(2013/01) Jan 2013

<font color="aa00aa">nlimm: haha youngest always kana pamper.. so good.. and ya my gynea also say no coffee/tea</font>

Sigh just over pampered lor, let's not talk abt her.
Oh weird I ask her again this wed , I been drinking almost 4 cups / wk since she said can coz usually I need 2-3 cups coffee&amp; tea a day

Canopy haze/cheese/Fabbiee:
Fabbiee,$700 is after minus $300 govt subsidy?
My boy's cc half day &amp; full day differ by $150

Shirley huang:
Ur terms abit too profound hehe I don't understand those units u stated. Usually I think fr wk 4 onwards then can see better result using preg kit? But when I googled some stated some mummies can be tested positive at wk3
Nlimm: thanks for replying. I try to keep it more simple. assuming if my af is just ard the corner like next week. can I start to test? cos I felt nausea think morning this morning.. do you think symptoms come way too early even before af report next week? my last af came on the 16 may.
<font color="aa00aa">nlimm: ya..ok dont let people affect ya mood =) wah.. u drink quite alot sia.. can drink milk? i change my kopi o to fresh milk liao. but i STILL MISS IT! hahhaa but i think u should cut down ba?

My ChildCare is private. thats why its ex! after sub is 700 liao! haiz. damn ex lor! but wana change her school but im so scare she damn sad lor cus she have been in her old school from playgroup till N2 le.. haiz.. if not bo pian work harder to give her those money also >.<

Shirley Huang: u can do a preg test le.. I have not miss my menses i already have detected postive =) but sometimes too early also cant be detected. but so far from what i know in this era it detected quite early =) </font>
<font color="aa00aa">shirley i start to test positive when i realize i have been going to toliet every middly of the night.. =) try to test on the morning.. morning pee is good to test ^^

icyjo: update us!! excited for u too.. ^^ </font>
I wouldnt call mine MS or ADS. Mine should be termed as ES. Evening Sickness. I puke after my dinner almost everyday due to duphaston i guess...
Babbie, personally I prefer private cc... At least they got control who used the playground all that... My boy's cc is $650 after full time working mum sub... My friend keep telling me to enroll to Pat's school house... Which is double the fee now!!! Way out of budget!!

Nlimm, I guess it's caffeine content... But if u really need it then just drink, my aunt who is coffee addict had her coffee everyday during her preg...just don't deprive urself...
Fabbie, I find that weekend class do help.
My boy had a strong interest in puzzle, he can do a 9pc puzzle very fast, learn his matching for zoo phonics (he is less than 20months that time, now 22 months)

But after he change from bb to toodler class, he became less attentive.. and also, I think I can teach him myself rather than spending the $... now I know how to eat least... tackle to teach.

He's strong in A-Z, 1-10 and he know many colours now.

My CC is $450 after susidy.. even if put half day also about the same $.. I doubt my MIL can handle if he go for 1/2 day only..

Previously before my MIL retired he was in IFC for more than 6months, but due to his cough that lead to Bronchitis, and also when we bring him to overseas, he kana pneumonia. Its a tough time esp he need to be warded to hospital.

its very scary and heartache to see him going through this process...
Fabbie: yup, at times, too many people will be very complex. And furthermore might just save the $$ for baby #2 account.

Fabbie/nlimm: my #1 cc school fee is 1.3k+ after Govt subsidy of 300.
<font color="aa00aa">had… double fee?? i wan a change to PAP but I'm so scare my gal now n2 le.. next year k1 at this age she confirm will cry like mad again.. =( especially she always tell me about whose her best frd this and that. -___- mine is private. but in a PRIVATE HOUSE lol so i think is more ex ba.. they don't have their own playground leh.

Cheese: wah ya boy quite smart in a young age! u try PAP CC? i think is cheaper than 450 right?

canopy: like that ya #1 school fee is 1k+?</font>
fabbie -I stay in Sembawang.. dont have PCF near to my place le... got another one cheaper but waiting list is soooo long... haiz..

If not due to high ceiling over there, ( I hope better ventaliation) I would not wanna put cos I still need to take bus in then take bus home again... can walk , but can imagine if I am tired or so.. so better take bus.
Ya especially nowsaday damn emo.

Oh I am drink milo at home then in sch tea( I cut off coffee) during lunch then at night b4 zz choco milk, gog to be damn fat haha hope this round don't exceed 73kg, my 1st preg shot up fr 47kg to 73kg, this round I'm aldy 56kg 3 wks ago:p

Oicc so urs $700 after minus $300 govt sub? Tts consider cheap for private cc le, my boy's $1.1K then if minus $300 still need $800 so if I quit my Parttime means it be $950/mth

For ur case if she's gog to stay at new cc till K2 maybe can consider changing, I be changing mine at end K2 most likely coz his current is more of learn thru play, I believe in K1&amp;2 shd be more academic based

What's AF? As what Fabbiee mentioned try test in am, I tested mine in am twice during my own calculation of wk4.

I'm not really a caffeine addict hehe more of habit &amp; convenient of getting hehe:p

Ur boy's cc is cheap , is it tt ntuc's cc?
U can try go further for ur boy since he aldy mastered those. Coz my boy's gp( 4 of us whose always out together) , mine plus another 2 hit what u mentioned ard 18mths so we go further to 20. I abit ks, I teach my boy 1-10 in eng chi &amp; Malay, colours in chi &amp; eng . My boy is 31mths now he's doing 1+1,1+2 to1+9 in both eng &amp; chi, plus 1+1,2+2 to 6+6 plus story reciting. The other boy even better!!! Was trying to learn fr tt mum how she teach her boy, he can read aldy now only31mths. But all kids diff but u can try, ur kid might surprise u too

Canopyhaze: tts ex!!!! Ur kid in mind champ?
<font color="aa00aa">wah canopoy yours is ex! cheese 450 heartpain i 700 more heart pain hahahah

cheese i stay in jurong.. i think i have been waiting list for 2 yrs!!! waiting for jurong point my 1st skool still not yet get -____- damn hot the school.

nlimm: #1 i was very very emo. #2 im okai but vomitting is more jialet haiz... ya.. whats AF?? </font>
Thanks for the infor. af means aunt flo which means period. I think I will start to test soon.. perhaps in another day or two..
CanopyHaze, if I got only #1, that kind of school fee still can consider but 2 is really difficult since only hubby is working..

Babbie, mine is also private at private house but it's a corner house so got quite some outdoor space... They have their own mini playground... Haha
I heard cc is jurong very hot, but 2 years still on waiting list thats really too too hot!

Nlimm, ur #1 at nyp cc? I forgot the name, my neighbor's kid also there.. Very near to my place haha
CanopyHaze, if I got only #1, that kind of school fee still can consider but 2 is really difficult since only hubby is working..

Babbie, mine is also private at private house but it's a corner house so got quite some outdoor space... They have their own mini playground... Haha
I heard cc is jurong very hot, but 2 years still on waiting list thats really too too hot!

Nlimm, ur #1 at nyp cc? I forgot the name, my neighbor's kid also there.. Very near to my place haha
anyone here cant stand the taste of plain water? been like that for me for the last 1 week... trying to control my intake of ribena by making it diluted ....
nlimm- no, not ntuc.. the ntuc im in waiting list #86 lorz.. imagine if i wait.. who will take care of #1?

Haa.. I go slow and steady for my boy cos he still cannot pronouce that well but am so happy for his progress since some kiddos for his age still dont know much yet.

you all are soooo rich... 450 is already killing me as still need to cater for #2

Found this=>

Yes, you can still enjoy cup of coffee during your pregnancy. But you'll have to limit yourself to 200mg of caffeine a day, which is two cups of instant coffee or one cup of brewed coffee.

The main concern with coffee is its caffeine content. If you regularly have more than 200mg of caffeine while you're pregnant, you are more at risk of miscarriage or having a baby with a low birth weight.

This 200mg limit includes all sources of caffeine, so as well as coffee you'll need to count teas (including green tea), cola, energy drinks and chocolate.

Keep in mind that the caffeine content of espressos, and coffees based on espressos, such as cappuccinos and lattes, can depend on the outlet. One study found that caffeine levels can range from 50mg per espresso at one chain to as much as 300mg per espresso in another.

If you need to cut down on coffee, switch from brewed coffee to instant coffee as it's slightly lower in caffeine. You could also make it weaker by using only use half a teaspoon of coffee.

Decaffeinated coffee is also a good option, and it tastes almost the same as normal coffee. And you may be able to trick yourself that you're getting a caffeine hit!

If you're worried about your caffeine intake, talk to your midwife or doctor. Read our article on caffeine during pregnancy for more information.
icyjo: me! me! me! plain water all of a sudden seems to have a smell. so i try to add more hot water instead of taking it at room temperature. see if it helps you. i try to limit my sweet drinks only when i'm dining out.
Hi everyone,
Was just wondering is it normal nt to have MS? I feel nausea sometimes, in the evening most of the time
Nope nope my boy is at TGC's. Hey we can meet for breakfast or lunch haha my wed no work after drop my boy

Haiz u still#86, I went to the one right behind my Plc coz convenient once #2 is out &amp; they tell me don't need to queue@-@

Not me I quite like plain water

Oicc we don't use AF here hehe. Errmm sometime AF delayed might be due to stress too, since u aldy missed means it shd be more then4 wks fr ur LMP( last menses period) then shd be able to test le

I was tested postive at home 4 days prior my period, so definitely u can. My GF tested postive 9 days prior! She got a very light line but she swore it appeared. Hehee.. So go ahead and do the test kit yrself.
nlimm : nope, my #1 is in EtonHouse @ Vanda. Simply love the school &amp; the teachers there. Their teaching is more on EQ rather than academics. And the teacher to student raio is 1:3. Will deifinitely send my #2 there as well as both hubby &amp; i see the value. That's y i need to work! =p
Hi all,

New here. Saw my gynae last week, bb around 5 - 6 weeks. So happy to see the heart beat. EDD mid to end Jan, no specific date given.

This is my #3
Welcome Wendy &amp; Piyoz!

Feeling terrible after lunch, just come in here to chat. =)Thank god there is a place for me to ratter my mind &amp; talk to u ladies.
congrats and welcome wendy and piyoz!

only 2pm. still a long way to go for a monday afternoon. luckily there is a dinner date with hubby to look forward to at the end of the day.
<font color="aa00aa">hammiebao: ya the place quite hot! cus its at jurong point the most fang ping one lor.. so meaning like that if i want my no.2 to be there i must like reg as soon as possible once they release date -___- too kua zhang liao! mine and yours the same.. mine also have mini playground and its corner one they will have play water every wed only

cheese: where got rich… -______- struggling liao le lor.. lol

Mrs R: i also feel nausea on the evening but i still have it in the morning lo

canopy: i just had my lunch too! wah but I'm struggling to eat.. cus i smell food wana vomit liao.. but i try to stuff food in my mouth if not gastric is even worst.. thanks

hihi Pizyoz ^___^ so envy on ya 5-6weeks can see heartbeat i cant even. =( </font>
fabbie: I have craving for steak, so eating steak almost everyday. I will apply medicated oil on my nose when i go out for lunch to block all scents.
juz now lunch the aunty opposite (share table) ask me if the food is awful cos she see me eat so slow... I only can tell her "no la i'm not feeling v well" &amp; she was saying den y dun eat porridge...
her over concern tends to irriates me... hai~ hormones at work...

&amp; now, i'm struggling hard to keep my lunch in.
My taste buds changes week by week... Used to like soy milk but now got a phobia liao.

Plain water
If I'm in office, must drink lukewarm or slightly hot water cos aircon too cold. If drink room temperature water will makes me shiver.

Munching on grapes now... My fave snack for now! :p
<font color="aa00aa">canopy steak? yum yum my favorite! but i can order like medium rare? her i don't like so hard de let.. LOL my mum told me eat beef is good!

Josky: hahaha the auntie so kpo.. haha

Puking: now i try not to talk.. cus ONCE I TALK i feel ike vomiting and my coll sometimes keep talking to me.. -_____- i try to nod nod.. shake shake my head. </font>
Canopy haze:
Eton only 1.3K@-@!!! I thought its ard 2K plus that's y i have nvr consider as it sound so ' prestige' with all the rich kids. 1.3K is for fullday right? What's their daily curriculum like?

Keke missed ur post . U stay jurong tts near me!! But u working or sahm ?

Purple rain:
Hehe grapes my favourite now too

I visited CH at IBP, like the environment but don't like curriculum. 2 of my Neighbour kids at tt branch they quite like it.
fabbie : u can try eating medium well. Love it!

nlimm : no lah, 2k+ will be too expensive. It is ok la, but quite a gd mix of international kids. My son's class is 10 students (including him), 1 british, i new zealander, 1 japanese, 1 china, 2 american, 1 pakistan, 1 austrail and 2 sporean.
There are 2 teachers (1 english teacher who is their form teacher, and 1 chinese teacher from China) and an assistant teacher.
Different branch has different standards i think. We went to view the branches @ Vanda, Newton &amp; Orchard as they are the nearest branches near our house and enroute to my office, and decided on Vanda branch straight away, our son was 6mths then, was on waiting list for close to a yr before we got the slot when he was 18mths. The fee is the same for both full day and half day session.
<font color="119911">Thanks nlimm! What about the curriculum which you dun like?
I have tried PCF, 1st Skool, ChampKids, Cairnhill Educare, at Woodlands, but all are fully booked for 2013 except for CH and Modern Montessori (too exp for me!). So abit like no choice in choosing CH.</font>
Hi ladies... Busy morning. Kenan management meeting till noon, lucky it ended just before lunch... Today I feel 'normal'... No more the 'want to vomit' feeling and metal taste in my mouth... Not tired too... Enjoyed my lunch very well. On the other hand, I'm worried about being so ok.. Don't know whether baby ok or got heartbeat or not... If not, how come all the preg sickness all gone today? Sometimes, I also don't know what I want. Sick I complained, ok I also scared... Sigh... The wait to the next Gynae visit is very long leh... 3 more weeks... Btw, I booked my OSCAR liao... 25 June, morning. Clinic said must booked early cos due to dragon year... Appt always fully booked, so hard to get slot...
Friends : I have booked my Oscar &amp; detailed scan as well, they will be on 07July &amp; 01Sep respectively, the nurse told me that due to dragon yr, the scan list is packed so she has booked for me first.
LittleDragonGirl (jarol) - hahhahaha really so cool. Who knows we maybe resting beside each other after delivery.

Thank you all mummies for the warmth welcome.
I think a lot of mummy here also experiencing the same as me. Lets work hard together ba.

<font color="aa00aa">nlimm: hehe its okai la.. ya i stay in jurong! im working.. my mum takes care of my gal but i put my gal in fulltime now so my mum can rest more.

canopyhaze: is it still chewy?? i canot stand too hard lor.. haha usually i love to see the blood come out hahahhaa

LDG: 1st Skool ex? but i tout PCF is quite cheap liao?

FRIENDS: same here!! i need to wait 3 more weeks to see my gynea.. sighz.. btw whats OSCAR?</font>
friends: i also have the same fear as you when i don't feel any signs of morning sickness! i also worried that baby got no heartbeat or stop growing etc. all sorts of negative thoughts! omg so stressful. i think we're so confused. got MS complain, no MS also scare this scare that.

fabbie : for medium well steak, the outer layer is cooked, leaving the inner layer slightly pink but not bloody. If cooked just nice, the meat will be tender and succulent.

Oscars is the procedure to test for down syndrome, it will be a scan with a blood test. It cost abt 400+ and usually to be perform around 12-14wks. It is not a compulsory procedurem u can choose to opt out.
