(2013/02) March 2013

i guess now the norm is to outsource it to either maids or care centres since grandparents are not willing / unable to help and we got to work.

oh well! guess its time to source for a maid or a care centre!

sbb: my #1 go infant care when she turn 3 month old.. till now 24 month..hahaha...

to me ok lah, as long got ppl help me look after #1.. she is quite independent...

piky: y suddenly no HB?

baby2013: i confirm my CL liao... when i detect HB... kiasu..
Don’t worry, It will be fine! Just continue the medication the doc gave you.

Infant care good or not?
Do they really train or take good care?

Now can book for confinement lady already. Just to be ks cos if those good ones, I guess will be taken by other ppl unless its through agency one ba.
Now im still trying for ppl to let me have the seat. Bad hor.. cos i really need it else I will feel uncomfortable and feel like puking later on.

Let’s hope for 6 months maternity leave!!! LKY has comments us to give birth after I think the national day.
So many the 6mths maternity leave law will be passed. Hopefully before we gave birth.
Regarding FTWM,
My #1 was in IFC from 7months (coz I took NPL till 6month then 1 month at mil) and I withdrew her recently at 13mth. She kept falling sick there.. Had viral fever that hovers between 38 to 40degrees for 4-5 days at least once every month.. Runny nose, cough, phlegm also v often.. The last straw came when she got hfmd & had to b hospitalized n put on IV drip last month when she couldn't eat or drink due to multiple ulcers at her throat.. Pd said luckily I brought her to hospital in time if nt she would have gone into a coma in two days.. Babies in IFC r really more prone to viruses. Luckily, my mother stopped working n could help me look after her now.. But with #2 coming along and for more enrichment activities, I'm planning to send her to another cc after December before I deliver.

Now I feel... If can... If u have moms or relatives to look after ur baby, it would b better than sending to IFC. But of course for some, there's really no other choice so have to send to IFC. The choice of IFC is also v impt.. Need to keep watch on how they do things n feedback..
Like the one my girl went, she actually came home twice with high fever at 38.7 and 39.6 respectively and both times the teachers didn't know and insisted they checked her and she was fine. If so, how can her temp increase so fast right?
The first time I found out they r using an infra-red forehead scanning thermometer and feed back to them that it's not accurate coz I've experienced it myself when I measured my gal at 37.9 and she was 39 at PD's . Second time still came back with fever and using same thermometer!!! Summore the next day got ulcers at throat...
Sigh.. Sorry for the long long long winded ah mah post on IFC... But I just have to share with u my experience with IFC and the pains n heartaches I went thru, seeing my girl falling sick every month..
another topic...
These two weeks I have been having lots of sticky yellow discharge everyday!!! Anyone experiencing this too?
It's not smelly nor itchy so shouldnt b infection right ?
Diamantz, then you have no choice but to take MC lor. Baby more impt. Hope you recover soon.

Winnie, SBB, where did you find contacts for CL? My #1 CL was from agency but it converted into employment agency already. So don't know where to find now. Btw, what is the current CL rate?

Re: 6 month maternity leave
If it goes thru, it's usually reported at National Day Rally, is it?
was listening to class 95 today and the three deejays are all against 6 months maternity leave. one said it would bring us women back to the dark ages. this is such a tricky issue for employees and employers., sigh!

Thanks for your feedback.
The infant care center has a lot of infant or not or with other older toddlers?

I last time send my son to a child care at yishun and I realize that they have a separate center just for infant. So they separate the elder with the young ones. I saw that the center ladies are with very good terms with the babies over there. They were smiling and playing with the bb. I guess that is the only one that I saw separating. If you put the old and the young ones together I guess that’s where all the virus are to the bb.

Lingzhi pores and dong chong zao

My son currently at this new child care and keep on sick. Cough and flu every 1 or 2 weeks. I went to buy this lingzhi pores with dong chong zao for my son after consulting the sinseh, one little small bottle cost about SGD 150. After taking, I saw improvement. He has not have cough for 3 weeks now and keeping my finger cross..

they are all guys is it?
if so, than they didn't go through what woman went through. so bad.. by 6mths if after we went back, the caregiver like our mother will be easier to take care of them.

actually most all european countries are adopting this 6mths maternity leave.
Im a vegetarian so mine is a vegetarian one. Haha..
So unable to help on this. But you can go website check or motherhood forum check.
Last time I check got a few agencies, got the one under TMC and one under PEM and etc.

I think its on and off one is it? Cos that time I gave birth 2009 aug and the law just passed for 6mths. Haha..and that is before national day.
But the very last one I think its around march or Apr. cant remember already.
Hopefully pass at Dec. haha..
err i forgot about the caffine thinggy and bought a hot cup of honey lemon tea to drink. sigh its damn awesome though, i supposed a cup of tea douse with lots of lemon will not affect baby.
My girl's IFC is separate from cc section. But the IFC section is fully air-conditioned so I guess viruses spread v fast. Then their age, they crawl all over and put everything in their mouth, always drooling so germs will definitely spread. Moreover, some parents r not so socially responsible coz they still send their babies to IFC although they r sick due to convenience. The center had a few times of hfmd cases and it's always the same girl who got it first and also the same girl whom I always see green mucus coming out of nose and coughin when I pick up my girl. Worst thing is they r of same age so always play together.. Such things really can't be helped.. So... How to not fall sick
Nana mum
Air con is the worst and when playing together I guess the caregiver there should look out for other child also.
I think they are irresponsible in a way and irresponsible parents. What to do.

The center I saw is non airconditioned and windy. If I do not have a choice, than I will send my 2nd one there. But the thing is, its too tiring to handle 2 kids in the morning. Haiz…
i thought my symptons gone liao le. it came back today with a little feeling of puking.

SO happy!! today got ppl let me sit haha
Blueswimmercrab, I bet those deejays aren't parents yet. Once they're working with no family support and child falls sick, they have to take leave etc, see whether they support 6 month maternity leave.

SBB, congrats, got people give up seats to you liao!
yah, it was vernetta lopez, glenn ong and the flying dutchman. tink only fd has kids. oh well, they were saying that if a woman can go on leave for 6 months, then she will be made redundant.
baby2013: one of the deejays is a father of 2 la. 6 months maternity is good to have but just by increasing the maternity leave will not increase the birth rate. Support for a child does not stop at 6 months. We need to also cater to their schooling needs, their financial needs, their developmental needs. Having babies is not just about having an increase in number in population.

Delivery fees area already so high, medical fees for the kids are also high. School fees also high. N1 already fighting for places what more P1 and the list goes on.
I think what they say is also correct. If you were an employer and you have to pay your staff for 3 months of no work as a benefit and have them not around for 6 months but yet they take up headcount and produce no productivity, anyone will think in the same way. If i have to hire a temp to cover the duties, wouldn't cost me even more from a company's perspective. As woman of course we see that its not fair on us but then again the world is never fair la. So at the end of the day see whether employers are compassionate or not. =)
Actually im with the Deejays. they have the point. they did analyse after receiving many SMS from the public. Although im keen with the 6 mths maternity, having more time to bond with the newborn, but if given us a few options to choose, that would be my least option to choose. Unless your boss and company is very pro-family, else its hard to take full 6 mths away from your job. Its very unsure if ur job will be replaced by someone else who hasnt got married and can be lower salary than yours because nobody is indispensable. They can easily find a replacement. As well, in future when you look for a job, they would rather consider a guy than a woman like us who is still child bearing age. If there are a few options to choose, i would rather govt focus on Childcare, Medical and Education subsidies. Childcare to us is important becos we probably have no grandparents to assist in taking care. Even if we do, at the age of 2 yrs, we would most likely send them to Childcare for sch. The fees to pay is quite expensive even after current subsidy for a normal HDB childcare, lets not talk about sending to better ones. Even if we have a maid, they still need to go sch someday. Medical fee is not cheap for babies under 2yo. Seeing a PD would definitely hit more than $100 per visit. Would be good if there is more subsidy for this although we can use CDA. But CDA can be used in education too. Next is education. Having a child to study for the next 20 yrs is exp in singapore, not even talking about giving tuitions if our kids are lacking behind. Lets not add in enrichment classes like dancing, music, abacus etc, those are wat the parents want the best for their kids..but just talk about sch fees and tuitions fees. Childcare, Medical and Education subsidies are longer terms savings for us. So i guess Singaporean are right in making these choices.
Actually I think it all comes down to Asian concept.
I got to know from a German lady, that they have max up to about 12-18mths of ML.
But their salary will gradually decrease upon reaching 6mths ML. So I guess 6mths is still the max.
If European country can do that to their woman, I guess we can have also.

As long as I think woman prove their worth in their job, I think their bosses wouldn’t mind in the end although I think they would think twice. Haha..

Of course, I would prefer 6mths so I can spend more time with my child and my mother by the time should be able to take care of the baby better as they are slightly bigger and able to flip by then.
I also thought of one thing – I think employer is also afraid of 1 thing
It is that the employee quits after coming back to ML.
I think we have to be responsible also. If you are going to quit after ML, than better quit before going to ML.
However, if the company is not good and you are working hard, most woman will quit after getting the $$ back from the company. I think that is normal. Haha..

Yes I got a seat this morning.
So proud. Haha..
For european, they are protected by the law, the union..some countries like germany, they are very well protected..they can have up to 1 yr maternity..and the 2nd to 3rd year can take unpaid leave until their kid is 3yo. but the company is not allow to retrench them, they still can go back to the same company.
i guess its a tough issue - the main question to consider is whether companies can accept 6 months maternity for mothers, an obvious knee jerk reaction from any employer, especially asian employer, is no. so the smses from the public would likely reflect that. its about cultivating a different perception i guess - that staff are valuable and not mere commodities, that it would take about 6 months to a year to train another person for the job, and mothers have a valuable role to play in the company.

i do agree that health care, infant care and education can be made cheaper. no experience in this, but isn't education for primary school and beyond very cheap? its tuition that is the killer. i really think tuition should be regulated or banned lor, or reserved only for the kids who cannot catch up in school. what's the point of teaching less in school if every parent needs to send their kids to tuition to learn the extra stuff. in the end, we end up paying the tuition centres money through our noses, stressing our kids out, working till dead to pay for the exorbitant fees, and getting them in the rat race too early. the only winner is the tuition centres and tuition centres are depriving schools of good teachers.

You know my sister in law said her son is not taught lesson at school.
Instead they are taught through tuitions and than follow up by the school. Isn’t it something wrong already?
I always thought that tuition is only required for students that really requires them.

And further more, they are only primary school kids. And the stress is already given to the children when they reach the age of pri 3 or 4. Its like dividing between the more cleverer and the less cleverer. Oh my.
She said her son request the mother to send him to tuition so he can catch up with other students.
is it dependent on the school? just wondering if it is the issue with that particular school your nephew is in, or is it a national issue.

in my time (muahah like very old), only those kids who could not catch up in class had tuition. of course some of the super clever and richer kids had tuition too, but they were taught mainly the same stuff as in school, and they ended up just doing other stuff during class since they heard it before.

i think tuition / education should be regulated. especially those annoying centres / schools running special programs that claim to enrich your child's brain from a very young age. its just playing on parents' insecurities and profiting from fear. its akin to those breast enlargements ad, no one can even prove it works but they make tons of money just by playing on people's fears.
I hope it is not a national issue.
And I hope it is just that particular school. Currently I only have nephews at primary school now. and from what I know, they are a scorer too.
But my niece, when she is at primary school, I do know that she also have tuition and she is a scorer. I do not know if it is to catch up with the school progress or is either it is too hard.

During my time too, I only took tuition when I keep on failing last time. Hahaaaaaaaaaaa…….. but that is at primary school.
don worry. me too. haha... normally its not the prioriy seat ppl letting you sit. its the other way round.
Hello.. Been a long time since I came in to read forum.. Checkup last fri could see preg sac but cannot detect fetus.. Gynae worried.. So going back next wed to check.. Hopefully at 8 weeks can see alr.. my edd has been pushed back to end march from the last check up.. Wed will see how.. Cross fibers for me!
morning mummies, my nausea seems to come back at times during the day again....
and everything i eat taste really yucky ... haiz hope it passes soon in a few weeks time
Have been a while since I last posted. Been a silent reader
my ms seem to have subsided, thank god! But there's still a taste in my mouth and something stuck in my chest/throat feel. Is this the so called heartburn that pple's talking abt?
Hopefully will get better when I can come off the progestrone supplement.

Pinky, plenty of rest and talking to Bb may help, Jiayou!
Hope everything went well on next week.

Today I don’t have much symptom.
I do not know if it is bcos I forget to take my prenatal pills. Haha..
Hi Karen, Saba fish I avoid cos same category as mackerel.

I still take calamari (same as sotong). Crab I also avoid cos liang. My tcm dr said if really want to take crab, must take either black pepper crab or chilli crab to balance off.
Thanks blueswimmercrab and karen.

Sunflower, ya just now went for check up outcome is the same no heartbeat. No worries this time im quite strong i will try again after the bleeding stop :D

you take good care ok...
i have been through this and i know its difficult initially. and after this, pls eat some tonic to "bu" your womb and your health.
Sunflower i think i will opt for the washing. Don think i dare to wait for it to come out natural scare pain...
