(2013/01) Jan 2013

bdmummy : yea, i think i am very lucky this time round. For my #1, i thought it was quite ok but this time round is even better. Really not pain at all.

Wenyl : hey, i didn't get to have the spray from Dr Tseng, i only have the alcohol solution leh.

By the way, did u get back the long yellow checkup card which we always present to the clinic counter during checkup? Just realised that i didn't get it back, i was asked to pass it to the labour ward counter when i reached there. Now wonder if i can get it back as i always keep all the records for keepsake. Let me know if u have yours. Thanks.

Was walking along the ward corridor and saw bliss ling being wheeled for c-sec now. All the best gal!

Birth Story
Been having sleepless nights for the past 2 weeks, i was either watching TV programmes or surfing the net using my mobile till wee hours each nite, hubby would accompany me till 2plus before he hits the sack in #1 room.
Realised a bit a water sudden came out from my below while in sitting my my bed @4plus, went to the loo and check, and found my panty wet, thought might been urine, so went back to bed again, but within 20mins, some water came out again. So i went back to the loo to check again, and this time round, more water came out while i was sitting on the toilet bowl. And i saw some mucus plug while wiping. Took pic of the mucus plug and thought i can saw it to my gynae if needed. I informed hubby and started to monitor, and at the same time, went for shower, washed my hair, drank chicken eccessen and got myself dressed up when i went to pee and saw some light bloody water coming out. Hubby then went to fetch my Mil to come over to take care of #1, luckily she is staying just 5-10mins away, thereafter we drove to TMC.
Reached TMC ard 5plus, and was asked to go straight to labour ward when i told them that my water bag has bursted. The midwife checked and told me that waterbag was still there, bb is still quite high up, and i am only 1cm dilated. She suspected that i might be having a leak in waterbag instead. Strapped me up on the machine to check for contractions and found the intervals to be 3mins apart, though i could only feel slight cramps. She told me that she has informed my gynae, and he would be coming to check on me around 7plus. Dr Tseng came around 7plus to and saw water coming out, so he asked if i wanna any epi or laughing gas, told him i opt for epi since we were expecting a big bb. I guessed that was my greatest regret; as the epi injection was more painful than anything else. I was given the epi around 9plus, and within 30mins, i started to feel drowsy, sleepy, giddy and vomitted!!!! My bp became low and the midwife started to monitor me. I could feel my lower body started to get numb and eventually felt nothing at all. I immediately asked the midwife to switch off the epi as i knew that i would not be able to push due to the numbness. Dr Tseng came around 1plus to check on me and burst my waterbag, and at the same time found out that i was 9cm dilated, midwife then start to monitor me and asked me to prepare to push when i was 10cm dilated @ 2.35pm, I started to push for 50mins before the midwife asked me to stop so that she could inform Dr Tseng to come over. Dr Tseng came and i pushed for another 10pushes before Dmitri is born @3.37pm. Dr Tseng exclaimed that the bb should be closed to 4kg when he got hold of him and put him on my chest. The feeling was so surreal. I was still ok and relaxed and watched my hubby cut the cord, and Dr Tseng remove the placenta, i even watched him sew! He was surprised that i told him the pain was nothing in fact the epi was more painful. I dont think i have much tear down there as compared to #1 delivery as my bb's head is of avg size 35cm. Whereas my #1's head size is 42cm!!!
Dmitri weighs 3.70kg which is lighter than the scanned weight of 4.065kg a week ago.
started bf last night around 8pm, 11.30pm, 3plus, 8am, 11.30am, 4pm so far. No supply yet, and just managed to see a bit of colostrum during the last feed. BB is quite a natural suckler as compared to #1. But he fussed a quite a fair bit earlier on as i think he is hungry, The nurse has asked me if it is ok to give fm as he is crying non stop in the nursery. So i told her to give him MamilGold but will continue him with bf. Hope that my supply will come soon. Jiayou!!!

PS : the computer in my ward is kinda slow; i think TMC should update it! :p
Ur bb's head is really big ! Gd bb weight too, rest well
Congrats canopyhaze for ur new born bb! Do have a good rest

Hi pfshi,
I hv same thought as you that hospital shd provide gown for stay in patient...hmm,dunno y don't hv...
I assume you must know now to bring disposable panties & overnight pads & yah, mittens also. Bb has grown nails & tend to scratch face so Ned wear mitten to protect bb's face..advised to bring extra.
Are u bringing pump along? No need to bring urs as u can ask from nurse @ a rental charge $20.00 throughout ur stay.
I did rent the pump on my 1st stay so that I can use it anytime.
Jus some advice given;) Hope it is helpful to you
CanopyHaze - thanks for sharing your story in such detail. I agree with you that the epi jab is super painful..and I had an electric shock sensation down my left leg. When I used epi for my earlier deliveries..the jabs were not painful. There was also no electric shock sensation. Apparently this only affects 10% of the people..and this time i was unlucky enough to be one of the 10%.

Rest well now.

Those going to TMC - you may also want to consider bringing some moisturizer for baby. My baby was borned with peeling skin on the hands and legs as she was overdue. I asked for some moisturizer to be applied. The nurse's reply to me was - we do not provide that - you can try the sample in the packs given to you. Quite different from my earlier stays there.
Canopyhaze, congrats on your newborn! Now offload already, can concentrate on resting and latching... So bliss ling went for csect instead? Didn't hear from her leh...

Bliss, jiayou! Have a safe and smooth delivery!

peeling skin is v normal, not due to dryness. this is the water proof protection layer when they are in the tummy for 9 months.
So will peel off after mission completed.

bliss going in for c sect?
Hi chin and canopy, I also have the electric shock sensation on my left side of the body when the epidural was injected for my c-sect.. This is also the 1st time I experienced such pain (was it due to the skills of the anaesthetic?) currently, I experience very bad backache ESP on the left side. Does any of u have this feeling?
Hi hi

I finally hatched my first baby after 20 hours of hard labour. She is posterior and the long dull painful backache I experienced was no joke. I survived w epidural n my supportive hubby. W share my birth experience next round.

Dob: 9 jan
Baby girl name: dazel
Weight: 2770g
Celia, congrats to u! ;)

Canopy & chin, i just had my epidural & very pain also. But i'm more scared of the 10cm pain with contraction. Now waiting for dilation to progress...

Agree that the epi injection was quite painful
, it helped that the operating assistant was helping me with the positioning n sayang me while the epi was administered.

Today is day 3 after my c sec, am able to slowly walk to the toilet n pee. Though the wound is getting painful as the painkiller effect wear off.

Colostrum supply was very good on the first day, day 2 was ok but by last night I feel that baby is not getting enough supply from me le, thus got the nursery to top up with fm for the last 2 feed after my last feed at 11pm and only send in bb later after 8am.
Need to sleep well n intake more fluids to hopefully improved bf supply, right nipple getting a little sore by last feed yesterday also. Hope to get a better latch today. the crying baby when having not enough milk can be quite scary. Haa. Luckily can still send back to nursery now when feeling tired now, the real test will come after discharging tomorrow.

Good luck to all mummies still waiting for baby arrivals, n jiayou all bf-ing mummies!
4season: Can rent breast pump frm Mt A? I didnt knw and jz blur blur trying to latch bb to suckle when the nurses push him to me everytime. Still learning the technique for a good latch. I think I can discharge today
Hopefully PD wld give clearance for bb too.

After bb is discharge, how do we monitor if he has jaundice?
Think my gynae nv prescribe painkiller for me. But the nurses will ask if I want painkiller in the middle of the night which I rejected them. The pain frm wound is still bearable.

Since delivery on 8th, I haven't go poo. My digestive system is no good and prob constipated frm the heaty confinement food? Wonder if poo, will aggravate the wound by pushing?
4season, rental price of pump at mount A is reasonable.. However, during my stay at TMC, the lactation consultant told me the rental is very expensive and advised me against renting from the hospital..
told me to bring my own pump instead..
:: episiotomy ::

Mine already more than 2 weeks but still very pain, yesterday was the most painful day among all these days. Pain till I want to cry, cannot sit properly. So my husband bought a donut cushion for me, it'd help a lot while sitting to breast feed or pump milk.

I already done the check up last 2 days, doctor not yet come so the nurses helped to remove my thread heads ... no chance to meet the doctor. I will monitor another few more days to see if need to meet the doctor again ...
Wow congrats all mummies here who have delivered!

Are you in SG now? Rest well. I understand that horrific feeling of long labour. Let it go, and rest and eat as much as you can now. Don't let the depression get to you, k, babe?

No news from bliss?

Oh yes some react adversely to it. My first snaesthetist was really good. He was the head at NUH and according to him (a real bragged), he delivers epi 'one shot one kill'. He told me within 3 min you will bd all comfortable. True enough. He told me I think you'll deliver in 10 hours' time so I'll adjust it to that. He sauntered in at eight hours and didn't even adjust epi and he was spot on..

the second one was new and I think he was trembling... But he waived his doctor's fee for us coz I delivered so soon I didn't get toenjoy the epi... So hmmm...
Celine > Agreed with you [ the crying baby when having not enough milk can be quite scary ], even now already 2 wks my bb still can hurt me when she is crying during breast feeding .. I have sore nipples all the time, so will apply nipple cream after feed her. May be when my supply is good, I will change to full pump first.

Something I not so comfortable with my CL. After I done breast feed the bb, she still feed her formula. I told her tried not to feed so much, or may be 30ml, she said ok then but still top up more than 60ml formula. I already let bb breast feed for 1hour and bb also stopped to latch ... But she still give bb formula and sometimes bb vomit out the milk after feed so much. CL said my milk supply not enough, so need to sup with formula. But I prefer to let bb try breast milk first, if she hungry then only sup with formula.
Fullhouse, yeap .. episiotomy the stitches will dissolve on it's own but not sure how long .. mine still there - already 2 weeks.
hi all,

i joined the thread during 1st trimester but due to complication, didnt come in for a long time. Thank god that my 2nd prince was delivered safely on 1st Jan. Have been following the thread through out and glad to see many mummies delivered

Pls help me to update my details
Nick: Ryan_Leroy
Gyane: Dr Roland Chieng
Hospital: Mount A
BB #: 2
Gender: Boy
EDD: 13 Jan
C Sect
Actual: 1 Jan
Birth Wt: 3.46kg
BB Name: Leroy
Area: Bedok
Hi pocketpig, agree with fullhouse.. How will the CL know that baby is not full? Baby knows better.. I will only top up FM when baby cries after drinking BM and kept opening his mouth to ask for milk.. Over feeding baby is not good for their little tummy too..
Hello again all!!!! Congratulations to all who have popped!!!

I've been MIA cos I haven't been getting adequate sleep since baby was born and I have no confinement lady - so am looking after the baby at night, and like bdmummy, my baby was nocturnal! - until last night...!

Bdmummy - a friend taught me how to make baby sleep last nite... And baby slept through the night, except for the 2 times i wake him to feed! Not a cry through the night! And I get my 3 hourly sleep, which is very much needed! **touched**
I'm hoping this method is what warrants me a sleeping baby from now on!

The two points my friend taught me are
1) apply RUYI OIL on our palms and rub till warm, and rest our warm palm on baby belly and soles of feet.
2) ensure baby's hands are secured to his body when sleeping. (In hospitals they use swaddle. As my baby doesn't like Aircon, swaddling him will be too warm, so I tuck his arms in his pants)

It worked for me last nite, bdmummy.... Hope it works for u too!!!
We told the CL but she seems prefer to follow her method and we quite hard to persuade her to follow us .. She got her experience and she think need to feed enough plus my milk supply not really motivated
ctrus: fr the breast pump, in Mount A you dun need to pay any rental.. juz borrow from them. I borowed throughout my stay and was lucky that not many pple using it so they left it in my ward and didnt remove it. Else they will push it around to share amongst other mummies too
Just called the clinic to ask if can get some more medicine for episiotomy coz my wound wash is going to finish soon, the nurse told me no need to get more and asked me to monitor another few more days. If conditions still not good then let doctor check..

I thought to try other things like spray -- anyone know where can I get this New Mama Bottom Spray?
Pocketpig - the wound wash can be purchased OTC from pharmacies. I just got a bottle from the Mt Alvernia pharmacy.

My episoiotomy wound still hurts too..and it is already day 5.
Re: Massage after C-sect

Wonderin when can i start the massage. Gynae's clinic mention that i can start now but i am abit hesitant..
Pocketpig, did u eat chicken or egg? Suspect that your wound is not fully healed yet or u might have accidentally scratch it while sitting. Try not to sit so much as the 'dampness 'of the menses make the wound harder to heal. Think u better insist to see doc to check if there's pus. I went for gynae's check up on tues and gynae confirmed my wound has healed nicely albeit still some loose threads around... Asked me to wait for it to dissolve by itself...Confinement lady only started me with chicken essence, rice wine chicken upon gynae's confinement. I no longer feel pain at day 6... Yours too long....

As for your CL, tell her firmly that feed only when baby cries for milk. No need paiseh... Must be firm cos if baby got stomach upset, it is u who suffer.... I also instructed my CL not to feed my ger more than 80ml (I'm currently on exclusive pumping) and to top up one or two hrs later if she cries... PD said small and frequent is better than a lot amt in a go....
coongrats again to those mummies who popped..
wonder how is bliss doing now..

aspialle > Sigh...

wenyl > any help given by MIL or ur mom when hubs is back at work?
ctrus, my DD1 when jaundice turned yellowish (easier to see at the ears & nose area) & very sleepy bb (doze off when latch on).
gd morning ladies!

day 3
pd n my gynae have given the green light to go home. bb jaundice level is ok, and have passed all the tests. i have pooed for the 1st time since delivery. woohooo. now waiting fory bill to be settled.

bliss ling is staying the room oppps of my room
The KKH anaesthetist who did epi for me was good! Think most pple hv epi lying down in 1 side, but I had my epi seated upright and I was told to hug a pillow and tuck my chin towards my neck. Thankfully was not painful and I also did not need to increase it during contractions. During delivery reduced to lowest level so can feel contractions but without any pain in order to push.

My bm yield is better and it us also less painful when I pump coz my little one is very forceful when sucking! So I just pump then bottle feed him instead. At night if i am lazy to go get the pump stuff then I just latch him. So I guess whatever works best or is most convenient

As for feeding baby, the initial few days would be abt 35-45ml per feed per 3 hrs or so, and builds up to ard 60ml. By second week baby may go up to 90ml. Topping up 60ml of fm really could be too much for bb! And worse still if bb vomits, the bm that bb took could be vomitted out as well and bm so precious wor. Maybe can tell cl that doctor / pd says not to overfeed? Some cl like to make bb very very full so they sleep more but how can bb's little tummy than?

I am using the Mama Bottom spray now, it is nice and soothing w a pleasant scent. However in my opinion it is more a 'feel good' product rather than to actually ease pain or hv medicinal properties lei... Hehe not sure how other mummies think?

Thanks for sharing the tip will try it if he is still nocturnal

We are in similar situation coz I hv no cl as well and will take care of bb on my own at night. Last night was better - I just hugged him while dozing off myself when seated on the bed an afterwards then pit him to sleep beside me, so at least can get some shut eye.
Just brought baby to PD.. A very tiring night yday cos baby got nose block..
milk intake also lesser.. Seeing him choking and gasping for air really heart pain..
re: natural birth wound
my massage lady taught me to use saltwater to rinse below twice a day to ease the sore n any infection. it kinda worked for me cos i didn't feel as sore the next day and she could do the wrap for me.

any recommendations for infant haircut? my bb has lotsa hair and i can't bear to shave it as yet but it's getting quite long and probably need a trim to neaten it before his baby shower. but i'm not sure where i can go to... afraid that barber only does shaving..
Hi pfshi, you are welcome & remember to check with nurses for any doubts. As mentioned, the nurses are very helpful
Wish you hv a smooth labour!
Hi Ryan Leroy,
Congrats & my bb girl also born on 01-Jan! I never expect her to pop out so soon as my EDD on 19-01. Urs also two wks earlier
. So happy that bb born on this special date & I believe you do feel likewise

Oh you also received hamper from mount A for bb born on 01-01-13!! They are so thoughtful right
Hi Nickole, thanks for helping to update!
My edd is 7th Jan, but had a planned C-sec on 3rd Jan and delivered my prince, Joel, 3.655kg by Dr KF Poon at Mt A. This is my No.2 baby.

Hi Agnes Tan, my 1st delivery is e-csec due to slow dilation. thus for my 2nd one i did a planned c-sec. Everything runs very smoothly as planned. Op is finished in 45mins time. Just voice out any concerns to your op team and they will handle it. Do expect that first 2-3 weeks will be difficult to navigate around due to wound pain and trapped gas and prepare to get help to move around if needed.
Other than this, just keep a positive mindset and rest more for recovery. Hope this helps.
Jux back fr gynae... Did VE... Cervix closed... Gynae say cannt induce.. Edd suppose to b 12th... She ask me to go back clinic next wk... V disappointed w myself jux feel like breaking dn n cry...net I dnt hv the courage to go for c-sect...

Nw worry if baby wil poo inside,...

Today brought bb to check jaundice at polyclinic. I was so angry becos lab asst made a mistake n took extra tube of blood for nothing. I also feel suspicious y need extra tube , she explained to test liver, when I check with doc how is the results , she said this test not required. When I ask lab, they dun admit their mistake, just tell me doc called, nothing it's ok. I ask what do u mean its ok, are u saying u take the blood for nothing , then staff replied "yes"... So heart pain to see bb being poke twice n nurse squeezing blood out, in the end the blood is wasted....
