(2013/05) May 2013

sunflower really cant rest mah? doc didnt ask u to rest? did u try to ask doc for jab? maybe will be better? boost more

oscar is done ard 10-12weeks. detail scan den is 20 weeks

duno is the jab or the dus or is my ms kick in. it make me super nauseous since last nite
Pink tulip: I'm a sahm by no choice.. cuz my hubby relocated to hk when I was preggy.. so can't look for job.. then after bringing my bb back to hk.. my mum came with me.. scared she can't handle.. then when I decided to look for jobs liao.. then preggy.. lol! Anyway quite difficult to look for jobs here if can't speak canto..
But I still love shopping.. even I'm not working I still love to buyclothes n shoes.. last time I'm into branded bags but now cannot afford le.. I'll try to limit myself lo..

Esther: yes! Gargle salt water. Must be really salty.. Do it before u sleep n after u wake up.. take care!!
I m a hard worker. I need to work & work, I cant rest. My doc didnt ask me to rest, just said come bk for review weekly. No other instruction given. Friday let's see how the scan & blood test, figure cross it will be back to normal.
Eil, take care. I also feel jab might help.
Pray everyday and touch ur tummy talk to bb.

Ladies, I follow nilmm method, I cook lemon remove the skin and cook with water add sugar and drink it, it help with my nauseas. Not much gag and no bloating already. If find it too sweet just add more water.
Hi mummies,
I am suffering of "pregnancy rhinitis" now.
Cant concentrate on work , keep sneezing and have a stuffy nose everyday.....sigh.....

Who have same problem with me? Any advise?
Yesterday was drinking the lemon and today too, seem everything gone. U try it out. Those days no lemon, I am so sick.
Ange/iko: thank you will definitely do tat. Have been drinking at a litre of water since morning till now.

fabbie: me had curry fish head or dinner last nite, went to purvis street - coffee shop name 津津

iko: HK shopping paradise. Issit easy to go for check ups there for foreigner?
thanks! hehe. lotsa preps done for his party plus deco. now waiting for his pics from d photographer! hehe.

thanks! i try to nap whenever my boy naps now. my dr did v-scan. smmore he scan damn long. feel so gao wei.

just lie down n rest instead of walking around. i stay in bed watch dramas on ipad d other time. hehe.
bbkk: how long do i need to cook the deskinned lemon? or just pour boiling water over it will do? actually i feel that i'm feeling better.. just that i still have alot of gas in me.. v bloated.. n not much appetite on meals due to the weird taste in mouth..

esther: yeah.. easy to get check up cuz alot of expatriates staying here.. but i think its quite ex compared to sg.. but then my fren was telling me sg charges also increased le.. so i guess the living standards is abt there..
Just boil until boiling point I think.
I dunno leh, I think so, cos my maid boil one big pot for the day. Then I drink cup by cup. Then reminder cold already, just add hot water in.
I think better boil it rather than put hot water cos got sugar mah. If u dun intend to put sugar then no need boil bah.
Yesterday, my first time doing it, never remove the skin, and cook it, taste so bitter... So today tried no skin, taste so much better.
So happy to see my bb again earlier! My Gynae has brought forward my EDD to 2nd May saying this is a more better estimate. (help me update the table k? Thanks!) I guess mine will probably be an April bb since I delivered my first at 38wks. That's only about 6 months away from now! This preg seems to move so fast!
Hi all

issit normal to have EDD shift earlier and earlier? During my first check, it was 11th May, then 08th May, the latest check shows 06 May.

Haha. That's why i dont know which date to give.
Ml83, so far it helps for me. No harm trying.

I wish my edd would move earlier and earlier then countdown also faster
So nice!!! All of you all know your edd.. My gyne didn't really tell me the date.. Only gave me a rough gague. First week of May. I will ask him on Fri during my scan.. I feel that this whole week, time is really ticking slow..

Btw, any mummies experience any of those pulling cramps on your lower abdominal? Is that normal?
Hiiii all I'm back
So busy yest ,term started work plus my #1 birthday , totally wore out yest but happy hehe.

Is it normal that initially almost everyday naeseous then suddenly 2-3 days not naeseous at all?! When I'm not naeseous at all, I will think this n that scare something wrong with bb . Any of u like this ?

Sorry to hear that. I experienced that for my #1 when I had a old spinster boss which I endured thru n leave after my 4 mths ml. For ur case, abit touchy. If u bring to mom, high chance u will lose coz u on probation & ur superior can just say tt ur performance don't meet her requirement( this not a black & white grading )& CPy has the right to terminate anyone during probation . This is the info I gather fr another hr frd of mine.

I'm taking tt brand vit c too but tablet chewable type

Lemon drink:
Bbkk/ ange/ iko:but take note don't drink too much coz still acidic . For me end up the next day when I vomit my vomit all yellow haha.

Alvernia ladies card:
What's this ?

Tsm :
Din know there's such condition . Or u sensitive to dust or temp change. For me difficult to know if it is coz I sensitive nose, now n then sneezing days normal for me but these few wks nil.
nlimm: I generally feel better towards the end of the week so we all joke that I have a TGIF baby.

While lemon tastes sour it actually alkalises the body. Gota find time to go out and get some lemons! Hahaha
BBK: if lazy to cook i can drink lemon juice? hehehe btw honey lemon can drink right?

nlimm: 2-3days not nauseous at all dont have wor.. im like everyday wana vomit cannot vomit.. sometimes will vomit but is like 1 week at least once. Hmmm ya #1 last time no MS is it?

ml83: hahhaa ya i saw! nice elmo theme! lol so did anyone ask about ya tummy? when u said its obvious or u manage to cover it? ^^

sunflower: will cross fingers with u too on friday. dont think so much. wah ya doc didnt ask u to rest? my gynea give me like 1 week bedrest lo.

esther: ENVY u sia! got curry fish head.. i HOPE today have curry fish head hahaha cus my dad go JB today. hopefully he buy back. *cross fingers* lol

*yawns* today is really a sleepy day -____- 8am wake up sleep back till 12pm.. then later 4pm sleep back again now then wake up.. so tired! play game till i can sleep sia.. arghz..
Yah it's normal for edd date to shift cos at the first appt say at 7 wks our bb still a beanie so the crown to rump measurement is not that accurate. Typically at the second checkup at 11-12 wks, your Gynae will estimate the edd again using the crown to rump length and usually that will be the so-called 'firm up' edd. As we progress, the measurement is not a good gauge anymore cos bb curls up as the space reduces. Anyway, as long as 37 wks considered 'full term' and safe to deliver.
Fabbie, I think as long lemon ok bah, can drink honey but not too much.
Last sat, I had my first vomit. Other days only the vomit sound and effect but nv vomit. They say cannot say one, I told my mil I nv vomit and at night I vomit. Very pantang.

Shirley, at times I also got pulling cramp.
Shall try tmr! Need to buy lemon. Not a fan of sour stuff. Lol.

The girls din say anyting thou. Lol. Maybe they just assume im getting fatter or giving me face at my party ba. :p Ur tummy showing yet?
Bbkk: really cannot say one.. just now I said I'm better then after that I feel terrible.. haiz!

Re: v scan
Now v scan is in trend hor.. last time for #1 I nvr Do before.. I was so shocked when the gynae does it here.. super uncomfy too!!
BBK: got like that one meh hahahaa so good u had ya 1st vomit.. i always vomit in the morning.. arghz.. but is only saliva. but i try not to vomit after food its quite sucky! i think i will vomit even worst hahaha

Vi: ya EDD will push forward de.. if im not wrong detail scan maybe we can see more jun EDD =)

ml83: LOL lucky they didnt ask.. if not stress.. so many people.. haha my tummy ah got pop out abit like a hump when i lie down. lol but i havent gain much weight yet =( as usual lor when i eat my tum will grow like x2 bigger hahaha
Morning mummies!

I blacked out for the first time after several years.. At work this morning :x luckily i told one of my colleague abt me being preggie alr.. Is it due to 1) me not eating dinner last night, since i really can't eat anything yest, or 2) my bp? It was 101/64 when i checked last monday... :x
Morning mummies

notenoughshoes: Hope you are feeling better. Maybe cos you didnt eat dinner? I always feel very giddy and faint when i skip my meal... Maybe you can just suck a sweet?

If you cant eat, my gynae suggest taking milk. He says its highly recommended (if one can stand the milk smell). If not, soya will be good too.
Good morning mummies!

Babykk,vi: those type of cramp is like those pulling type right?? I think ever since the previous mc, I Gt really paranoid.. But trying not to think so much.

Re: lemon
I tried squeezing abit of lemon to ny warm water.. Don't really like the taste plus I puke out. Think cos I never eat anything.. That's why.. Think over this weekend, I will try babykk's method. Look the lemon and add sugar.. Sounds like lemonade..

Iko: v scan can see more clearly.. But if you really don't feel good, can opt for tum scan. As the pregnancy goes, I think can scan thru tum cos baby grows.

Fabbie: same here.. I think I am more of air and constipation so it bulge out abit.. Not sure if its baby bump or what.. How many weeks r u? When is your lmp?

Not enough shoes: oh my! R u feeling better now? Why don't your take mc and rest at home.. You can try to take more salt to increase blood pressure.. Try 100+? Rub some medicated oil also and pop in sweet to prevent from fainting?
Not enough shoes: Hope u r feeling better.. y dun u go home n rest for e day.. take care!!

Shirley: Ya! The gynae told me e reason for v scan its cuz in first trimester, the womb is still sitting in the pelvic.. so it will be clearer to Do v scan.. after that the womb will shift up then can Do tummy scan.. hmmm.. I Hope Oscar is tummy scan..
not enough shoes,

take care ya.. i was told that pregnant woman blood pressure also lower. hence higher chances to blackout.
Not enough shoe, yup hope u better now. Every night I try to eat biscuit before I sleep if not in the middle of night I sure wake up hungry. I envy some days can sleep thru.

Iko, Oscar shd be tummy bah.

When I did my first visit. I requested to do tummy scan, then dr asked me got drink until bladder full, I say no. So he says might not be able to scan cos still 6 weeks that time. But we go try ahead and saw sac and hb using tummy scan. So happy. I hate v scan too. Very uncomfortable.
notenoughshoes: aiyo... why yday didnt eat? at least drink a milo or drink some soup ya? do take care hor. =)

Shirley: this week i should be 11 week my lmp is 30th July. hee

iko: Oscar is tummy scan ah.. not V scan.. usually V scan is when babies too small then they will use to see it more clearer.
not enough shoes,take care. I think partly the sg weather really not too good. I have been not able to eat especially at night.
I also no appetite ESP dinner. Ate so little end up got to take biscuit before sleep.

I tend to get hungry every 3hrs
bkkk: first 3-4 weeks i hv super hungry. when i m in wk 6 onwards, I start to eat less. That why I am lossing weight. I try to eat more during lunch.
Hi Ladies,I went for my 1st appt last week . Can hear heatbeat ! i was so scared at 1st coz thru tummy scan couldnt see anything was so scared of being disapointed again. finally could see the yolk sac and hear the heartbeat thru Vaginal scan ,scan was abit blur and edd cant confirm as my bladder was still abit full! Hope u ladies are alldoing well !
Shirley: me too having some cramps on and off. At lower ab also. Gonna ask the gynae this fri.

not enough shoes: take care. U still have to drink something even no appetite to give u some energy.

iko: OSCAR is tummy scan.

Bbkk: u can try eat less more meals which is better for us. For me if eat like the usual full meal I will feel bloated and will have nausea feeling.

Last nite is the first nite I can't finish my rice so only eat vege. After tat also keep burping.

eil: you can try drinking some milk before going to bed? Last time wat I did was to eat cornflakes with milk in the late noon.
Hi mummies.

I had my 2nd doc appt on Monday when I'm at 7wk. Saw the fetus and it's so cute. Can see its tiny arms and eyes and mouth when I zoom in to the pic. Able to hear its heartbeat too. Initially I'm quite worried abt this pregnancy, but I decided not to ask the doc qsns like am i doing ok, etc.. Guess if I'm not ok, the doc will tell me or find a way to help. I'm trying not to know too much and end up stressing myself, so better let nature take its course. haha.

eil: i hope everything goes well for you. Take care there.
Iko: I think Oscar is tummy.. Cos by we will be be at our second tri or going to be sec. Baby should be bigger alr.. When's your Oscar??

Fabbie: has your gyne told you your edd? I still not so sure abt mine.. Going to ask him this Fri..

Welyn: congratulations!!!

Esther: high 5. My appt is also this Fri.. I can't wait for Tgif.. This week seems slow and I am counting down.. Abit kia su.. Haha..

Babykk: try to snack every 2-3 hours? Balance your blood sugar? Have you started to put on weight? Or losing weight due to your poor appetite?

Vicki: congrats on your scan. Think by your next visit , should be able to see baby moving? When's your next appt?
Vickii: yeah... dont stress yaself things will be good! my last pregnancy i scare here and there so stress sighz.. this time i learn to stop stressing myself.. things will be better =)

Shirley; i went to scan with him for few weeks he only say early may. till when i reach on 10th week he say my EDD is 9th May when everything is fine. i can see him 3-4 weeks later =)

Appt: OMG... i gonna wait for another monday!! then i can get my oscar scan.. please please faster i want to see my bb!! haha i really cant wait LOL
shirley : i guess so. Next visit on 29 oct. Hope im able to see the baby move. After my scan on Mon, i keep telling bb that he/she is so cute. haha.

I have a qsn here. Is it true that food you eat that makes you feel nausea are food that your bb doesn't like and vice versa? Mummies who already have #1, did you see any link? Cuz i keep hearing ppl saying that and curious to know if it's really related.
Shirley, every meal ESP lunch, I ate 2 meals. My portion divided into 2. 3pm ate again. So far gain 1.5kg. Dun feel like eating but I still eat it cos if not I cannot tahan hunger.

Vickii, I think not related de. It is due to ur body hormones relating to it. But when u rch 2nd tri, everything u love it.

Fabbie: my edd is also first week of May.. Yet to know the exact date.. Another Mon to you check? Which means next Mon for Oscar?? Counting down for you..

Vicki: you're so cute also.. I also start talking to baby like last month. Get dh to talk also.. By 29 Oct you will be ard week 9-10? Should be able to see movement..

Regards to your Que, I am not so sure.. But scientifically nausea is caused by the increase hormone.. Also as the pregnancy grows, baby will move more (more active) when you take food that they like.. This is what my mum and other experience mummies said..
