(2013/01) Jan 2013


I guess maybe u need to ask ur hub since he hate his childhood, does he wants his children to be the same as him too?

I guess his TV ME time is more important so maybe ask him if he's close to his dad for this type of childhood? let him think.

Use wire hanger? for wat?

Go back ur mum's hse is good choice, ur #1 need the space to learn and accept having siblings.

Must break circle as this is a long term relationship.

Bliss, take care... I do think it is better for youto spend some time at your mum's place too. Being preggy and also looking after your gal is tiring, so you need to take care of yourself and well-being of you gal as well! Dun worry, you can let off your frustrations here!

Antibiotics: The safe antibiotic is Augmentin, which is very safe for both mummy and baby to take.
Thanks canopy, chin, Sylvia and bdmummy.. Strongly agree with u ladies and will stay strong..

@ bdmummy, yup i had Augmentin which gyane said it safe for bb and breastfeeding.. After finished the whole course, my cough stays away from me ...cant imagine coughing til there some sharp pain at the lowe pelvic.. ouch!!! it painful...

@ sylvia and bdmummy, use wire clothes hanger to hit her on the leg.. She is only a tiny "baby" and the pain from getting it as the strength of a man using it...plus it was after she cried and vomitted and while i changed her out from her pant which had vomit.. so it naked skin without any shield of clothes.. Thou only hit once, I cant help but cried and yelled at him.. It definetely not helpful and having FIL to add in the oil to make the fire burn even bigger..

Nw my gal dont want to go back inlaw hse to sleep. She was holding to my mum hand while mil fed her dinner yst while i clearing some clothes to my mum place.. Can imagine the child's fear... My mum asked "papa beat u and locked u outside" , she nodded her head many times.. My heart pain til max nw...
@Sweetdream, my gynae recommend Farlin Maternity Belt which can be bought at Toa Payoh Kiddy Palace about $39 only. Not Kiddy Palace have need to go to the bigger store.
But not very comfortable to wear long hour... I have to wear and remove on and off. I scare my tummy skin will itchy if prolong wearing
anyone using cream/oil

I using Clarins initially but nw use Mustela .. better as it not oily but then the effect of the oil seems better.. My tummy abt to burst lor cos the skin stretches..
Sorry to ask this again... For mummies who had / already sending their kids to The Shichida, what are the stuff they will ask us to get to practise at home with the kid?

Need to attend the Parent education seminar on 24/10 thus would like to know more before attending it

Do u ladies buy it or make it on your own? I a lazy mum who knows nuts abt making Flashcards..

Came across this website just nw..
<font color="119911">bliss, I used to use Mustela too, but have switched to using Clarins cream and oil.
I personally feel that Clarins is better as my skin don't feel stretched after using, unlike when using Mustela.
Hi ladies, just back from tim sum lunch with my friends, now back in office. Damn hot &amp; sleepy now.

Chin : Hi there, as mentioned by our mothers, the facebook group is for regulars who chat here often, do come by and chat more so that we can get to know you first before adding you. Thank you for your understanding.
Bliss : I used to use Clarins oil for my #1, about 6 bottles but still got stretchmarks! This time round, am not using anything, no stretchmark at all.

it will stay in her in her sub-conscious till very old age or maybe even scare of dark room, so u hv to monitor.

Yes.....most guys dun hv the wire circuit to think out of box. use wire hanger without clothes. hit already cry more, vomit cry, it's a cycle, it wont help too.

Hmm.......... thinking wat movie u can watch with him to let him realise.

U take care! We arrange playdates for ur gal to mix around more often, better for her too.

Cream.... my gyane gave me cream cleanser, very mild n used it for #1, so now continue using as find it moist n nt no perm sketch marks after that.
Bliss : i do agree with Sylvia. It is unhealthy to have a small kid being exposed to such violence eg, hit with a wire hanger.
i'm also a fan of Clarin oil &amp; cream.. I like the texture, greasy yet easy to apply! plus the smell... hmm heavenly.. one of the things i miss during pregnancy! ahhaah

Bliss, agree with the rest.. there will be emotional scarring kept inside the kid and it will only manifest when she is older. That is something not very good. PErhaps have a good talk w your hb (w/o your daughter) out of home and compromise on some parenting styles before #2 pops!
Thanks Sylvia.. Would love to have a playdate.. yes yes, it a cycle and i realised that my gal is still too young to understand what is right / wrong at this age. If she can, she might as well be an adult with logical thinking...

@ canopy, sometimes find it too troublesome to apply but if dont apply the discomfort at the skin area.. like balloon goin to burst..

@ tres, sometimes he agrees but when he not in good mood etc, things happen again .. Best is bochap and try to keep my gal away when he watching tv..
CanopyHaze... ok.
Will do so whenever I am more free at work.

Anti-stretchmark oil - I faithfully used up 3 bottles of Clarins oil for my last pregnancy...but unfortunately, stretch marks appeared in my final stretch (pun intended) of the journey..at 38 weeks. Took quite long after delivery to lighten up. Now I am using another brand - Gaia...let's see if it works this time.
Me too, I use both Clarins cream and oil. Cream for day and oil for night. Find that if I don't use them, my tummy itches, maybe becoz it gets dry from the stretching!

Re shichida parent education course: don't have to prepare anything, just go and listen. The class teacher will pass you an order form soon, first timers get discount for buying flashcards from them. You can slowly think abt which cards to buy after you attend the talks.
Bliss ling, did you try the naughty corner concept with your dd and hubby? My hb gets angry some times when my boy throws his terrible two tantrums.... We used the naughty corner method and it works . My boy knows he has done something wrong when we mention naughty corner. But it at least spare him from being spanked by daddy.
Bliss : regarding kindermuskic, went for a trail session with my #1 forum mummies at tanglin mall, thought it was kinda bs. Waste of $$. they simply asked u to walk around with your bb or create music and touch for them. I reckon u can do it at home yourself. My son got bored after 5mins.
I also use both Clarins cream and oil but I abit kiasu so I apply both together. My cream and oil run out very fast now already using third bottles.
Hi all,

I have friends who are musicians and send their children to kindermusik classes. It's a very nice, gentle approach to music I think.. I sent mine to Mandeville, lol I like rigor :p

Of course the other good alternative would be Yamaha JMC, but that's for the older kids.

Bliss ling
Think the hormones are acting up on both you and hb;) talk about it, having personal time together is also good. Have a 'discipline plan' (think birth Plan), and follow it to the letter so no emotions are involved. Eg if she whines, she would ___.. if she screams, she would ____ (eg be made to stand in a corner).. Just follow through without thinking whenever she acts up, no emotions.

Discipline plan just needs a week or do to 'suffer through' before they 'get it', however young. While you are at it, send hb to run some errands, so he doesn't boil over?

ok, let's arrange. Other than mums' gatherings, we hv playdates too.

Yes, she is stilll young now, sometimes she has some frustration on having sibling rivalry but dunno how to express. They tend to be more teh bao and need more play companion with daddy &amp; mummy.

I think for ur hub, when calm, he's thinking logically, but when angry &amp; irritated, his sub-conscious step in so much that he lost his logical thinking to put a stop to replay his childhood on his own children.

dunno filming him when he's angry can help him to bring awareness of his dad's shadow on him?
Bliss_ling, must have been stressful for u managing the violence at home. The method my hubby uses to discipline the girls, I don't agree (cane without first telling reason/ continue beat/cane if don't stop crying), so usually I try not to get my hubby involve to discipline my girls on small matters. Naughty corner, as Freesia mentioned, is useful for my girls. Have u seen Supernanny? She uses naughty corner &amp; reward chart which worked for even very 'naughty' kids, but parents need to follow through the methods in order to work.

I need some advice from the experienced mummies. Any of you started leaking milk already? I'm in my 25th week and just started leaking milk. I think it's really way too early. And it's rather painful now, was having fever last 3 days cos' of the engorgement. What should I do about it? Just let it leak? No need to pump at this stage, right?
@ Freesia, we tried the naughty corner but it didnt worked.. Hub bring her to the room the previous time and it worked.. telling her what is right / wrong.. But the last 2 incidents, he was pissed off cos of not been able to watch the moneyweeks and he always tire.. keep saying he lacks of sleep. Sleeps for full 8 hrs still not enough sleep.. How abt me ?? I asked him and he kept quiet.

@ canopy, oh.. i had one from TYP called me as i sent a trial request form. When was the trial at that time for ur boy?

@ Averie, oh gosh I still stuck with the oil from 3rd mth til nw.. not even 1/4 been used.. simply lazy to use it.. Will have to start using it...

@ Fullhouse &amp; Sylvia, wow.. thanks gal.. Just to check if she asks me to make milk and I did, thinking she really hungry but once milk is made and in the room, she will say " I dont want".. what is the approach I should do or how to differentiate the real hunger or not.

Last night at my mum place, she drank 180ml of milk at 10pm, then 11.15pm, she said she wants milk, pestered and whinned.. so my mum said oh maybe she hungry cos she still on antibiotics. Listened to my mum, in the end, made 60ml of milk, she refused to drink..

I wonder what's wrong ... Perhaps she simply refuses to go to sleep..

@ Sylvia, U are so right....!! Bingo!!.. Yes, I should film it down and show it to him.. However at that point of time, it just off my mind to do it..

@ piscean33, oh gosh.. it must be painful ... My hub will beat then tell her why he beats her.. but my heart still painful thou.. Supernanny, is it a movie..? I check up DVD in my sch library later.. Going to watch it in office later..
not too sure abt it! Wanna call the lactation consultant? IF you pump, you will just increase supply and have to pump regularly too...
Haiza, u fast got milk, so good. How I wish if I can have milk by then baby deliver 1st day can straight away feed.
haiza, are you leaking lots of milk or just few drops? during my first pregnancy, few drops of milk leaked but it was during the 34th week of pregnancy. I asked my female gynae about it and she checked to make sure it's not some kind of breast discharge. my gynae told me just to leave it alone unless it's leaking a lot of milk which never did for my case.
haiza, if leaking is just a bit I think is ok to leave it alone.
But do call ur gynae to check. I don't think you should pump uh...

bliss_ling, not saying what ur hb did was right but I think ur hubby might be feeling stressed (could be at work which he might not have told you). Sometimes, man act like caveman. They go out chiong at work, come home they dont bitch/talk like woman to vent it out. They just want to be left alone (like caveman, go to the cave and sleep/do their own stuff). I not sure how many times ur hb has flared up like that (consistently or is it in recent days). Although many mummies here say there is emotional scar, I feel that it is important now that we bring the child out of it. Explain to the child why it has happened (she may be young but her understanding of things cannot be underestimated). Try not to remind her by asking her constantly if she was locked up in the dark room (u know each time someone ask, she "re-lives" that moment).

With regard to the milk thing, is ur gal still drinking from milk bottle? If yes, I suspect she just want to suckle from the bottle for comfort (not becos she is hungry). All I can suggest is instead of giving milk, why not offer her something else - like a biscuit. Talk to her, cuddle with her before her nap.

I know how difficult it can be, sometimes my hb will also bo tin tin flare up. Usually he is the "good guy" and will go with my daugter's whims and fancies. But when he flares up, he is quite extreme. I am the "violent" partner (between me and my hb), I will not spare the rod (yup I used the "tin-tiao" on her before). I will nag, I will do what it takes for dicipline. Usually after the "tin-tiao" session, she gets an explainantion from me to complete the cycle. So she knows why she kena and where she went wrong. I guess for the diciplinarian, it's just a thin line between what is good for the child (to get the discipline u wan) and what we should just let go (open and close one eye).
Canopyhaze, after gynae visit yesterday, scan showed my bb is head down too. But gynae say the pain around my tailbone area could be combination of many reasons, hormones, inflammation, etc. Got from gynae pain-relieving cream.

Sweetdream, for my tailbone area pain, my belly support belt didn't help lei. Belly-support belt only helped prevent backache caused by heavy belly for me.
bliss_ling, "super nanny" is this lady in UK. She visits family that have children who have kids with disicipline problems. They range from the child being violent, screamers, refusing to sleep, etc. So she comes in and counsels the parents to tell them what to and not to do. Other than naughty corner, she also has these charts for enouraging the children (if u have more than 1 - good behavoir one sticker, bad behavoir minus one sticker. accumulate "x" no of stickers, redeem reward).

I used to use naughty corners when she was much younger (i.e. below 2.5yrs). I will send her there when she starts wailing for something which she did wrong (i.e. i havent say anything, she cry first). So the naughty corner is for her to calm down. She can only leave the corner after she stops crying.

I started to use less of the method. Cos u know what she did? During a trip to Cameron Highlands, she suddenly scolded her teddy bear, then she said "go face the wall". Then she forcefully placed her teddy bear facing the wall. When we asked her what happen, she actually blamed the bear for something that she did wrong. We didn't know what to make out of it. But I had since decided to stop using the method (plus she is now older and can understand btr).
piscean33, u wanna try this that I found effective? Gynae told me to do one.

1) Sit on a stable chair.
2) Pull up one side of ur legs, folding it towards ur chest. (i.e. the Thighs will be resting on ur chest) pull it in as much as u can, don't worry bb wont be squashed.
3) Then push your folded legs towards the centre (i.e. for left leg, u push the legs to the right. )
Thanks Averie ! :)

@piscean: gosh now confused whether to get it.. other hand, left 3 mth plus. I will see how it goes. maybe when i visit gynae n see what he say.

I feel having #2 is more tiring than #1. gosh.. so tired everyday. Now i also dont use any cream cos #1 used but still seen stretch marks.

GOod wednesday ahead all mummies!!

this also happ to me, I even had request to see udon at 12 midnight, cooked and then eat 1-2 mouth and tell me full.

So I prep biscuits in the night before sleeping. It might be just for the need to suck or can be brain sign indicate hungry, when u made, tummy reject the feeding part. Or it can be when they fin the 1st round, brain still show "hungry", by the time u prep n tummy rcv the amt and inform "full"

U can try, I think filming is good as evidence of wat he did n let him in calm mode see how he reacts.

As for emotional scar, it's to bring awareness and guide her to protect herself and also allow her to understand that give dad time to fin his tv before playing. That's why ask u monitor as diff kid will react differenly, some will drawnback n be very reserved. She can recover but need to know what's her situation and state of mind.
Bliss_ling, Supernanny was aired in S'pore few yrs ago. It's a reality TV program fr UK about a professional nanny, Jo Frost, who helped parents who are struggling with disobedient young children. She mainly set routines, planning family time, enforce discipline method (naughty corner), set reward system for children, etc. she wrote a few books on it too.

For your girl, is it that she wants attention from you? For my 2nd DD, she needs me to be beside her to fall asleep when she was younger like between 1-4 years old. Then good for me, fall asleep with her too (then wake up later to do unfinished housechores/ get ready for next day).
Snowger, thanks
, is that a stretching method u do everyday, or do when feel the pain?

Sweetdream, I personally feel the belt will be worth every cent, because our belly will be more and more heavy in 3rd trimester. For mine, it don't cover the whole belly, only a strap, and I even used it (after natural delivery) to support my loose belly.
bliss : I think my son was abt 1yr plus when i went for the trial session.

Piscean : Thanks. Must get the cream from my gynae the next visit. So how heavy is your bb now? and how many weeks are you?
Canopyhaze, my scan at 26wk3d showed bb est. weight 875g. Is about 50g heavier than my girls at same gestation period, but my weight is 3kg heavier (total gained 10kg so far). Mainly due not not exercising at all, as I don't eat alot.
piscean : ok, mine was 1002g @ wk26, i gained 3kg as well, total weight gained abt 8kg so far. These days i cut down on rice, and switched to all brown rice &amp; wholemeal bread. I swim weekly and do walks with my hubby &amp; son. Hope that will help to curb the weigh gain.
canopy > sigh... till now, my total weight gain is 9kg and I am at 23 weeks plus. Bb weighs nearly 700g...

been on mixture of white and brown rice, wholemeal bread since starting of pregnancy..
ops.. Didnt exerise.
xinyue: my exercise is oso quite minimal. But i think i walk a lot during work, and oso my car was parked quite far from my office, i need to walk to &amp; fro. Nonetheless, i have stopped driving since starting of this month.
dun worry mummies.... you are not the only 1, i also gained almost 8 kgs liao and bb is only 880 gms at wk 25!
I so gonna breastfeed to lose the weight sia! If not, dun know how to lose weight!
canopy > I see.. minimal exercise is better than no exercise! for me, my office is a 5-10min walk away from MRT station, need to climb up 4 flights of stairs to reach office.. wonder is that considered exercise..

tres > lol.. think the weight gain is more for 2nd times or more mummies??

I am lazy to apply any lotion, so far dun have any stretchmark .. is it because still earlier or because I originally not the slim person?

haiza, how d u confirm is leaking milk? d u chk with your gynae or may be just breast discharge? I happened to have some breast discharge few wks ago, so need to clean more often ...

My next check up is next week which also my 7th month (28 weeks), i.e. this will be my last week of 2nd trimester.
This Friday will start to attend the children education course at Thomson - first class is Physical &amp; Mental Preparation. Yesterday received sms reminder from ParentCraft Center, asked me to wear comfortable pants for lessions 1 to 3 ...

Sometimes feel really angry, cannot find a comfortable pants .. I thought if can save money, not to purchase pregnancy pants but currently all my pants were not able to wear. Even for those stretchable pants, the baby will keep kicking when it is tight, I only feel comfortable to wear dress. Really upset sometimes when see my big tummy ... especially noone give seat in the bus stop or inside the bus. Mood getting bad recently ...
