(2013/04) April 2013

Trinity, baby's gender is already determined once the sperm fertilised the egg so nothing u do now will change this fact

Doramum and Mummypooh, welcome and congrats!!

Trinity: hmm... im not too sure bout that. my mil told us not to shift anything in our room. as for changing of bedsheet, i'd never heard of it before.
Divein, good to hear that everything's well so far. Take care!

I'm not going to Glen E though my gynae's there. Going for 1st scan next week with him then proceed to NUH for subsequent ones.
Hi trinity
My gynae told me if u are taller carrying bigger babies not a prob. For me quite short my baby #1 is 3.2+ and he say it's too big for me. She was stretching all the space and taking my full stomach length lol.
Thanks ocean

Hmmm seem that glen E nt so popular but the midwives are very gd ~ with my previous experience

Hmm which mummy gt the biggest Apr baby here?
My lmp is 3 july
ic... wow sounds like a tricky situation in the family! it's tough when the ILs are not supportive. hopefully with #2 they will be convinced that your maid cannot take on any additional errands.
thanks for your feedback. my friend recommend him too.

yes he is a fertility doc. i wanted to find a gyn in Gleneagles but so far only receive this recommendation... haih! honestly i feel gyn fees don't differ much :p either expensive.... or more expensive.
You can change diet before conception to try and influence gender, but after conception you have to listen to what baby wants and likes :D
Sam & doramum

I also heard from my friend now can take detailed scan at 3 months .. Cos earlier to detect is better she seeing dr Adrain Woodworth tmc ...

Is it true for all or depends on gynae
CONGRATS DIVEIN!!! So happy for you!

2 weeks ago, my gynae couldnt scan anything but my urine test was very obvious that i'm preg. my gynae was worried that the baby could be out of the womb. Gave me 2 days of mc. Unfortnately, i've spotting and so i went to kk hospital as advised by my gynae if theres bleeding or cramp. was told to rest at home... then finally can see my baby is growing but still consider unstable. for the past 2 weeks, ive went kk hospital twice and visited my gynae 4 times.

Actually last year around june i was preg but unfortunately im not able to keep it as i was on some medication

hence, this time round i'm more paranoid and stress up. but when i saw my baby's heartbeat (though e heartbeat is pretty weak), i told myself i must be positive at all times. Though im down here complaining bout the morning sickness, actually, i'm glad that im having morning sickness cause it means my baby is growing!
trinity and ggchua
my MIL tell me not to do anything to the bed. not to shift or move the bed when changing bedsheets. she has also forbid my son to jump on the bed ! hahaah!

for those who live with pantang families, you should have been warned that 7th month is approaching, i have been served my do's and don'ts already... so troublesome!
Ling, my gynae is Dr Peter Chew. Very experience gynae but no nonsense type too. lol To me, I find him good as he won't beat around the bush and will tell u things frankly. Only down side is usually gotta wait long even with appt. He doesn't have 3D machine as he doesn't want to give in to such gimmicks and throw the cost over to his patients. His consultation (before I became preg and for gynaecological check ups) is S$45- S$60 which I think is so much cheaper than KKH. U can always go once and find out if u like his approach. U may have a different opinion.
Wow more mummies joined.
I wished everyone have sticky bean...
I cfm out.. I m bleeding now.. Heavier and more den usual menses.
It ok. I will try again next time.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Zenn, Shirelle &amp; Divein,
Thanks for the welcome! Gotta hear the 2 STRONG heartbeats before confirming!

Big welcome to doramum and mummypooh too!

Doramum, oscar test is a test with the first 13 weeks to see if any risk of down syndrome. Actually, I didn't do for my #1, cos no matter what, I will keep the baby.
Up to your personal decision!

Who was asking about the Glen E thing? I'm with Glen E... enjoyed my experience there so far!

How about you drop by your gynae?
Just to encourage you, my friend had bad bleeding too... went to see gynae, put on bed rest, lots of jabs and hormone pills... and she finally gave birth to a healthy baby gal!</font>
Hi ling
I am with dr fong Chuan wee at glen E level 5 but I can say not many ppl like him as he very straight forward and just like a fierce father. But I like haha he had help me a lot I find he is gd with preg complications ...

Cheryl take care ~ I know it's hard I've been through this but u can try again after ur body recover..

Thanks ggchua
Yes preg symptoms u love and hate but as long it assures us right! I am unable to eat , only 1 spoonful for a meal
but I think more to come as I dun think it's full blown yet base on my previous experience ...
Mummypooh, try to stay home from 7pm to 7am. avoid people burning hell money or about to finish burning. try to avoid prayers, funerals at voiddeck. dont give 'bai jin'. these are what my friend told me
I heard that women get averse to the smell of fish and avoid having them as it makes them wanna puke. But, is it normal not to hate them and can still eat them in early pregnancy?
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Pregnancy Likes/Cravings

I think every pregnancy is really different. Mummies like Sam that are 3rd-time pregnant can totally vouch for it I think.

I love veg and eggs for my 1st pregnancy. Ok with fish but hates sashimi smell... Currently, I hate veg and fish! =P</font>
trinity: i'm about 6-7 weeks old. i'm craving for half boiled egg, medium rare steak, sashimi and seafood! SERIOUS! lol...

Divein: Same here! i can only drink soup and 2-3 mouths of rice.. thats all
not sure why i'm having difficulty swallowing
Frosted Vanilla, u r right. I love having eggs now. But only certain types of preparation

ggchua, try to avoid half cooked or uncooked food due to the risk of salmonella.
High-5 vanilla! Luv to see u and ur twins ard! Haha

Hi gg my mouth just don't want to take food
but I sometimes can feel hungry till gastric juice so I am trying to take 1 spoon rest and till I can ake another. The smell of cooking also irritate me. Ya sashimi is my all time favorite!!! Oh no cant eat for 10 months!!

Aiyo, if your mom says you cant change bedsheet then you either get her to change for you or your hubby? Im super not batang :p As it was my #2, vv fast push out already, somemore I induced her lor

Ocean blue,
I agree with you, all these talk about meat, veg should be before concieved bah? hehe. Anyway, gender of bb is depending on how fast the sperm swims to the egg, its all destined now :p
My nausea is on/off. This morning I can even eat 2 slices of pizza for breakfast. Then lunch I felt nausea Liao, my lunch been eating from 2pm till now. Still haven finish, mouthful by mouthful.

I would rather to have the MS to keep my assurance that the baby is growing. I have no cravings yet.
<font color="aa00aa">Divein,
Agree with you that he is very professional. Actually I dun find him fierce, quite fatherly to me. Like it that he is a very safe gynae and not to mention, very good at what he does.

I have difficulty taking the 1st sip of water for the day, feels like puking. Ended up taking some juice instead.

Seriously, I think it takes one to know one! The husbands can accommodate but hard for them to understand the actual feeling we're going through. =P</font>
How abt drinking some milk from brands like Ensure? At least u know u will be getting the nutrients u need.

I can't drink water too. I've been drinking very diluted honey water which is yummy. lol
Divein: same here! i will eat few mouth and then rest for at least half an hour.. but still cant finish the food.

Ocean blue: yup, i will avoid

Cheryl: take great care babe! all the best..
Hi5, me too. Had my dinner ard 7pm then 10pm will be hungry. Craving for unhealthy fds!!

Tis 7th mth can i go downstairs &amp; pray burn d paper?coz last yr i gota do tat.
trinity: ya lo, i know all my cravings are not allowed to have during pregnancy. my hb will google on the food that i wanna eat and craves for. whether it is safe or not..
Trinity as far as I know male(Y) sperm swim faster, female sperm (X) slower but survive longer in the uterus. So if during ovulation, male reach first,more likely to be boy. Before ovulation, X can survive longer till ovulation, so more likely gal..

Ya ya!!me too!! &amp; i have many packs at hm bt i cant eat. Still coughing &amp; i cant anyhw take med must wait till i c gynae. My hb forbid me from eating roti prata, he said duno is it hygienic a nt??

I remembered my #1 i gota nt much fd cravings bt my hb has more cravings than me!! Funny rite? Keke
Mummypooh, i'm not too sure eh. but my friend told me better not to go anywhere and stay at home. as for burning the paper, should be okay? cause burning paper is for the 'good buddies'. but when you see other people burning then better avoid cause might step on it which is not good. and also, avoid staying outside like hotel etc.
<font color="aa00aa">Trinity: Heard the same as Zenn too!

Then again, the foods we take, acidic/alkaline does affect the gender too.

My gf went to TCM to 'tiao sheng' and they adjusted both her and her husband's diet.. and they eventually got a boy - which is what they wanted. They had a gal before that. </font>
Male sperm swim faster but cannot survive long~

Is it milk powder? I can't stand even making milk for my Girl now I drinking Meiji low fat milk which is very light ~

How I miss eating ~ now I m a food waster
MH, very normal as I'm like that too. I woke up twice last night, once at 12am and another time at 5am to eat coz' too hungry till can't sleep and started to feel nauseous. Then I woke up again at 6.15am coz' hungry again. At 9am, I ate. At 10.30am, ate again. 11.20am, ate and lunch at 12pm. Till now, I've not given in to eating yet as hunger pangs haven't hit me yet. lol

Trinity, I heard 1st tri best not to 'bu'. So, when reach 2nd tri then can.

Zenn is right abt the male and female sperm. It's scientific.

Wat milk r u taking nw? Milk designed for mummy or normal milk? Im v lazy to drink milk, so nw im taking soya milk &amp; anlene milk
Divein, yes it's milk poweder BUT they do sell it in ready made packs. Those take and go type.

I was drinking Meiji Choc milk but found it too think. Switched to HL Low Fat Choc Milk yest.
Wah trinity wat kit can test gender? U all gt try the Chinese baby calendar?

U must Tiao ur body to condition gd for boy sperm or girl sperm survival ... Now all too late cos it's already fix kekeke

I was trying to plan it on my ovulation so boy can swim faster but in the end after months it's too stressful when I ignore then gt preg keke
Ya Meiji choc thick but the white low fat is light leh
I love the choc milk previously .. Some Bantang must drink white then baby will be fair so I try to listen keke

But hor I drank milo a lot last preg but my girl is like snow white haha
Divein, it's old wives' tale lah. Colour skin, eyes colour, little or a lot of hair, big or small eyes, etc are all genetics thru the generations. Not only just from you and your hub. It can go up all the way to great grand parents. E.g. I know of a friend whose child is a left hander and they wondered why. Found out hub's great grandfather was a left hander and he was the only left hander. So basically, it skipped a generation (friend's hub's generation)
<font color="aa00aa">Trinity: Her husband is the traditional mindset kind that must have a boy for the family, so they willing to go to this extent. Quite kua zhang one, they even had to go very very early cos the q is quite mad...

So envious of all with good appetites now!</font>

Take it easy dear. Im sure you will have another one soon

Frosted Vanilla,
Every pregnancy is different lor, for #1 I utterly dislike milo and scallops. #2 can eat anything but salted fish. #3 not sure yet, having no appetite recently.
