(2013/01) Jan 2013

And.. MS really on and off.. I enjoyed for one day then it comes back again.. I feel like puking every 10 minutes.. Gonna zzz now.. Good nite all.... -.-

That's our plan lah, cos during my #1 he was so super busy with work n I nearly got depression due to my CL.. So this time he will be CL... And he can handle #1 well.. So will be easier than getting CL

My ms is quite bad... Everyday sure will merlion once or twice... Haiz
Syyy... that's my plan too! engage the CL but let her off before CNY so it's best for both side too! Then maybe for CNY reunion dinner, I can still go and eat selectively mah.. with CL sure can't go lor! hahaahha!

BBlove, is there part time confinement nanny?? really? where to find, is it thru agency?
morning ladies! went to see a nearby gynae because of the throbbing pain at abdomen. luckily it was nothing serious and could hear bb hearbeat
feel more assured now!
Good morning ladies!

Am back! Survived the intestinal virus infection. Lost 2kg in 2 days as I didn't eat, feel better today, going out for my car inspection at bt batok.

Re: confinement lady
Same as hammie, my hubby will be my confinement lady. Mil will come over to stay for 1 to 2 mth to take care of #1 and do some cooking. Maid will do the washing and cooking, hubby's auntie will help to buy things to cook.
Good morning ladies! Canopyhaze, glad to know u r better now, take care!

Do you know if I can still travel at around WK29-WK30?
morning ladies...

take care canopyhaze...
tigress, maybe check the airline term& & condition? i know jetstar wk 27 onwards (if my memory didnt fails me) need doc's memo to indicate fit for flying den can..
<font color="0000ff">Morning to all ladies… feel so stoned early in the morning… my 1st breakfast is all puke out.. just finish eating my 2nd breakfast.. I hope it stays for a while.. i’ve got the strong urge to fall asleep now. Terrible… it’s only 9.45am.. still a long way to go~~  </font>
merlion once or twice sounds still ok to me. cos ytd alone, i merlion 4 times...
on way home itself merlion 3 times liao. hai~ really sian
hello mummies,
went for my check up yesterday. Despite of all the vomiting, I am still putting on weight 0.8kg within 3 weeks.
Finally heard the HB and see the bb. BB is growing well. Currently 3.13cm. still so tiny.

I will be going for OSCAR test on 2 july. Any mummies already booked the OSCAR test?
purple rain,
totally understand! i merlion-ed n was sitting at the side kerb outside the mrt station &amp; can sense whoever walk by just keep staring lo. find it so annoying. cannot be uncomfortable meh..

jiayou! m gonna have my 2nd breakfast too... fear of swallowing folic acid might trigger the merlion switch... *pray*

wow 3cm le! how big now? so exciting...
OSCAR - decided not to go for it... also cos not within high risk range/zone yet.

all MTBs,
jia you everyone!
morning mummies!

sloh, Cl book asap coz dragon year.. super high demand.. when i called my CL a couple of weeks back, she also got offer by another person le.. but luckily she haven accept.. so she rather do for shou ren.. now everything also must q and wait.. last time i do oscar can make appt.. but now fully booked and i have to go down on the spot to q.

hammiebao, so good.. hubby help to take care.. hubby can bond with baby too.. and save money by not hiring CL.. haha.. actually getting a good CL is very important, else instead of helping mummy, end up the mummy will feel worse..
babylon, i'm gg for OSCAR on 26 Jun.. but the nurse told me to go and q on the spot.. that whole week fully booked..
Tres - me too! I want to attend the reunion dinners (both sides) with the bb! And I want to take the bb out for walks too, within the first month. Is it really so bad for mummy and bb to go out of the house during the confinement period? I really don't want to miss cny..
normally during how many weeks of pregnancy do we go for OSCAR test? babylon and shice, how many weeks pregnant are you when you go for your oscar test?
missy, ard beginning of 12th week for me..

syyy, can go out for short walk.. maybe just have to cover up the body to prevent wind from gg in? anyway u also have to send baby for check up and u have to go back to gynae for check up during the confinement period too. Cannot really strictly stay at home also.. haha..
shice, actually it didnt came across to our mind on CL.. haha.. tot can 'share' the load b/w my mum and PIL... like FIL will cook the pig trotters tingy (but i dun lk), den mum n MIL will take turns to look after bb n do housework? hahaha not sure too.. wait till the gynae gave me the EDD first.. then i will discuss with my hub..
thanks jo and shice!

syyy, i think old folks will advise us not to go out of the house unless necessary. bringing baby for check up is unavoidable. but to visit relatives, i'm not sure if some of them will mind us visiting their house during confinement period. i know of some old folks that feel pregnant lady during confinement period is still considered "dirty" and can only visit other people house / have people visit the preggy house after the confinement period. maybe you can check with your relatives if they mind.
<font color="0000ff">hammiebao: yay.. agree with josky, once or twice still not too bad.. compare to us.. yesterday morning alone.. puke 3 times.. lunch 2 times and night 2 times.. haiz.. it’s the worse I can ever imagine…

If ppl stare at me.. I would stare at them back.. and give them the “u got an issue with me? look”.. hate it too when they stare..

BP (baby99lon) : I’m looking forward to my next gynae trip too… 1 more week to go… hopefully the bb hb can make me feel better from all these bad MS, hope my bb is growing well too.. Dun think I’m going to do OSCAR also… unless gynae advise me to do so..

Jo (josky) : I’m taking folic acid and the pink prenatal vit also… really really hate taking pills now…

s_loh (s_loh) : I totally understand the pain of sleepiness during working hours… sob sob… </font>
i agreed with missy.... some pple tinks that women during confinement is consider as dirty... even normal days, they try to avoid visiting... if cny, doubt will want to...
karen, YES! and somewhere near my office, there's drilling.. and with the sound of drilling.. it's making me even more slpy.. like lala-by.. hahhaa
Relatives will sure come visit during CNY cos my mum's place is the 'gathering point' If i'm staying at my mum's house for confinement, Duno if relatives still want to come anot.
Have to discuss with mum too...
Argh~ it started it's 'schedule' liao.... Think I vomit poor my folic acid again. All to waste liao.
Hai~ really hate vomiting!
*pat pat* Jo. bear with it. let's all jia you together! i also just donated my breakfast to the toilet bowl earlier. haha
Hi missy, glad to hear that everything is well with u and ur bb.

Ladies, me too, feeling very sleepy now, even after drinking chicken essence, i'm still so sleepy.

I already puke twice this morn, and now feel like puking again... Think my highest record is puking 8 times a day, really super miserable, puke until my throat hurts and blood came out... Just this morn i did something disgusting on the mrt, I suddenly puke one mouth of stuff, then i use my hand to cover my mouth, with the vomit still in my mouth, I start swallowing back my vomit, I feel so disgusted by myself, but I wanna try avoiding puking in the mrt, although I have plastic bags, cos it's very unsightly and I don't wanna get stares frm all the pple around me. Every morning, I have a hard time travelling in the mrt, I will endure my nausea and discomfort, tahan until office then go puke, I have been doing this so regularly liao...
jiayou mummies.. esp those with MS. for me is on / off. but mostly in the afternoon to evenings!!!

oh really ah! can;t visit coz we are considered 'dirty' , good lah then dun need to give ang paos mah! see how lah!, see how I am feeling then too! coz i know for the first 2 weeks, sure in pain. pain at the boobs and pain down there too! quite sian 1!!! ;-(
sloh.. sounds nice to have family members to help out.. but just be careful.. coz may have dispute.. then not nice le.. haha.. coz i was alright with my mil one.. she's a very nice person.. then when she move in and came to help me at night when my #1 is ard 4-5 months (when i went back work after ML), we had some conflicts over what baby need and what we should do.. haha.. but after I can handle and she move back, everything is back to normal and she is like the best MIL now.. haha..

bring bb for CNY.. actually last time when i just gave birth to #1, i dun dare to bring bb out too often.. coz his immune system is still very weak.. later everyone carry here and there, pass virus to him, more jialat.. so one point to consider whether to bring baby for cny.
but yes, it's difficult not to "show off" our babies.. esp during cny period.. where they can dress in cute cny clothes.. lol..

my oscar appt is 1 day after yours 27 june.. mine was booked in may by the previous clinic i went to, so told the other clinic that i had an appt so they just called and change gynae name. but still thinking if I wana go ahead with oscar


i also like u.. tahan in mrt although i have plastic bags with me but the feeling is really horrible. nowadays seem like always getting motion sickness in bus, train &amp; even cab when i never like this before
<font color="0000ff">Liz (lizzie_grace) : if I do, wat u just said u have done… I swear for sure that I will puke out everything immediately… me too… the first thing I come to office every morning now.. is to puke… haiz.. so I always ensure I have something light before heading out to work… so that I will have something to puke… puking on a empty stomach is really terrible.. But I think u should just take out your plastic bag n puke.. dun bother abt the rest… there will be stares no matter what… dun make yourself feel miserable than we already are… Pat pat…

I think it will be miserable to be missing out on the CNY good food… oh… sianx… </font>
purple_rain: i had the pain at my left abdomen and i felt it even when i was walking. it also comes and go. that's why i went to consult a nearby gynae and to check on the baby as well. gynae say it's due to wind. nothing serious. so maybe yours could be due to wind as well. gynae say as long as there is no bleeding or spotting, it should be fine.

Liz, thanks! i think i worried over the slightest pain in the abdomen. haha hubby say hope bb don't give us anymore scare cause yesterday ad-hoc visit to the gynae cause us $200+ hahahaha
Travelling to &amp; fro on public transport is one of the torturing moments. Always standby sweets or try to sleep. I always listen to music &amp; sing a along but with no sound, just the mouth moving... Also tried to suppress the puking urge by taking deep breaths a few times. The moment i step down from the bus, will want to puke liao... arghhhhh....
Oh gosh better vomit out la! I think if I swallow back I feel worst lo. Ppl stare oso bo bian dun care la, we vomit pour comfort more impt.

Haha some crazy thought, wat happen if one day we happen to b same train cabin n all vomiting... Instead of stares think we all look at each other n smile... Lol
shice, thanks for the info.. i love to hav my mum to look after but she stay further as compared to my in-laws.. coz my PIL stay just a street across.. so easier for them.. plus i'm staying in 3 rm.. like no space for my mum to stay with me... and i have a dog.. haha... oh ya.. hubby will take care of the dog...
icyjo, ic.. i think mine booked quite late.. maybe coz i was spotting previously, so gynae din help me book first.. hahaha.. hmm.. u gotta consider, if baby tested positive for down syndrome (touch wood!!), would you choose to abort or carry on? If carry on, then no need to go for oscar, coz go already also no use. Plus alot of false positive results. I was one of them for my #1, end up go for amnio test and stressed myself out waiting for the result of the amnio..

Karen, still can eat cny goodies ah.. heh.. some more if on breast feeding, can eat more goodies coz can lose the fats easily.. lol..

sloh.. lol.. so funny the way u ended with ur hubby will also take care of the dog.. haha.. anyway got family members staying nearby is always good.. got help.. at least not alone..
Hi Ladies, I just came back puking out all of my 2nd breakfast... Folic acid also wasted everyday... Now my throat hurts tremendously, gastric pain and heartburn... sobz...

Thanks Icyjo, Karen and Josky.

Icyjo, me too, now i also get motion sickness in bus, train &amp; cabs, and after these rides, i will go puke one...

Yes Karen/Josky, I was feeling so uncomfortable and sick after I swallow back my vomit, but if I can, I rather tahan to puke in office toilet, at least nobody will stare at me when I puke in the toilet... haha...

Josky, that will be a very funny and cute scenario...

Missy, yah that's why sometimes I contemplate to see gynae when I feel sick in my stomach... I have this colleague who always encourage me to see gynae when I dont feel well, but I tell her it's very expensive to keep seeing gynae lei... haha...
Hi everyone,

I am really not vomiting out only this morning I gagged after brushing teeth. I feel nausea all day and cant enjoy my fav food. Burning sensation over throat after eating normal Indian food. So now going light like soup and stuff. I also notice that if I really feel like vomiting I pop a sweet in my mouth and it helps.
Burping alot too...
I am now 7weeks n 3days
shice, coz only hubby n i take care of the dog mah.. like showering... feeding.. feeding can ask others to feed but is the showering.. unless every wk send for grooming meh? hahaha...
Shice - true! Didn't think about the pediatrician visits! Shall look forward to that at least, can't imagine being cooped up at home for a whole month!

Missy - hmm didn't think of that either. My family is not v pantang so I think it should be ok, but still it's better to ask first. Thanks for the tip!

s_loh - ya! I really wanna dress the bb up in new year clothes and take him/her out!

Anyone looking at strollers yet? Any recommendations? I am thinking of the bugaboo bee plus and my hubby likes the quinny buzz.
