(2013/01) Jan 2013

thanks for updating!

my gynae's clinic is in Bishan Central. HE operates in Mt A or Gleneagles. Well, I like him, he is very particular abt wt gain and baby health, other things he very chin chai... so will be sticking with him for #2. My stitiches for #1 heal within 1.5 wks, no other complications.

Thanks for updating!!!

Anyone feeling sleepy?? haha...i know i am... and super sian when i can't finish my lunch... left more than half behind... just got to tell colleagues my tummy don't feel well..gastric..then they won't ask so much..hehehe..
Ally: yes, i am sleepy.. I can like doze off anytime.. Juz now vomitted abit of my milk tea.. felt so lousy now... head super heavy...
Hi gals,

I updated... Hope I din miss anyone out? Let me know if any of the details are wrong...

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Baby #</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gynae Name</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>BB Gender</TD><TD>BB Name </TD></TR><TR><TD>allyfan</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>1-Jan</TD><TD>Dr Adelina Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>purplewish80</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>3-Jan</TD><TD>Dr Kenneth Edward Lee</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>LDG</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>5-Jan</TD><TD>Dr Eunice Chua </TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koms20</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>13-Jan</TD><TD>Dr Goh Shen Li</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>snowhopes</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>14-Jan</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Canopyhaze</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>15-Jan</TD><TD>Dr Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>tres</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>15-Jan</TD><TD>Dr Henry Cheng</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4season</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>17-Jan</TD><TD>Dr Douglas Ng</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
I also want to... but toilet got people bombing inside... almost puke out...hahaha... now having headache... damn.... but still happy lah....hehehe..

i can't eat, can't drink... feeling super terrible... chest like got something stuck... a bit dizzy... but i guess, i will still try to enjoy all these... hehehe...
ally, I not really feeling sleepy since I sleepy since this morning... BUT! *gasp* my colleague saw me buy noodles with extra soup and asked if I was preggy. I was like buy and share cannot meh?
Ally, LDG: our EDD is so near... hehe..
But my gynae say will have to check my edd again next wk... Most likely to deliver in Dec...
snowhopes and canopyhaze: u gals seeing the same gynae.. u know each other mah? Hehe...

Anybody's tummy started to show aldy??? Mine is like those 3 4 mths tummy... Jia lat man... Trying to hide but no way to to tat..
hahahaa... my colleagues know that i sometimes no appetite due to gastric... so no one suspect anyting yet...luckily...

i suspect mine will be early too... can't be overdue or exactly on EDD... i don't mind if bb comes out on christmas ...hahaha...i like yr end bb...

my tummy still flat flat one... can still fit into clothes..in fact, i think i lost some weight again...
Ally: i dun mind xmas bb too.. hehe..
I think cos i abit plump lah, so tummy shows so fast.. alot of ask me le.. only coming 2 mths... not yet 3 mths dun wan to let too many pple know.. hehe... i super pangtang... hehe...
i am ok with christmas bb or new year bb..as long as i get to eat my CNY goodies...hahaha... now i'm more concern abt are the stretchmarks that i may be getting...

so fast got ppl ask u already ah??? i don't even have a small tummy...
how nice to have a tummy already... can't wait for the tummy to pop out...

i heard abt the pantang thingy...that's why not telling unti tummy shows....
purplewish, no leh, dun know canopy personally... for me, i have a tummy since dunno when. Mine is especially bloated in the evening, by then leave office le *wooohooo* heng...

Allyfan, i wan mine to come out in Jan... else I would have 2 dec babies... yah someone mentioned double tier birthday cake? but good thing about Dec babies is they get one angpow during full month and one more during cny... if mid jan, means full month &amp; CNY angpow all in one... so money face hor? *ooops
i'm so tempted to tell my close colleagues.. haha.. but guess i'll just wait coz i oso pantang mah..

when i wasnt in sg, my MIL asked my husb how come no news from us yet.. HAHA..

my fren told me.. once cfm pregnancy liao hor, can start to use those stretchmarks cream liao
not money face lah... i partly want to celebrate cny is also to collect ang pow mah...hahahaa..been giving out for a few yrs without returns..finally have someone to collect angpow for me..hahahaa... me also money face mah...hahaha.. no choice... bb stuff all very ex... hehehe
snowhopes, not money face lah.. but if jan oso not bad lah.. if got chance CNY falls on the bdae.. den got xtra angpow..

my cousin owas get that.. whether CNY falls on his bdae anot.. but people tends to rem his bdae.. hehehe
cos my 1st 2 boys is during CNY period.. so cant get to get anything... sad right? hehe... alot pple ask me why I plan like tat de.. for them to come during cny?? I was like huh??? I nvr plan lor, they just come so wat can i do... haha..

I got small tummy but this time its far toooooo big not no notice it..

so far i didnt stretchmarks creams for both my pregnancy.. lucky lah, bo stretchmarks... touch wood touch wood.. hehe...
s_loh, *REN REN REN!!!* me also mah... so happy wanna share news, but havent see gynae and havent do scan... also havent pass the 8 weeks see HB stage so now still zip zip. Told my hb that i not going to tell my mum or his mum until later... :p

allyfan/s_loh, you're right on that one... best is just get married (fist year no need give angpow). got baby by 2nd new year, although first time give ang pow but got money to take back oso... *ooopppsss... once again*

Gynae appt:
you gals all go see gynae already uh?

aiyah, when will next saturday come, why my gynae dun wanna see me earlier *ARGH!!! I am going crazy* That day I ask hb, should I use the 2nd HPT? Cos we bot the watsons brand 2 tests one. Used one and still got one more. Told him I wanna double confirm. His reaction: "SIAO!"... *haiz*
snowhopes, i yet see a gyane yet.. perhaps will see one on 28/5 as that marks the 6th week then can see hb.. now see gynae also see the sac only
snowhopes: ya loh.. wanna share the gd news but hav to wait... haha.. i intend to tell his parents and my parents after nxt wk when gynae cfm.. i told my hubby i wanna test myself first b4 gg to gynae nxt wk.. he say i too rich.. test so many times.. hahaha.. but i juz wanna cfm mah....
Aiyoo i also want my tummy to show leiii.. heheheehe. So envy all of you!! Im here still struggling.. *sob sob*..
Hi snowhopes, opps! Paisay ah, never notice ur name in the list...me blur blur ah;)
My first appt on 25May,can't wait for this day to come!!!
Hi allyfan, it's our first bb!!! Excited over the pregnancy stage!!!
Glad that we hv many experienced mummies here!! Can get advice from them!! Yah, hope ur bb 'pop' out on 01-01-13 in morning, then we all can see u in news!!! First bb in yr 2013!!
Purplewish : Not yet. Last tested is ytd morning with clearblue is BFN lor. So a bit disheartened as CB shld be v accurate de n GP also said if preggie ytd shld be able to test +ve de, cos based on my LMP. (not too sure of my LMP my memory tells mi is 6apr lah) so i tell all of u is 6apr. He said assumed is 10apr, ytd also shld be able to test positive le. GP said maybe is AF ask me to wait for 1-2days after i tell him my symptoms. Then i ask him what if my symptoms persist and my AF havent come. He ask me check for diabetes. A bit angry with him lor..
Draaaloon : ya lor no worries. Positive means positive, there is only false negative no false positive ok.. hehe. Dont think too much la.. aiyooo
The waiting is horrible... Then u have to decide to check for diabetes anot.. Y not just do a fasting sugar test? If its normal and AF still not here means got chance to b preggy.. just tat HBCG is not high enough as the date u ovulate is longer thats y its still not showing.. Just my opinion lah..
Tmr i will be on leave till next fri.. duno if got time to check in here anot...
blurblur: PM me ok if anything.. cos I dun wan to miss out anything here, but lazy to read.. hehe...
Purplewish : I personally dont think i got diabetes lor. I have this experience when im preggie with my 2nd gal. And hor my urine not yellowish. I heard diabetes urine v yellowish de mah.. I will just wait lor no choice actually i can choose to do a blood test but grrrrr i dont dare worrr.
can can sure i will pm you if there is anything gg on here.. Wao so good on long leave??
If not you go for blood test to see if you are preggy...

Long leave is to stay at home... Maid going back for home leave 1 wk.. so I have to jaga my #2... hope she comes back if not I die.. need to move hse, hsework, jaga kids and preggy... one word to describle me now... STRESS...
yeah!!! u also having ur 1st?? i'm planning on having only 1...hahaha... but i see a lot of ladies here onto their 2nd and 3rd... envy their courage...hehhee...

u r onto ur #3 ah?? wow... how u cope?? cos i can't imagine myself coping with even 1... i really really envy ur courage...

headache gone, MS also gone for now...

why not go for blood test?? that's the most accurate one...
ally: #3 is accident de.. but cos we got plan de just tat bb come abit earlier.. hehe... My 2 boys aldy gave me headache, i also cant imagine #3 coming.. but i still salute those who got 4.. I pei fu them the most... My 1st 2 i dun have much of MS.. this time is worst.. just hope it goes away fast fast...

blurblur: ya, go for blood test.. to check for preggy...
Purplewish : u moving house? I thot preggie not supposed to move hse mah? Oh you allow your maid to go home ah? Your maid is indo or philippines one huh? How long had she been with you le?? Cos my current maid 2yrs contract ends in aug, so im thinking to get a mynarmar or get back indo de.

Ally : Im just timid la. I scared comes out negative. Crazy me right, dunno lei i rather see my AF coming than to see the blood test results worr.. So i will just tahan lo and see how. Today my back n shoulder ache, then a bit of headache coming in. Hmmm .. Signs of AF?? who knows??
Purplewish : yalor i scared lor as i tell Ally i rather see RED than to see negative results for my blood test lei. The "feeling" got difference de wor.
at least u got plans for #3..hmmm.. this time round got MS ah..unlike the 1st 2 times?? maybe it's a girl girl this time round?? so different symptoms???

actually quite true lah..the feel is different ...when u see AF and when u get the results... well, lots of bbdusts for u!!!
i tink my MS start to kick in... only thing i hv the urge of vomitting nt in the morning but as and when thing... v xinku...
Hi all,
Add me! Add me!! Erhmmm but..
Nick: chipsnchops
Edd: 15 Jan 2013
birth order: #3
Gynae: ??
Hospital: ??

Haven't decided on a gynae, or hospital. Any recommendation ? Christian, pro natural, no nonsense type? Mt E or Mt A or public hospitals?
Went to gynae few days ago but he said fetus small at around early 5 weeks (similar to canopyhaze I think)... My lmp was 29 march so either I ovulated really late or hmmmm...

Mummies testing
I got my bfp really late, think last week at around cd42... So as long as no af, there is hope!
Hi ally,
Same here!!! Me wan to stop at 1 bb;) Kinda worry on coping bb; maybe first time entering motherhood,ta's y ah!! Salute mummies with more than 1!!! Huh,perhaps too early for us to say nw!!
I jus wan to say it loud- 妈妈真伟大!
purplewish: I hv been constantly looking like 3-4mths preg ever since I had my #1 bec of that pestering bump.... Lol...

Ally &amp; 4season: I had initially wanna hv 1 only, but look, I'm in this thread nw! And i hv ttc very hard and long for this very much desired #2! So, its too early to say u wanna stop at 1! ;)
Hi all, I'm new in this forum... please add me into the list

Nick: icydolphin
Edd: 8 Jan 2013
birth order: #1
Gynae: Dr Eunice Chua
Hospital: TMC
Hi Mummies, yah, too early to say jus one bb only... Must be after seeing the cutie bb n wish to get another bb again!! First time stepping to motherhood life, wil try to adapt!
Babydust to berries n all to add on to the list!!
Hi Jo &amp; Jiau, congrats to our first birth!!
Any recommendation on stretchmark cream? Hi Ally, I'm worry also...My girlfd got the scar n she regretted for ignoring n never buy cream to apply;( I stil wan to wear bikini after birth!!! Cos I love beach!
Hi purplewish, envy u! No stretch mark at all!
Thks 4season!! Grab the bb dust..
I used clarins stretchmark cream last time.. It is very gd!!
U k try.. I hear my frens say mother earth one is nt bad as well..
