(2013/01) Jan 2013

piscean : i started swimming since 2nd tri. I think will stop by end of Nov, getting clumsier.
Thanks for checking on the name of the cream. Will search in pharmacy if not will get it from my gynae if he has it.
Robionson is storewide but as usual cosmetics, fragrances, electronic appliances and some other brands are not applicable.

canopyhaze: bengay can be bought at pharmacy.. i bought a tube from Unity.. cost around $15+.. but must buy the green tube as recommended by my gynae..
Hammiebao, enjoy ur honeymoooooon.... you see if got friends who dont want the voucher. U can use as long as u have Robinsons card.

canopyhaze, idea! I used it to buy my pump (even thou it seemed like an electronic appliance). *haha*

Piscean: the 25% is a discount voucher (capped at a max expenditure of 200 or 300 dollars), it can be used storewide but excludes certain things.
Hi mummies,

Wow I realised that a few of you are 2nd time mum and having to take care of the older one while managing your pregnancy at the same time isn't easy!... I really pei fu you guys. *Bow**

It's my first pregnancy now ard 26wks and I'm just wondering if any of you already have your belly button popped out?

Glad to hear most babies are putting on weight! Can't wait for my gynae appt in another 1.5 weeks time so I know how my little one is growing!

Erm, what is Bengay used for?

Xycartx: Personally I prefer to buy the largest standard size cot I can find i.e. that which can fit matttress 28"x52", which can also convert to tod bed. Coz the smaller cots and playpens get kinda small after 1-1.5yrs. I rememer seeing quite a good deal at the last taka baby fair. Robinsons only has 1 cot/brand I recall. Can also check out Spring Maternity (showroom at Jalan Kilang), websites babytown.com.sg, or even eBay!
bdmummy, Bengay sounds like a heatrub. Saw it in pharmacies before.

Xycartx: I agree with bdmummy. I would recommend buying a cot (covertable to tod bed) - should be the larger ones from this company called Palamax. They were at the most recent baby fair at Expo that just passed. Not sure if they were selling this size. If you want to, you can call up the company to go to their show room at Jalan Perminpin to check it out. I am quite sure their cot cost cheaper than those that Baby Hypermart.

aspialle/Sardonbelle, mine oso... wear tight tee look v funni... :p
aspialle : I see, thanks! Was wondering when mine will pop..

How much weight have you gained so far?
I gained abt 10kg in total , bb weighs ard 756g now, not sure where my fats went to? Lolx
Re: baby cot
Thanks bdmummy & Snowger! My initial intention is to get a 4 in 1 (convertible to tod bed) too... shall go and look ard

Re: belly button
i'm 27-28 weeks now.. belly button haven't pop out but looks like it's on the verge of coming..
ctrus: how you know about the Robinsons Private Sale on 17th Oct? was there a mailer send out?

Robinsons 25% voucher
i call up robinsons to enquire. if you spend $500 from Jan-June this year, you will receive a 25% storewide discount bonus (voucher) capped at 1 transaction of maximum $200. mine is capped at $200 while my colleague's is capped at $500. i think she spend more during 1st half of the year so her capped is higher than mine. this voucher can be used for all regular price items in store. they will tabulate the bill and deduct 25% off your entitlement. Eg, my bill is $300 (25% of $200 is $50), they will deduct $50 off $300. so i will only need to pay $250
Snowger, canopy
Thanks!! Not really baby moon cos #1 going with us! We bring him everywhere cos no one can help to take care and he's very close to us... Haha hope all will enjoy the trip!!
Hi everyone! I've been a silent reader, and this thread has been my other source of support since 1st Trimester! Looking forward to learning from the 2/3 time mummies as I'm going to be a 1st time mummy

EDD: 16 Jan 2013
Gender: Girl
Gynae: Dr KT Tan (KKH)
Robinson letter 25%

Yes, they honour it. and best, it is on top of whatever store discount promotion that is on. YEAH!!!
You know if shears got a showroom for the cots? I know their office in penimpin but dunno if it showcases the cots.


Just visited my gynae yest... Me and baby could do with putting on less weight. =P My precious is 1.6kg at 28 weeks! oopzz.haha.
Good morning ladies!

Gonna check out the Robinson Sales on this Sunday, my cap is 500, so still able to buy quite a fair bit of stuffs. Gonna buy my pump spareparts, bottles, teats etc. Anything else to buy?
wow you still have the energy to go for holiday. I hardly have much energy to shop..shopped for less than 1 hour already cannot take it..must need to rest my leg.
Yiping, the showroom is actually Palmax's office. So they only display the cots that they sell (which is only SHEARS). So if want to view other brands, think need to go to other baby stores/department store.

sunny, Gina mentioned in this thread before shortly after the one in expo ended. From 9 to 11 Nov by motherhood magazine. (My personal opinon is that the vendors will be fairly standard. Having been to motherhood's fair. there will always be this BIG booth at the entrace where they will try to get mommies to sign up for the mag. they will oso give one free issue to all visitors. I only remember some years back, i bought my maclaren stroller from there at quite a good price.
It was actually a "stall" set up by Baby Hypermart (one of those along Ubi big baby store).


wow! that is a huge baby inside u! 1.6kg, i am sure baby looks quite new born liao. Haha.

My belly button is still an outie, but I am so scared of getting the Linea Nigra line. I think it is darn ugly... Ladies, especially first-timers, have yours appear yet?
Yiping - wow, that is a very good weight for baby at 1.6kg at 28 weeks.

Celia - This is my third baby and I have gotten the Linea Nigra line each time. On top of that, i get a dark line down the back of my legs down to the ankles. All these fade within months of delivery for my last 2 babies. Hopefully it will be the same for this one. So not to worry too much..

Robinson - strange.. I got the sms to remind me to use the letter, but somehow did not receive the letter for the discount. No time to go anyway as I am heading for a short trip this weekend till next Thurs.

I am feeling quite tired these days... Been sleeping so much. Slept for 9pm to 8am this morning.. a real luxury, cos usually my boy (who sleeps with me) will wake up at night. He also slept through last night. Super late for work this morn.
Celia: I got linea nigra line progressively when confirmed pregnancy. I also noticed my armpits have dark lines plus the colour tone of my body is uneven too.

Yeah... I get tired easily nw (like gg back to 1st trimester). During my 1st trimester, I'll be very sleepy esp after meal.

iHerb is now permanently offering International Airmail free of charge for orders over $40!

We have also renamed it to Global Mail by DHL. How this shipping method works: DHL will pick up your order from our warehouse, and then pass it to your individual countries' postal service for final delivery.
@canopyhaze: I put on 9.5kg..

@celia:me first timer and linea nigra appeared quite some time ago..getting more and more obvious now..

@chin: thanks! but i really hoping for natural delivery so must control my diet to make sure baby growing at average pace instead of too big too fast. My mum just told me i was a c-section baby cos i was supposedly too big/her pelvis too small.

@ctrus: i also have those ugly lines at arm pit area! Yikes. Hope they wll disappear after delivery.=D
Hi mummies I haven't post here for a long time. How's everyone!

Linea nigra
Mine appears from under the breast and ends at belly button. Lower abdomen is clear.

Swaddling cloth
Anyone bought this? any recommendation?
Hey mummies, I'm back after Mia for so long..
got time today coz on mc after glucose test n gone visit.

Glucose test
Went to Tmc level 4 for glucose test n hemoglobin test. Total took 3 draws of blood with urine sample with 1 hour interval. The orange sugary drink I initially find it quite tasty probably coz thirsty after fasting since 12 midnight. But after half bottle, it's quite difficult to finish. My advice - drink as fast as possible while ur still thirsty n hungry! Haha.. Still waiting for results no. Hopefully no GD..

Baby weight
At week 28, 1.125kg.. Abit above avg range but still within good limits. Mummy gained 9kg in total.

Baby expo
26-28 oct 2012, 11am - 9pm, hall 5a
For special buys, look out for advertisement in straits times from 25-27 oct.
The above info was from a leaflet that was stuck on my car when I visited Tmc this morn.
I also got from palmax. Also white colour, look like "joy" model. But the actual model I bought is called "rejoice". Bought at $260 after discount.
wow, seems like many mummies here oledy gotten the Nigre Line! Mine hasn't appear yet,neither has my belly button pop yet. I am 26 weeks now. Am keeping my tight fingers crossed that it only appear after my preggy studio makeover at 30 weeks! Hahaha.

Pray my belly look nice and flawless for that shoot. After that, don't care liao. LOL
Yiping - my second baby was 3.97kg, delivered naturally. My build is quite big. Do not worry too much... whether natural or C-section, as long as baby is healthy and you are ok, it is not an issue.

Lish_zzz - I got a few swaddling cloths last round. Personally I like them as I am really hopeless at doing the swaddling from scratch using the usual cloth. Not cheap though...if you are referring to the type with the velcro and hood. Snug and comfy for the little ones.
I also hv Linea Nigra line.
#1 started during 2nd mth. Heard if join from top to bottom is a boy.

But #2 is very light while #1 is dark line.

Swaddling cloth
I bought from kidzloft. It's 2 pcs pack.
The other I bought from Robinson as receiving blanket.
Gastric Reflux

have u gals experience heart burn sensation or gastric reflux? i have a couple of episode lately ever since baby is kicking well inside.. *-)
Linea nigra line, mine haven appear too. had it for #1. but now still din see any.. haha.. belly button oso din pop out. anyway during my #1, my belly button was flat. din pop out too.. haha..

Sylvia, join from top to bottom where? u mean from above belly button to below belly button?? mine only above belly button to chest for my 1st boy. no bottom ones.. haha..

Sunny, there's a Parenthood fair on 9-11Nov. and Baby expo on 26Oct-28Oct.

Lish_zzz, for swaddling cloth, for me, if swaddle baby at home, i will just use those white nappy to swaddle. anyway if too thick baby will feel hot mah, so nappy cloth very thin, so i feel its better lah. if going out then will use nicer ones to swaddle.

Hey MTBs, i cant remember who is keen to get the medela spare parts online together? can let me know if u r keen and what are the parts u r getting? i try to consolidate and let u all know the prices if there's any cheaper in any bulk purchases anot. thanks
Hi mummies,

I have a brand new tube of Medela Purelan 100 nipple cream. Expire in December 2013. This is my spare tube when I had my baby in Feb this year. I am selling at $14 including postage. Pls SMS or whatsapp me if you want to buy Hp 91788093

The line start below breast to panty line. That is wat i read.

#1 is not joined at belly bottom, like 2 lines 1 on top 1 after belly bottom.
My linea nigra lines is from my abdomen up then belly button and upward to my boobs. So the belly button is btwn both vertical lines. I'm having a baby boy
Sylvia, haha.. mine only top, no bottom line for previous preg.

Freesia, pls let me know ur Medela pump model. cos freestyle parts and PIS is different. and bottles size. or pm me lor. thanks.

Nickole, JTS when I campared the prices and range available for medela in BP, the BP organised by MegaBabyStore.com and Little Thinkies are most reasonable and prices are similar for both of them. Other medela BPs range more limited or price not as good. I just placed my order with MegaBabyStore.com today.
