(2013/04) April 2013


Not sure if you believe anot, but dont eat broadbeans, my mom said its NOT good for bb. This is about the only rule I abide.

roti prata not hygienic mei? haha. I think as long as it is well-cooked, then no problem
go ahead and eat!


I believe because we are still too early, only a few weeks, morning sickness is coming soon..


Now we eat like 4-5 months pregnant, can't imagine how many we can eat when we turn 4-5 months, haha
Thanks for the clarification Frosted Vanilla, I totally mixed up Oscar with Detailed Scan. Yes, Oscar definitely must take, did it with #1 and #2
keep talking abt milk, I craved for it and now drinking it. lol

Trinity, LOL! U r so funny! Nope, no afraid coz everything is old wives' tale lah. Then what? Eat fish, baby will love swim? HAHA!
<font color="aa00aa">Sam,
Wow, all 3 pregnancies so different!!!

Ya lor, I'm in this neither here nor there feeling... eat can only eat a bit, bloated too easily. No cravings whatsoever. Very miserable during lunch time. Haha.</font>
MH, I was told that now can eat better eat. Who knows if we will be struck with no appetite later.

Whereas for the rest of u who have no appetite, hope u will be able to eat some soon!

R all of u taking folic acid? Must take, u know.

yaya, you are right. Eat as long as we still has appeitie.

I have been taking folic acid for 3 months.

My #1 also take like 13hrs to give birth from waterbag burst. Each bb is diff, my #1 broke her waterbag at 37wks exact, #2 stayed in there till 39wks and I had to induce her due to braxton hicks. Every pregnancy is therefore different lor
Sam, serious???? But I'm not taking it for nurition supplement as I've a big appetite now and just drinking it due to cravings :p Will this be ok?

If I've to drink Fresh milk aka full cream milk think my weight will shoot up VERY fast as I'm 'feasting' haha
#2 induced at 7pm+, arrived at 2am+ :p

My #1 and #2 all august bb, 6th and 15th Aug. Today #2 turns 1YO. I think everyone takes diff timing for delivery. Just like everyone's pregnancy symptons are diff, why compare?
Trinity, yes! What to do? Keep eating. Don't eat, feel so miserable like kena tortured like that. haha. Even though my pants are tight at the tummy area, my weight has decreased 2.5 kg. It's just weird.
frosted vanilla: talking bout 'tiao sheng', i was planning to go tcm to 'tiao sheng' this month before i found out i was pregnant. last month my menses came twice and so i decided to go 'tiao sheng'. i waited around one month before i went to 'tiao sheng' as i wanna see is menses back on time.. but in the end i was pregnant! so weird and funny.. all along my menses very accurate and ive been trying for baby for almost a year. suddenly my menses screwed up and ta-dah... lol
Sam! Really cannot drink low fat milk??

Trinity but if water bag Burst u must go .. My last one water bag burst but only half way .. The other broke by my gynae and I almost black out ...
Ocean same here I can't button my pants ! But I didn't eat and my weight till same ... It shd be stomach bloated?
Divein, I also suspect it cld be uterus expanding and bloatedness. It's uncomfortable to wear pants now. Loose dresses are the best.
So during the 2nd trimester is it necessary to see Tcm to bu?
My body quite weak during last Confinement and breast milk only can survive 3 months any tips?

Ya it's sooooo painful the pain I rem from my last preg is 1) morning sickness till dying 2) Kenna burst water bag 3) stone hard breast when milk comes!

I didn't experience contractions at all ...

Dunno I heard fm where, but seems like any milk is better than no milk. You may wish to check with your gynae if we can drink skim milk.

My belief is would you offer your child to drink low fat milk? If no, I also wont do it while pregnant :p

I wanted #3 to be aug onwards baby, look where Im now :p

BM has nothing to do with our body being weak or strong. Some ppl just have more BM, and if you keep to the regine of pumping every 3hr within the first 2months, you can last up to 1yr. I did it for my #1 lor :p
trinity: i just had my first cervical jab. my doctor said its safe for preggies.

Divein: i'm worried that ive no breast milk too
<font color="aa00aa">I also find myself very bloated... I think a few more weeks people can tell I'm pregnant already... can't camouflaged anymore. Heh.

Have most of you told your colleagues, etc?</font>
i only told my boss. but i guess everyone can tell i'm preg cause ive hang a plastic bag around my desk around in any case i need to puke.
<font color="aa00aa">Sam,
Wow your #2 only turned 1yo today! The gap is so near, you're solid!!! Pei fu.

I havent gone for any TCM treatments before but somehow, I'm convinced of the outcome of the treatments. But so happy for you that this pregnancy came at a time you didn't expect!</font>

i believe perception can work wonders. for me, i bought my breastpump 6mths b4 bb due, never considered that i might not have milk. stuck to the tiring regine of pumping every 3hrs for a v long time, and i breastfeed my #1 till 13months. For #2, did the same thing but lasted till 8mths cos wanna switch jobs :p

if you strongly believe its your right to provide bm for your bb, your body will generate the milk lor.
<font color="aa00aa">Sam,
I believe many will be envious of you! Sometimes I will feel very 'bang' - people who want kids, tried so hard, put in so much effort... then there are some who dun wan but get pregnant so easily!

Will get more tips when we progress on on how to bf effectively! My prev experience wasn't so good, didn't last very long!</font>
Frosted Vanilla,
I guessed so, but all my bbs vv notti lor. So izzit a blessing or not? :p

Actually hubby dun want #3 so soon, but since conceived already, I dun bear to give it up. Heng, my mom on same thinking as me and even more heng, hubby cannot overwrite my decisions :p

BM will come naturally for 2nd time mommies. Dont worry. For 1st timer, eat more fish, I persisted without fengureek, also had sufficient BM.
<font color="aa00aa">Trinity: Ya, Fenugreek helps and papaya+fish soup works wonders for me - but so good that when engorgement comes, torturous! Haha.

Sam: Haha, all children are blessings! =P
Thank God both of you have the same thinking! I always think 3 kids is a good number! But siong.</font>
trinity: i think engorgement need to be extra careful and must take good care. recently i watched a taiwan variety show and this celebrity was talking bout engorgement after she gave birth. she said hers is so jialet till she have to go for operation. the doc cut under her breasts and put some 'cloth' in her breasts to absorb the pus. have to change the 'cloth' often so cannot stitch the breast till the pus is totally removed. very poor thing and disgusting.
Frosted Vanilla,
I love 3 kids, but hor, was looking towards 3yr gap for all 3.

I think I know which celebrity you are talking about. I thik engorgement issue discuss later, now still too early :p
Sam, Trinity: pregnant women can take low fat milk. it's actually better than full cream as the fats is not healthy for our hearts. And you're right that we don't give our children low fat milk but full cream coz they actually need the fats. It's not the same with pregnant women ya

Pregnant women are recommended to take milk specially formulated for pregnancy coz they are fortified with the neccesary vitamins, etc. But I didn't take any when I had #1, just calcium tablets. I'm not a milk person. Haha
I doubt your #1 will like BM lor, they are very smart kids and BM has this fishy smell, not exactly nice :p
trinity: got stitch back i think but not right after the operation.

sam: yup, thats laaaaaater part. lol. we should enjoy our pregnancy now
I think no need try unless your #1 is milk baby. My #1 who is 4YO tasted #2 milk (FM) and said its different lor :p I think formula for below 1YO not nice
<font color="aa00aa">Our topics machiam we popping man... talk abt BM and bf liao. Hahahahaha.

Trinity: It wasn't fishy... the taste quite nice. But my MIL was the one who cooked for me.

Sam: But the gap near is good in a way. Some of my friends prefer one shot... they say gap near, siong siong one time. They can't imagine going through the cycle again and again.

It's really up to the individual preference for a lot of things. People's beliefs, convictions are all different.</font>
for breastfeeding, other than papaya + fish soup, I also suggest peanut + chicken feet/pork ribs, this soup is suitable for ppl who doesn't like fish.
Since Im producing milk on daily basis, and its all full of MY nutrients. Might as well BU myself :p My medela pump lasted till my #2 was 8months old, I stopped bf partially due to pump retiring on me. Haiz
#1 was drinking Mamil, then switch Enfa, now switch Friso

#2 also drinking Friso now. My #2 now drinking 200ml while her jiejie says 120ml each time. Faint.
