(2013/01) Jan 2013

<font color="49729C">re: breaking news
2-3days aft we found out abt this pregnancy.. hb wana tell my family.. n his parents oso le. we were at my parents' plc.. then (everytime oso like that..) in the end.. he will like.. "u say leh".. n i will go "wat..u say lar"... then most of the time.. my family will be able to guess liao. cos cannot be we wana get married mah..bahaha. ya.. so dat time..while we were 'pushing' who to say.. he started to rub my tummy. kns.

his mother was in aussie.. so he phoned her. his dad was in japan.. im not sure he phoned..or texted.

as for my (male) boss... ya.. very gang ga leh.. juz nw aft lunch.. i juz walked in.. n told him.. "i hv something to share..im expecting another baby......" then the rest.. see his reaction n blah blah blah liao. well, not a very good timing for us..cos company undergoing some restructuring...evn my boss himself, is worried his role might disappear. anyways..no choice de.. walk one step see one step. of cos my bb more important.

re: soya bean milk
juz like those with weak joints..shld avoid soya bean milk..... but more i heard previously was.. not good if you're carrying a baby boy. my last pregnancy.. i avoided..until i knew was a pair of twin girls.. i start to drink soya milk too. to be fair..i heard frm other mummies de....not ob-gynae. </font>

cherry, the bb heartbeat only comes ard 6 weeks onwards so maybe u are still to early. how many weeks are you at?

purple rain, i am getting my mum to do my confinement. Og course mums know daughters best, but to be fair, we will choose whoever is more confident n capable n of course, more convenient and at ease. which in my case is still my own mum, LOL.

I am in my 8th weeks now, oledy told my parents n in laws. Which means our siblings oso know liao. My hubby dying to tell his buddies but I made him announce only after 12 weeks. Other than that, I only told one close gf of mine. haha
Feel like death recently. Nausea and appetite swings. Worse I'm having headaches everyday! EVERY SINGLE day!!

My body must be aging

Yah loh, dr Ong was jokingly telling us,"other question is if I can make it to the hospital in time", my second delivery took 45 min from admission to birth :D

Iyo I'm praying hard I get some energy back. I feel like a sack of rice daily... Tired and listless, headaches and all ahhhhh
Hi all,

Thanks Missy. Yes, I really looking forward to my next appt to c my baby growing process.

Well, I don't even know that I'm preg cos I'm already having spotting for 1 week and I tot i'm coming menus but just happen 1 day, i having very bad migraine, and I having half body numbless, so no choice, I went to TTSH and told the doctor i'm having very bad migraine and spotting, so they did the preg test for me and it positive. straight away they transterred me to the KK hospital and I was on hosptialization leave so I just take the chance to SMS my Male boss to inform him lor. Then he reply me "Congrats, Take care of your head" So funny comment. Due to I stay in the hosp so all my family member know liao lor.. lol
My hubby is very ignorant, he thoughtt CL cost ard $1.8k to 2k. I said this price was like 10 years ago? He got a shock when I told him, now 'smelly, smelly' also $2.5k liao, if CNY period, can reach $3.5k lor...
Missy, else u juz show them any scan den probably they will noe...

Snowhopes, i tot it was quite weird to say.. Or not sure how to start.. Hahaha
s_loh, I prefer picture... :p i took out my phone and told my mum "show u something". Then I was like looking for my photo album, then show her... my dad best, he said "I cannot see anything!!!". *faints*
<font color="49729C">purplerain:: but i feel it's still better to employ a CL instead of MIL or mother.. or both take turns. can cook and stuffs yes....but who will wake up for night feeds, and wash the laundries? although definitely i will vote for our own mummy too..but i will feel bad too if she has to do so much for me. as for MIL..can make use..make use..but at the end of the day..will she like it? just my personal tots...</font>
Im 8 weeks alr but might ovulate late coz last week on 7th wk came to see gynae only see water bag only..only today can view a tiny dot baby but still cant see heartbeat
purple rain, confinment ladies cost 2.5k now? wow! that is very ex. Even myself still in the 2k era. maybe this is dragon year so bumper crop of biz for the ladies.

My mum said she rather slog as my confinment helper than engage a stranger hang around at home doing chores my mum can easily do. haha. i count myself lucky. so told my hubby must pao her BIG angpao after that.

from last week to this week, there is progress already. I am sure u can see the HB is due time. The dr told u the BB 's gestational age based on the CRL?
<font color="aa00aa">canopy, I changed my appt le for the "2 weeks from this weekend" appt to a Friday morning appt.

Dr Tseng will be away for 2 weeks in August (2nd/3rd week of Aug i think) so I also shifted my detailed scan bookings... to late august. </font>
Thanks..i hope so too.
The gynae said wait til tmrw blood test result then he can tell me if everything ok n will tell me im on which wk n edd as well
Own mummy is always best! I'm not very close to MIL, till now, I still feel like a 'outsider' than DIL.

My mum still hand washes her laundries, clean house &amp; cook everyday though only my dad &amp; mum in the house. She is very typical tradtional woman. She did my sis 3 confinement,the #3 lagi siong cos #1 is 4yo, #2 is 2yo, she has to take care of all, including my sis. Salute to my MUM!!!
<font color="#49729C">purplerain:: wah seh.. ur mum power!! can i oso salute to her? heee.
n yes.. i agree own mummy is confirm guarantee better! that was why i got my mum to help look aft my kids before they started childcare.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">purple_rain, bananas are ok but dun eat the liang one (like the DOLE/Delmonte type). You can eat the ang bah jio... It's medium in size.</font>
Hi ladies, I'm back after MIAing for a few days, this thread is running too fast, I really can't catch up...

I am feeling very sick and weak now, just puke for the 5th time today and sat was my record high of puking 7 times... really must learn from Ally, still can stay happy and positive despite puking all day long...
I think it depends on individual bah. For my #1, I got my mum and in laws. My mum stayed over with us to prepare dinner, and my in laws who lved nearby cooked breakfast and lunch.

I nearly went into depression then.

My #2, we had confinement lady and that became the best decision in my lfe. The food was wonderful!!!!!!!! She trained my maid and took care of my older boy too... I realise a good diet is so so impt then. With my in laws I get fish mee sua every single day for 2 weeks, same double boiled soup every dinner for one month... I think I actually went mad...

My hb is more than happy to see a happy mummy at the end of the day... Lol... He'll pay any price I think kek kek kek
Do any of u feel pain, cramp or discomfort in ur stomach? I have been having this on and off, weird pain n discomfort in my tummy since 2 wks plus ago... Gynae said it's nothing serious but I'm still worried since MIL keeps saying that she never heard of any preg lady who has pain in their tummy... she ask me to see chinese physician to get myself checked and to eat some "an tai" medicine...
Liz, are u referring to cramps, occasional pulling or poking sensation? i think these are all normal. the girls discussed about this in previous few pages. i also have cramps since last week until now. only lesser intervals since yesterday.
liz, your pain, cramps, discomfort is just fpr a short while right, no spotting right? If yes, then it should be fine, coz your uterus is expanding hence you will feel those pain / cramps/ discomfort ba!

fullhouse, I agree w you, CL is one of the best decision but this time around it will be CNY period, you ask me paid $3.5K for CL, i heatpain leh??? Ask you ah, how you cope , did your # stayed with you then? won't he/she be sticky to you? How not to bother them while taking / nursing the bb?? me dun know what to expect leh?

I just had a hot fudge sundae, yummy!!
Thanks missy, sometimes I feel cramping-like pains, but many a times, I have pain in my entire tummy, like I need to go pass motion but actually there's nothing, and my pain seems to be with me 24/7...
Thanks tres, i don't have spotting but my pain seems to be with me 24/7 which hence make me worry... not sure isit becos I have lotsa wind in my tummy... burping non stop like a toad...
<font color="aa00aa">lizzie_grace, that was what I felt after my spotting ended... I landed up with diarrhea. Afte rthe diarrhea died down, I began to have what seems to be like cramps - not really cramps- tummy ache type of pain -but also not really tummy ache...

I did a little research before and the muscle group of cramps and tummy ache is same... So we do get confused. Unless it gets really bad and u have spotting too, go see the gynae yah?

*psst... I have also been burping quite frequently...*</font>
crap... my hot fudge sundae has met the toilet bowl!

haha, they say preggers women will have lotsa of wind in them... so we will either fart or burp alot lor!
fullhouse, so funny story from you. u went into depression coz of repetitive foods served to you daily haha.

liz, i also get wind in my tummy and felt the air get stuck just below my boobs, and have to burp it very often too. normally i will take antacids to solve the prob,now I just tahan all the way...

if u r still concern w the pain, maybe it\s good idea to get 2nd opinion from another gynae..
<font color="aa00aa">celia, it is actually quite easy to go into depression after child birth. And yes, something as simple as food could lead to depression. Can you imagine, u cannot eat out (my hb evil, went to buy ba chor mee to eat! sometimes he da bao Mac, etc.) and u gotta eat what is served to u - it's always sesame-oil flavour or ginger flavour - unless u are a die hard fan for 30 days and at least 2 meals a day... totally not fun...</font>
Anyone's bump showing? Surprising, my bump starts to show up. My #1 bump was only visible around 12wks, this one showed up so fast.

MS is still at full force as of today. I have not gained any weight so far due to poor appetite. In fact, I lost 1.5kg since BFP. Can't wait to see my BB again this Fri.

I don't think I will hire a CL, can't bear to part with 2-3K, will ask my maid to help out instead. Anyway, I don't really take confinement food due to my diet. I don't eat red meat
Tigress, *waves* ME ME ME! usually subsequent birth will show faster cos our skin is loose and streched liao... I wonder how long I can hide without making any annoucement (only week 7 plus leh!)
Mum vs mil:
U ladies lucky to have either le. My mil during our wedding aldy ' announced' she won't be taking care of grandchildren don't talk abt confinement when she herself bath n wash hair the 2nd day after her delivery. She's very westerner &amp; don't believe in confinement. To her, she can take care of her babies then herself without help so y I can't! My mum well sigh just too bad my boy in cc just coz she wan take care of her precious youngest daughter's baby boy borned this mar! My Hb still angry with my mum lor.

Full house/all: any gd cl to recommend? My cl don't do cny, &amp; most likely mine will hit cny
i think i in same shoe w u leh... long b4 i ever get preg, MIL got mention b4 that she dun want look after our kids in case unhappiness on bringing up methods... then after hearing e gd news, she also haven mention anything at all...
as for my mum, hmm... wkend she brieftly commented that no need buy things for me cos MIL should be e one buying n caring... T_T duno izzit i'm too sensitive over my own mum comments or not... *sob*
<font color="#49729C">tigress/snowhopes:: yeah.. me me...me too! i tink my first preg.. abt wk 8 like dat bump out...... this time.. abt wk 5-6 out le. i was juz in the lift.. i look dwn..cant see my feet. but i hv small feet oso la...so..... </font>
CL and food
I dont mind as long as there's variety. I'm a fan of ginger and sesame lol, and vinegar. My last CL made char siew, pork chop and all sorts of yummy confinement food!!! Ahhhh...

My hb still talks about her food!! Think he suffered a lot my first confinement :p the scond one must be heaven for him too...

But I'm no longer getting her coz she had retired. Bummer. I hope this one's as good :p

But I'm actually not that fussy a person. I will have a live in helper then, and I'm not particular about CL eating a lot, or snacking on what's in the fridge. My mum on the other hand mind such things dreadfully. So I'm crossing my fingers and shutting out all things then!!
wa, actually my MIL oso pushed the confinment thingy to my mum, claimed she cant do that, dunno that. My hubby and I agree she just plain lazy, wants the easy way out - just play w the baby end of the day. my hubby is her only son yet oso pushed all babysitting of kids to my mum. Haha.

It's my 1st - so no bump at all. but this is only my 8thweek. so maybe too early... oh yes, talking abt that, I read that long torso ladies' bump will oso show later and be less prominent, as BB got space to grow ard the belly.

Any long torso mums here? well, I have a long waist so hopefully i dun look too pregnant in due time. haha..
tigress, snowhopes... me me me.. my tummy is showing too! perhaps it is the fats that is show but i feel hor, it's rather hard and not flabby like previous time!
She took care of my sil's 2 sons since bb &amp; they are staying with her. I'm afraid if i ask her to take care of mine, my bb will not get much care &amp; attention. Cos i'm an 'outsider' though is her son's bb. Oops! i think too much liao. Just feel there is a difference... haiz...
Celia, jo, nlimm
You should be glad that no one wants to do confinement for you. I think it's easier to let an outsider do it for you. It's a clear relationship and you won't get upset when anyone falls short of your standards then...
Tigress &amp; snowhopes, me three! Bump like 5 mths preg -__-" but to begin with, I did not manage to lose the tummy for my no 1.. Wear jeans got mushroom effect. Fat spilling all over.. Lol

I enjoyed my confinement a lot. My CL does housework too and I was treated like a queen. But I post natal blue after she left cos I was so helpless then and having issue with bf. Looking back, I think I was damn silly then.. Baby cried, I also cried... Actually baby first 3 mths very easy to take care wan.. I think I will check with my CL tonight. She is in semi retirement mode... If she's not willing to do, maybe I stick to catering of confinement food.
Thank u snowhopes and Celia... sounds like my pain is pretty normal, k i will monitor and see how my pain goes... not sure if I shld follow MIL advice to pay the chinese physician a visit... then DH say like not so nice to mix western and chinese meds... gee... I really dunno what I shld do...
<font color="119911">LIz: could it be wind? I experience pain on whole tummy on when I got gas and will feel ok after I fart... *blush
Else will b Ocassional cramp by the side</font>
So I'm not the only one having the bump

If need to have CL, I would rather hire an outsider rather than MIL/Mum. Difficult to give instructions due to seniority. I had so much problems when my MIL did confinement for me previously. I prefer not to have her around so that I can rest better. I'm not really into confinement as I cannot stand a day without taking a bath or washing my hair. I hated oily food, I still have phobia when I was forced to eat pig liver during my confinement. I am not a meat eater to begin with.

This time round, I want to make sure I enjoy my maternity leave. Hopefully I can go for a holiday before going back to work. After this baby, I will close factory!!!
Fullhouse - Wow! 45 mins!! So quick! No wonder the traffic at Mt E is a huge factor..

I heard labour the first time round takes a very long time, and always wondered if it hurts the whole time or only towards the end when the bb comes out?
My bump is always there after #1... Hahaha

Confinement by mil,
I will never never get my mil to do it! Haha will be getting my mum to be my CL this time round, guess its very difficult to engage CL at CNY period

Confinement rate
My friends engage CL for may, and nov, both $2.2k, I heard that CNY rate for last year was $2.6, I believe this year confirm will hit 3k for CNY period...
<font color="aa00aa">Birth: my first gal birth total time was 3 hrs. After breaking water bag, I gave birth within 1hr plus... Some people say is considered v fast?

Fullhouse,45 mins! Gosh that's really really fast! </font>
Liz: i think pain may be due to wind... i also in pain for last 1-2 weeks cos of the wind inside and slow digestion then.. only go toilet big bz once in 4 days.... then I drink prune juice eat more fruits digestion got better so now not painful anymore

baby bump:
me having #1 now 8 weeks... my neighbour say my tummy showing liao....
Birth: my #1 was quite fast, I had very very mild pain and no contraction, I reached hospital at 6:30 n BB out at 8:45... Already 6cm dilated when I was at my gynae before going to the hospital... Natural birth without epidural.. Too late for it..
