(2013/01) Jan 2013

Hi ladies I m missing out a lot I guess...

@ally~ I jux receive a call today I ve been offered the position I went for interview last wk

@dorie~ I hate to c u leave tis thread..I m gg to pm u my fb email add me k?

Back to the Oscar test.. My gynae said its optional... Btw I m 35 nw
n tis consider my first pregnancy if I don't count the ectopic pregnancy back in 2007... I'm thinking whether I Shd chg gynae... Argghhh

Congrats jlau!!!! :D

Counting down to my gynae appt next week is such a torture!!! Hope the days pass faster. Been feeling moody & unloved... This year mothers day got nothing except this surprise. Got surprise but still no special indication by hb. Lagi he not excited... I think I getting pre-natal depression Liao... So so sian de lor. Everyday evening oso face black black & Hb best one- dun even ask what's wrong and pretend all is ok.

Candy, most pple try not to tell pple until 2 nd trimester. My first preggy I also inform my boss cos he wanted me to travel. Then he openly talked abt cravings in front of my colleagues n asked me if I had any... *really faints lor!*

Din know that as long as not u say one is ok... :p
Dorie jie jie, I think you should continue trying. I read yr post and you're really an inspiring mommy! Stil looking forward to
Yr posts!!! )
Hi mummies, I'm officially checking in here. Just tested positive and I'm so happy. Hence like to join this thread to chitchat about our pregnancy : )

Hi Trevi/ Shirley & any mummies on 2WW, I'll say "test now!". I tested myself 13 DPO n got a super faint positive line. Googled on it and all sites I read up says as long as the positive line shows up, no matter how faint it is, it is still a positive. I then invested in e clearblue test kit that tells the no. of weeks since conception n it says 1-2 weeks. It tallies with my own marking for DPO : )
@ Dorie: thanks =)hope still can see u here everynow and then =)

@Blur: Thanks, I know cannot dye hair but dunno abt massage, what abt cut hair? hee.....

@snowhopes: This is what my boss told me la as long as not i say out de..... LOL....but i will try not to announce during 1st trim =)....

Congrats Xara =D
Xaramama : Ya you are right. As long as there is a faint line is a positive.


Rugirly : Yup yup.. cannot do massage in the 1st trim..Of course can cut hair lah, can u imagine 9mths nv cut hair?? like 济公 lei...hahaaa...
Do come in here often to check on us...and 39 is not old at all... Andy lau became a father at 51 and his wife is 46 or 49 (can't remember her age) ... so u r NOT TOO OLD to TCC... try for another yr... who knows god may give you a surprise present??
Dorie, thanks for your best wishes! wow, 3 kids = 1 tough mummy! Jiayou! I agree with you, whatever your kids shortcomings... they are always a joy to be with!!

Candy, you can basically do the same as what you have been doing lah! Skincare is fine except AHA and those skin peeling acids.. Food and drinks, everything in moderation, ideally no raw / uncooked food that's all!
There is no ideal time to 'announce' but perhaps to your boss and close colleagues so that they will understand your 'symptoms' ba! Dun gung ho and announce to the whole world coz if you feel em brassed if the pregnancy doesn't stablisize *touch touch wood*
CONGRATS on the new job!!! It's good that you are frank with them right?? at least u know what type of company u r joining...
EDD on 1 Jan... end confinement will be 1 Feb.. CNY next yr is when ah??? That means still have hope for CNY goodies!!! hahaha... ok..i think i'll be as big as a cow by then... perhaps should not think about CNY goodies...hahaha..
Dorie, so sad to hear that you've leaving. Your messages have been very encouraging and informational. Do stay around and pop in at times.
I don't think you are old. I'm 42 this year, I think I should be more worried than you. You are still young so don't give up that easily. Ganbare!
thanks draaaloon ... i thot it was in Jan... hahaha.. but then stress liaoz... need to slim down before cny... hahaha...better control my diet and not let myself eat too much..
Dorie : U see so many ppl missing u already.. U shld pop by often..
To chat with us. I think im the next one u will console, I feel very contradicting, feeling of pregnant is v strong but on the other hand i feel like AF anytime come n find me.

Cos i see some ppl LMP 6 apr, all tested +ve. mi still BFN as per ytd morning..

Xara : U use the clearblue digital test kit? It says 1-2weeks pregnant? What does it mean? That means is conception (egg meets sperm) until had been 2weeks liao huh??
blurblur, dun feel upset... as long as AF nv report.. u still have hope!!!

i tink ur AF wont report... trust the feeling tat u are preggy...î'm sure u will blast me ur gd news
I've been in very good mood recently..hahaha.. been luffing and smiling away... even with bad MS... i'm still feeling pretty good... i'm soooooooooooooooo going to enjoy this pregnancy... hehehe...
Rugirly: thanks : ) regarding massage, its a nono in 1st trimester. I do pre natal massage when I was pregnant with my 2 kids n always started after e 6th mths. Usually e massage ladies will not want to touch u before that. I think it's abt some nerves that will lead to contraction.

Blur02: yup yup, so happy : )

S_loh: as long as it's cooked food, can take. If it's processed or high in mercury food, take minimal. Avoid if possible.
Blur02: yup, u r rite. Clearblue will says either 1-2 or 2-3 or 3+. all these numbers refers to the no of weeks passed sperm meets egg. So if it shows u 1-2, it means u r ard 1-2 weeks after conception n Gynae usually refer to this stage as 3-4 weeks pregnant.
Berries : Hmm im quite contradicting as what i said, my feeling of pregnant is v strong this month, but i feel im not that lucky de lo..But frankly if yes im gg to temple to bai bai liao le. Yaya maybe my mind keep telling my AF not to come, let me imagine im pregnant.. so i tell myself not to think so much now. When AF reports, i will still come in n update u all de.

Ya lor is v sensitive de mah. can test conception 1-2weeks lei. That is why i said clearblus v sensitive. So xara does it mean it can be tested before AF due right?? Cos is 1-2weeks since conception mah..
ya agree with draaloon, ally smile more.. dun go tink bout the bad MS.. it will go off after ard 10 weeks or so.. very fast de...JY!

blurblur, woman sixth sense is very accurate..
ur sixth sense tell u tat u r preggy.. then u are preggy!!!! yeah!

the clearblue really so power? i nv use tat before.. tell me more leh.. the testing is like normal clearblue? just tat it indicate the weeks?
we all work together to have smiling and luffing babies... hahaha... seriously i don't know what's wrong with me... can't stop smiling and luffing and feeling super happy...hahaha.. i'm a mental case...hahaha..

i really hope the MS going away...i'm into my 7 weeks now... and it's really bad until...i think it's ADS (all day sickness) ... but i'm still feeling happy... hahahaa.... weird huh... i think we should all JY for our happy bbies!!!

JIA YOU!!!!!
ally, i can feel u... the feeling and tots of the bb inside you is really amazing.. i hate MS too.. but i luv the preg processs.. so enjoy it!
I think all of us here feel the same...hehehe..just that i'm a bit more of the mental mental siao siao type... hahaha.. it's amazing to think that something is growing inside... especially when can hear the hb... confirm something is alive inside... it's a tiny life growing... happy... happy until don't know how to work...
Berries : Sixth sense can fail sometimes de. I not really depend on sixth sense, i jus feel extremely different this month.. Like when im preggie with my 1st 2gals. But after testing 2x times BFN, i kind of telling myself not to think so much. Somemore one time is with clearblue. Even the GP said unless the clearblue is failure testing or else i shld be able to test positive ytd de. haizzz..

Yeah really powerful.
They got 4 kind of results:
1) not pregnant
2)1-2weeks pregnant
3)2-3weeks pregnant
4)3-4weeks pregnant

That is why im thinking if im preggie, i should be able to at least have the same results as xara right?? 1-2weeks pregnant (1-2weeks since conception) But ends up i see "not pregnant". kaozzz.
ally.. no lah.. not mental case.. juz feeling happy.. ytd my hubby and i couldnt slp and we already tink of funny names.. but i told him.. dun tink so much first coz even the gynae cant cfm yet.. so we hav to wait till nxt wk..

i cant wait for nxt wk.. one week is like one month...
Ally : Thanks so much. i so much wanted to know am i really pregnant a not. Or else im gg to fall into depression liao, luckily got u all here to encourage me. Cos i never tell my hub or my family abt my symptoms.. I jus scared is PMS. I feel v a bit irritated when having these symptoms, so the thought of pregnant is in my mind but i tested BFN 2x.. i think confused can describe my feelings now.
haha.. ally u so funny!
you must be someone who can influence ppl ard you with laughters.. so nice!! i like tis kind of character ppl..

blurblur, have faith!! maybe u suay suay bought a default CB kit leh?

draaaloon, hope next week come.. so u can share the joy with us.
Berries : Your postings made me laughed. Im really v suay then. Cant be lah.. hahaahaa..im still having that little little bitssss of hope lor. Hoping is cos my HCG not high enough yet lolxxx.

U know this really made me think of my no2. when GP said i got diabetes. i was so scared.. but my mum keep assuring me that im confirmed pregnant. Like u all now, keep enouraging me.. If not for all, i will cry in slience liao lo..
blurblur, maybe tis time just like the same as wen u having ur #2?

dun cry in silence.. we are all here to give u support and encouragement.. u are nv alone..
i still don't know what names to give...i was telling hubby..let's give this little thing footballer name.. and he came up with rooney ... gosh... then i asked him if girl girl leh..he says...still rooney.. want to faint lah..hahahaa... and u don't think too much..once have double line on test kit means pregnant... confirm already... hahaha..

hmmm...u r quite right abt my character..the office is liek ghost town without my noise..hahhaa... i'm the one who's always talking and luffing away..machiam like very free, nothing to do when actually i busy until want to faint.. hahaha...

take it easy okie? i've friends who never ever can get double lines on their pregnancy test kits and yet they are mothers of 2 or 3 already... i've a friend who was in her 5th mth pregnant and we wanted her to give us a positive test kit so that we can play a plank on other friend's boyfriend... who knows, she pee-ed and negative... we tried other brands and again the same thing... hahaha..it's damn funny cos she's already showing..bb bump and all and yet BFN on the kit.. so i never really trusted those kits... even when i tested positive... i still don't trust it until i see bb's hb...hehehe...
purplewish, dorie says she wan to stop ttc le..
everyone here feel very upset bout it..
but she promised she will drop by the threads..
just hope she kana the next cycle and then back to tis thread!!!
we also don't know... just happened ..cos we wanted to bluff this girl's bf that he made her pregnant and show him the pregnancy kit... but who knows... it's just damn funny... and we were joking that she's lying abt being pregnant and just that she put on weight ... hahaha.. and she commented...no wonder ppl don't give up seats to her..cos she's only fat... hahaha...
Purplewish : Bcos her AF reported ytd...

My dearsss.. thanks so much! You all are really so good to me, im so touched. i mean we have never meet before or what, we just chat through this thread, But i can feel all your lovesss n ecouragements from all of you. **simply touched**

Ally : U very funny.. Think 5mths the HCG nt that much liao issit. haahaaha.. cos bb is growing?? ya hor how come ah??
I checked liao. According to the site, it is on 12 Feb 2013... yeah... ur confinement should be over by then.

tres, I have a facial appt next week. Was wondering if I should go... I read online that cannot do shoulder massage? For my first preg, I seldom did facial. Like I think twice during my whole preg and my skin was like totally CMI by the time I gave birth and went back to work.
ally.. somehow i still dun trust the kit.. haha.. kind of contradicting.. tested with BFN.. tink the kit is not working properly.. tested with faint positive.. still tink the kit is not working properly.. i guess u are rite.. dont trust it until see bb's hb..

how many wks den can see bb's bh?
oh ya.. snowhopes, u reminded me.. i hav IPL appt nxt monday for underarm.. i tink i have to cancel it.....
when my friend 1st gotten pregnant..she also tested BFN..she thot she's not pregnant until she took blood test... then confirm pregnant when found the bb and bb's hb... so she never ever tested +ve ... also don't know why...

thanks thanks... so that means if bb comes out 1 jan..i'll have abt 6 weeks to get back in shape... i want to be hot mama... hahaha...thanks ah!!!

exactly...especially if keep on testing BFN but scan and blood test comes out otherwise... for me...i don't believe until i see bb's hb..then it all became real... hehehe... but of coz, once have double line confirm is liao lah...

i heard my bb's hb this week..so meaning abt 7 weeks can hear already...but some will be later...at 8 weeks..
Ally : Oh got this kind of thingy de mah? Ytd i went to see GP he got ask me to take blood test, he said can pick up more accurately than urine test. But i rejected him kekeee. I jus scared if confirmed not pregnant i will be sad kekee.. Crazy me hor.. I rather see AF coming than to take blood test.
I just hoping to test BFP before my bday. So is double happiness wahahahhaa.. So if not BFP AF please come faster, dont dampen my bday mood lor. U all agree?

s_loh, yah IPL cannot le, gotta cancel. That one confirm cos I did those light treatment for face before and the therapist asked me if I preg (if preg cannot do).

Paiseh uh, I somehow cannot find your earlier post about the kit. But for preggy test kit, as long as there is a faint line for test, it is considered positive! (it's a different method of reading from OPK) if we scan earlier (i.e. v early in the pregnancy), no HB can be seen but usually can see the egg implantation.

Allyfan, means her HCG did not go into the urine... that's really strange and reminds me of the discovery channel "I didn't know I was pregnant". Me EDD according to my own calculation is 14 Jan. haiz, means i cannot eat steam boat le lor... :'(

My gynae says only see me 7 weeks aft LMP. How do you count 7 weeks from LMP?
