(2013/02) March 2013

Hi Mummies!

Im very very tired also. Everyday I feel as though I didn't slp at all, though I slp at 10plus everynight. Can hardly keep my eyes open at work.
How does ms fee like? For my no 1, I didn't get ms at all. For now I just feel like there's something stuck in the middle of my stomach and my mouth has no taste. Tats all.

i guess everybody wants to go back now. haizyo...
i really hope i can work only 1,3,5 haha..

i got one close colleague said my tummy is already coming out. haha..
i rather feel tired and sleepy than feeling terribly sick. i really envy u gals with no MS..i cant even feel tired because im just trying to cope with this terrible MS.
every pregnancy different la.
actually when im expecting this one, i already standby to have terrible MS like my elder one, but than luckily this little one is quite cooperative. i only have on and off and but mostly night sickness.
We heard BB's strong heartbeat last Wed (7weeks 6 days).We also got a surprising find. Two sacs found! Twins!Its either an identical twins (Got family genes for twins on my mum's side) or fraternal twins from the injectables. We concieved via IUI. We found 1 big follicle and two smaller ones at that time. Perhaps the smaller one did mature and got released.

But one of the baby in the sac has stopped growing past 3 weeks. So only one is likely to survive and that is the Baby we saw and heard the strong heartbeat. It was an unexpected find and we felt a little sad for the little one.But we managed to come to terms that the little one is probably not strong enough and not meant to be our baby. Glad that the other baby is growing well. Doc says the little one is likely to disappear and get absorbed by the body. I googled and they mentioned that this is called the "Vanishing Twin Syndrome".

Going back again at 10weeks+ and OSCARS scheduled at 12 weeks.
sbb, both my pregnancies same leh.. though my elder one is even worse

every life is precious, but am glad that the other baby is growing well. the little one will be a little angel and guard the other safely till full term.
im so sleepy now..my tear drop while am typing this...so sleepy and the Ms is coming back to hunt me liao.. now got a urge to puke...

tummy bloated... help me...
my 1st one although end up D&C it was not good either. 2nd one is very bad too. i have to lay at bed and do nothing. can't even move a single inch cos i will puke. have to take cab to and fro daily. gosh.. this one still better. they said maybe its a girl.. hehee...

my boy everyday go near my tummy and tell my little one not to let mummy xin ku. if not mummy will not play with him. ha..
>.< dizzy from MS. hate to be so whinny to my hubby everyday. he dont know why i keep wanna puke look. puke air puke sour sour puke food gonna puke my intestine out. i didnt take my gynae prescribed medication. i so wanna take cab go home now. 10 more mins!!! charge out of the office door... it's only the beginning! 6 more months to go
Alamak, im taking multi vits already... Shall stop nw n resume in 2nd trim. I shall just eat what my gynae gave me vit b6 n calcium, n folic acid.

So nice of Ur son. So u wan a girl this time ? Hehe. Ya my first one was terrible till I only stomach ribena and nothing else. Not a single food. Ended up in hosp.
Hi Mummies,

I have the below 2 sets to let go.

Clarins Set – SGD 135.00
Set Includes: Huile “Tonic”; Body Treatment Oil (100ml) X 2 + Stretch Mark Control Cream (200ml) + Smoothing Body Scrub (75ml) + Extra-Firming Body Cream (30ml)
Remarks: All are new &amp; unopened except for the 2 items below:
1. Stretch Mark Control Cream. Used about 4-5 times.
2. 1/3 used Body Treatment Oil

Mustela Set – SGD 80.00
Set Includes: Stretch Marks Double Action Cream(150ml) X 2 + Restructuring Gel(10ml) X 2 sample size pack + Specific Support Bust Cream sample size tube(10ml)
Remarks: All are new &amp; unopened except for one tube of the Stretch Marks Double Action Cream. Used about 4-5 times.

Kindly PM me if you are interested.

Many thanks...
morning, ladies this morning when i took train to work.. im almost fainted.. i stand all the way from sem to raffles place... my feet are all sore... haiz.... and while standing i feel like puke....
re: seats for pregnant ladies

How do you feel about taking the seats for pregnant/old folks now that you're pregnant but not obvious yet? It appears that these days some aunties like to tell people to give up the reserved seat to them. If I take the reserved seat and an old folk came along, I'll give up the seat. What if you were to take the reserved seat and a not so old auntie insist you give up the seat, what would you do? Didn't occur to me but the scenario popped into my mind the other day when I was on the train.
hm baby2013, maybe you can tell the not so old auntie nicely that you are pregnant and in your third month and not feeling too well. then, then to the young and strong man (if it is) next to you and ask if he minds giving up his seat? haha that's what i would do if i am feeling terrible and still in a right frame of mind to be calm about things. coz sometimes, not so old aunties can be annoying - they don't ask nicely and just demand it and give you the evil eye like you owe them a million dollars.
I want to like blueswimmercrab post. Haha. It's the really needy folks that don't ask for seat n u feel bad...
. I m at home now cos morning felt terrible.! Can't even sit, must lie down...
Dilemma. On one hand I really want to rest. But on the other I just started this job not even 3 mths. Am worried about taking too many mc...
I actually started to take prenatal multivitamins few months back before I was pregnant.
Haha.. I didn’t take the vitamins doc gave to me. I took mine to show my doc and he said I can continue to eat them.
Any problem if take multivitamins or not?

Yes, he is actually quite sweet but naughty at the same time.
I also realize he keep sleeping near to daddy. I didn’t know if he was afraid that he might kick me on the tummy while sleeping.

Was hoping for a girl but than, boy is also good. Cos they are easier to manage. Haha… in terms of clothing and toilet training.

A solution to that problem.
Keep on doing that puking action than keep putting your hands at your tummy.
Ppl will let you sit. Haha..
I did that and ppl saw that im pregnant and felt pai seh if they took the seat.
If not, at priority seat, ask the person to stand up. I did that once before cos I was feeling not so good and they let me seat.

I was at the priority seat yesterday when I saw a woman sweating like hell, face white and pregnant.
I just let her sit as I was feeling better.

Can tell the aunty that you are pregnant?
I keep my hands on my tummy when I sit at priority seat. I think that’s nature reaction. Your tummy big or not? Mine is showing.
Blueswimmercrab idea also not bad. Haha..

Try laying down at 45 deg if you feel better or not.
Sometimes certain position like total flat might not feel so good to you.
Also try laying at the side.
Ohoh, that’s what company are afraid of when you only started working. You got any confirmation already?
How is everyone feeling today?
Im feeling a lot better recently.
The MS seems to be gone most of the time. Only on and off when during trains ride or bus ride especially after work.
That was one time, I told my hubby I rather breast or nipple sore than puking. Cos its so xinku.
Blueswimmercrab, I like your solution but I think, in general, if I'm feeling alright, I will just give up the seat as it's the easy way out, haha.

SBB, I agree that hand at tummy is the natural reaction. The other day, I rubbed my tummy while waiting outside a shop. An uncle looked at me funny, then I think he realised I'm pregnant cos he smiled at me. Cos my tummy not too big, some people will just think I'm fat and wonder why I rub fat tummy.

Diamantz, if your pregnancy is stable and are just tired, not advisable to take too many MCs in new job. Otherwise, baby more impt. Just take MC if unwell.
i 'cover' my tummy when its crowded leh..pple just push when the station reaches. and most of the time, their bags just bang on my tummy.. hate it...so i use my hand to cover my tummy, if need be i push them away haaha
Im 9 weeks 1 day as of today. What about you.

Sometimes I look at other ppl so that they can offer me the seat. Haha..
I guess no choice cos im feeling xinku at trains.
I don’t know if it’s the aircon or long standing or the crowd.
And the smell of perfume really irritates me. Cos its making me feeling like puking

I just push their bags away too. So it won hit me. Haha..
Its all natural reaction of a mother. Haha..
It's not v stable
dc says I have a pocket of fluid n it could mean that the embryo or whatever never attach properly. He say it can go either ways.
my mood also not good cos of this. am on hormone pills now... Den recently just caught flu from colleague. More mc ...

Anyone looking for day time nanny in CCK, pls pm me. Helping my aunt source for babies to look after.

Just a small intro, my aunt used to look after babies during her younger days before her marriage, after married she is a full time housewife looking after her 2 kids now aged 21 &amp; 18. She's very clean &amp; hygienic.

Do let me know if u're keen to engage her service Mon-Fri with babies leaving at her place. She is staying at CCK Ave 3. Pls email or PM me [email protected]
Hi Mummies,
Seems like the forum is getting more and more active as we progress into the weeks of pregnancy.

The bloated feeling for me seems to have disappeared but I've got no appetite these days. Think of food I feel sick. Eat also like no mood to eat. The tongue also like very tasteless. Dunno if it is because of hormone changes or because I'm sick. Down with a cold/flu. Hope to get well soon. I've also been feeling very very tired. On sun I almost slept the whole day. Mentally not tired but just want to lie down in bed the whole day. Dunno why. Very sensitive to perfumes / air fresheners these days as well. The nose picks up scents so easily...
hi Sbb I am also 9 weeks, i feel MS slightly better but still sensitive to loads of things and still no appetite, so I am wondering if i am really getting better haha

lovebyte08, i feel the same as you !

just hope all these symptons go away soon !
im also.. see food turn me off leh.. v sian...
juz now wanna eat tao pok in the end buy liao dont feel like eating... wah v sian...

i still feel bloated... MS is not getting better..
If what you say, the more you should rest at bed right?
But does it have any effect on the baby? Everything going to be ok?

Yes! The sense is terrible.
Even now, I have problem managing with my perfume let alone other’s ppl.
Worst, than the fried food ppl bring to the bus yucks.
Feel like vomiting.

I think the best thing to be off us pregnant lady is the MS.
Haha.. once that one is gone, we will definitely feel a lot better.
Surprisingly, I seems to be able to finish my porridge and rice these 2 days at lunch.
But when dinner time comes, sianzzzzzzzzzz a lot.

Do you feel keep on releasing gas?
My son cannot tolerate liao le. Haha..
He said how come mummy keep on fang pi. Alamak.
nowadays i really nua, i dun feel like doing anything at all.... i can jus sit there daydream or lie down whole day, its really bad... i think
any mommies feel this way too
sbb yes i also fang pi a lot kekekeke, i am also able to stomach my breakfast and lunch but dinner is a challenge .......i will puke my dinner out and follow by sour water and follow by blood (think from the violent vomitting) then i will zonk out on the bed flat...
I realise that Dinner is also always a challenge. I will not puke it out but like no mood to even eat it down. Eat like feel its tasteless or like no appetite.

If I could I will like to nua the whole day long.
Hi everyone,

I'm here to report. Having my #2. Currently at 9 weeks, edd 19 mar.

So far, my 2 pregnancies have been kind to me. No major ms, just bloated stomach and mood swings. At times, my tummy looks as if 3-4 mths pregnant, very bloated!!!
blueswimmercrab, i was thinking what is FTWM for very long. Google and it appear as Feed Them With Music. LOL. Finally my colleague help me and say it means Full Time Working Mum. Wahaha... I so slow.. =.='''

btw i shld be getting a maid to help my mum. she can't manage bb at night, say too tiring le.
Envy those with no MS. haha..

which agency you approach?
we are thinking of hiring a maid.
my mum got hearing problem and likes to go out suddenly. so a maid is good as a standby to "Watch" my mum and baby at the same time. haha..

my 1st one is half day cc now, half day nn will be with my mother. night time with us. morning i will prepare him to cc. always late to work. ha.
is infant care really good?
how many mths you put your first one?
cos i was also thinking, if not maid, put infant care for half day morning.
sbb- no effect on baby. if have, means will be gone bah...

my #1 in infantcare. #2 will also go infantcare...i hope i never have to employ maid (be it for my kids/ parents)
SBB, if really uncomfortable, then no choice but to see if people will give up seat upon noticing that you're pregnant.

#1 in child care now.

At how many months should we book a confinement lady?

piky let's hope for the best!

isn't half day cc almost the same price as full day cc... my #1 goes full day, but only 9-5 cos my mum is home. at night we take care.

i think with #2, #1 will go school earlier, and come back later. bo pian... sometimes i feel so heartpain when the first thing he does when he comes home is to lie on the pillow ... like so tired from school.

i wonder if there will be 6 mths maternity...
