(2013/02) March 2013


Last time I have this DC. But some gynae would not recommend as they said it might damage the womb and next time similar MC might happen.
But last time I’m quite confident with my ex doc at Gleneagles as his skill I heard from other ppl is very good.

After I had the DC, I went to see a sinseh to BU my body for at least 6mths than I try again.
Gynae said there’s nothing wrong with my womb and it seems healthy. But the sinseh said my womb is han. So my baby cannot survive.

So I strongly suggest you go and see a Sinseh to BU your body back ok?
And take care too.

1st day of 7th Month now.
Oohh.. cos now sleeping at my son’s room with my lao gong, I don’t dare to go toilet haha..
A bit scared…
Now I think the whole island is raining. My hubby at jurong earlier on said its raining cats and dogs. Oh oh
guess everyone is sleeping! =) intense craving for curry chicken today!!! i ate quite a lot of saba fish leh - courtesy of my mum. and crabs - but lucky ate the chili crab versions.
haha.. its quiet for these 2 days.
I think MS still the same or maybe a bit better only.
while walking i can do the puking action. can you imagine that?
dunno why when most of ur MS are subsiding.. mine just begin... i begin to feel nausea and vomited my breakfast & lunch yesterday. =(((
ya i find this thread very quiet leh...and always the few of us sharing. usually the thread very active no matter how bad is MS.
yawns.. i just woke up not long.. took leave to enjoy the long weekend...

my MS these days strikes at night... zzzz make me kinda hungry before sleeping siaz...

just now my MIL was telling me... she went to the medical hall n ask abt herbs that are good for preggies.. they recommend 冬虫草 and Pao Sheng... not sure if u ladies know if that's good? She say birdnest cannot buy those v white.. scared got bleach.. better buy those brown ones....
Hi gals,

I'm back! Bz at work plus serious MS.... kept gagging in the office... although nothing came out........ how's the rest doing?

heard my bb's hb on Aug 6~ and going for next gynae checkup next tues~~~
me too hungry at night...

冬虫草 and Pao Sheng is good but i think the best time to take chinese herbs is at 4-6mths.

bird nest, my hse already stock up. haha.. from my 1st one. already 3 years liao le. the medical hall said still can eat as we seal tight in container and in fridge. so no scared. haha..

and its true not to buy too white one. some medical hall they not so honest.
hi ladies hahaha most still doing the puking and gagging actions , me too, can gag and puke as and when. my gynae scheduled my Oscar early next month, anyone also going oscar test soon ?
me too!! i just gag at office and at toilet bowl and while walking. haha...

My MIL say tonics shld be taken after 5 mths... dunno y also... but i noe 冬虫草 is good for mummy and bb....

My mum say bird nest dun eat too much.. wait bb will have phlegm problems.....

I will be asking for the OSCAR test in my next visit ba... i'm now at 8 weeks onli... oh ya.. did u gals submit to company a document to confirm pregnancy from gynae? I was told by my boss need to submit to HR......
queenie: ya.. my HR asked me for a letter from gyane to certify i'm preggie.. but my gynae power... wrote 2012 instead of 2013.. zzz... now i gotta request again during my next visit.!
berry: is there a fb group for the march 2013 mummies? i remember reading in one of the earlier posts......

ok.. so next appt need to ask from gynae...

my tummy getting rounder.... but since i've a tummy b4 preggie, i guess cannot see much difference....
can.. just pm me ur fb email address will do

Im having my Oscar scan and what blood test at 31st Aug. I have to go to 2 places.
My doc said give me a Friday so I can have 1 whole day mc than go back rest. But my boss he don kw im preggy so he thought I coming back half day. Sian..

Actually birdnest to be taken at 4th mths.
But that time my last pregnancy, I took from 3.5mths to give birth. Hahaa…

But for tonic and herbs, its only for 4-6mths (these 3mths only)

I took every week from 3.5mths to give birth.
My son don have phlegm problem. The thing is you have to ensure that the feathers are prick out cleanly else the child will have this problem.
And pricking is a problem. Many hrs. haha.. my husband neck, hand and eyes ache.

First time I heard got to submit confirmation of pregnancy.
But normally doc will confirmed it after we passed the 1st trimester ba? This is the time we stabilized ma.
my company don have HR. so i guess not a issue huh. haha.. my last company have but also never asked. they just ask me to fill up this form so can claim back $$ from government after give birth.
berry: sent!

then my cousin's maid muz be sleeping on the job... her eldest daughter got phlegm problem after birth.. and it's the only time she ate bird's nests was this pregnancy....
hmmmm i think MCs can ba? no need to be pregnant to get MC de lei.... for my case, i'm claim under the maternity section so bo pian need doctor's letter... otherwise, i submit my MCs so far.. is like any other normal MCs
oh~ my company only recognises mcs from company's medical panel, therefore need to submit the proof that i need to go gynae for MCs... also it is to claim for government on maternity leave later on...

hopefully next sun's rally speech wld have good stuff install for us mtb! no need 6 mths maternity leave, but i feel fathers shld have at least 1mth entitlement for paternity leave.. plus more help for childcare costs and delivery costs.....

Berry: i approve fren request liao
many mommies taking bird nest ! yum yum i love bird nest but I am allegic to it, gets asthma after eating, hb very happy cos no need spend $$ buy for me for all 3 pregnancies keke
i hope we got 6mths ML since LKY already open his mouth for us to give birth. haha

for phlegm, sometimes it's not necessary the bird nest fault. it can be the mother's habit of lifestyle. cos during pregnancy if too much cold drinks, bb will still have phlegm after birth. you can request the nurses and docs to remove as much phlegm as possible after birth. important too.
alternative for the bird nest is white fungus.
very good...

i just had indian pakistan food. and surprisingly, i really love that. i think its the spice that makes me finishes all the foods. haha..
hi mummies, can i join u all here.. i'm currently 8 weeks preggy, my edd on 25th march. i have an elder daughter who is turning 4 yrs soon.
she's very sticky to me now, everyday i reach home after work she will just mummy mummy the whole night and the bad thing is i always feel the worst during evening time. so is it really true that the elder kid will be super sticky once they know you preggy? :p
thks sbb will start taking after 4 mths

i jus had mee hoon kueh, infact i have been having tat for the past 2 weeks, very sianz cos i cant eat other stuff

feel like eating you tiao, but buy already, cannot make myself eat it, very jialet
i had curry chicken noodles! yummy but got sick of it after awhile.

long weekend! totally looking forward although i dun have plans yet. i really feel like shopping but lately, not sure what kind of clothes to buy.
mi gg oscar next tue..wish me luck..hahaha..

juz ate my lunch.. i eat mifen.. like not full leh... nvm later eat again..

my ms was better last 2 days.. but today it came back again..argh...
i think you have to explain to your girl and furthermore, i guess hubby also plays a part.

im also feeling bad mostly during the evening time. my son is 3 years old now and he is also like superd glue to me. normally he would want to be carried back home but i explain to him that mummy is pregnant and very xinku. so sometimes back home, my hubby will change and play with him and prepare him for sleep.
mine is 1.9k. first time hire a confinement.
heard must packet red packet for them too. how come to give?
sbb, i did explain to her but she's also very stubborn, just want me and no one else can touch her or her things. only on somedays she will be sweet like letting me rest when she know i got headache or playing and clearing up her toys by herself.
is it still early to start looking for confinement lady? my #1 confinement was done by my mum but i think this time she have to help look after my elder gal don't think she have the energy/time to help me do confinement.
gd to have 1 for someone to cook and take care of you and your bb.

hmmm..than thats tough. but you have to get your hubby to keep playing with her already. get close to her. i guess thats the only option.

you staying by yourself or with parents/in laws?
Hi ladies, ive just join this thread. seems like we have lotsa of mother expecting #2 here?

im also expecting my #2, my edd is on 22 March.

as a working mom, i hope they approve the 6mths maternity leave this year, so we can enjoy next year. hehhe..

Jessi, my girl is now 20months, shes a koala bear since dunno when. but i try not to carry her as much, cos she's quite a big baby.

nice seein you all.. ^_^
where to find good contacts? i guess having a confinment lady is good. even though my mum said she never had one and everything can do yourself.

been asking the grandparents about looking after hte kid in future, no positive replies to date. guess infant care is an alternative - got half day one? or all full day?

sbb, i'm staying by myself but my mum helps me look after my gal. when my mum looks after her, she's ok and only come out "pattern" when i'm around. things like wearing shoes, she knows how to wear by herself all the while but when i'm around she will insist that i must help her wear. hope this is just a phase that will pass soon. :p
