(2013/04) April 2013

<font color="ff6000">trinity, take care no matter wat still need to see doc first

Jo &amp; vanilla,
My sis had 3 boys her ms is very bad as well ... Guess is heredity ...

My feel like on a boat keep getting sea sick even walking ... Hate the feeling feel Ike dying

Morning mummies,

During d long wkend, i felt v dehydrated &amp; thirsty bt i dun dare to drink a lot of water scare add to d bloatness. I took some 100 plus drinks, i felt great after drinking it.

Sometimes i dread mornings, due to MS. Come afternoon,i will feel more comfy. Less bloated.

Thanks for your info on the Revosave Plan! I will check with my agent. Btw, I used clearblue to check again yesterday, confirmed!!


Sorry for my late reply. that time the agent shows me paymyuni plan and revosave, but i forget why i end up signed revosave plan, may be because of the $1000 cash cheque.

Morning sickness or not is hereditary. My mom said when she preggie with me, she has it, when preggie with my bro, no MS at all. When I was preggie with my gals, I dont have it. What is have is bloatness, lack of appetite. For #1, I vomitted like 3x throughout pregnancy, and its due to indigestion. For #2, abit more cos I suffered from flu quite alot and must vomit once whenever I kenna flu.
Trinity all the best to you. 30mins to go. We are all behind you.

I have some aching on my left side now. It was right previously. And backache is hitting me. I have this mild backache now which I believed it will be full blown soon. Any MTBs experience these?
hello mareikebb, welcome!!

Trinity Mummie &amp; Kimyksc, hope that the little one is doing well inside.. Pray that everything goes well..

Good morning all MTBs.. Good Day ahead!!
Morning to all mtbs!

I cannot tahan anymore... my head is bursting. guess its due to the bad sleeping posture.

can i go for neck and shoulder massage?
<font color="119911">hmm...just done the ultra scan...cant see anything...dunno means what...now waiting to see doctor...

Jia you everyone...</font>
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="verdana">Trinity,
Yes, it's possible. Jiayou!!!

So nice that your hubby cooks your meals daily! I love Korean instant mee too!

Isotonic drinks works wonders for me previously too! Very effective esp if you have leg cramps!</font></font>
your husband is so sweet to cook for you everyday! my husband is slacking off , second child and he is less kan cheong :S

i feel like going for foot and neck and shoulder massage while im in bkk next week. as long as aviod the tummy, i think its ok. but if you have discharge, i think best dun massage to aviod complications.
Ling: thank you!

Sam: I dont think can do foot massage.. cause its somehow connected to our organs. think its not advisable.. those 'xue dao'
Aiyo, im also wanting to go massage le. Maybe those kenko $10 neck &amp; shoulder?? Can a nt? Wakaka.

Kimmysc &amp; Trinity,

Hope everything will be fine
hi sam.. yup dun do foot massage.. especially foot reflexlogy.. as i normally do foot reflex.. the lady who do for me, told me, if im pregnant.. must tell her. she will nt do for me..
<font color="119911">...doctor say either too early to find sac, or sac not grow in womb or baby not growing anymore...so need to do blood test today and thursday...if HCG increase, then got chance...</font>
On ms, when I had my No. 1, I was like a merlion and puking about 4 - 5 times every evening till the end of 1st tri. Had to take jabs to stop it.

I believe it varies as different pregnancy is different. My mum didn't puke much when she had me so it really depends.

I think I'm about 4 - 5 weeks now but the nauseous feeling is still manageable. Hope that I will not be a merlion again. =)
<font color="119911">piggy, doctor say mine not neccesary follow my last LMP, if follow, i am 6 weeks. But scan nothing..my first test on 5th aug is negative, i test in noon...first positive test is 14aug, i tested yesterday morning, positive..so im not sure. Doctor say could be 4 weeks only or less...hope is too early lor...cos i have a bit puking feling..dunno is think too much or for real..

Can always try again..dun be sad..stay happy and try again...take care ya...

I cant stand KKH service...and actually their fees is not cheap repeated visit is more ex than my TMC gynae..came here cos my gyane no clinic today</font>
hUGS.. trinity mummie.. although we knw it's easier said than done.. but we can understand how u feels.. eat healthy and exercise more.. ur next one will be a healthy BB.. HUGs..

Kimmyksc, i see.. maybe ur ovulation period is varies? ya it could be too early.. dun worry k..
Trinity hugs hugs to u

Kimmy: hmm I found out I'm preg for my #1 very early too. Cuz I gt the habit to play with test kit. Initially also nutting inside. Sac also dun have lo. Onli uterus thicken. This preg also detect quite early. I also Abit scare lo. Cuz haven go check up yet. Gg tis wed. I scare cuz I nt much ms le. Onli appetite nt v gd
trinity: take great care! mayb you can try to see a tcm to 'tiao sheng' and try again! but no hurry okay.. usually need to rest at least 6 months. JIA YOU!

Kimmy: i think yours might be too early
Trinity I m seeing tcm at amk. Still seeing her now. She is quite popular with fertility. If you are keen, I can pass u her contact.
Kimmyksc I think yours might be way too early to see anything. I understand we tend to get worry from the day we got the positive. Me too. I am also worried that my thyroid problem will affect the baby. But is good to be here where we can share our thoughts, encouragement &amp; advice from one another.
<font color="119911">i also not sure abt my ovulation cycle, but my mensus quite accurate.

@joyce, same same...dun think too much...jia you..

@ggchua, zenn
Thanks...will stay positive and pray for the best...i also got thyroid problem, need to tke thriodism everyday..

I went to the private one...dun find them friendly..but many nurses are pregnany heh....</font>
trinity, jia you babe and take care. can hook up for chats if you are bored anytime

MTBs, anyone has taken jab to help with puking?
i gt food posioning during my last trims..puke non stop..in the end i had jab on my buttok..i tink shd be ok..bt my gynae dun encouage oral medication so he jab me
<font color="aa00aa"><font face="verdana">Trinity,
Hugs babe! Take this time to really rest your body. You're still very young, won't take too long to expect again. We're always here for you, feel free to drop in and chat with us.

Don't worry, yours may be early. I went at my so called 6wk+ and all doc can see was a sac... I believed too early.</font></font>
Kkh nurses are very blur too .. Last time when I was admitted in middle of night and need a jab I think they went the wrong Ed to jab another patient ..

Questions on some traditions. My BFF just given birth, am I not allowed to go to the full month? Some said cannot visit till my first trimester, some said cannot even carry the baby. Any advice?
zenn..i heard before all these..bt im nt a pantang person..i still attend cousin, frens wedding when i just got pregnant..cuz i feels tt preg also v xin ku..if need follow pantang stuff even more xinku..cuz reali alot to follow..bt certain things like hammering, dun cut nails on the bed i can follow cuz v easy to follow..haha..

i tink can carry bb bah..cuz nw i also carry my bb alot..she is ard 12kg..reali v xin ku when i carry her..backache
my cousin who is preg nw told me cannot carry heavy things..bb also cannot cuz will have lying placenta..tis happened to her..be careful
Oh dear.. So many negative comments on kkh. Hope I don kana too
My mum also say cannot go Bb full mth celebration n wedding for the next 9-10mths wor.. She say will "Zhong" wor. My hubby very kiasi.. He even willing to forgo his best buddy Bb full mth.

Divein: that's very serious and scary!

zenn: ya,they said better not to attend any red or white events. sometimes, its the other party that mind. as for carry baby, patang or not, i think its not advisable to carry cause preggies better walk less and dont carry heavy things during first trimester.

For me, its not i patang and so i avoid going all the events. because if the other party is those very patang type, anything happen they will blame you. there are this kinda people in this world -.-"""
