan. Have 2 NT values shown NT0.9 & NT1.3 Gynae said very gd but of coz need blood test result to further justify. Feel more relieved hehe.
Today bill calcium + iron+ fish oil(1 mth supply)+ blood test + Oscar =$540@-@. Package for my Gynae is $750 unlimited appt+3D scan exclude supplements.

Oicc haha

nlimm thats great news!! congrats.. did gynea say boy or girl mah? hehe

jcyp: ya is quite funny but also irrirated when expreience in real LOL
