(2013/02) March 2013


I'm reporting here!!!
Saw gynae on Tue. At first he couldn't detect the sac but manage to detect it thru vag scan.


but the diapers is original price? wat is selling $58 in taka? i usually spree online for kids clothes, so much cheaper.
Sun, you can buy Huggins in any price as Long 140. The rompers are 58 at petit beateau. But that day sale 8 each.

Pig pig I am scared of not bein able to find sac so I am
Going later! But you found it! ;) congrats!

wat i meant is the huggies diaper on sales? cos i rather save on the diapers cost than to get a freebie.

Don't worry ya!
Gynae said I'm still in very early stage. Edd around 28 Mar. This is my #3.
morning ladies.. i guess this week is my MS peak period... keep on hug toilet bowl..yucks..

sometimes i puke gastic juice leh..
Pig Pig,

i think the one worried is happymum hehe.


take care! my MS is being subdued. i didnt puke anymore..jiayou!
Winnie, u can try to drink some milk to neutralize the acid. But best to drink before the gastric acts up, els milk will come out with acid.

Celtbaby, do monitor closely. Change panty liner regularly. it shd go away de. Take care.

I managed to get prune and prune juice. But baby rejected prunes ;(
My mouth starts to turn bitter again today. It was manageable for past 2days.
hi ladies,

does any1 feels like there's constantly something in ur throat n there's no way u can get rid off???

feeling so xin ku...
Ai yo mummies jia you dun worry we forget that horrid ms the moment it stops.

Sun... Pop down ue square there's a diaper fair ;) of many brands

Ya I found the crib completely useless took it to take 5-6 pic. Hahah the mattress and playpen were so much better ;)
Thks beanbean, i'll definitely monitor closely.

Wow, you ladies are stocking up already? I'll see what i'll get from hand me downs first.. Haha. My sisters n cousin are waiting to pass me their stuff to make space in their home...
Hallo ladies

I'm pregnant with fist baby,about 6 weeks now. EDD is end of march 2013. So happy found this forum. I hope all of us have a great and healthy pregnancy experience

Currently having my MS,but it last for whole day.hehehe.. Btw, is there any one here seeing Dr Woo Bit Hwa for a gyne??

It could be "heartburn". I had that for my first two pregnancies. It's like something going to flow out from the throat, right?

wah! petite bateau rompers so cheap? but, i'm too tired to go shopping. i'm taking a cab everywhere now.

crib vs playpen - i use both. i put the crib in my room for my daughter to sleep at night and the playpen in the living room for daytime sleeping. the objective is for her to know that there's a difference between night and day.
pig pig,
yar, that something is refusing to come out from the throat...

tried to drink sour plum mixed with hot water.. feels slightly better with the burpings but after a while, it came bac again...

i think u really got heartburn, u can get gynae to prescribe med, very useful. meanwhile can try taking gassy drink to burp more
Happy mum ... Where is the petit beuteau sale?

My MS got worse .. Last time only puke at nights .. Now even morning also puke ... Wk 7+ still got 4+ more weeks to overcome the MS hopefully..
Hi All..

I am 5 weeks plus preggo and just went for my first check up today.. Anyone with DR Tony Tan from Raffles Hospital? i have little cramps and he said it was ok.. Just the muscle stretching ;)
So no worries!
yo mummies..
sharing from my experience with #1

Must-haves for baby
1. Manduca baby carrier!! (baby's second home)
2. Maclaren Tecno XLR (roomy and stable wth 5 pt harness that baby cannot get out of)
3. Good play mat - LG
4. Good play yard - Haenim 6 panels (bb learnt to flip and crawl in it)
5. Tommee Tippee milk bottles (no nippe confusion)
6. Steriliser
7. Pigeon booger aka pi sai tweezer (so easy to kiap pi sai and im addicted to it!!)
8. nasal aspirator with straw (bulb suction one is lousy, cannot suck out much mucus one)
9. eagle brand eucalyptus oil for children and baby balsam (for clearing and preventing blocked nose for 3mth and above baby)
10. Desitin (blue one for normal use)
11. v-tech and leapfrog toys (vtech is very educational!)
12. cot mobile for first 6 months(kept my girl entertained for a looooooooooooong time!! k la.. 20 min max after while but enough to take a quick shower or go toilet when we r alone at home)
13. jumperoo!!!! (build up leg muscles.. actually main motive is to keep baby entertained while i have my lunch/dinner
14. blue egg milk bag from smh bulk purchase (cheap and good quality. doesnt leak or tear)
15. wedge pillow + snuggle nest (elevated wedge pillow minimises reflux and blocked nose in first few months)

For mummy
1. Medela free-style breast pump (this plays a very very very crucial role in my breastfeeding career!!)
3. Huiji Bu Yao Jing (alcohol free so safe for bfing, strengthens body and minimises hair loss)
4. Clarins Huile Tonic to apply on skin to minimise stretch marks.. dont bother with other brands i feel..
5. theraline maternity pillow (this helped me sleep!!)
6. Pigeon breastpad, buy when theres bulk 60 pc on sale 11.90 only. i tried many brands and this is the best.
7. a good nursing cover. i am using pupsik.
8. nursing bras from mothercare. very durable n comfy. definitely worth the price. 89.90 for 2 and im still wearing after a year whereas 20+ for one less than half a year became out of shape.
9. ****** BEST BUY EVER****bra tops from uniqlo!!! its a top + bra in one and v easy for bfing.wireless and very good support. just pull down the top n can feed already. i wear with a loose or light translucent top when going out to hide my tummy but on its own at home. no need to buy nursing tops which r overpriced.

1) bottle drying rack (i leave in steriliser instead)
2) bottle warmer (faster to put milk bag in hot water to me.. but many others find it useful)

update more when i can think of more :D
another must-have for mummy!!!
keeps breastmilk cold for u to 12 hours.
i bring it to work to transport milk home
wow, its great that we have so many experienced mothers here!
i super lost as to what to buy at first, now got better idea!
is breastfeeding really that good?>
Haaaaa Na Na
I notice your bb different fr mine! Mine has no reaction to vtech! And the mobiles.... Maybe the brand matters haaaa

But yes Manduca! I swear by it..... And yes the mat! Wonderful investments ;) haaaa

Can I intro heamin big blocks for mummies with abit more budget.. Cos my girl refused to b in any play pen/yard so the big blocks became an illusion

Bf was one of my post natal blue reason, and something that makes me goes on my knees to cry in the bath room, cos it was hard to build up supply.

However once you get the hang of it, you persevere, you get there. It really bond the bb n mother. My girl has been rather healthy... So yes the crying was worthy.

I suppose u drink milk tea n lots of water helps? Buy a good pump I swear by Avnet duo electric

In all I completely enjoy being mummy ;£

According to my gynae, he advised me to eat smaller meal to cease heartburn. The feeling is really terrible and I can truly understand it.

Besides it is the best food for bb, breastfeeding helps to lose weight. I remember I lost more than 10kg in less than a year while breastfeeding my #2.
Blueswimmercrab: I total breastfeed my #1 for 1 year .. I think Breastfeeding makes ur child much stronger in immunity and develops close bonding. And get to save $$ too haha.
Oh blue swimmer I missed ur question

The crib needs me to bend over put Bb in 2 min later bend over pick crying Bb out. Within 1-2 mth bb out grew it. So i reckon just put bb on bed or mattress or bumper mat, lie there with bb is less ma fan ;)

And it's bulky to get rid off ;)

Haaa na na thanks for the advise was going to get the drying rack haaaa

i swear by breastfeeding. to me, its a MUST DO when u have a baby. like what the rest said, its the best food for bb, well at least for the first 6mths..if u can , can even do it for 1 yr or even longer. It really helps to lose weight. I lost 6kgs first week into confinement because its really stress to breastfeed the first few weeks as u r trying hard to build supply. Thats why a full time helper is really neccessary when u are doing ur confinement as there is someone helping u with any other tasks, so u can fully concentrate on breastfeeding and resting. And like what the rest also said, save $$$$$ !! if u breastfeed 1 year, u no need to pay for milk powder!
Hi mummies, sorry to disturb..

I have a full bumper set to let go at $30, the set can be found selling $49 at current Taka baby fair.

This set is washed but never used, is as good as new. The set comes with
1. Bumper (10.3 inch high), fit 27 by 52 inches cot
2. Bedsheet x 1 piece
3. Bolster x 1 piece
4. Pillow x 2 pieces

Please PM me for pics if keen, tks.
Another benefit of breastfeeding: till now my girl is 13mth+ old and I've never once had to bring milk bottle, milk powder, flask for hot water and cool boiled water out when I bring her out!
All I need is a water bottle (coz she eats whatever I eat minus seasoning now, or I bring a small thermo of porridge if I have time to cook :p), extra change of clothes, diaper + wet wipes and a nursing cover..
Baby wants milk? Pop under the nursing cover :D no need to make milk n rinse bottle after that.. Just feed me with food and water! Haha
Wants milk in the middle of the night? Lay sideways and pull down my bra top = free flow of milk and I can continue sleeping
Baby feeling grouchy/upset/sleepy but can't sleep? Pop in the nipple and baby will b all smiles after that
It's the initial stage when learning how to latch, how to pump and how to build supply that's very very challenging..
I encourage 1st time mummies to read up n find out all u can about bfing first before delivery so that it will b easier for u.. There will b no time to read up n learn after delivery + all the frustration and raging hormones will make it very easy to give up.
But all in all, bfing is a very personal choice.. Bfing is good but there's nothing wrong with formula milk if u really can't bf or choose not to bf

To me, I just feel that breastmilk is something that is specially customized for our baby as its nutritional component changes as our baby grows so its always the best mix for our baby.. No need to worry about stage 1,2 or 3 :D it's something that we have naturally that we can provide for our babies. How much we have depends how our diet and how we stimulate the supply.. If I can provide, I'll provide lor.. Till baby doesn't want anymore.
My baby still falls sick often after I put her in IFC so I wouldn't say bm means free from sickness. But when I'm sick, she doesn't fall sick. Coz if u bf when u r sick, ur body's natural antibodies get passed to baby thru milk and they develop immunity. I'm a sick cat.. Always sick one.. But baby only falls sick when she mixes with the kids from her IFC n I might nt have the natural antibodies needed to protect her from.. Like viral fever, she gets it at least once every month after joining IFC!! Im withdrawing her from IFC already.. Can't take it..
R u on hormone pills? My gynae told me to increase dosage when I spot and to call her immediately. Don't stress... Some people spot all the way thru pregnancy de..
Call ur gynae ba.. And get some bed rest!!!!!
thanks pig pig and sunflower!
i'll try to eat small meals ba..
only going to c gynae on wed.. for the first time... hopefully evting goes well!

I am only going to see my gyene 14 aug but now I have changed it to next wed. I really pray that I can hear baby's heart beat by then. And I pray that my spotting will stop ASAP...

Yup breast feeding has to be read up before delivery and if possible as a bfing friend to show you live ;) or attend the classes ;)

Throughout the Breastfeeding journey when I left like giving up the only thing that pushed along was-- this milk is made solely for my baby. There is no possibility that it's not enough or cannot make it. So I just let it be. Of cos once in a while when I m tired I cheated with fm.. Once 2 mth for 1-2 feed ... Ya then throw whole bottle away ....

In all that we do, it's a must to embrace this journey cos it is so beautiful.
happymum pls see your gynae asap to get medication to stop the spotting. I spotted too and subsequently it stopped once I ate the medication. pls don't delay.
Happymum, please see doc asap ok. I had spotting during my #1 and drag. Ended up with 2 jabs but spotting again few days later! Given another jab and bed rest
I breast feed my #1 till he's 1 year old mostly latch on when I'm around. Now he is having very bad tooth decay and my friend said that her pediatric dentist and doc both said it's got recommended to latch after 9 months as it'll cause tooth decay. Not sure how true it is. But his teeth Is really horrible.

Nonetheless I'm still on for breast feeding! As long as I can
Lynn my friend whose a dentist says should wash down with water. After latching. Or brush teeth ;)

Yup I think I will see my doc on Monday .. Keeping fingers cross ;) things will be fine ;)
Teeth - i think it depends on the structure of each child's teeth. some people are simply more prone to decay while some are not. my first daughter had to have a filling at 5 while my second one still has very clean white teeth with no signs of decay. both were breastfed til they were 2.
hi all! don't leave baby sucking on bottle whole night - bad for teeth. should get baby to drink water or wash mouth after. milk really decays teeth!
Hi all mummies,

Can i join in this forum?
Currently I'm 5 weeks pregnant with my #3.

My edd should be 29 March as per online calculation. I have scheduled my first gynae appt on 8 Aug, hopefully by then I should be able to hear baby's heartbeat when I'm 6 weeks+.

You all mentioned about excessive vaginal discharge, may I check what colour is your discharge? Mine is whitish to yellowish. Is yellow or very light brown discharge considered spotting? If yes, I may want to reschedule my appt to an earlier date...
ya i support medela freestyle.. and it is totally true.. i think i lost weight .. as in my after birth weight is smaller than my before birth weight.. friends asked me what is going on.. and my girl is super super chubby ( totally different from me) so i can say she took all my fat through breastfeeding.. hahhah

but i wished my supply is a lot that kind.. can store a lot of milk.. how to do that ah...
I also believe is up to individual. Now we wean him off bottle and give him beaky instead.

Faith, I also lose a lot of weight due to breast feeding but when I stop I gain weight like mad. This time I must control after I stop breast feeding
Hi everyone...

Second time mummy here. Scheduled my visit coming tues. Hopefully its not too early as my last pregnancy, visited the gynae to early and couldnt see anything and the gynae gave us a scare.

Ya... totally support medela freestyle. My boy didnt latch so i expressed throughout. Troublesome but still managed to bf till 9 months.
Hi all.

I'm bowing out of this group. Had my checkupjust now and bb's heart was no longer beating.

I wish all mothers here a healthy and safe pregnancy.

Oh dear Naddy so sorry to see this. Wish you speedy recovery and rest well.

Wow you mummies move really fast! I got confused who is who already.. The mummies brain never really recovered since my No 1.

I really love my fridge to go and manduca! For the fridge to go please get those the ice pack and be removed and stored in freezer without the bag one. I got cheated on groupon and bot one have to freeze the whole bag!! How to fit with all the food and BM inside!!!

I also bf till baby one year. One silly thing I did was went to the KK free bf-ing class paid so much attention how to latch nv listen properly how to unlatch.. so hoh.. by day one both nipples cracked! so please learn from my mistake! Actually if first time mummies want revision class maybe nearer to edd we should do one class hoh.. and ways to clear engorgement and increase milk supply!

Oh yes.. I used ameda pump it's pretty good to and cheaper. I think most important thing to choose a breast pump is must can control suction power and suction speed.

If there is mummies interested to get a manduca, we can organise a spree from EU. I got my limited edition sweet soda at SGD 190, if we can get 6 mummies or more possibly cheaper.
