(2013/01) Jan 2013

Morning ladies.

LDG, wah...your Oscar scheduled earlier than mine. I still got to wait till monday....

Fullhouse, mine opp yours. I have to stay clear of 'Ang Mo' soup. Usually I will have my lunch at soup spoon cos I luv their thick soup! But for this preg, suddenly all their soup tasted horrible and I cldn't even take more than 3 tablespoons! And the thot of it make me neausa... Lol.

Jos, I'm seeing Dr Tham at TMC. Also need to wait 1-2hr and the visits usually last less than 10 mins too... All the gynaes seem to have long long Q. Maybe dragon year?

Hi everyone,
I am currently into my 8th week, I still feel nausea, bloated...At this stage what am I expected to go thru... My gynae appt is on Friday and I cant wait for that day...
Feeling paranoid too, hope can hear bb hb...
Anyone has any recc? We used one previously and they broke our dryer
.. This time round we are moving out and back so really need to good mover.
LittleDragonGirl, where are you doing your OSCAR? Did you have an appointment. Can update me on the waiting time? I'm going without an appointment at TMC next Fri.
Liz & s_loh, yes it is possible to know the gender at WK12. I rem for my #1, my gynae already told me 90% is a boy even before I did my OSCAR. The OSCAR report will also indicate the gender. Boy or girl is ok lah, most important is healthy. I hope to know earlier so that it's easier for me to shop
Talking about soup, I love the soup from Soup Spoon, or rather my little one likes it. I bought those uncooked ones from Soup Spoon and eat 1pkt as my dinner. I couldn't eat chinese food. Now my diet is only biscuit, bread, salad, fruits, and of course my favorite tomatoe and pumpkin soup.
tigress, ohh... ya loh.. boy or girl is okay, most imptly is healthy.. i wan to know earlier coz can start to tink of names... hahaha..

i love minestrone soup from soup spoon, i juz had it on Monday.. slurps...

btw, can we take strepsils?? having sore throat sia...
Oh yes, minestone is nice too. But can be quite filling cos got a lot of ingredients.

Not sure if strepsils is ok. When I have sore throat, I always gurgle with salt water first thing in the morning and before I sleep. It works wonders for me.
wow it'll b nice to know gender earlier! can start planning a lot things.

sore throat,
i also feel sore throat and even coughing... yet duno wat can take / cannot take...
sloh:: strepsils is ok.. but becareful dun overdose! or u can take eno.. can help in relieving heatiness n indigestions as well. (i checked online..n oso my ob-gynae le.. we can take eno). it is my comfort drink now. cold cold lemony buzz.

re: soup
i have been craving for campbell's soup..like cream of chicken etc. but googled, and unfortunately, it's not advisable for pregs to drink. i tot of those uncooked packs frm soup spoon too... hmmm.. prolly will go check it out. :)

re: gender
i oso hope can find out earlier... so can tink of name. hehe.
Aww....tigress and s_loh, the soup u guys mentioned used to be my favs too... But now I cldn't bring myself to drink it... Sigh... Their soup r very nutritious and healthy...
i'm a fan of minestrone soup.. so tasty.. the tot of it makes me wanna drink.. haha.. usually i take the soup and the bread den very full already.. so juz nice.. hehe.. ohh.. mayb i shld do that 2ml morning.. actually i pop the strepsils already den i tink dunnoe can anot.. den i spit out again.. LOL

jumbo, ohh.. thanks.. got 'medicine' to cure already.. so itchy and irritating the throat...

FRIENDS, slowly ah.. when u can bring urself to drink den u go drink.. =)
ahBui, your nick is so funny. The soup packs from Soup Spoon does not contain any preservatives and can only be kept in the fridge for around 1 week only. So it should be ok. Otherwise, I will have 1 less food to eat. For my #1, I put on 3-4kg just during the 1st Trimester. Now, I lost weight instead.
I'm in Chinese food now!! Like must have rice! Milo is killer, confirm vomit everything out!

Tigress, Oscar scan without appointment waiting time is crazy... My friend waited at least 3-4hours

Baby gender
My friend knew the gender at 8 weeks for both #1 & #2..
Actually Strepsils better not take, got some ingredients not sure if can take... I took one but stopped and just endured with the sore throat and cold...
<font color="0000ff">Morning Ladies, after weeks of vomiting, I finally feel better today.. after taking the anti-vomiting med.. Went to Dr.Adrian yesterday and was given 4 days mc due to lots of vomiting but still back to work today, haiz.. Monday was my peak where I vomited like 11 times in a single day (-_-“).. Finally see bb heartbeat.. but I dun really feel as much as many mummies.. just glad to know that the bb is “alive”.. I guess the MS/ADS is really too much for me to handle ~~

Hope everyone is well and bb is healthy.. few more weeks to go ~~ and hopefully the ms/ads will be over. </font>
s_loh:: oh.. but the strepsils hor.. take those flavoured de.. try avoid the 'strong' de bah.. i tink still better.

tigress:: thanks.. i tink im so gg to buy some to stock up liao. i muz hv soupy stuffs these days. initially i owas get very hungry, n need to take lotsa rice n watever..food! but since 7w5d onwards..(whn i told ob-gynae i dun really hv MS - like my first preg)..which is a kuku act..that evng start..i start to throw up liao!! lala~ oh..so anyways, ya.. be it chinese or wat.. i tink i juz need food with lotsa liquid.

hammiebao:: wah seh.. know gender at 8th wk? i see my u/s.. the beanie.. like still a..errh.. beanie! one 'lumpy' stuff... can tell so early. good stuffs! the kiddo cooperate alot..n the machine muz b tok kong kind.
morning ladies. i think my ADS is related to work. maybe baby don't like me to work. haha took the afternoon off yesterday and didn't felt much nausea except for bloated stomach. came back to work and already vomited twice this morning!!! hahaha must be allergy to work
mrs r:: basically i tink it's anything canned.. we shld avoid. not exactly just campbell's soup. initially i tot the condensed soup cant.. but it's the canned food. but then.. juz last sunday.. i took a big bowl of canned fruits! hopefully it's ok!! if i read correctly.. it's something abt BPA contained in the lining of the can which will go into the food/fruits.

other than the canned fruits last sun... i took few times canned stuffs liao. -.-"

missy:: i find it it's the air outside.. n alot of times (for my case) it's the smell of people.. their laundry, perfume, shops' air freshner, etc!!! i smtimes hfta hold my breathd whn i walk past certain plcs. then left me so so breathless, but once i smell those smell...feel like throwing up! n smtimes, the chair position or wat will affect too! of cos..resting on sofa..or lying dwn is much better.... spreading ourselves out.
<font color="119911">tigress: my Oscar is at tmc and I've got an appt at 830am so waited only for 15min. I reached at 8.30am and the queue for pple with no appt already there waiting! Heard from the recep telling them that they will definitely be scanned but dunno the length of waiting time though. </font>
hammiebao, wow.. 8 wks, that's so early...

mrs_r, opps, i took one.. hope to soothe the throat.. noted.. tink i juz take one will do...

campbell soup has lots of sodium i think... tat's y cannot ba... plus i tink like wat ahbui mentioned, like basically canned food, can avoid den avoid coz canned food = processed food.. unhealthy...

ahbui, i only take honey n lemon for strepsils.. hehehe

yeap.. it's mid-wk.. cant wait for the days to fly so can see bb again.. hehehe
LittleDragonGirl, you are so lucky to get an appointment. The clinic assistant already told me to be prepared to wait for half a day. Haiz, I'll just bring my iPAD and watch movie there while waiting.

So how was the OSCAR? Know the gender already?
Actually can know gender very early just by simple blood test. Can even get kits from pharmacy (prick test) ... Know they have it at amazon... I guess anything that includes blood test allows you can find out..
high five! Mon I took afternoon off, go hm ok le. ytd work at hm also no prob... 2day back office just feel uncomfortable lo... m trying to just "eat it off" w snacks etc...
jo, i can't stop snacking on titbits! i know it's not healthy but i keep craving for it. haha pringles, calbee etc haha anyone craves for potato chips?

I read on Livestrong website that soup as long as it is boiled well should be ok to take.. But so far I have not taken because always feel bloated and nausea..
Hi mummies,
I just went for my OSCAR yest at TMC with no appointment.. just to get those mummies that are going for OSCAR at TMC to be mentally prepared, i went there at 1230 and i waited till 3 plus then its my turn. My bladder almost burst coz i dont dare to go toilet in case they call me in anytime.

heng my baby super cooperative and one time gao ding. My #1 i have to do it second time coz she super naughty.

but cant tell the gender yet so i guess have to wait patiently.

mrs r:: ooooooh really? woohoooooo~ im gona boil for 2hrs... shld b long enuff... i can hv my cream of chicken le! yippy! lalala~
I think the issue with canned food is the amount of preservatives/salt/msg/unknown chemicals, and not so much the safety issue. But then unless you eat home with home made food (right down to the sauces), nearly everything is processed.
tigress: i went with my sister for her detailed scan.. and had to wait at least 3 hrs.. u can go out and jalan jalan or have something to eat then come back. the recp usually accurate on the timing that you might be called.
I’m going for my scan at TMC 11 July also… no appointment.. I think I better go really early in the morning.. ½ day is gone now.. Let’s pray for a smooth day ahead of us~~
fullhouse yea im staying at serangoon do tmc is nearer, plus my no.1's PD is from TMc n we like him a lot so wanna continue with him..

thx friends I'll check out dr Tham..
Hello mummies..

Wah dink I almost one mth nv post so busy wif work.. Sigh!!
Yesterday went to pee den hv spotting currently on MC for 3days. Spotting due to yeast infection and I'm in my 11weeks. EDD oso change fr 14 Jan to 9 Jan... Gynae say maybe is another boy!!!

Sian.. Going for my family trip soon hope will recover in time to go.

Oscar test on 3 jul, nurse at gynae told me to go q before 730am bcos their appt fully booked!!
Jos, no need to check out Dr Tham. I think my gynae and your gynae same pattern leh. Must wait very long and yet the consultation is the chop chop type. My gynae also not cheap. Every visit is about $100 plus and package only available at week 12 onwards. Having said that, I still adore him lah. Lol!
my friend told me her appts for dr tham never wait for more than half hour cos she chose AM slots...the only time she waited an hr cos she was late. my previous appt was PM slot so waited an hour.

anyone going for OSCAR scan next wed 27 June at tmc? mine is at 930am...
Actually you don't have to go TMC just so you can stick with the pd. You can easily register with the pd later on? Coz when the bbs are born, they are under neonatology not paediatrics. The person who sees you should be a neonate consultant not paeds, before discharge? In fact for first couple of months of I'm not wrong then later go on to pd...

So if distance is a concern, why not look for one near your home?
Fullhouse: not true, the newborn needs to be attached with a pd, my gynae will ask me whether if I have any pd in mind if not he will recommend. Cos the pd needs to monitor the bb since day 1; the bb needs to be vaccinated as well. This is the case for my #1 @ tmc, hence his pd is still the pd at tmc till this date.

Hi mummies,

sorry abit random, I'm also a Jan mummy and would like to be added onto the list.

EDD: 01 Jan 2013 (#1)
Gynae: Dr June Tan (KKH)
