(2013/02) March 2013

Hi Sunflower! actually, i know someone's wife whose bb had edward's syndrome and survived up to 5 months then they aborted it after the detailed scan, so actually it can survive (other genetic defect besides down).

so if it is more than 1/250, would u go for the aminotic test? that is a 1/250 risk of miscarriage.
but beside miscarriage, could it hurt the bb?

Oic! Then there must be a few surviving birth defects. Hehe then I think better had it checked.
Scan was good today. Edd shd be 4march as of today's scan

Help!!! I just went to poopoo, and was shocked to see a pool of blood and blood clot!! Not much poo though (sorry, tmi)
Will it affect the baby? Im pretty sure blood is from constipation, but is blood clot common product of constipation too?

Keegeneration, I think I won't get my mum, coz I don't want her to have sleepless nights coz of feeding. I would prefer to sleep too, coz rest can help produces more milk too, keke.

Lim, do try with first morning urine. Hope it's a bfp for u too!
I dont have enough fluids in me but each time i drink some fluids, even half a teacup of h2o + water, i feel bloated for hours! Argh!

Nana & michelle - go go go! I 1000% support breastfeeding!
Cherry - sensitivity to cold.

Not quite. I had serious sensitivity to cold when i was pregnant with my #1. Send me to any place with the slightest airconditioning, i'll shiver like i'm in the dead of winter.

But with this pregnancy and with the weather being sooooooo hot, i want aircon and 2-3 fans if possible. But, the moment i'm in the shower, i feel so chilly and i can feel it right to my bones. I think my body is just so mixed up.
Just did a test this morning and it show 2 faint lines. I thought better to double confirm and so I bought another test kit again. This time round, the 2 lines very dark. Based on my last menses date, 6th June. I shld be approximately 7 weeks pregnant. Now I got a problem, I dunno which gynae to visit. I read abit abt the various hospital. Guess I will go with Mount Alvernia. Any suggestions on which gynae I shld visit? Can't wait to do an ultrasound scan to listen to BB heartbeat! ^^
Bean bean, ya sleep really impt esp confinement need to recuperate more...

Oh cherry, me too... Feel super cold whenever I step into shopping center. I tot I'm down with fever...
Karen, I just visited my friend who recently delivered in mt A. Personally, with all the upgrading and construction going on. It is very inconvenient and dusty.. Do check it out first before deciding.. Anyway, you can get a few recommendation from different hosp and you should go visit before you decide..
if you go to one and you feel uncomfortable, change to another gynae.. Importantly, you must be able to trust ur gynae for emergencies.. If have any doubts about him/her, do change..

Dinner was terrible for me.. Ate very little rice and dishes.. Than hubby took out some salmon and pan fry for me.. Ate until very Shiok.. A while later, felt stomach churning and had to go Merlion out the salmon.. =.= waste money..
blueswimmercrab>> not too sure when they will finish.. but still looks as though there is quite a bit to be done..

my MS only happens at home in the evening.. when i go to work it's perfectly ok.. no nausea at all.. ahhh... how dumb..
I was just thinking isn't it amazing we are going to have so many of us going through the similar journey for the next 9 mths n years to be!

I am kinda worried cos besides not sleeping well, I do not have any morning sickness. My gyene appointment is only on 14 aug.

Any one here at nuh with tm Chua?

Did u push very hard to poo? Blood clot from butt or vagina? If u worried go for a scan to have a piece of mind.
winnie - hugs to you. u only puke once a day? what's the nature of ur job? lots of moving around or mostly desk-bound?
happymum - i'm also having trouble sleeping. all i want is one old comfortable bed at my mom's place.

anyway, it is possible to go through a healthy pregnancy without any ms. one of the shows i enjoy watching is "i didn't know i was pregnant" on discovery home and health. i am so envious of the people featured there because they are not even aware they are pregnant! imagine, a completely symptom-free pregnancy. some of the women were having their 3rd child and still cannot detect that they are pregnant. i;m just so envious.
Faith Fu: I am having the same problem here too! Feeling bloated and fart like nobody business..

I finally decided on my gynae! Dr S M Chua at SM Chua Clinic & Surgery for Women. My first visit to Gynae on this Sat! Can't wait to know my EDD and no. of week and baby heartbeat!

Usually morning sickness come on which weeks? *touch wood* I dun feel anything except occasional giddy, bloated, farting.
Beanbean, u wanna call n chk with ur gynae rgdg the blood clots?

Any ladies experiencing thick light green mucus like discharge? Sry for being gross. I seem to ve it lately. Is it normal?
Thanks sunflower and Celtbaby, managed to get a slot at raffles, gg to get it chk out later coz I'm still v constipated but dont dare to try pooing anymore. Yes sunflower, I think I tried too hard for 30mins! And blood shd be from behind but not sure abt blood clot.

Piky, thought I wanted to engage after 1st trimester, but worried no good ones left too.

Does anybody experience acid reflux? I usually puke gastric juice so was adviced to drink some milk before bed, can neutralize acid. I've tried for 2nights, think it helps slightly.
Beanbean, i read it's cos the hormones cause the intestine to move slowly hence more difficult to poo. If it is bloody I think maybe don't push bah? I scared have piles. Maybe got some save laxative or you drink more milk? Cos calcium and magnesium can help nervous function.

Winnie, sorry too many post, which doc are you with now ah? I'm gonna see Irene in a while!

So far mine is smaller appeitite but still better than my number 1 time. But always feel tired. Sleeping still ok.. I just wish I can sleep whole day! hehehe...

Most prob I will get back my own confinement lady. I will book her once I get my confirmed EDD later. I feel CL are such good investments! Most imp is to find one that supports bf-ing and do not condemn one.. I like my CL she very mild temper one.
beanbean: I do have gastric reflux. Always vomit a mouthful of the gastric juice after a meal. I tried not to have a full meal to relieve this.
i'm a piles expert... ask me ask me!

ha.. ya sometimes will have blood clot and the whole toilet bowl will look v er xin & worrying.. coz is all filled with blood...

do see a doctor to get the pill (is to be inserted into ur ass) or oral medication.. but now preggie.. am not sure if can take a not....

try to take fiber food.. fyborgel, prune juice, papaya (not too much), bananas, veg bla bla bla....

during pregnancy is like that one... be more constipated according to the read ups.... am having history of that.. hopefully it won't get worse...
FaithFu the bloating will last throughout the whole period and some ppl will get worse at later stage. For me bloated is everyday business once open mouth to brush teeth, my tummy bloated liao and cant sit properly becos of the air inside and keep farting heehee

My only solution is fart and lay flat and sleep lol
beanbean: milk also contribute to consipation so normally if i can difficulty to pass motion that day I will try to skip milk for 2 days until I manage to pass motion.
Afternoon ladies!

I'm feeling super groggy today~ without my usual cup of coffee..........

I feel bloated too~ and keep wanting to burp.. sometimes burp until gastric juices come out also

Still having loose stools and constipation also... only thing that keeps me happy is no vomitting for 2 days liao.....

Gals, do you hav vaginal discharge that is more than usual? I realise my vaginal discharge increase.. and sometimes it's like light brownish.... wonder if it's normal.....
girls, anyone start gaining weight already? I weighed myself on the day I got positive on HPT and this morning. Just a span of 1.5 weeks, I gained 1kg. Havnet got any MS (nausea etc) symptoms yet and so is eating normally. Now in Week 6.

Anyone knows how much we can gain for first trimester? I read online (US based) that up to 2.3kg is normal for first trimester. I do not know how applicable is this for Asian Preggie ladies.
missbean, i also gain 1 kg haha but for my size around 1.55m ht small build range is 10-15kg. My#1 i gain 11kg.

for average ppl all around 10-15kg some up to 20kg which is alot but if gaina 20kg baby normally exceed 3.5kg
oops.. I seldom get constipation recommend the wrong thing! i do know when my mum has constipation she increase her cal and mag supplement it gets better.

Yeah I went to do my scan! EDD is 8 March! Baby heartbeat is fast and normal with strong round waterbag at 7 weeks and 6 days!

I am overweight so for my first preg my net weight gain was only 7kg with baby weighing 3.85 at birth. But during my first tri I didnt gain much weight due to lack of appetite..
queenie - i also have lots more discharge these days.

missbean - i lost 3kg thanks to poor appetite and ms. but that's pretty normal for me. for my first one, i gained 7kg. second one, 11kg. but in the first trimester, i would lose 2-3kg.
I hope i do not gain any wt in the 1st trim coz currently not much appetite, if no appetite still gain wt, i cannot imagine the amt of wt i will put on thruout the pregnancy.
Back! Thanks ladies for the info.
Went for blood test and ultrasound today to determine
whether blood clot was caused by internal bleeding. All's well, phew! But confirmed am v v constipated. Think I will load on the list of food u ladies suggested. I have a strong urge to push, but once I tried I will shiver and break out in cold sweat, very jia lat!

Queenie, me! Ive increased discharge esp after I've walking for a while. Sometimes tea colour.
Celtbaby, green discharge may be sign of infection, esp if it smells and itch at vijayjay. Got to get chk if these are observed.

I lost 2kg over 2weeks and hb was concerned so point out to gynae yesterday, guess what's the gynae's reply? Don't worry, u will pick up and I'm sure u will get fatter! ;/

Deborah, ur #1 is of good weight at birth! Must be cute lah, chubby chubby!

Edd brought forward 1day to 3march as of today's scan ;)

My #1 almost same weight as yours! He was 3.885kg and i put on 17kgs! Actually I like big babies , easy to carry . When one mth old , he is like 3 mths old bb , matured hehe

Beanbean, great news ! Don't push so hard la, can ask for lactose syrup for constipation from Ur Gynae.

I tried to curb ms by eating every 2-3 hrs, I think I'm gaining weight soon
Beanbean, my green discharge no foul smell n i got no itch leh. Will monitor n chk with the gynae during next visit.

You try drinking fybogel and eat yoghurt, i also realise im not so constipated when i drink orange juice... Still can visit the loo two days once then no need to push so hard.
Hi all, new to this thread and it it's moving fast!
Tested 2 fainted lines last week with 5 different kits.only clear blue manage to give me a clear sign!

Base on lmp I should be in my fifth week.had gone to kkh twice due to persistent cramps. Next appt will be on the sixth and hopefully able to get the accurate edd.

My #2 with #1 3 this year.
Hi lynn, u tested all saw a bery faint light? I tested with stripe type and test kit. Stripe show bery faint and e test kit show neg.. . M confuse.. nw just wait for another few more days thentest again..
Hi lim, I tested all faint line only clear blue show very clear positive sign. I Google and it says that if the instruction is right, whether it's faint or not, it is stated as long as 2 line means positive! Maybe just hcg too low as early pregnancy
Lynn just get the clear blue digital ;)

Faithfu sometime bloat ness goes after 1st trimester. Hahah I am starting on prenatal massage already. My gf just delivered, went throughout her pregnancy, and managed to skip water retention. The massage lady should have apart in this Cos my gf was so bloated for her 1 n 2. And she lost all her weight from no. 3.

I went crazy buying diapers and baby clothes today hahaha.

Also very excited to knOw soon boy or girl...

Also I have been consistently hungry.. Anyone like that?
Naddy! How come you dun have a comfy bed at mums?

Hahaha crzy me but I do wish I get some horrid morning sickness that will allow me lose weight 3-5 kg hahha so it easiler to handle the rest later.

Any one drinking nan mum? That's the only thing that makes me pukey... It taste like blood!
As usual I can't sleep.... Let's share some of the must have things we had from previous pregnancies ;)

For babies
1. Good bath tub
2. Good play mat I got dwellger
3. Good play yard - Lego looking one
4. Bouncer
5. Manduca- regretted not getting when Bb was new born
6. Changing station
7. Destin
8. A good supportive forum for spree m learning purpose
9. Some good toys- my girl generally like fisher price
10. Milk tea
11. Phyto shampoo for hair lost
12. Pet pet
13. Ikea high chair
14. Combin teether
15. Pre pergo stroller

For mummy
1. Good forum of mummies who shared n motivated
2. Good Confiment lady
3. Spanx
4. Good post natal massage
5.Good detox fr Tupperware n amway- found in spree was upset its fr these but they turned out to be good products.
6. Hip binder
7. Boots milk bag

Unless things I bought
1. Toys claiming to make bb sleep like seahorse fisher price
2. Baby cot- I found a mattress on the floor customer made by kiddy place do much more practical
3. Mobile above baby crib.. Wasted money on 2 sets
4. play pen
5. Sling- totally hurts my back
6. Only materinity dressed n nursing ones - so ugly!
7. 2b cream to slim down
8. Recieving blankets
9. Warmer bag
10. Expensive sophie
11. Sack chair
12. Non slip mat for bathing
13. Vetch toys- maybe its just my no 1. She has no inclination towards them
14. Combo stroller
15. Cheap nursing bra fr spree .. Itchy n
16. Soup cube
17. Baby rocker

That should be about all...
Hi lynn, u tested all saw a bery faint light? I tested with stripe type and test kit. Stripe show bery faint and e test kit show neg.. . M confuse.. nw just wait for another few more days thentest again..

U so fast buy clothes already ! No hands down? Now taka fair, Huggies S size is quite cheap, am also thinking of stocking up.
There is another offer united sq 140 worth of diaper give free little tikes cupcake ;)

I am very kiasu this round cos the last round the hand me down are so big and my baby was just swimming in them ....so this round when I saw petit beateau sale-- I piece $8 grabbed ... Taka selling 1 piece at $58! Hehehhe
