(2013/01) Jan 2013

ry_an, do take more rest.

Nickole & Canopy, thanks for the info.
Strange hor, bb fair yet no stock for bottles..

Fullhouse, I think I've more energy now at 15+ wks as compared to 1st tri. Yesterday & today, however very fast drained of energy, maybe due to stomach upset. For you, do try to sleep early & take naps if possible.
hi gals,
been so busy at work don't even have time to view forum stuff lor... So now catching up on the posts. Ooooh who going to Japan? There's a lot of rumours abt radiation. Well, if u have decided just dun go too near the site. Hokkaido is quite far away (or so I heard) - My Geography fail one... (haha)

Fullhouse, my energy is "MOSTLY" back... But I do feel like a ballon that suddenly lose air. So there are days I feel a million bucks, then the next moment *teh*. I went to see gynae and found that I lost 1.5kg! But bb is growing and my appetite is returning...

Oh i asked the nurse, she say ok to eat the calcium tab with Obimin. I guess cos Obimin also got calcium ma, so eating more calcium with Obimin is ok. Feeling sleepy le... I btr go bathe and hit the sack.
Till tmr! Take care gals!
Ladies, anyone heard about Babyplus system? It is a prenatal education system (sort of 胎教) and the critics seems very good and quite popular. anyone of you use it before? I heard it is very effective and the bb are born more intelligent and cry less, no sure true a not.
I used baby plus for #1, seriously I Won't know if it helps, I don't think baby cry lesser compared to other baby... Anyway I'm not using it for #2...

Fullhouse, my energy level is better than last few weeks, now can survive without afternoon nap.. Previously cannot.. Will nap about 2-3 hours with my boy..
Ry_an: have a gd rest n fake care.

Fullhouse : no worries. Am shortening my mc and going back to office 1 wk earlier, hence starting work on next Monday. I can meet for lunch if I have no client meeting when start working.

I think baby cry less if you carry more and he/she felt that no need to cry so much?

Few frds used... but dun see any thing........ same development rates and some cry even more than usual. so i think it's indivdual?

Shice, the avent bottles:
limited edition bottles blue/pink at $23.50 per set
125ml- $10

avent teats $5.50 per box of two

talking about the radiation vest, i read about it before. Some like do so much till the preg mum like space woman! Alot of gadgets to protect from radiation etc etc.

Angeliqueous, I used babyplus for my no 1 too. Same as hammiebao, not using it for no 2. My boy was difficult to manage for the first 6 mths. Slept in the day, terror at night. Development skills normal leh.. Naughty and bad temper as per his age gp. Nowadays, kids are smart anyway.. be it with babyplus or not... If the product is real good, don't think it will cost only $300 plus...
Shice, I will be at TMC at around 10.30am on Sat. Dr Ben's clinic is at level 1, near the drop off point for cars and taxi stand...
Cheese, your number 2 probably a girl? Congrats!

My doc said my number 2 most probably a girl, no wonder my first girl keeps saying she is going to have a meimei.

I'm shy to ask all mummies whether any of you have sore breasts? The soreness can get quite uncomfortable especially when I'm sleeping at night. I have to try not to sleep my right/left side as may press on my breasts.

Good luck to all mummies going for oscar/amnio test.
Sure do pm me.

Japan travel,
I'm going end sept to Kyoto and Tokyo. Was a little nervous about the radiation rumours but I have a Japanese friend who actually went back to give birth to her #2. I think if there really is radiation the Japanese would be the first to know and given a choice they definitely wouldn't want to expose their children to it. Anyway this trip for me was postponed from Sakura viewing season in April till sept. Hope I can catch the autumn foliage.
not to mention eat real nice and fresh sashimi (in moderation).

Can anyone share on what sort of things we can buy for babies and kids in Japan? Is there like a must-go shop or brand we should buy cos it's cheaper? how is the outlet shopping in gotemba? TIA!
Courgeous81, low lying placenta actually not much harm, just that the placenta is covering the cervix and depending on how low it is. for my case, it was covering almost the whole opening, so i had to go for c-sect. theres no way i can go for natural birth due to that. other than that, just be careful in everything and avoid squatting and exercise, bed rest more.

Canopyhaze, why like that ah? i went on Sat and there are plenty of stocks.. i think they keep for weekend?? cannot be they dun sell the bottles for those who are not trading in right?
Sylvia, thanks for the info. I think i'll give it a miss. Will try my luck to see if got any mummies selling cheaper in the Wts thread.

Re: trade in bottles
I intend to go down this thurs to trade in my Medea bottles. Hearing updates from canopyhaze, I'm now thinking if I should make the trip at all. Weekends are quite packed for me.

So gathering today is off?
Hello all Mummmies~ I'm new to this forum and my first baby is due 21 Jan 2013. I'm with Dr Benjamin Tham at TMC. Look forward to learning from everyone
@belle2006 - Me me me! I have sore tender breasts! But I still sleep on my left side because it improves blood flow / nutrients to the placenta.

When I wake up in the middle of the night, breasts feel painful cos I must have pressured on them but just massage lightly, change your sleeping position (sleep to the right then go back to the left) will be ok.

Slowly you will get used to it. =)
In my prev thread, a few mothers were using it. For one the bb did turn out pretty smart, but I do find him rather fussy as a bb. However both parents are Mensa members, so go figure :p. For others, I don't see much difference in development.

I don't use it for both my children, coz the research is too limited. I'll rather take fish oil which have at least proven benefit.
jerm, last night was very uncomfortable for me. I'm already into second trimester, thought the soreness will ease but it seems to be getting worse. During my first pregnancy, I had soreness also but not as bad as this time. I try to massage them daily. My breasts also feel slightly harder, do you have the same experience?
friends, i just pm-ed u my hp. see if we got chance to meet each other to say hi. heh..

re: sore breasts
my breasts felt "bloated", but not really sore until painful kind. Used to be able to wear bra to sleep. Now need to take off. I'm already using 1 bra extension. Thinking if i should use 2 extension at the same time! looks abit funny hor. haha...
<font color="119911">*yawnz* So very tired today...
Have been awake for at least 2hrs every middle of these few nights!
This disturbance seems to be getting worse!

How come here so quiet today deh?</font>
Belle 2006,

have same prob esp I am still bf the older one.

if u r looking for branded baby stuff, gotemba might nt be the good one. U can stay in Tokyo as there are more outlets there.

If u are gng to Kyoto, might as well go Osaka which hv 2.

Do u need the info?

What to buy?
Alot to buy and depend where u stay, then can I furnish the info where u can buy near ur hotel.
LDG, i also wake up and mine is 2-3 time for urine thou no water intake after 8pm.. haizz.. feeling tire and I agree with fullhouse, age play apart
shice, did you breastfeed during your first pregnancy? I had very bad and painful engorgement when I breastfed my first girl.

I wonder whether it's normal for my breasts to become slightly harder now. I think I have to ask my gynae next time I see her again.
For those who are looking for bottles trade in, u can go Isetan baby fair. same price. maybe can call and ask if there's any stock left for trade in before heading down??

There's BHG baby fair going on till 5 Aug.
i think bottles trade in can also be done at the Expo baby fairs where they have Medela and Pigeon booths

I think i m the odd one, with no symptoms at all.

Does anyone knows walk in for Oscar scan, which day actually have a lesser crowd? i m going this week actually..
belle, yes i bf until 7+ months then i choose to stop coz i'm changing job. During my first trim, i felt some let down sensation, like i'm bf-ing. but into second trim, no more. Instead my breast became bigger and tighter. Feeling very uncomfy even when i'm wearing extensions now. Wanna take them off! haha. i rem one of the mummies took off her bra in office before, but cant rem who. heh.. as for the hardness, i only felt my nipples getting really hard. sometimes hard until very uncomfortable that i need to massage them to make them softer. Not sure if it's due to less s*x. haha!
nickole, someone mentioned earlier to avoid mondays and fridays. I went on a tuesday ard 8.20am and settled within an hour.
sylvia, u are still breastfeeding your first kid now? how old is your first kid now? my menses didn't come until I weaned totally after 6 months.

I'm hoping that this time round I will have an easier time breastfeeding as my first experience was quite a tough one. I always envy those mothers who have little to no problem in breastfeeding.
Etirine, USA.. ALOT to buy!! haha..

- breast pump (usually medela)
- baby clothes like GAP, Old Navy, B'gosh, Carter
- Crocs if u got toddlers
- braun thermometer
- baby carrier if u need (but this item, i'm not sure if it's cheaper there)
- Desitin diaper cream
- calendula products (e.g. cream, bath and shampoo)

so far these are the things i bought that were shipped from USA.

yes, still breastfeeding . Coming to 4 yrs old. Menses only come ard her 2nd birthday.

She rejected milk bottle when young and allegic to dairy milk, hates FM.

I dun hv much and she only want to latch, so just continue for her health and though tried to stop but not successful esp now.


USA summer crazy sales are coming, til you can just list things u will need to go shop the whole shop down!

It's super cheap!
Welcome! We have the same gynae..we might bump into each other during checkups.

Gotemba is for MY shopping kekeke as I'm staying for 2 nights in Hakone...but perhaps in normal department stores etc I was thinking of buying like Nissen clothes etc? Any other jap brands like Nissen that I should look out for?

You mean Osaka has 2 outlet malls? I will be staying in Kyoto, but will take day trips so if those outlets are better than Gotemba then I'll go there!

If there are must-shop places in Tokyo I will make sure I cover those places in the 4 days I'm there. Do let me know your recommendations ya?

Yah I wasn't very successful at breastfeeding. Anyone has tips on increasing production? I had latching problems and supply was low. I already ate gynae prescribed motilium, and took fenugreek. Maybe my pumping schedule wasn't often enough, or there's a specific method to pump?


U F&amp;E there? Taking JR pass? If u r holding, then go there. There's 6 outlets around Osaka and Kobe.

The best for kids and largest is in kobe.

Nissen only deal online. But u need Jap add to order. Or U choose then i can arrange to send to ur hotel?

What's ur price range as there are many Jap brands.

But end sept... maybe u might catch end summer sales or early Autumn sales ( clothes are thicker)

Maybe u wanna pm me what u like to buy , eat , see, then I send you a list?

Thanks Shice!
hmm.. then i shld have gone down today. i m planning to go on thurs. hopefully not much ppl..

Etirine, the things Shice mentioned above are very cheap there! u can save on the shipping since u bringing back urself! heehee.. happy shopping there!

Belle, Sylvia, my menses came the second month after delivery even though i m TBF!
really envy u all can have menses-free days while BF.

Sylvia, if u intend to wean ur gal from u, have to be firm, since ur gal can understand u now.
the mummies from my old thread successfully weaned their babies when they turned 1yo, by telling them "mummy is tired", patting them to sleep. Well, can try if u want to wean off lah. jus a little suggestion.

tks for the suggestion.

I tried all the ways.... nt successful. But it is not a must to me to wean her as she will stop eventually. More important is character building and the self-confident and bonding.

I can ignore her so that she can sleep without breastfeeding, but she will wait all the way no matter how tired she is. Even she tried sleeping on her own putting effect, in the end, she will want to breastfeed.

The lastest is I told her that she is old and no need. She asked me if baby will be breastfeeding , I said yes, Then she asked ' then why baby can, she can not?" very angrily.

At this point, the sibling rivalry, it's better nt to touch what is important to her, her mum's breastfeeding to feel comfort.

She even told me that she breastfeed, baby use milk bottle to declare her area of ownership.

When she is 2 mth old, she had already reject milk bottle, choosing only breastfeeding. Even when she is newborn, she will only take milk bottle in the middle of the night, day time, she will not take milk bottle. This is how strong she is to breastfeeding.
LM, japan has alot of tempting food that we can't eat.
I wanna go back japan again! if got chance, after #2. go and chiong all the sashimi!! lol.

Btw can go Hakone. It's a nice n cosy place. but dun go for the hot spring coz currently preg. will harm the baby if water temp is too high. ur hubby can go relax.
btw gotemba outlet is near hakone. Can use the hakone pass to travel to gotemba and back.

japan is a nice place, but i find the standard of living quite expensive. I spent quite alot on food though some dinners we actually ate supermarket sushi that were on discount already.
Yes yes will pm you soon. Hahaha
6 outlets around Osaka?? I am travelling FnE so can take our time if I'm tired. Plus I enjoy the research part before going, it feels like I'm visiting twice! Are you based in Japan?

Hmm if Nissen can only order online then maybe I'll pass. I thought I can actually see the clothes etc. Esp for babies n toddlers the thickness/thinness of the material is impt for sg's weather.

Acually my Itinerary is Kyoto, hakone, Tokyo. Plus day trips while I'm based in those places. Didn't get the JR pass cos I'm returning to sg from Tokyo and will only be taking 2 longish train rides in one direction rather than a round trip. Might not make the pass worthwhile.
Foodwise I will still eat a bit of everything...I'm not very good at abstaining from the pregnancy cannot eat foods. I'm sure their restaurant standards of sashimi r better n more fresh? So I'll go ahead. Yah I agree on the cost of the food, so we are staying at more budget friendly places to allow us to eat better (and shop more!).

But I'm sad that I'll have to miss the hot springs. I love soaking in jacuzzis n all that so I'm sure I would love the hot spring!

wait for ur pm.

how long u gng? 1 wk?

If u gng 1 wk, JR pass is worth taking up even though to n fro 2 trips only but u will be saving alot more ard, other than Hakone pass ( odawara). That also include from airport to Tokyo city.

If not, u can take the promo for NEX fm airport to Tokyo 2 way which is cheaper buying normal ticket.

Actually, there is leg hot spring which u can use in Hakone.
hey mommies to be

will like to recommend you my confinement lady, Huang Tai, she has done confinement for me in Apr 2012. She is dedicated, experienced and fantastic! here is her blog, that you can refer to http://confinement2011.blogspot.sg/

do book her early as she is very popular!
she can be contacted at 83090545
singapore pr, thus need no permit to work
Ctrus, my doc give me two days mc to stay at home due to my back pain. No med given only ask me put plaster,but did urine test to see if it's kidney infection..
Brand new 2011 Peg Perego switch compact in orange colour, bought during March 2012 Taka baby fair at $799 (with receipt to prove purchase) now selling at $699,interested parties pls sms/whatsapp me at 96679993.

*Current Taka baby fair selling $799 too but limited colours left
*Brand new never use at all before cos baby not born yet, I am due only in Sept
*Reason for selling cos eyeing another stroller


cheese : i thought some medicated plasters are not suitable for pregnant ladies.

ctrus : i do have pain @ the tail bone at times, i reckon is due my sleeping posture as i am sleeping on my right side, the back does not have rest fully onto the mattress. I tried to sleep face up but will auto adjust to sleeping on the right side after a while.
LM Japan is a lovely place! I went on fne for my honeymoon too but didn't go to any outlets. If u like I can share my research info w u. I went to Tokyo, Osaka, Hakone, Nara and Kyoto.
as for raw fish my cool cool doc basically told me it is safe to eat so i did not abstain till now. Jes make sure is fr a reliable restaurant. My next appt is 18 aug n dr tham say will be able to tell the gender; so looking forward! Whens yr next appt?

Shice thanks for the shopping tips. I'm so looking forward to shop there too! Sylvia i was initially tinking of lugging a stroller back but I tink I might just settle for a 2nd hand here.
