(2013/01) Jan 2013

jo, FRIENDS, ya i think the price is not too bad considering it will be over CNY!

Jo, same sentiments as you! To pay a stranger S$4k, very bo hua, still I have to pay for her makan, utilities and all.... but my hb said he wants 1 leh! Also dun know how? dun know if can bargain, just do like 2 weeks then she go back for CNY, the rates will not be too xiong? hahah!

i'm still trying to search for more to enquire first and see how...

wonder if go direct (w/o agent) will be cheaper or not since direct should be able to nego i guess? plus no agent = no commission to pay..
me too, have been puking so much that I hardly go pee, even when I pee, my pee is super dark yellow, looks very unhealthy...

Karen, don't think i'm getting CL too, it's just too costly, think I will just get help from my in-laws and their maid... Just the other day, my MIL ask my hubby to take over the maid (means start paying her wages) when our bb arrives, and becos of our new bb, we are contemplating if we shld buy a car now, haiz... so much xtra expenses for us, dunno if we can cope or not... That's why I tell my SIL that I will gladly accept whatever pass-me-downs (her babies pre-loved items) she have for me... hee... will try to save whatever $ I can ba... Actually just the other day, I was quite upset with my neighbour, cos she asked me if I want her grand-daughter's baby cod as it was still in good condition, and her son don't want liao, and all our neighbours got kids already except us, so she asked me... Then I thought it was so timely since I'm preg now, and none of my neighbours even know abt my pregnancy, then I never tell her straight away if I want the cod or not, cos I wanna ask DH 1st, but I told her I will let her know... who knows, after a few days, b4 I reply her, and she also never ask me to confirm if i want or not, and she gave the baby cod to her friend... haiz... too bad, we lost a free baby cod, but I can't blame her also... Now I tell myself better don't be paisei, whatever pple wanna give me, i just take... haha... I sound so greedy...
Confinement lady
Most likely, getting my mum to do. Hubby has compromised cos mil need to take care of nephews (Little yippee in my heart! lol) Oh ya! food tends to get more expensive before CNY especially fish! My old granny also sweet to make DIY glutinous rice wine with red dates for consumption during confinement.

During 1st tri, bb also absorb nutrients from food we eat? Watched a tv prog, mentioned during 1st tri, bb is like carrying a backpack, it will eat whatever is in there, den when 2nd tri, then absorb from mummy. Quite a cute illustration though. Any advise on thies?
missy, i'm not too sure abt needle poking pain, cos I never experience such pains... Y not u try calling ur gynae and let him know abt ur symptoms and see what advice he give u? I heard that other ladies here goes to KKH A&E at night, but I think u gonna queue long long to see a doc?
Hi mummies.. MIA for a very long time.. dun think u all rem me le.. haha.. coz i was spotting and got bed rest for 2 weeks. Super tired, thus no mood and no time to come in to chat. Can someone help me update the table? My edd is now 7 Jan, Dr Yvonne, TMC. Thanks!

Fabbie, l3x, i know how u feeling now.. just rest and relax.. dun be stressed out coz may not be good for ur body too.. watch some drama or sleep or surf net.
Drink chicken essence too. May help to "bu" your body. I had chicken essence every alternate days when i was spotting. Now no more le.. but just hope baby continue to grow and and be healthy to see us next year..

To other mummies who are experiencing MS.. jiayou.. will end soon.. when the first trimester is over..
Tres - not sure if it will help you, but I asked my CL to go back for CNY then come back after CNY. I don't mind the charges cos it's my first bb and I think I will be completely lost. My mum and MIL didn't raise their kids (we both had nannies) and they both work so there's really no one to teach me how to handle a newborn. Boh pian, so have to hire CL.
when's ur edd? i was re-looking at the calender, seems like is really on the edd gif birth, i only have the last wk drag into CNY... duno if can just do 3 wk confinement then remaining week ask own mum help out or not...
Jo, I laugh when I saw your comment 'mil's normal cooking awful'. Cos mine is same!!! Every nite's dinner is a torture to me nowadays and I was still telling my hubby whether I can order to tingkat starting from next week... Lol..

Tres, same lah... I also heartpain the money for engaging CL but hubby wants too... He said complete rest of both of us very important and I will sure nag endlessly if I get his parents to help...then he kenan sandwiched and tired. -__-"
Syyy... thanks for your suggestion. If my bb is carried to full term, the EDD will be 15 Jan. So was tinking of asking her to do confinement for me say till like 5 - 6 Feb then she go back for CNY. By then the 'bulk' of the confinement will be over too!
Let's see how my hb negotiates ba! I'm leaving him to find a CL for me, if not he will be my CL.
friends, actually if it's your first baby, it's good to get a CL, then can learn from her and yet rest enough..

tres, u can continue by ordering those confinement tingkat food.. then maybe get ur hubby or family members to take leave to help with the transition. really need help coz i know i almost went crazy when my CL left and i'm taking care of baby alone in the day.
Shice, my second baby. That's y hesitating of engaging CL...my previous CL was fantastic and when she left, I have post natal blues... Lol. I hope to do better this time round...
<font color="0000ff">Liz (lizzie_grace) : Same same.. my urine is really little and super yellow in color.. haiz.. 1 look and I know it’s wrong. But no choice.. all water come out from my mouth instead of the “right” place.. -_-“

From all the chat.. it seems like all are suggesting that it would be better to hire a CL… but the cost is just too much to take.. -_-“ </font>
My bleeding came bk, worse than Friday. Rushing down to gynae again. Very Sian.. I'm prepared for the worst le. I duno wat else I can do as I already total bed rest le. Have to leave everything to fate.
oh dear L3x, hang in there!! Jiayou!

shice is right, for first timers, it is best to hire CL so that you can learn, coz mum &amp; MIL will do most of the stuff but for a CL, you can actually ask CL to look after bb at night while you &amp; hb rest!

ahaha, FRIENDS i'm like you, had CL for my #1, did enjoy my confinement but when she leaves, I was in panic mode, lucky got helper to help but I refuses to let my helper touch bb so ???
friends, ya.. me too.. totally cannot cope alone when CL left. Since now we have been thru it before, we will know what we wan.. but sian that it clashes with CNY. Luckily my prev CL is able to help me before she goes for CNY celebration. Btw u got #1 right? if u dun get CL help, r u able to cope? How old is your #1? Mine is 14 months now.. dunno if he's just temperamental coz i'm preg or he's gg thru terrible 2 early.. so difficult to handle him.

karen, maybe can try drinking helia-o (ginger water, instead of ginger tea).. it helps for me every morn.. but my MS not as bad as some of you.. btw how much is it to hire CL over cny? is it really 4k that much?

l3x, maybe ur gynae will suggest those hormones jab? i had a few jabs for #1 and i have 1 jab for this preg too when i was spotting.. dun worry too much.. everything happens for a good reason.. *hugs*
tres, ya.. some more mum &amp; MIL getting on age, not very nice to get them to wake up every 2-3 hours at night to take care of bb.. plus some more, if u're latching or pumping, u wun get to sleep more than 3-4 hours every night (at least for the 1st month).. so day time u will be very tired to take care of bb too.. good to have CL to help.. but i think i'm bias.. super pro-CL.. hahahaha.. i got friends who tong and manage on their own for 1st month.. but may be damaging to their health if they dun recuperate properly.
I3x; dont worry everything will be fine! maybe womb is expanding thats why will bleed little? jia you!

I just came back from TMC and i was so calm after seeing him than yday.. Dr Khee from TMC quite good he talks alot and explain to me quite patiently. he scan my tummy and told me my baby is fine! and let me hear heartbeat and told me that bb is in the correct position. Right now theres no sign of MC yet cus my womb looks fine. if it does meaning the womb will be like torn away and wont be like a ball something like that. and my womb surrounding dont have blood so im fine. he told me that maybe cus everything is expanding may brush till i bleed lor. and he told me im like 6 weeks 3days. so due date maybe is like end of Jan. well i had Duphaston so will eat till my Doc A come back.. He told me rest must have i told him sitting can? he say ya can and told me Anything can eat.. just that if i like coffee cut down cus it will cause of MC is the same as smoking or drinking alcohol so i was given a rest till thursday..he told me if i stop bleeding wana go work i still can go. lol quite like this gynea infact. ^^
shice ^ 5, my #1 is also 14 months... she is clingy to me and i have to carry her, so I very concern abt #2 lor!

I'm pro CL too, let's see how my arrangement with the CL works, if she gets to go home during CNY, I pay her lesser, win win situation lor! ;-) * fingers crossed!
<font color="0000ff">babbiee.com (fabbie) : it’s good to know everything is alright… Cheers… rest more and rest well.. Hugz..

L3x&amp;Lin (l3x) : hopefully everything turns out well for you n bb…

I guess I should really go home and work out with my husband if we could hire a CL.. but if I lose my job before bb comes.. then it’s confirm impossible.. so I guess.. there’s no point for me to think too much now… I guess I should just wait and see how things go… -_-“ </font>
Fabbie, I'm at TMC now still waiting to see gynae. The last scan was on Friday and everything seems fine too but if it is so why so much bleeding. Brown and red. Makes me very worried as I'm not movin much already. I'm only 6w 5days today. How to rest to 13weeks? Haiz..
L3x&amp;Lin (l3x): If really u feel there is a need.. try requesting for hospitalization leave.. tell and discuss with the doctor.. maybe he/she can give u .. then u can rest at home.. at least for the next 2-3 weeks to come.. maybe not till 13th weeks…
tres, ur #1 is born in which month? mine is early Apr.. dun rem seeing u in apr thread.. hahaha.. my son is quite clingy too but luckily he's quite close to my mil too.. if my mil not ard, then it's just me le.. my hubby cant really handle his tantrums..

i'm so tired now.. counting down to 6pm... *yawns*
rmb to think positive while waiting. positive mind helps gif strength yea.

yeah at least now u more at ease w e assurance.

as the sayings goes, "boat reach jetty, auto straight" so ya dun worry too much at this point first.

same! tired n no mood. feel MS gonna struck again, trying to down some food now... feeling sian n trying hard to tell self to remain positive. *struggles*
Saw the baby n heartbeat. Jus took a hormone jab. Hopefully no more fresh bleeding le. Haiz..
Shice, me and tres from march thread.
Thx all for the concern. Pregnancy is really not easy, even thou it's my #2 already.
L3x, yay! Rest rest rest ba!

Shice, my #1 is born mid Mar, she will be turning 15 months in a few days time... she is growing too fast too!! hahah. True my #1 is quite close to my parents so if anything I can 'rest my heart' that she is happy with them!
Shice, my boy is 2 this mth and currently staying with my inlaws.. So no issue... Only brought him back on and off during weekends. I sold off my flat and purchased a resale just next block to my inlaws when he was 4 mths old so that I can still see him everyday, pat him to sleep then I go back home...

Fabbie, great to hear that all is fine! U can rest without a heavy heart... We ladies tend to think negatively during preg hor?

Jo, my mil and mother both complained to me about my CL during my confinement... Both have their ways of doing things so not true that no conflicts when engaging CL for my case... I just one ear in and one ear out loh.. My mum and mil have not taken care of a baby before my no 1 for the last 20 years... So I trust my CL more... Lol...
oh no... now i'm in fear of knocking off... cos it means to squeeze in the train w a "time bomb" of anytime vomit.
jo.. jiayou!! it's gg to be over soon.. just try to test with abit of food first.. dun eat too much coz later gg to travel home.. maybe can prepare sweet?

l3x, that's a relief.. at least baby is ok and no signs of threatening mc.. even take jab also must rest.. and try to keep ur mind off it.. i know it's very hard.. maybe can watch drama.. I actually finish the whole series of Rooftop Prince, a korean drama when i'm having my bed rest.. it's super super nice!! u can try to watch online if got chance..

tres, that's great.. after we have kids, we would appreciate our parents more.. hahahaha...

friends, yup.. it's really nice to see your boy everyday before he sleeps.. my in-laws stay too far from my work place (in the north), so we r quite relunctant to move to their area.. haha.. we are currently staying at queenstown.. very central and convenient.. then for them to move over, super expensive now.. hahaha...
shice, you are right,
I was just talking to my hb that maybe we should be a place near my parents so it will be convenient for us to have our home as well as near our kids caregivers and he actually agrees!!
bye mummies!! knocking off.. hope the train is not too crowded yet.. dun like squeezing in trains now.. always worry someone may knock into my tummy accidentally.. lol.

tres, wah.. so guo duan!! haha.. but now preg, abit difficult to move house rite? and also need to look for suitable flat and stuff.. alot of work..
Thanks gals ya now still bed resting. N just watching my korean drama Hee hope no bleeding it's really quite scary

L3x yea it's not easy I'm also having my #2 n feel quite scary about it. So what gynea say? Why bleeding when ya still resting?

Friends yes yes I can sleep in peace today ba but I have 2 weeks of hormo pill Wah confirm will vomit like siao for these 2 weeks need to Ren Ren till I see my gynea again ^^
Gynae also not sure. Last time she said something like expanding uterus, now duno cos no vaginal scan. Jus hope no more bleeding for both of us. Will jus relax and watch dramas as u gals suggested.
Who is taking care of ur #1?
I'm also having a headache on that. Feel like asking MIL to help as in come over and stay for 2 weeks but she is taking care of my SIL's 4 yo. I guess the next alt is to take a part time confinment lady.
Have plenty of bed rest and dun carry heavy staff. If you are really worried, I recommend that you may want to seek 2nd opinion. Pro John Tee from kk is very experience. He will be able to tell where the bleeding comes from.
Ya. Im still bleeding quite a bit, like menses kind. Will see another gynae if it doesnt stop in a few days time. Cos I dun understand where does the blood come from.
Josky, Tres - my EDD is 16 Jan. The CL I engaged said if I give birth late, she will stay through CNY and charge us more. I'm thinking I should be able to cope if it's just a few days less and she goes back for CNY.. What do you think?
s_loh - Some ppl prefer to confirm CL only after first trimester cos pantang.. Others prefer to book early so can get the CL of their choice (the popular ones get booked pretty quickly!)

I booked mine early cos I tasted her cooking at my friend's place, and my friend had only good things to say about her.. Since I don't know anything about confinement, I thought better to book early..
L3x: same my gynea also say expanding that's why will brush that will bleed. As long baby heartbeat strong. Uterus is still forming like a ball everything will be find. I'm not bleeding le but wipe still got blood -.- werid morning have afternoon don't have now night have. Faints yeah hope we both can stop bleeding man. My #1 my mum taking care but she usialy go childcare fullday. What drama u watching? Haha
Hi mummies, i'm new here. Edd is 7th Jan. Pregnancy is tough...so let's jia you together!

L3x, i also had brown spotting. sigh i can understand how you feel..panic anxiety.. but dont worry too much. Just rest as much as you can and have a positive mindset. For me i feel that helps=)
Steanie, u asked me if we can eat rojak ya? I just read Young Parents mag and came across this part that say no eating of rojak due to risk of bacteria breeding in uncooked food!

In 2009, Geylang Serai mass food poisoning caused a woman to suffer a miscarriage. Beware all mummies here!

S_loh, 3rd trim is too late!! All the good one will not be available by then!

I won't be engaging any CL this time round, cos I latch on my baby so at night I still will take care of bb myself so no point to get CL, hub will take leave and my mum will stay with us to cook and to help out... My CL at night will be my hubby!!
<font color="119911">hammiebao: wow! Ur dh so great to take 1mth leave to help u do confinement? That's quite rare for a man to do that... ;)
For those thinking of engaging cl, better book early to avoid disappointment! </font>
