(2013/01) Jan 2013

hi ladies
done w my gynae visit.everythings fine.phew.only got to see him in a month's time.yeah less nerve wrecking nw.

btw might just skip the oscar.gynae mentioned smthg that makes sense.if im nt going for amnio,then going for oscar is really just to get a percentage to make you feel good or scare yourself.

anyway for those who are under dr ong just do oscar in the clinic.dun need special apptm.

Celia, for my no 1, during the 2nd scan, the EDD appeared on the screen was 4 days later than the original date given. But my gynae said follow the first EDD cos the revised EDD was due to the size of the baby...
Is oscar optional? The clinic makes it sound like it is compulsory. They just called and gave me a date (i cannotchoose) but it is during the final audit period. I feel bad to go away for half day during the busiest period.
cool, my prediction is a boy!!!
it will be good if it's true, then I will have a 好 too and then can consider 'close shop'!!
morning mummies..

Canopy, wah.. u got "liao"4!! hahaha.. I like maidenform bras too.. actually much more comfy than M&S..

Re Cup Size
my cup size also increase by 2-3 cups from 38C to 40DD when i was preg with #1.. but after breast feeding, my cup size drop 1 cup from original size.. some more sag, like no elasticity..

Fabbie, ^5 haha.. register under hubby's name just to get the gift pack.. =P btw the table is not updated with my info yet.. Dr Yvonne Chan, TMC.. Can help me update? Thanks!

Komathi, i also thought of staying at home.. but my hubby will be stressed as he will be the only one bringing the bacon home.. Tot I could share some financial burden with him too.. and i can get my own allowance.. no need to keep asking hubby for money.. hahaha.. hubby mentioned if i quit, he will only gimme $500 monthly.. eks.. cannot survive!! haha..

tres, that's great!! my last visit, couldn't see hands and legs.. gynae say it's still budding.. my next visit is in 1.5 weeks time.. haiz.. seems very long..

This morning feeling very tired, with flu and having very bad backache.. took cab to office.. sigh, i think i will be spending alot of cab fare in the next few months..
hihi mummies

I'm new here, currently 8 weeks 5 days now and i'm on MC again due to on off spotting.
although doc says its normal but still quite worrying.

I'd also like to thanks all mummies for sharing infos to newbies like me
Fullhouse - I miss being able to eat what I want too! And ya, will be treating my family to a yummy dinner cos we all love the food there!
i tried using my age (b4 bdae), it's a boy...
if i tried using my age (based on year), it's a girl.. like probably of girl higher?? hahaha
<font color="aa00aa">emmie: which one is u? Emily Fong is it? LOL sorry.. later at night will change back. hee oh ya same with Dr Adrian! so when is ya next visit?

shice: haha bo pian I'm thinking if no.3 liao who should we be putting haha okay will update ya list at night ya?

This morning so hard to come to work sia.. and so hard to breathe… damn hate this feeling.. like in the mrt wana vomit wana vomit like that. but i try to burp instead.. sigh</font>
manage to finish my breakfast and mos burger lunch today without puking it out!
not feeling much MS symptoms except bloatedness after eating. i'm in 7 week today!
woo yeah! lesser MS for u.

re: gynae visit
still 1 more mth before can visit gynae &amp; see bb again... hope by then can see hands &amp; legs le... i'm in my wk9 today! countering MS still... -_-"
<font color="0000ff">had 3 “breakfast” today… and have puke 3 times already.. haiz.. just ate my lunch.. I hope I can manage to keep it inside me.. (>_<”) </font>
jo, yup! so happy! but also feeling abit "out of place" that the MS symptoms seems gone. haha i don't know what i want. feel so sick when i have MS but feel weird without it. 12 more days before i visit the gynae and see bb. will be in 9week then. also hope can see hands and legs! haha
*yawn* sleepy w nausea feel is so terrible~!

Thur... tml Fri... weekend coming... can slp n slp... missing e bed!
btw wanna ask, is there anything we can eat that results in more hair for baby? My #1 is already 14+ months and still not much hair..
<font color="119911">shice: My fren's boy already 16mths and still not much hair too.
What she did is shave his head and it did grow abit more... So she will probably shave his head agn so that more can grow.
Maybe you can try shaving too if yours is a boy? </font>
<font color="0000ff">haiz~ lunch is out of me … so tiring from all the puking.. can’t wait for weekend to come as well. 2.40pm.. about another 3 hrs to go for the end of day to come.. (>_<) </font>
Good afternoon ladies!

I feel so sleepy and Nauseous after lunch... sigh...

Celia, my EDD also changed on my 2nd gynae appt, mine became 5days earlier, n i'm following this earlier date... hee...

Fullhouse, Syyy, me too, I really miss eating all my favourite food, so sad that my appetite changed now that so many foods just turn me off... bery sad...

wow... how many weeks can we see bb's hands and legs? I can't wait to see my gynae on 23June...
hi folks! im also gonna be a jan mom (fingers crossed), can i join you guys?! this is my first baby and im already so sicked and depressed by morning sickness (acty more like whole day sickness). i hope that i can tahan till my first tri is over -__-
Shice, I heard black sesame..
But all these I think depends on genes one... Hahah my boy 18mths also not much hair... My MIL said my hub also no hair when he was young.. His first hair cut was at 3 yrs old... But now his head is like a forest! Don't worry!

I'm in my 7th week too, haven't ms today, hope it subside!!
LDG (hee short form for little dragon girl), I shaved him 3 times le.. haha.. last shave was like 3 months back but the hair grow out is still very sparse and in front no hair -_-" like old man balding liddat.. I scare he will be the only kid with no hair when he goes playgroup.. Dun wan my second baby to be liddat also..

hammiebao, hmm.. no harm eating abit more black sesame now for #2.. haha.. i like tang yuan with black sesame filling..
for #1, i've been applying olive oil for more than 6 months le.. nt much improvement.. hope he's like ur son, can grow out more hair later.. dunno when i will bring him for 1st hair cut.. lol..
Fabbie: yes thats me la... Same person. Lol. My nxt appt with dr adrian is nxt fri 22nd jun. I'm tinking of what i shld be asking him. BP? Bb's heart beat? Or wat? Yup this is my #1, so quite anxious to noe if he/she is doing fine inside.

Maybe u all can try smelling lemon, peppermint or rosemary. I carry the oil with me in case i'm nausea and headache.
Smtimes i does help...

Usually in the morning i'll take 1/2 slices of biscuit plus half cup of milk. And by the time i reach office i'll hav a normal bf like bread or cake.
emmie: u should note down what u wana ask Dr A first. cus usually i went to see him im like totally blur then out from his room im like AIYA why i didnt say this n that. cus he's too rush liao...maybe u can ask what u should do what u should not do. or why ya feeling like this and that.. but i think i know what he will reply u.. he will say Its NORMAL. LOL thats why i call him Mr Normal hahaha

anyway u must note down what u want to ask before going in LOL my next appt is next thursday! im going to ask him WHY AM I THIS WEEK KEEP SPOTTING buay tarhan.. so low moral and frustrated cus of this. haiz... =(

Welcome Rachel!! since gynea yet?

FOOD: now i smell food i wana vomit!! T___T
Bliss: still thinking. My no 1 got used. But he failed his first hearing test. Later cleared. Not sure related. No 1 is pretty clever and stubborn so I'm thinking maybe don't use for no 2 to see if there's any differences. Lol! I sold my set at $120 and surprise that the value for 2nd hand has gone quite high. Shd have kept it...
Hihi =) New here.. in my week 10 now.. Wanna check if anyone experience cramp near the pelvis area? I have being having cramps in the area for past 2 days.. is it normal? anyone experience that too?
baby lew, i think cramp is normal as it's expanding.. but if it comes with spotting, then better go see gynae asap..

s_loh, i will donate the cord blood instead of paying to keep it.. Did the same for #1..

Hi Bliss, I wanna get Babyplus too after reading the raves on its website. But we got shocked after listening to the sample "music". Seems such noisy jarring irritating noise and like a con job.

Also, I read on amazon reviews abt this lady who gave birth to a one-side deaf baby and she is sure its due to babyplus. I think the volume is not adjustable and my hubby said better dun take risk.

Bliss, especially after what u said about yr BB failing the hearing test.. so scary!

So i will stick to using baby mozart music. Hehehe. Not worth taking the risk at all I feel.
