(2013/01) Jan 2013

Hi gals
Ah just moved in to our temp location this morn... Yawns...

Bb movement
Can feel coz maybe it's my 3rd :p.

Girl or boy
My little girl has been telling the world she's going to have a meimeii!

Meet ups
Game on Tuesday lunch? Anyone?

friends : you can feel kicks at week 14 liao? I also week 14 but I had no feeling at all! is it normal?
Sylvia : which week are you in to start feeling the kick too?
I'm not sure if what I'm feeling is considered 'kicks'? I have the bubbling sensation sometimes when I try to sleep on my side. Hubby also thought he felt something one time I told him it was happening and he quickly tried to catch the movement.

tummy size,
I was extremely bloated the first trimester, until people kept asking me how far along I am. Now seems to be smaller compared to just weeks ago, until night time when I balloon. At times I really feel 6mths preggy!
I'm going to Bangkok/Chiang Mai during 1st week og Aug. As a first time mummy, pardon my ignorance, isit safe to travel? I will be in my 15 weeks then. Hubby was worried abt pressure up in plane, also need to travel a fair bit in van from point A to point B.
Angeliqueous, only occassionally can feel a bit but don't know whether it's baby or my stomach making noise.

Purple rain, if you are feeling ok, think shdn't be a problem. 2nd tri is the best period for travelling. Just remember don't eat roadside food loh.... Can ask your gynae for medication to standby for giddy, vomitting etc...
congrats Ally! It;s really a blessing to have long feng tai! Enjoy the preganancy then think later!

btw, when does the baby fair @ Taka end? Any idea?
Purple : I think is ok to take plane, anyway the flight is not too late. Just that the travelling in van might be a bit cumbersome if u r still having ms. I myself is going Phuket on 06aug, last family trip before I pop. Was hoping to squeeze in an Australia trip in oct but doubt so.
@ LDG.. Thanks babe = )

@ Purple, I travelled even during first trim to Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou etc. Trip was great except tire and just be careful, dont eat roadside food
Valerie - welcome, read your story and I think you are really amazing, salute to you. and best wishes for your 5th pregnancy... me too going for amnio test on 25 jul and by TC Chang, a bit scared and worried coz this is my first time doing the test and dont know what to expect and of coz worried about the results..

What time is your appt on 25 Jul? maybe we will see each other there.. my appt is 1.20pm. canopyhaze also doin amnio on 25 jul... best of luck for 3 of us...
Val & Wendy : my amnio test appointment with dr tc chang is 3pm on 25jul. All the best to all of us!!!! Remember to bed rest for a few days, DONT carry heavy stuffs or squat or walk too much!
Friends, let's countdown together to sat! heh.. Btw, where's ur gynae located? I'll be at TMC on Sat morn, before we go for my son's enrichment after that.

Sylvia, your ger is so sweet. So fast start to care for the little one in ur tummy le.
btw, i'm not in the FB group. Able let me know how much she's getting for 125ml and 260ml bottles? prefer the honeycomb one if got.

re: kicks
I'm already like 15-16wks le but still dun feel anything. abit worried. really hope everything is fine and baby's ok.

re: gathering tomorrow
I got course tml which includes lunch le. I see if i can siam the lunch anot. Btw, who will be gg? Can i get someone's hp? central area rite? coz i need to go back work after that.
Morning All.i Feel nth at all now.. only just now eat the multi vits wanna vomit.. i eat alot too. my hubby even ask me after my breakfast go buy things to eat cos he know a while later I will be hungry.

I finish half of the honeydew myself! haha
Hi Wendy & Canopyhaze,

My amnio is scheduled on 25 Jul at 1.30pm. U are infront of me.

Actually the procedure is quite fast ~ think only 10 to 15 minutes. Your hubby is allowed to be with you while Dr Chang does the procedure. He will look at the ultra-sound and then will show you the "right" position to inject your tummy to draw out the fluid. I did not hv the encourage to see how he did it in my 2 previous pregnancies but my hubby witnessed it and said he is very steady and skillful

Yes, all the best to all mummies doing the amnio test and of course I wish that all of us will have good result for the test
Canopyhaze & Val, yes lets jia you together and pray for good results.

I will probably see you there Val since our appt time so close to each other hahahah.... oh i tot hubby cannot follow in leh, what a relief to know that hubby can come in with me. I dont think I have the courage to look at how he do it hahah coz the moment i see needle i will have cold sweat so better close my eyes and pray everything finish fast.
Thanks all for your advise! Do we need to get gynae to issue letter b4 flying? Currently, my bump is still small to be seen as preggie, the most is bloated tummy.
Purple rain, now Don't think need gynae's letter but it will be good to inform the airline that u are pregnant. I think travel during T2 is good, I'm going aust and Japan! Hee.. Enjoy ur trip!!

Lunch tomorrow,
Can't join, lots of errands to run tomorrow! Enjoy!
I will still be travelling to Bali in Nov for our 2nd year wedding anni + babymoon holiday before I pop

By then I will be in my 29th week of pregnancy.

Should be ok as long as gynae proves you are fit to travel. =)

For mummies who have done OSCAR at TMC (not by Dr Chang), will they allow my hubby to be with me during the process?

Am going for OSCAR tomorrow (9am).. hoping Hubby can come along too..
hi ladies

Wanna check with those mummies who have gone to taka bb fair, is there any trade in for milk bottles over there? Am going there later as hubby needs to buy some stuffs from taka.
Let me know, thanks, so that i can bring along the old bottles.
Courgeous, radiation will be there for at least the next few hundred years... I don't think it's a problem... Haha

Mummydt, I'm going for my Oscar tomorrow too! At 8:15am... Will reach around 8... Hee
My mum tild me tat her colleague's daughter's fren went japan for work and when she came back, she check on her body radiation level. She was told by doctor not to get pregnant for the next 10yrs. Perhaps u wana check before going.

Am now hospitalise dur to bleeding. Tot 2nd tri shd b ok le. Didnt expect it to happen. Was ordered total bed rest. Luckily bb is ok anf still very active. Hopefully can discharge soon.
Hi All, i would like to join this group.

But my EDD is in early Feb.

Nick: Nickole
Baby: #2
EDD: 7 Feb according to LMP. last scan was 30 Jan.
Gynae: Dr SH KEE
Hospital : Mount A

i m in my Week 11+, will be going for Oscar test this week. anyone can advise whether which day will be less crowded? cos i will be walking in due to unavailable appt timing. TIA!

Canopyhaze, yes u can trade in bottles at Taka Baby Fair. For Pigeon and Medela.
re: japan radiation
abit too kua zhuang right? not to get preg for the next 10 years? same as saying dun get preg in this lifetime already. haha. maybe somewhere along the way, someone add salt and pepper then become "not to get preg for next 10 years". but if get preg how? just a thought...

ry_an, what happen? did u overexert? u're still hospitalised? must take care ya?
maybe a good chance to rest at home and get away from work also. heh.
That i duno. Hehe. But we r barred from stepping into japan.

Duno what's the actual cause yet. But still in hospital. Hopefully can get out of here soon. Cant really rest with the nurse, cleaner, all other staff walking in n out
re: cordyceps
did u ladies mentioned that it's ok for us to take cordyceps? i was juz randomly reading off the net.. n read that cordyceps should try to avoid.

"Cordyceps is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people.

Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: Not enough is known about the use of cordyceps during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use."

"Cordyceps benefits
But all the benefits of that Chinese supplement comprise a vaster spectrum which is impressive, to put it mildly. Modern plagues like high cholesterol, immune system problems, respiratory diseases, high blood pressure, kidney and liver complaints are effectively alleviated or treated. The anti-ageing properties of the remedy are especially exciting for ladies.

Are Cordyceps safe?
Cordyceps Sinensis (components) is completely safe even if taken at very high dosages. Due to the increasing popularity of Cordyceps sinesis, some supplements have been adulterated; some manufacturers substitute other species of Cordyceps. The safety of these supplements is unknown. It is recommended to use Cordyceps cautiously in patients with prostate conditions or in individuals taking immunosuppressive medications, and hormonal replacement therapy. Avoid in patients with myelogenous-type cancers based on reports of Cordyceps causing proliferation of progenitor red blood cells.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid it as its effects on the human body during pregnancy and breastfeeding are not sufficiently well studied."

so ladies, for those who r taking it.. dun 'overdoes'.....
Ry_an, hope everything is fine, rest well!

Jap radiation,
Personally I think there's radiation everywhere... Even using laptop computer iPhone tv all have radiation... Can't be too worried for it... I think different area of Japan has different level of radiation... I'm not really worried about it...
Anyway if anyone planning for Japan trip, this is what I found online
"Except for the proximate areas near the nuclear power plants, there is no dangerous level of radiation detected in Japan.  Tokyo is NOT within radiation contamination concern area, located over 200km (124 miles) away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant facilities.  The radiation level in Tokyo is similar to that of New York City.  The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and other international organizations confirm that the radiation level in the atmosphere is within a reasonable safety level to human health."
hi mommies!

thanks LM and angelique for the yoga info.

saw someone asking about airtravel. pls see wrt SQ.
<font color="0000ff">
Expectant mothers
It is important that you inform your gynaecologist of your proposed travel plans and obtain medical guidance before making your flight reservations.

For uncomplicated single pregnancies, we restrict expectant mothers from travelling beyond the 36th week of pregnancy (calculated based on the expected date of delivery).

For uncomplicated multiple pregnancies, we restrict expectant mothers from travelling beyond the 32nd week of pregnancy (calculated based on the expected date of delivery).

For uncomplicated single pregnancies between 29 weeks and 36 weeks of pregnancy, expectant mothers are required to provide a medical certificate stating the following: (1) fitness to travel, (2) number of weeks of pregnancy and (3) estimated date of delivery. The certificate should be dated within ten days of the date of the first flight exceeding 28 weeks of pregnancy. This certificate will have to be presented at check-in when requested.

For uncomplicated multiple pregnancies, you need to present the medical certificate if you are travelling between the 29th and 32nd week of pregnancy (calculated based on the expected date of delivery).

You need not present any medical certificate if you are travelling within the 28th week of pregnancy (calculated based on the expected date of delivery). But if any of your return flight exceeds 28 weeks of pregnancy, you will need to present a medical certificate.

Please contact your local Singapore Airlines office if you require more information.</font>
Ally, that's exciting news! Boy &amp; girl twins!

I was asking for facial recommendation, LM u want to recommend yours right? PM u soon.

Shice, I have the same feeling as u, because since Oscar scan 2.5wks ago till now, haven't seen bb &amp; didn't feel bb movement. So keep thinking how's bb developing now.

Purple, for your travel to Bangkok &amp; Changmai, do qtry to avoid drinking cold drinks with chipped ice (the ice may not be clean).

Canopy, can update regarding the trade in bottles after u went? As I've old Avent bottles, don't know whether can trade in for Pigeon brand? If can, I have quite a few, if first time mtb here wants, I can pass her one or two.
angeliqueous ,

think by 12th wk can feel. but this is my 2nd one, so might be diff as 1st one dun feel it tell 5th mth.

Ok, I go n chk and get back to you coz saw her posts but forgot how much n colour too.

Hammiebao, it's ok to travel to Japan except fukushima where the nuclear plants are.

Yes, alot of untrue rumours.

Plus all my Japanese frds or frds staying in Japan are in good health especially those in the same prefecture of the nuclear plants, let alone foreigners who dun travel to where the nuclear plants are.

10 years? I heard alot of such stories, so 1 gossip 10, 10 gossip 100, then all became "my relatives told me.......... " Pls ask the doctor to issue official letter on such comments and get sued by politicials! :p

FYI, even in Nagasaki &amp; Hiroshima, only small percentage are affected by Atomic bombs which so a greater radiation to the nuclear incident.

My own father is still travelling monthly to Japan even to area near nuclear plant, he is in v good health!

I will get pills for emergency like LS, fever,etc and letter to state you are safe to travel.

After 3rd mth is ok to travel but to minimise movement and becareful.

I went overseas during 3rd mth , gynae gave me a black face as there's still % of danger. I went to buy newborn clothings,etc.
Shice and Hammiebao,

i agree w what u gals said. Radiation stories also can go a bit exaggerated. I went Hokkaido n Tokyo in Dec, and when I told my sister in law I was pregnant in May, she said she is worried about the effects of radiation on my baby!

I dun want to be unwarrantly fearful.

Here in China, every china preggy wear a anti radiation vest/pinafore/wear to work. Sad to say, monkey see moneky do, my hubby also made me by one vest to wear when I am using the laptop. Haha...
Piscean33, yes, u can trade in any bottles for Pigeon or Medela bottles as long as ur bottles comes with screw caps, teats and bottle covers

Ry_an, i had spotting during i was in week 20 when i had my #1 due to my low lying placenta that causes it. Did ur gynae tell u why u have bleeding? Meanwhile, do take care and bed rest as instructed by ur gynae.. hope all is well for u
Piscean &amp; nico: I went to taka, felt so cheated as both pigeon n medela counters all says bottles r outta stock, need to come back again on weekends. Pigeon still has the small bottles (160ml), I think is the organizer's gimmick to attract mummies to the fair. I stayed for 5mins then left.

Ah Shice, canopy
Can't meet up tmr
coz in laws going overseas and cannot take the youngsters
they are only returning sat . Hsiz... Canopy when are you returning to work?

Aree most of you at second tri? I thought energy level is supposed to be tired, but I'm feeling tired most nights. Can hardly get anything done! Maybe it's my age
