(2013/02) March 2013

For the teeth, my cl teach me to everyday make a habit to clean the gums of baby when shower or sponging with soft cloth. So far at 16 months her teeth quite alright.

Yah Beanbean and Sunflower, she is 90% at birth but now 50% only. I agree at birth big and chubby easier to handle. But I also got mummies thumb cos she quite heavy and not used to it.
It was so painful I can't pull handbrake of car leh..

Faith, I put on weight even thou I tbf for one year, every time after pumping i feel very hungry!

I didn't have super loads of supply at the end.The supply depletes naturally when she started solids and I got busy at work. Initially I can one pump like 310ml. I feel the initial establishment during the first month is important. I very kiasu, I will pump until I have like two or three feeds each pump. I feel having help at home, regularly pumping, staying positive and a good diet with plenty of fluids help.

I really salute mummies who still bf when bb 3 years old. I was very happy I stopped bf-ing cos like got back my own time. Thou I miss latching some times.. hehehe..
Hi mommies, congratz to all and sorry to disturb as I have a few items to let go, and all in great conditions:

1. Baby bjorn organic miracle carrier, 9.9/10, in box. Only used less than 5 times. Retail price $350+, letting go mine at $260. Almost $100 off for a brand new looking newest edition carrier.

2. Peg perego 2011 Pliko in stylish black with pattern, 9/10, only wheels has wear marks not anywhere else. Seldom use as I didn't go out much and only delievered end of April. Retail price $750+, letting go at $500.

3. Medela swing electronic pump, 8.5/10, local set so no need converter. Free 3 slim btls(great for initial stage pump n feeding), 1 pack of valves&membranes, 1 pack of membranes. All letting go at $150.

4. Brand new Mom-in-mind ring sling in grey letting go at $25, retail price $40+.

5. Brand new Pupsik pouch in ballet pink, free matching key pouch(retail price$6.90), letting go at $35.

All are great deals and condition as described. Can view item before proceed. If interested, plz text me at 92303928 for pic or further discussion.

Thank you all and have a smooth & happy pregnancy! ;))
Hi naddy,

Shocked to hear this news. I thought u have terrible ms? Did Gynae know Wat happen? Please take care k.
Hi mummies, I'm officially in this thread! I'm a 2nd time mummy. See quite a few 2nd time mummies in the thread too.
Hi mummies,

Yesterday, i had white discharge. I'm in my 6 weeks now, is it normal? do i need to go to see my gyne asap?

Thank you so much for sharing !!!

Stay healthy and happy
oh dear, take care naddy!

white is normal, don't worry!

i am so having the monday blues, made worse by stupid emails over the weekend from annoying colleagues emailing me on a friday evening after official working hours to do stuff, and chasing me for the work like 2 minutes later!!!! =((((
it could be the baby blues, but these things just pisses me off.
Morning mummies.

How are you girls so far? My MS has been getting worse. No mood to eat much. Can't eat A LOT OF THINGS! Have no idea what to drink cept MILO. Drinking plain water will make me barf.

My #1 has been mimicking my vomitting (which was quite cute tbh) but she has been ill throughout the weekend which made me a tad guilty for not being well enough to tend her. In fact, I find myself feeling guilty for not spending enough time with her because of my condition. Really hoping for my 2nd trimester to come quick.
My EDD is not confirmed yet. For you mummies, did the gynae say your EDD is confirmed or will change in later scans?

i'm with you on this. i find myself getting snappy so easily. i think the added frustration is that it has become so difficult to eat/drink!!

my gynae did not say anything but i based mine on the 1st scan prinout which was what I did for my #1. but yeah usually the future scans will show different dates.
hi blueswimmercrab,

thanks for answering. i'm having monday blues too, so lazy too work,, hahaha

hi cherry sue,

my MS is getting worse too,now last for whole day.. i cant eat much and if i want to eat i have to eat spicy food.. i cant wait to go to 2nd semester too..!!

stay healthy and happy mommies
Keegenation, my edd 21/03 now im 6w4d heard bb hb already so happy.

I have already book for my Oscar on 7/09
Morning mummies,

Went for check up last sat and baby still don't hv hb at 7-8wk and too small of size so mostly gone. Seeing dr this fri again. So sian.

I wish all mummies safe and healthy pregnancy especially lot of MS

Hope that can join other mth soon
Haha hopefully my next appt on e 18aug

rgds: pantang stuff

my fren told me no cutting of hair cannot trim eyebrow cannot change bedsheet did anyone of you do all this???
Hi Cherrysue, if I based mine on the date on printout, mine is 22 March. Don't know it'll move to earlier or later in further scans.

Piky, our EDD quite close. YOurs on 21st, mine on 22nd. No lah, can cut hair, can trim eyebrows and change bedsheets. Before confinement, I purposefully went and cut hair as I only washed it once every 2 days. How can don't cut hair? While I tone down on the facial procedure (like no machine), still trim eyebrow cos not much pain. But ask her not to be so enthusiastic in helping me extract blackheads cos sensitive to pain during pregnancy. How can don't change bedsheets for 9 months? If fall sick, and must take med even worse.
Baby2013 thats why i find it rediculous haha don change bedsheet cannot be also wait itchy haha and they say cant cut hair cos cannot cut anything on me -.-"
Haha piky, the old people did say that...
But some hear, some pretend u didn't hear lah huh...
I change my bed sheet twice liao
Hi ladies, i have a few qns:

MC for ms, do you all just go to ur gp to get or must get fr gynae

If need to see the gynae urgently on work day, mc is given by the gynae right? But if given by gynae how to still hide the fact that u r preggie fr ur co in 1st trim?
hi celtbaby, yah, cannot hide lor. coz hte MC will say women's clinic! unless you wanna pretend something else is happening. =(

i also feeling terrible, wanna take MC but i think taking mc from GP can already.
Hi Cherry Sue,
hahaha.. go go spicy food!!

i also cant hide from my boss, so i told him already.because sometimes i feel so sick so i need to ask permission to go home early. lucky he's so understanding. Oh ya other reason i told him,because i need to claim the medical bill, so really cant hide. hahaha...

in my case, i have only told my sup. so maybe you might want to only tell your boss as you might need him/her to better understand your current condition and might try not to overload you too much

ur friends' myth is quite extreme leh..i only hear dont cut anything while sitting on your own master bed, dont shift your bed position, dont nail or paint in your hse..cutting hair, eyebrow, and changing bedsheet is a regular maintenance that we have to maintain our cleaniness and tidyness..i cant imagine dont trim eyebrow especially, become gorillas hehehe..u friend really follow all these in her pregnancy ??
hi piky, yeah, sounds terrible! shaggy eyebrows and unkempt hair! and not changing bedsheet?! there will be a smell after 9 months leh!

yah, i think shld tell boss, but the downside is that if there is any potential restructuring... dang dang. but then again, it might work the other way, your boss may be more wary to terminate you for fear u go MOM at such early stages? not like they would have any bite.
Hahaha thats right she really nv cut her hair for her pregnancy she seldom trim eyebrow so is still ok.
When my fren say no trimming of eyebrow i was like huh for e whole mth cant trim eyebrow then i bringing 2 caterpiliar out so funny nails i go for mani pedi currently i still haven cut for myself yet.

Bedsheet i really haven change after they told me lol...
i even ask cannot change cant be ma dirty leh. if change bedsheet still must do alot of things before changing wor haiz...
Thks ladies for your advise.... Looks like i shd tell my immediate superior soon.. Quite reluctant coz co did not do well last fy, im afraid may ve major restructuring coming up though no rumours yet but i'll not be surprised if ve... Worried....

I doubt co will be wary to terminate lor... I read that as long as u not 7mths yet, they still can terminate u... Complain to mom oso no use, Dunno if its true..
Hi girls i just tested postive last thurs den did a digital on sat, it says 4-5 weeks. Will be seeing my gynae next week. This will be my no.2.
The funny thing is, i dun haf any symptoms at all. Only insomnia, constipation and today lose stools. I dun feel preg at all. Should I be concern?
Hey Melissa, me 2 until this week started. Now keep feeling nauseas n somehow, I think my boy knows something cos suddenly more sticky to me.
Hey Melissa, me 2 until this week started. Now keep feeling nauseas n somehow, I think my boy knows something cos suddenly more sticky to me.
Hi girls, base on online calculation I should be turning wk8 this week.
#2 mummies can you please share what are some of the question i should ask on my 1st visit to e gyane and things i should look for when choosing a gynae.
Mummies .. Had a scare over the weekend.. Was spotting.... Went to check but still cant find sac... So i may belong to april edd...Anyway...about Some pantang things

For my number 1 I did the below
1. Sew a baby book for her
2. Sew and cut cloth for my key pouch, tissue pouch, warmer
All on my master bed
3. Shifted my funitures around the house
4. Took down and put up my masterbed frame
5. Announced to the whole world my babies arrival when she was 5weeks old
6. Attended a funeral
7. Did hula hoop
8. Drank coffee once a day
9. Looked at special looking children
10. Visited people in the hospital

My baby girl came up pretty perfectly made ;) this is not to play opposite to customs and beliefs. Some were done on purpose some were done unintentionally. But I think the one thing that is true is; if mummy is happy, baby is a happier child. So for
Some of us.. Along the way there are going to be many fears please don't scare and burden yourself further with baseless pantang. Pregnancy is a journery of unknown. What most important is how strong and hard the little heart is beating within us. We are already physically tired I urge you to stop listening to other who will cause you further emtional stress.

Pregancy is one of the most beautiful thing that can ever happen to us. Embrace it and enjoy it with all joy k ;)

Naddy I hope you rest will and you will have another once your body is ready ;) hugs .. Am pretty sad the heart beat stopped.. Another will come ...
Spotting ranges fr stains like our preriod to 1st day brownish discharge.
So long it is brown and not turning fresh red and getting lesser, it should be safe. However if this is your 1st pregnancy you probably want to get the check earlier just be prepared that you may not hear bb heartbeat so do not worry that will come in week 6-8.
Mine was a week of really light brownish stains, then sat came abit more and on Sunday, I saw a tinge of fresh red that's y I rushes down A&E.
Actually today as well bed rest and the moment I went out to get lunch n back i spotted. So am back resting and praying for the Lord to guard my womb and child.
Today is the first time in both pregnancies where I have aversion to food and didn't take dinner. Other than that, I have all day quesiness peaking in the evening, but no actual vomit. Feel very tired/ easily exerted all day too. 2nd tri, come quickly!
For both pregnancies, have dreamt of miscarriage and death of someone in the family.... my babies give me morbid thoughts >,<
Happymummy you are really a happy mummy so cute! Pray for you and baby as well.

Celtbaby, seems like your company very scary leh.. But no choose have to tong until you deliver. I found this on MOM website:

2. Under the law, employees are entitled to statutory benefits, including paid maternity leave, within their period of employment. The benefits and protection are extended to employees, regardless of whether they are on permanent or contract employment, or on full-time or part-time employment. In addition, the Employment Act prohibits unfair dismissal at any stage of pregnancy.

I'm not working now, but for my No 1, I also told other people before the end of first tri. Mainly because people take more care of me, then I dont need to carry heavy things also.

Diamantz, its said that if you dream of it and remember it will never happen! Think as mothers sometimes we worry too much. Just make sure you tell someone to get it off your mind. hehehe...
I went to see my gynae today as I'm spotting light brown. Was given a very painful hormones jab and Utrogestan. (Anyone taking that too?) I was asked to bed rest as much as I can and don't carry my two sons. (Therefore, 2nd or 3rd time mummies here better try not to carry your children first.)

My gynae scanned the sac and measured me as 5w6d but too early to see a heartbeat. I'm praying hard that next appt on 8 Aug, I'm able to see a healthy heartbeat.
Angel mummy,

I took the super painful jab last week and have been on utrogeston for 2+ weeks.
Until now my arm still abit pain! My sac was visible last week but too small to determine how many weeks.. So maybe an April baby.. Going to see a new gynae next tues.. Hopefully can see hb by then..
I can't help but carry my #1 lei.. But now not too bad coz my mum brings her to stay over on most weekdays.. It's my work that giving me cramps.. This #2 experience feels different n more tiring than the first
((( ms came much earlier too
Nana-mum, I feel exactly the same as u. Can't help not carrying my #1 as well. 2Ndly I feel kinda bad for him. Like in the near future I'll have to share the attention away from him. This pregnancy made me feel very tired, nausea. Hope all will be well once we hit our 2nd trimester
nana-mum and lynn,
i'm with you ladies on this. i feel kinda guilty already cos the ms is making me all tired out and thus time with #1 is compromised.

i've already decided that #2 will be sleeping in the cot while #1 stays with us on the bed (she's been sleeping with us since we brought her home from the hospital). people are advising me against it but i cannot possibly move her to another sleeping area when she already knows that a sibling is on the way and we can't allow baby to sleep with us cos well, my girl moves a lot during her sleep and we might risk getting #2 hurt.

anyone else feeling this guilt? confused and whatnot?
Morning mommies,

Hope everyone is healthy and happy today. I had diarrhea since 3am, my friend told me to take tea with salt and i feel better now. Hope it's totally stop, i don't want take unnecessary medicine during my pregnancy..

Take care everyone!!

hi celtbaby, hm sorry to disappoint but i think the law is that the company must still pay you your maternity benefits if you are dismissed from your 7th months but not otherwise. if you are unfairly dismissed prior to that, you can make a complaint to MOM but it is difficult to prove unfair dismissal because as pregnant women, due to MS and all that jazz, we are perhaps not as efficient as the other worker =( however, HR people are always rather wary of this - correct me if i am wrong, anyone in the HR industry, but ultimately, everything dpds on your boss and the budget. if need to cut, then some heads have to roll. =(

well, but as kaixinmum says, let's jsut be positive! for those who have a religion, pray! for those who do not, just be optimistic! =)

sigh, i was damn sick this mornign with MS so reached office really late. scared my boss not happy, wondering if i should take the rest of day off as sick leave and work from home, to also let him know that i am really sick... ugh....
