(2013/02) March 2013

Bless baby: call up ur gynae... I had spotting top ... Gynae say it's normal but must check to see if baby is growing and got hb ... And eat medication to relax uterus and stop spotting...

I love black carrot cake!! Just ate and hope it stays in!!

Mummies with #2 .. Any of ur #1 acting up? My #1 dunno whether cos he sick mild diarrhea or what today and yesterday so sticky .. Refused to go half day childcare and this morn cried so badly when I went to work .. Usually he doesn't react like this ..

hihihihi.. just use test strip to test this morning.. POSITIVE!! m sooo happy.. but dont knw e strip type reliable anot... hahaha.. later lunch time must cheong to watson to buy clear blue type.. if confirm this is my 2nd one.. 1st is girl and already 2yr plus.. hope hope is POSITIVE!!!
hi all,

it's my first day back at work since my terrible ms appeared last friday. i had nausea and bloatedness before friday but the ultimate terrible terrible ms only started last friday. now my legs feel like jelly after vomiting so much. managed to make it to the toilet each time i felt the urge to vomit. thank goodness. i prepared a few plastic bags, just in case.

i actually felt quite okay in the morning. but by 9am, i want to die oredi!
HJ - when i was pregnant with my #2 (this is my #3), my first one was okay. she only acted up after i gave birth to #2. it could be because you are not your usual self? kids can feel very helpless if their mothers are not their normal self and if they are too young to uderstand, the only way they know how to respond is by being extra whiny.

my #1 a bit sticky to me recently.. lucky thing is when i go to work, he is still sleeping as on working days, he will sleep with my PILs at night.. but when i go home, he tends to want me to carry which i feel very tired to.. i also worried about carrying him as he is heavy and i am not sure if i can tahan carrying him..

but i havent let my PILs know yet.. so just "acting blur" for now.. sigh.. my MIL told me to wait half a yr before getting preggy because my SIL just got preggy before me.. so i keeping mum for now and see how things work out later on..
Other than being tired .. I behave v normally to him. He knows my tummy has a baby and always want to kiss baby. He is v sticky .. He used to Stick ard daddy a lot but these days he will push daddy away and say only want me. my PIL look after him in the morn and this morn he pushed them away too. I suspect it's got to do with #2..

Dimantz .. He's is 28 mths old ..
hi pinky! will your MIL be looking after your kids? wondering next time, how will i cope with kids and work. who will look after.

anyway, i have updated the table! my doctor talked about hte oscar test and ask me to consider if i want to have it. ugh! i dunno man. like if it is 1/200 chance do i want to go take the test that could potentially cause a miscarriage?


my #1 very sticky to me too. he is always independent..recently like to hold my hand everywhere..even at hm, hold my hand to go bathroom, to play with him, even when im in kitchen cutting fruits, he stands next to me until i finish. everytime must hold hand with him whenever i go.
strange, my girl is not sticky to me leh.. hahaha..as usual she is sticky to daddy.. hehehe..

she is turing 2 this sat..

juz call n ask a CL she quote me 2.3k..argh..

today i wear the wrong dress..it making me got diffcult in breathing... too tight... gonna buy new dress later..
Sunflower: I certainly hope it's just a passing phase ..

winnie: My cl quote me 2.5k !!!

my tummy is so obvious for 7 wks!!
my #1 is turning 19 months in a few days.. my tummy getting obvious too.. dunno how to hide too.. my hunger pangs getting too obvious too.. sigh..

blueswimmercrab>> currently my MIL looking after #1 together with another nephew that is much older. she already mention that once i get #2, she wants me to hire a helper. I also cannot tahan alr.. my boy very active and my MIL let him sleep till as late as 6pm for his afternoon nap.. can dieee trying to entertain him till 10+pm until he sleeps.. bahh..

the thought of having veggies at home really puts me off.. bleah.. been stocking up on food that my stomach can take.. fat fat.. i need my curry and spicy food! anyone who dont feel like eating rice? i find it difficult to swallow rice but love to drink soups or have noodle soup.. find it more appeitising for myself..
pinky_j: ME! totally no appetite for rice~ in fact, i've been craving for maggi mee in curry and tomyum flavor~~~~

My mum has offered to take care of my confinement, but she needs to work half day every weekday, so we have worked out a schedule for her to take care of me and bb in the morning and evening... I will take care for the afternoon and hubz will take over night shift....
Queenie, since ur mum need to work, wont overtire her? and hubby need to work too, nite shift too siong for him also ...my personal preference is that the confinement has to be at ease, so a full time helper is impt to have everyone ample rest. else 2nd mth onward, both urself and hb collapsed.. for my #1, although my mum offers, but i prefer not to overtire her even though she is housewife. she will make tonics and cook ginger stuff for me during confinement, i think thats very contented already.
Berrydelight. Both have their pros and cons la. Can u really trust a maid to be at home with the kid? With a maid it is really a case of Heng Suay one.

My current maid is okay but very blur and no intitative even after 7-8 months of training. Just yesterday she almost wear for my son his pants with no diaper for bed time. This is what I mean by BLUR man. The other day ask her to fry eggs. She fry 5 eggs for me and hubby's breakfast. I really dunno what she's thinking. How to leave baby with her at home cannot la. For me my mum takes care of my #1 in the day and at night i take care myself but these days getting more and more tired man.
I thinking of lettg my parents take care but scared they cannot handle coz old le. Not sure if they can help take care overnight when i return to work. If not i have to fetch my bb to n fro my parents place everyday. both dh n me are not keen to hire a maid at all.
hi all, i am too lazy to go out to buy proper lunch, also dun feel like eating, going to cook korean noodles with eggs and kimchi, had a glass of milk so i hope that is ok. sigh! eating for two is headache!!!!

yeah, my mum has already said she will not look after kids for me. my mil, hmm, not sure, she has not offered. and she is quite the have her own dance / singing programs kind. not sure whether she would want to look after. oh man.....
Sunflower: My mum insisted leh.... say dun anyhow spend money~ anyway.. i need to discuss with hubz also~ shall do so after we shift into our new place in September.....

after maternity will probably look for nanny to take care... i dun trust maids and infantcare at all......
My mum insisted to do my confinement for me even before I was preggy! Haven break the news to anybody yet besides my hb and a gal pal. But I think I will probably get a confinement lady to help out.

Blueswimmercrab, think oscars won't cause miscarriage coz it involves scans and blood test. There's another test that will risk a miscarriage. Think it's usually done if oscars result is not ideal.

Gg for 2nd scan later!!!!
afternoon ladies. hope you're lunching alright. today i'm having tomato based spaghetti. so pleased that i'm reacting well to it.

hope it's a better wednesday for you ladies as well
Beanbean, you ve not told your parents? Me too. But i shd be telling them this weekend. Havent told them coz i travelling so dun want them to nag or worry. Now back fr my trip can inform them le...

Haiz.... Had chic rice, halfway thru cannot finish ... Urgh. Y dun ve such effect last time when i trying to diet...
Celtbaby, ya!! I intend to tell probably after w10? Or after oscars.

I have bad appetite. Eating bread for lunch. I can't down anything these days. Veg, my fav, becomes my worst enermy. Same goes to meat, fish, noodles etc. At best, I mix my rice w soup or curry and some meat from soup and eat. I hope it's enough. I'm basically eating to survive these days.
Is it true that Bb dont need what we eat in first trimester? Their food is provided by yolk sac?
Hello Mummies! Wow so happening here.
I'm expecting my number 2 also. Edd should be in early March 2013. Haven seen gynae yet as I wanted to wait till can see heartbeat then I go.

My morning sickness is more than my no 1, time, but somehow the appetite is better! During my no 1, I lost 3kg during first tri, now I should be in week 8 still same weight! hehehe..

I'm gonna go see Dr Irene Chua tmr.. Looking forward!
few items looking to sell:
1. Avent Sterilizer @$30, good working condition

2. confinement herbal bath @$1.20/pkt

3. baby bath for jaunice @$6/pkt (2 small pkts)

4. Blue bouncer @$8

Please email to [email protected] to deal. Thanks.
rmb this morning i have mac> guess wat, all my mac landed in the toilet bowl.. i offer the toilet bowl to eat..hahaha..

i hope #2 my mum will look after... cuz my #1 she goes infant care till now PG...

Deborah: i was with dr chua last time..
Hi I first time preggy. I 6weeks but last check up on mon there is no heartbeat yet... Is that normal? Hope heartbeat next week checkup
Beanbean, ur mum helping in confinement.. Dunno from my previous experience.. I am so getting a outsider to do it now. A lot of conflict esp mil... But maybe own mum is ok...

I want to hv a fuss free, nag free, care free confinement.. Think all those depression comes from pressure..

Actually anyone can comment on Oscar scan? Really necessary, but heard that it hurts the bb a little... ?!
Oscar is more for women with family history of down syndrome, or if u and ur partner is on older age. Then you can consider going. But , for chromosome abnormality during the embryo development, there is only one type will survive, thats the down syndrome baby. If you have embryo chromosome abnormality, usually will be miscarriage in the early stage.. but down syndrome will survive, so there is a still a risk that any woman can get down syndrome baby although the risk will be higher according to family history and age.

Its not mandatory, but up to your comfort level to do it. Dont think its invasive. The invasive one is Amniocentesis if your Oscar result is not too gd. That is very invasive.
helllooo mummies...

morning i using test strip tested positive(e line appear bery light)..

Just now go watson buy test kit tested negative.. so positive or negative?? sian..

my girl is 13months now.. my gynae wants me to stop coz breastfeeding causes utrus contractions and it is also very tiring.. i had premature contractions for my #1 and gotta be on bed rest for 2-3 weeks till its safe to deliver a 36 weeks. so i guess i'm at risk?
but i went to read up and it says that it usually affects only at third trimester lei.. and that the contractions from bf-ing r not strong enough to induce labour.
but anyway, my girl has been staying at my mum's since sunday night after she was discharged from the hospoital coz my husband is down with hfmd. he got it from my girl who got it last week and had to be put on drip coz she couldnt take anything down due to ulcers at her throat. last week was a very very very eventful n traumatic week for me.. spent 4 days at hospital with my girl and i also got ulcers and fever from her. luckily we r both well now.
so i only latch her on when i go over at night to play with her.. didnt even pump in the day..
somehow i still feel strongly against immediate weaning due to pregnancy. i have always wanted to do tandem breastfeeding.. anyone on same boat as me and wants to continue breastfeeding?
a faint line can be considered positive too.. probably u r still very early in ur pregnancy so ur hcg level is too low to cause the line appear darker.. maybe check again few days later?
it also depends on the sensitivity of ur test kit.

OSCARs doesnt hurt the baby .. it might cause some pressure on ur tummy when they scan coz they need to get very accurate measurements of the crown , width of neck (?? cant remember) etc etc.. its something like detailed scan.
hi MTBs,

im from Aug thread & i have an extra tube of Mustela Stretch Marks cream to let go. im using my 2nd tube now & do not have any stretch marks although im popping next month.

just bought the twin pack at Takashimaya last week. selling at $47.90 including normal post. pls PM if interested. thanks.

Nana, I guess a lot of mummies doing it... But my gynae those type which feel, y u need to do it unless necessary...
I think will just go along unless she ask me to...
lim - dont test too soon. the test kit is expensive. give it a few more days before you test.

oscars - i'm not going for it either.
hi naddy & ladies,

usually you all did e test in e morning right?

Plan to use strip to test then use test kit to double confirm again..lol(kiasu)
Hi nana, to tell the truth, im still breastfeeding my boy. I know many ppl think he's too old (he's 3) to be breastfeeding but i always feel that its a gift i can breastfeed him. That he's a happy & healthy boy is more impt to me than how others view me.

If he weans off naturally, so be it but as long as he continues to ask me for milk, i will feed him.

So mayb u want to monitor first? Cos from what i read (see link below) i think unless u have a complicated pregnancy it should be ok but of cos its up to your comfort level ya.

hi mummies,

wondering if anyone else here is feeling a bit more sensitive to cold surrounding? i've been feeling really,really cold as of late and really can't stand even having the fan
test first urine in the morning cos more concentrated..but if during the day, u dont pee for many hours, also can test. faint line to me is positive, unless its super faint as it could be evaporated line. different brands can be different sensitivity level. just use another brand if u want.

i thought im the odd one, so im not alone. ya im feeling cold everytime. last pregnancy im feeling hot, this one cold.. weird.
Lim: I had 2 faint positive lines from clearblue and watson's brand when i missed menses for a week..... Then waited for another week to test again.. this time round dark positive~ maybe u wait another few days ba~~~
Sunflower & Queenie,

thanks for the advice.. i cant hold till next wrk then test.. lol.. too gan cheong.. hope i gd news tomolo..
re: Sticky baby
My #1 wants me only recently and pushes daddy again. How does the baby know mummy is pregnant?

re: Oscar and Amniocentesis
Oscar doesn't harm the baby at all but there's a very small risk of miscarriage with Amniocentesis. Big, long needle into the sac to get amniotic fluid.

I wish i can press "like" on ur post!
i feel that being able to bf is a gift too! nothing wrong with bfing at 3.. i feel that we should wean off only when our kids r ready to..
thanks for the info on the link

let's press on together!!! moo!!!


I am April 2012 mummy and would like to share my CN with everyone.
She is a Malaysian from Johor. She is very pro in BF and boils tonics soup for me everyday.

She is not calculative and cleans my house for me every morning b4 my BB wakes up. Her cooking are delicious, she even cook for my hubby.

If you are interested to know more about her, PM me and I will pass you her contacts. She has been booked till Dec.

Her charges are S$2300 for 28days. She also make very sweet authentic rice wine.
