(2013/01) Jan 2013

tigress.. so fast u can know the gender already? normally how many wks can know???

based on that link.. like mixture for me leh.. haha

According to the nurses, Oscar is abt 85% accuracy.the next will be amnio le...

I crave for different food every time, now is green bean soup, already started cooking it now. Mum said to drink in moderation. Cos weather so hot these few days, drink abit green bean soup is good too. But on the other hand, bought lychees, ermmm.... so sweet but heaty thou...
From tigress link, i found something very funny.. If boy, "Your belly looks like a basketball." If ger, "Your belly looks like a watermelon." Got difference? hahaha.. tot both looks the same to me.. lol..

purple rain, green bean soup is liang.. try not to drink too much ya?
s_loh, I will be into wk12 next week, should be able to know the gender when i do my OSCAR test next week. For my #1, my Gynae told me 90% boy when I was bearly 12wks. Unless my baby decided to close his/her legs, then won't be able to tell lor
i'm also not going for oscar (& my gynae also say not necessary for me to go cos m not in high risk range/grp).
as for detailed scan at wk20, I tot is a must kinda thingy?

wah wk12 can know gender liao? I tot usually wk 18-20 lidat then can confirm?
Shice, haha yah, no diff to me too...

do any of u know if we can drink chrysanthemum tea and Barley water? Btw, we can take wheatgrass drink right?
Josky, I'm 30 this year, does that makes me fall in the high risk range/grp? I also heard from other ladies here that the detailed scan is a must, but I also not too sure abt that. However, I do wanna go for the detailed scan to know exactly how my baby develops

Tigress, 12 weeks seems early to know the gender? I'm not going for Oscar but seeing my gynae this sat when I'm into my 12weeks, do u know if my gynae can still find out my bb's gender?
Ok, will drink in moderation.

chrysanthemum tea and Barley water - i tried not to drink, even from canned drinks. But 'moderation' is the key word.
Fullhouse: so Oscar is just scan n blood test while amino is e one tt draw fluid fr waterbag? I dun want e draw fluid test unless no choice. That sounds super scary...

Jo and Liz: if ur baby is "cooperative", u may be able to see e gender at week 12. I saw my boy's (#1) sausage at 11+ weeks. It's easier to identify a boy earlier than a girl.
wow week 12.. so early.. i owas tot at 18 mths onwards den can see... or mayb 18 weeks onwards is confirmation... some gynae prefer not to cfm first??
Both blood test and scan. The scan is also called the NT test (nuclar transluncency) to measure the thickness of back of neck bone (okok I'm not medical professional, but as far as I can rem from sat two preg.). I think the thickness should not exceed 2.5mm or something...

Based on your age there is a 'risk' like 1 in 1000, the scan and blood test will give a more accurate like 1 in 10 000 chance etc...

It's all risk factor/percentage/number...

The invasive procedure to draw amniotic fluid from sac which of course means a risk of miscarriage. This is usually done if you have higher than normal chance from your scans.

Detailed scan at 20 weeks
Important because there are other things to pick up (gender, limb length, cleft palate, growth, heart, kidney, brain etc etc...) abnormal growth..

That's asuch as I rem...disclaimer: my memory fails me at times, please do not hold me accountable for the info. As mentioned the views given above do not come from a healthcare professional. Better ask your gynae for more info.. :D
Fullhouse: ur memory is fantastic... I can't recall any of the above except tt I went for detailed scan. For what reason, I also can't rem too.

S_loh: I think it's more of gender n bb's position. Bb want us to xin yang yang... Lol
Hi Mummies, would like to be added to this thread too.

EDD: 31 Jan 2012 (#1)
Gynae: Dr Yvonne Chan (TMC)

went for my 1st visit to Dr Chan last Thurs and for the first time saw BB's HB & heard the strong HB.. really close to tears...

Like most mums here, had been feeling nauseous and having bloated tummy.. yet feeling the urge to want eat...
Just read your post! Is it possible to sleep early and wake up early to do what you have to do? Else it must be so tiring to sleep so late!
<font color="0000ff">fullhouse, the info is *bingo*! But I not sure about the norm for measurement of the thickness (forgot the norm measurement soon aft the sonographer say its normal). I rem that during the scan, the sonographer will also take a look at the face structure of the baby. Cos the sonographer told me DS babies/kids have a certain facial feature.

For both Oscar and detailed scan, the baby got to be cooperative and be in the right position for sonographer to scan what needs to be seen... else the mummy maybe sent walking around to try to "shift" the baby's position... ;p

There are some gynaes who do not want to comment about gender earlier in case some pple hold them responsible. but it's true that it's easier to tell a boy earlier cos the didi will be sticking out there... For girls, you need to see the 3 lines (labia lines).

Trivia:I read somewhere that male and female fetus actually have the same set of items downthere. Just that the male one grows outwards while the female one shrinks inwards instead. (that's why the cervix actually look like the male didi head).... :p</font>
fullhouse, ya lor... I think i gotta force myself to zzz early. I am v used to sleeping around 12 plus to 1am. super bad habit. My last pregnancy, my hb will be staring at my back with his two arms at the waist if I am still not in bed by 11pm... ;p
Gender: I also was informed of my no1's gender during Oscar scan. Agreed that boy easier to see.

Blood test for Oscar: I think even if not going for Oscar, gynae will still need us to undergo some blood tests for preg and if going for Oscar, the nurse will draw additional 1 or 2 tubes. All in the same session.

Hubby said it's better to go for whatever tests recommended. Oscar, detailed scanning or Amnio if the results for first 2 not favorable. We just want to be prepared, be it good or bad. The earlier we know of the outcome, the more time we have to prepare ourselves with more reading or research.. Really boils down to Personal preference, there is no real compulsory test that gynae can force one to go...
Dear all, just wanna to check with you all.. Currently I'm about 11 weeks but don't know why.. Start from ytd, I keep on feeling very urgent n go pass urine.. Morning until now already 12 times.. Really very tired but can't slp.. Issit normal.. Wanna should I go n c doctor...
Thks Xara, I sure hope to be able to knoe bb’s gender this weekend

Thks purple_rain, ok will drink in moderation, I still thought I can buy those individually packed chrysanthemum powder and just add water to drink… I’m so sick and tired of Milo that I ran out of drinks to drink… since Gynae said avoid coffee, no tea, soft drinks and milk…
Liz, i still drink tea.. max. a cup a day... weekend dun drink... coz hav one caferia in office, uncle rems my order so b4 i can say anyting, he will make so i juz take.. unless i didnt go buy breakfast den i will not have tea already... how abt ribena??
s_loh, i still drink tea, but occasionally now... but yest at Din Tai Fung for dinner, n tea is like the best drink, so hard to avoid... hee...

dunno why i dont really like the ribena taste, maybe becos i took the one with lemon... so it kinda taste weird for me...
hmm.. 1 say heaty, 1 say cooling.. maybe i just drink 1 bottle.. coz my office nearby was giving free Yuzu (pomelo) drink by peel fresh with every 8 days purchase.. it smells so nice and refreshing..

another 10-15 mins, i'll pack up and go le..
Liz, below 35 not in high risk category. However it's still your choice whether to go for the Oscar test or not.
I went to Kkh 24 hr clinic last fri and was resting on bed since due to the cramps at lower abdominal. Doc so humorous to describe the pain like someone stabbing u and pulling out the intestine and these are normal!

So bored keep lying on bed and also having heart burn and feel like vomitting. My no#1 does not have cramps. Luckily I'm not working now if not will keep taking mc
1 packet ok lah.. not like u drink every day and night! don't worry, I'm drinking those Korean Yuzu drink and I feel better.. don't know what else to drink to make me feel better..

Jennifer Foo
Maybe due to expansion of womb so bladder is pressed..

Hope u are feeling better!
not a very good day to start with..feeling feverish and sort throat but still go to work.

Stress stress stress...renovating my house now but I am not able to take a look due to pantang. I need to handover my current flat by mid Jul and I simply do not have the enough to pack. Left only 4 weeks and 2 weeks already taken up for biz trip.
Hope you're feeling ok now. Rest more

Woke up several times last night too, and now I'm awake and exhausted

Chinese food
Was at paradise yesterday and all I could drink was half a bowl of soup, couple of diced meat and I felt sick the whole night. Maybe I should just stay away from Chinese for the time being
Hey me too. We are renovating mid July. Do you have a helper? Or anyone to help you pack? Or just get those moving service to help you pack? It's more exp but at your state it's better to chill a little.

Am moving out mid July then moving back in mid sept.. Crazy... I hope I get the house settled before I deliver!
Jo.. yeah my boss has a baby girl of 1 yr so she understands..
Karen you should just tell ur boss if you are not well work from Hm or take mc..
@mtb seeing gynae at tmc, which gynae do you recommend? I'm thinking of changing.. my current one I had to queue 2 hrs n only see him less than 5 mins... scan less than 30 secs...
I do not have a helper...only plan to get one after i delivered.
And now i am also not sure if the reno can complete on time.
Only tmc huh? My gynae is at mt e. Will chat and chat and chat, even if you have no questions. I think he spaces his patients far apart most of the time. Really nice guy and he delivers at mt e and mt a... he specialises in fetal medicine so I think he's pretty good.
