(2013/02) March 2013

any of u all who's gynae at TMC got sign up for the FBI or SBI membership card? i wonder if there's member discount for oscar scan...

Jessi: mine is the opps of urs.. she reject me totally.. she wan me to help her bath and eat.. better, i can rest.. but my poor hubby got to attend to her..

my #1 is 2yr old...
My gynae is at TMC but he's not in the FBI/SBI scheme. Any idea if I can get discount for OSCAR in that case? Is OSCAR done by gynae? I can't remember from my 1st pregnancy.
Hi Guys,

anyone seeing Dr Tan Hak Koon from SGH?
My number 1 is turning 2 in 10 days...

and I'm due 31 Mar, I think...


Seems like alot of mummies have their #1 around 20 months mark..
just wondering - why do most people like to have kids about 2 years apart? i find that siblings with more years between them tend to be closer as there is less sibling rivalry. your views?
hi all... im on my 12th week.... feeling excited as well as worried. had 2 MC before, thus worried. My EDD 1st of March....
Im KS no choice. Cos from 1st time experience, all massage lady good one all fully booked. Haha..

Infant care has full and half day.
Some even has flexi hrs. you have to check around your area and get the details and check the feedback.

I think every kids are like that. Mine too.
Sometimes when I reach my mum hse early and she is feeding him a bit later, my son don want her to feed him.
He only wants me. Ha.. its tougher for mum when kids sticking aorund us when we are having our MS.

Good what. Haha… let your hubby do so that you can rest.
Cos around 2 years apart, the elder one should be able to express themselves more and I suppose easier to take care.
My brothers and I were 1 and 2 years apart but we were very close.
I think it’s the bonding between siblings ba?

Baby melody
Wa.. you champion. BF until 20months?
Mine is dry liao after I got sick after 3 mths. Haha..
winnie, i also wish my gal will reject me once in awhile so i can just nua.. hehe..

diamantz, do u know how much discount for the OSCAR if we have the SBI/FBI card?

blueswimmercrab, my #1 and #2 will be 4 yrs apart.. maybe i'm the only one here will big age gap between 2 kids. hehehe..

sbb, is the massage lady u booked very good? can share the contact? kekeke..
I jutted out my tummy and a lady gave me a seat without signalling
feel like telling her 'yup I m pregnant. Thanks' but didn't... Happy holidays everyone!
Hi Celtbaby, was so busy with my daughter's first baby and didn't have time to log in... You eat a lot of cheeseburgers and junk food?? High 5* haha... I'm eating a lot of fast food and junk food too! Feel so guilty...
Then my colleagues will remind me to eat healthily... Sigh... I can't help it...

Hi sbb, hope you're doing well... I'm also junk food eater now. Eat already after that I feel lousy... Haha... & I love gassy drinks! Bad bad me... I hope the first trimester gets over soon... *crossing fingers*
Wow, din know there's a April thread already n it is moving very fast haha....

Sufeiya: I junk food all the way, I had mos fish burger for lunch today. Now I can't stop thinking of the baked chic wings n nacho sauce I saw on TLC Kitchen Boss yest!! Laksa is also my fav food nw, I used to avoid eatg Laksa last time coz really sinful, but nw I can't resist, n it does not help that the food courts ard my office sells really gd Laksa!

Nobody offer me seats leh, sometimes I even ve to offer my seat to other preg women or older folks or those with small kids. But it's k lah, right now Its still ok for me to stand..

The haze very terrible these few days hor..... Very bad for us, try to stay indoors...

I think most of us here is 3yrs apart by the time our next bb is borned.

Junk food
I also junk food all the way, but I think it's ok. But 2nd tri onwards we must eat healthily since bb rely on placenta.
I also booked my confinement lady for 2.3k...

Now I feel like puking.. Sian.. Don't wanna waste my dinner lei... Went back my mum's place and saw durian! Wanna eat but no appetite.. Zzzzz.. Irritating
Me too, puky feel is here... N giddy n im yawning away... Its almost time to zzzzz.... but im still out doing grocery shopping, waitg for dh... Cant wait to get home to my bed...
sigh feeling sian suddenly. we had asked both sets of parents (my mum is working, and his dad is working) for help. we even offered to get a maid, so they really only need to supervise the maid, but still, no one is willing. =(

since maternity leave is only 4 months, i feel rather sad that i have to leave my baby in infant care after 4 months. sigh, it would still be super tiny right? but asking for NPL - also afraid how that would affect my job. not about career development, but whether iw ould be first to get axed. my company not doing very well....

i was complaining to my malay colleague about the above, found out from her that she has a fantastic support from her family. everyone from her grandauntie to her sister is willing to help the minute they know someone is expecting. its a joyous thing, and no one is afraid of taking on teh responsibility to help out.

sigh, recall the latest article on yahoo news as to why malay families have more kids - probably that's why.

i know its a generalisation that malay families tend to help more than chinese families. but oh well, i can't help ranting.

I guess is a common problem for some of us. I was sounding out my in laws on hiring maid or infant care and luckily she told me maid.

Nana: fb group is secret do no one can c.. If u wanna be added, email me ur fb email address n I add u from there.
Yes, i guess most of us ve this problem. My biggest headache nw is who is gonna take care of my baby when i return to work. My mom volunteered for confinement. But long term taking care of my bb wld be too taxing on her n my dad coz they r quite old already. Mil is out of qns. maid n infant care too expensive for us.
Long weekend didn't start on well.... Car got bang at the back at a traffic junction...no one injured just that i had a shock n worry bb got scared...
Good evening ladies! I'm 8wks preg with my bb2. My bb1 is turning 2 yo next month. I'm one of the lucky ones who dun have much MS - only once a week and just feel very tired all the time. Recently been feeling very depressed, hope to make more friends here and think of more positive things.

Anybody here is SAHM or planning to join prenatal yoga?
Blue swimmer crab: oh yes, I so envy how closely knitted the Malay families are over here.

Wishy: oh dear, glad you guys are alright. I can imagine how frightening you must have felt. Maybe you should give your Gynae a call or visit asap to give you a peace of mind. Meanwhile monitor closely for any symptoms.

Seems like the confinement and Childcare is always a big headache for everyone. For me, we planning to get confinement tingkat meals and my hubby will be my confinement nanny Lolx. Present plan for Childcare - bb1 goes to half day cc then I will take care of 2 of them for the rest of the afternoon till night. Dunno if i can make it. Just pray hard that i canI grit my teeth through all these. Haha..
Guttering-I also plan to get confinement tingkat and my hubby will be my confinement 'lady'.Haha.After the confinement period,I will take care of bb myself,then hubby over weekend.Hope can manage.
Hi ladies, I m expecting #2 too.. Edd is 26 march 2013.. #1 is 14 mths now and super active.. I hope first trimester can fly pass soon too.. Can add me to the fb group? Thks!
Gutterina: I felt fine so hv not seen gynea... but somehow my puking get worse since yesterday... vomiting watever i eat...there goes my long weekend... sien...
hello...terrible weekends for me.
my son down with so many ulcers at his mouth and tongue. keep complaining its painful and don want to drink anything. mouth becomes so smelly liao le. but at least he managed to finish his meals thanks to the youtube where there has his "shows".

my massage lady is mdm ida.
you can contact her at 94249829.
Hi Celtbaby, guess we're not the only ones eating a lot of junk food... Haha... Reading from the thread, seems like there's some mummies in the same situation as us... I hope to finish my first trimester soon. I'm feeling exhausted and sleepy all the time.
Oh yar, I managed to get seats lately coz my tummy showed up quite fast. Haha... Maybe it's my second one that's why... I try to beam my tummy and stand near priority seats... Going to do that again later on my way to work... Haha...
My #1 is about 14 months old too and my edd is 28march, just 2 days after urs! What a coincidence!!!
It is v v tiring to handle an active 14 month old now right?
My girl is very clingy now and is also just learning to walk so I have to practically chase her ard the house.. Back-breaking!!!
I'm a bit worried coz #1 will be barely 2 yo when #2 arrives next year.. Dunno how she (and myself!!) will b able handling it, suddenly having to share attention with a didi/meimei.. she gets jealous now when I carry other younger babies..
How do mummies with 2 kids manage the initial transition period??
I'm not well... Been throwing out whatever I ate n acid for past 2 days. Can't even take milo n bread... Nor porridge... Now hungry but dare not eat anything... I think I need to see my gynea later...
bb reject all food.
I felt like puking as long as I'm awake. Slept till blur d. hv not been dat bad. I thought shd be getting better towards end of 1st tri. I'm week 12 d leh. The peak seems to start now only...

Best friend for MS is biscuit , especially soda biscuit or wholemeal biscuit. This one is proven. If u no appetite for biscuits, just try to force it down. MS occurs when u are hungry or eat too much or eat the wrong food. So u gota try and error each time to see what suits u. Jiayou.
anyone of you still feel nauseas @ week 13th?
was kinda of better, but suddenly that feeling came back...

anyone feels the baby movement @ this point of time

this thurs..u? i feel like asking my gynae to help me check my bb's neck and nose bridge, then opt out oscar leh..

sunflower, i'm munching some small biscuit. seems to be ok. hope i dun throw out later.

Serene, I'm getting worse at my 12th weeks. MS nvr as bad...
