(2013/05) May 2013

fool4love: that time i go for her class liao.. but now no.2 dont think im going le. but u will enjoy her class! ^^ she's a nice lady and she also will give u her hp number.. i remember when after i give her i told her i have problems on bf she personally come up and teach me.. wah she really good at babies and always say my gal is a very naughty and cheeky one hahaha and its true.. lol

so tired. been up from 5am till now.. i wana sleep but cant sleep Zzzz.the smell of the smoke aiyo is like forever there.. my mum say need 2-3 days then the smell wil be gone haiz

Rach: I'm also still losing weight but bb is growing very well so no need to worry. from my experience, I start gaining back the weight slowly in 2nd tri and weight gain became much faster in 3rd tri. so by EDD the weight gain was pretty good, about 12-13kg.

fruitloops: my friends bought the origami shortly after it was launch. i think maybe that's why not so reliable cos usually the initial production batches would have more problem. they ordered from US and shipped it over to Singapore.
the price quite big different. I was looking at NUH one is only $190+ but this Wong Boi Boi one is $300+.
Re: Antenatal classes
We attended Mrs Wong's class although we were delivering at Raffles. Very informative and interesting. It was my hubby who learnt most. He remembered the breathing n lifting my back up during delivery to help me push. Really helped come crunch time. Hehe I'm the one who forgot everything. Preggie brains. :p
i didnt check out other antenatal class cos Mrs Wong's classes came highly recommended...

therefore i also didnt know about the huge price differential... My bro was the one who psycho me. he says that it will be good for my hubbs if my hubbs is the kind who doesnt really read up a lot of pregnancy... and that's what my hubbs is...

so i just registered and paid... haha!
chiro : hahaha. i guess that's really the trick. I have an ex-col who's not pregnant. She just rub her tummy a lil and the auntie in front of her give up her seat immediately. Maybe it's also because she is tall and meaty (but not to the extent of being labeled fat). The best part is she sat down and continue rubbing her tummy, acting like she really is pregnant.. =.=''
coz 90% i will be delivering at NUH. i was checking the website they got include the hospital tour too.

hmm....i go ask hubby first..haha..since he is paying
4mums origami pram i see the video i keep laffing like a robot sia! LOL and the below looks likes a trolley quite mafan to walk in the shopping centers or kiddy center where theres narrow corners wor.
Rach, the clinic called me to inform me of the blood test result wor.... Low risk
A bit surprise coz they say they will only call if it is bad
hahahaha!! i also unconsciously will rub my tummy! shall try this trick next time! hohoho...

woot! thanks for the intro! i signed up for the FBI card le but the card haven't come.. shall check out her classes!
talking abt experience on train..

i think im showing a lil. can see the bump when i wear dress that is elastic at waist area (those flowery Hawaiian kind of dress). and whenever i board the train, the person who sit in front of me will stare at me.. haha. i bet he/she must be thinking if i'm pregnant or just fat... then i feel so paiseh don't know what i should do.
i think this stage is the tricky stage. our bump is there, but not that obvious. so ppl dun know whether should give up seat to us, or they choose to think that we r transparent? i have seen a few who can sit at the priority seat, and IMMEDIATELY fall asleep...can u believe it?
My fren ever told me when she's quite big already, she saw commuters 'fell asleep' immediately when they noticed her.

If need seat next time, stand in the middle of the stretch of seats, give that pregnancy pose, puts hand on waist, rub tummy and pretend to puke or something. Heh.
I got ppl giving up seat to me on mon n tue
But not for the next few days
I got this lady sleeping at te reserved seat
When the train jerk, I stepped on her toes
She can move her feet while still sleeping
N when I move in, ppl either start to sleep or look at the other side
But the rubbing of tummy helps
I got a seat several times with that tactic
Vicvic, I really dun believe tat someone can fall asleep immediately after sitting down. Aiyah, wat to do. Maybe until our bump is bigger, then will meet good ppl?
Worried 79, dun be surprise. During my last pregnancy.
I was in the last trimester. Can u imagine a china woman snatch my seat from this guy who give up his seat for me. Everyone on the train was like staring at the china woman. The woman refuse to give up the seat even when the guy told her the seat is meant for me. In the end, another guy give up his seat for me. I was super embrassed lor.
my tummy is huge.. i look very preggy even though m only 13 weeks. but then like all the mummies say, nobody give up seats for mi, also to the extend of falling asleep immediately when they see me stand in front.

i am thinking of getting a double stoller but i do not know if the elder one wld want to sit in the pram anot she knows how to walk. she is still learning to walk now.
Re: baby carrier
I'm using manduca too.. but it can be quite warm if carry the bb so close to u.. cuz my ger sweats easily..

Re: pump
I bot my pisa online too.. 400plus.. eh.. I Hope it's still working.. haven checked..

Charliebrown: me too! Once I reached 2nd tri.. I keep thinking of food.. What's for breakfast, lunch , tea n dinner.. Lol!

novsnow: I tot birdnest better than xuege That's y more ex.. I alwiz hear ppl say xuege is like e cheong version of birdnest?
Babbiee thanks for the update of my details

Carrier - my hubb got an ergo option for me. Sigh. I didn't even get a chance to
Try n he bought it during my confinement that time. Unfortunately ergo is more for broad shoulder and the Manduca is for more petite n narrow shoulder. I hv narrow shoulder. Though ergo got the safety clip behind but the shoulder part don't feel comfy.

I carrier my gal for 2-3 hrs when we shop at orchard when she is ard 3 mths old and ended up injured my spine (not slip disc) but I was bed ridden for 2-3 days. Unable to walk.
Think mayb it's the epidural that weaken my back?? Hmmm do
Now it's an white elephant.

The diff for ergo Manduca becco vs Bjorn is that Bjorn bb can face front and not good for bb spine n crouch. I read some blog. The 3 other brands r supposed to b good for bb and also good for mommy's back n shoulder support. But I doubt so. ;(( since I injured myself using it.
( then again my bb was quite big > 99 percentile chart in ht n wt.
Hi gals

Just back from my 5 days Jakarta trip. It was a super duper tiring trip with my twins with no helper with me. Legs and back aching with sore throat and fever should be on the way. Tummy also abit cramping..

Re: Prams/ Strollers
I've a twin mclaren traveller stroller but used less than 10 times... They dun like to sit in it. Maybe my babes are more fussy. Always liked to be carried. Luckily they are quite a small size to handle.

Re: Antenatal class
Didn't attend before during my 1st birth. Maybe I already knew I'm going for c-sect so no point for me to learn breathing technique. But heard a lot says Wong boi boi's class is very good.

Re: Tonics
I used to take a lot of bird nest and chicken essence(homemade) for my 1st pregnancy. And dunno if its a result of my twins' severe jaundice. Took about 4-5 months before they are declared ok. And I hv to squat down and sun bathe them every morning and evening. Super distressing for a 1st time mummy as I've to bring them for blood test every week at poly clinic. Now I dun dare to take any tonics anymore... Can save $$$!!! Lolx
Hi mummies

I'm having a terrible time now. Woke up with abdominal pains and it got worse towards the afternoon. End up see GP and GP say I got stomach flu or gastric flu. Sad. Puked a few times. The only medicine I can eat from GP is charcoal pills and its not helping much! Thankfully called gynae in the evening and gynae told me to come tomorrow to get stronger med safe for preggy. Really Sian to be sick! Mummies, take care!!!

Antenatal class:
I attended TMC's Mrs Wong class during #1. I must say that it's good but I forgot most of the things after I gave birth lol. Bathing a toy baby is so different from the real thing. But nonetheless, good for first time mummies to go!
chiro: now wk12. Think it's due to my fever the last few days so no food intake in the end the whole tummy slim down, so when I lie down its like abit curve in except for the protruding part think shld be bb and can feel abit wavy movement. It's really abit gotta concentrate then I can feel it.

fabbie: toking abt sbi, did u apply for the sbi coz I think I need to apply for my this 3rd one leh the previous card shld have expired by now.

Mummies who encounter giddy spells, can I know wat brand of sweets u all get? I'm having giddy spells after I recover and esp when I'm driving, can't check blind spot coz once turn head feel giddy.

Debbie: I totally understand how u feel coz I had this during my 2nd preg, u have to bed rest a lot otherwise u'll feel giddy. If you can't take in any solids, some H2O is good. Take good care.
mummies, i'm using capella for #1.. but thinking of selling to buy quinny zapp and get the maxi cosi car seat... is quinny a good choice?? zapp or buzz better?? and i've got a question... #1 still has to sit car seat... cos she's only 2... then when #2 comes, he/ she has to sit infant seat... question is... my car is honda jazz... small small.. behind super cramp... and weekends i fetch my mum around... hubby keeps saying don't need to buy infant car seat blah blah blah... just carry... but if TP stop how?? super headache cos don't intend to change car until maybe Q3 2013...
Hi mummies,

I'm new to this group. Been busy coping w morning sickness n work, now then login to smh forum.

Pls help to add me, my details
Edd: 5 June (gynae expects to b earlier in may due to my small frame)
2nd pregnancy
esther: ya i apply le.. i apply before more oscar scan so i can get discount. =)

wah today my maid POWER sia.. my dad bought durian from malaysia i told the maid to use knife to cut open. and guess what say did. she gave me a BOWL of disgusting squash durian NVM im thinking maybe she didnt open before or my dad didnt help her so she open like that.. but TILL i found out. OMG.... she actually went to CUT the durian seed into half! LMAO! i really can salute her! this is not the 1st time we are eating durian i always told her like maybe i want 3 or 4 never ask her to cut the seed ah. faints.. i duno whats she thinking.. really getting onto my nerves man.. or is it pregnant woman is all very easily angry one huh. like no patience. ;<
Take care Debbie! Bed rest till tmr

Babbiee ... Ur maid making durian purée for u eh. Haha
Maid really lots of prob. We sent our maid back. For 6 mths we hv to tahan without a maid. Lots of work
But it's also good. Less nagging n scoldin from my mum cos the maid really cmi. Not miscommunication cos we speak to
Her in simple Malay. Smtimes they purposely do
That. Jus to activate our anger cells I guess!!
debbie: rest more and u will be better soon.

fabbie: wow ! your maid is so careless.. better keep a close eye on her.

esther: actually when i feel dizzy, i often take fisherman friend...i find the minty taste helps.

regarding stroller, i used maxi cosi mila..abt 5 kg i think. super light, easy to maneuver since i m quite petite. i paired it with the maxi cosi car seat and it works well during my baby's infancy stage. when he was abt 6 months, i stop using the car seat on the stroller and just used the stroller itself. can recline as well. go check it out..think i bought it at the kaki bukit hyperstore..i m still using the stroller even till now.. like the rest of the mummies, i also like the bugaboo bee but it was pricey so decided to get the maxi cosi mila and infant car seat instead.

as for slings, i tried the pupsik sling..works well when baby is really small but once the baby is bigger, i find it so difficult to squeeze the baby in hahah..feels like i was contorting his body lol.

so i changed to baby bjorn without the back support...works well till when my baby was abt 9 kg and i started noticing red marks on his fat thighs....make me worry that i was injuring his groin lol.

next i changed to Ergo organic...love it n been using it till when i m preggie
heard lots of good reviews for beco carrier too.. but dont know why my baby was resisting when i was using beco...maybe the fabric for ergo is softer...

just sharing my experieces

Happy shopping mummy
lol fabbie..the durian seed is a classic !! oh mann! she must have used brute strength to chop the durian seeds....i will be impatient too if i were in your shoes...good maids are really hard to come by
My friend took xuege instead of birds nest where she could afford birds nest. I asked medical hall lady,she said xuege is gd also.

U suspected tonics being caused of jaundice to ur twins? I didnt take alot of tonic n ginger but my #1 has severe jaundice too, was asked to admit for phototherapy, pd said too high will affect her brain. Wasn't advise to do sunbathe method. Was wondering how come the doc didn't suggest phototherapy for ur twins. Must be hard on u to handle n nurse 2 babies that time. Am worried n praying my baby will not hv jaundice. Heart pained to see my #1 a nb,clothes off with covered eyes under e light, sometimes yelling n crying. Wonder what kind of food causes jaundice?

Get lots of rest n take more fluids. Take care!

Am pondering over carseat issue too. Is ur current carseat suitable for newborn? If yes, mayb u can consider getting a booster carseat for ur #1, is less bulky. Can get those with detachable backrest, since she's still young will still nap in e car, with a backrest she can sleep better n when she grows older u can do without e backrest. I should b getting e booster carseat for my #1. Oh ya, must check ur gal's height too. For me, I dn mind if she missed it by abit.
Novsnow. Yummss u reminded me to xuege harisma. Super yummy. If I m not wrong it's some tissue of frog Fallopian tube?? Haha but it taste as well as bird nest. Make the complexion Mei Mei.

Jaundice : olden ppl
Say that cos we take yellow stuff too much like Huang jiang powder etc
But it's the blood group combination of both parents that leads to the jaundice level. B&amp;B has the worse combi. My fren two kids has to go hospital to take blood regularly and at 3 mths old still v v yello.
Cool down..yes, preggie gets angry easily. Some more she just angered u yesterday. It's kind of amusing to receive a cut n serve durian eh. It's always difficult to deal with a maid. If you really can't stand her, leave her to ur mum. Get more rest, insufficient sleep will easily lead u to short frustrations.
Sparkle bee
I find xuege with pao Sheng n some red dates nice too..But e troublesome part is to clean it, must take out e dirt v mafan. Luckily my mom dn mind, ha cos she likes it too.

I didnt take much yellow stuff. Oh dear, means my baby will get it too if its based on blood group combination..sob sob!! With phototherapy, jaundice level drops tremendously. Is e light not gd for nb?? How come doc let ur friend's kid yellow for so long?
Novsnow my mum
Eye sight not so good now. So the frequency of
These delicacy dropped. ;((

Think they tried many methods incld the change of blood. Her hubb is a doc. So I guess they hv tried their best.

Hope #2 is same like my #1. Minimal
Jus normal sunning at the balcony good enuff.
Novsnow: u can get those cleaner hashima. Already clean not very dirty de.

Vicvic: can u pm rejoy your info. She will add u in the group. I hv limited access to comp these few days.
sparkle bee: LOL i cannot survive with a maid leh.. cus we 3 storey and y mum dont think can do the housework. my aunt live in 2 storey already have 3 maids! faints.. that one is super rich but we are not.

belle; ya now im like eyeing at her.. im very scare whatever she do now.. and yes its quite funny that maid chopping the durian seed but u really will boil when u see those smashy durians see le dont wana eat. but in the end i ate a few.

novsnow: hahaha im thinking how to cut a durian seed like that.. wont the durian slip out from her knife? faints... i think my mum also cannot take it liao. i told her go n see what she doing.. my mum say for what.. no point liao -_____- my parents just simply bo chup liao.. cus really cmi sia! i wonder whats doing funny things she will be doing to get our attention..
fabbie: feel better now? Forget it as long as u get to eat the durian.

memphissbelle: I dun take fisherman sweet, dun really like the taste. GP told me to take sweets with high sugar content but dunno wat type of sweets are high sugar content think nowadays sugar free sweets are easier to find.

Jaundice: understand from my PD, she says if the bb blood grp is different from the mum such as same as dad, the level will be higher. For me, my #1 same as me whereas #2 same as hubby and #2 was admitted to hospital (for the phototherapy for 3days) for high jaundice level after he was being discharged after a week later.
white fungus also can? they say is poor man's bird nest.

finally my oscar test today. Hopefully bb is cooperative. Is hubby allowed to go in? been many weeks since we last see bb.

nlimm : good luck to your oscar test today too!
Ange: oh ya forgot abt grape gummies, shall go grab it. Thanks!

JC: yup hubby is allowed for the Oscar scan. Enjoy ur scan!
Jc: yes can, white and black fungus is very good and nutritious. White fungus is good for skin too.
I always double boiled bird nest with white fungus, gingko nuts and sometimes pao sheng with rock sugar.

Hashima is usually black or white type. Black is with longan. White is with pao sheng.
Good morning mummies!

Leg cramps: I was suffering right leg cramps in the midnight! it was so painful! My leg stil feel uncomfortable now.

Jaundice : mummies, how to prevent jaundice? need to avoid any food during pregnancy?

Pre-antenatal class :Fool4love, thank u very much!
I checked the link provided by u and signed up the class yesterday aft discussed with hubby, is Mrs. Wong class.

Tonic: so far, i only have bird nest with pao sheng and red dates drink with wolfberry. I didnt drink any chicken essence...., mayb have to try it!
speaking of gummy, now im craving for gummybear! haha.

leg cramps : both my legs are taking turn to cramp, and i can't massage cuz my hands will get v tired if i use strength.. sigh. only can lie on bed and hope it gets better.

Tonic : so far i didn't have any at all.. lazy to make for myself.
June: we do not add anyone whose nick seems unfamiliar or those only post once in a blue moon. So do post more ok then we will add it, please understand coz it's to prevent spammer or silent reader.

Legs cramp: tell u all a way of stretching with less risk of cramps, instead of stretching pointing outwards, do it inwards instead.
last time when i had leg cramps, my gynae suggested me to wear socks when sleeping, to keep the feet warm, supposingly will help prevent or lessen the cramps. I've yet to try tis method....
2Ks,: dunno how to do the stretching, hehe paiseh I am more 笨笨de ...i think need to see the demonstration then will know.
actually my hubby show me tis morning but not sure whether same same or not...

worried79: ya, i searched online, oso found this suggestion to wear shocks while sleeping...no harm to try...

Tsm: my legs not pretty enough to post in fb for u c... Lol
Actually if u got time, soaking your feet in warm water once or twice a week is also good
