2012 Twins

Hi all,

I have just been hospitalized since Thursday night for stomach pain and contractions. Being put on drips, steroids and hormone injections. Am only at 32 weeks tomorrow and am very worried now. Gynae says he may want to take babies out at 34 weeks if my contractions still do not stablised. But I am scared.

I do not know how heavy are the twins now. The expense for the nicu will be high.

Can anyone share with me if the twinnies are really born at 34 weeks, how long do they require nicu and how long before they can go home?

Please keep us in your prayers.


Hi Joanne, fenugreek typically takes 10 days to take effect. So will increase milk supply over time and won't drop if u are consistent in pumping.

By right not supposed to add to one container but I always add on and so far no problem with my babies taking the ebm. I normally add to make each container equal to their one feed so in middle of night no need to measure, can just steam the milk.
My babies born 33 weeks 3 days. The bill at special care nursery before subsidy is 11k for two n half weeks and 17k for three n half weeks hospital stay respectively. My smaller twin stayed in nicu for four days according to the bill but i don't remember going to nicu, only went to step down care when he was on a drip with nutrients as he had sucking prob. The subsidy will depend on household income and number of dependents. So i can't advise on that. They are born at kkh and I opted for single bed as I prefer my gynae to operate on me rather than the medical team on duty. They had jaundice for 1 day each and was put under the lamp.
Hi serene
So u didnt press the let down button at all when pump using ur pisa?
Me sometime busy with twins so will pump only after 5 hr.. Ok or not?
Hi gals, long time no here as taking care twins really no joke... So busy everyday after CL left.. Hope they grow up soon..

Btw gals, when do u start introduce pacifier? How do we sterilize pacifier? Me cant cope if both cry together so think of need pacifier n yaolan help now...
Hi Pooh,
my younger boy had similar prob as ur bb since 2nd mth, every night he would stretch so hard that he arch and curl his back and whined and didnt seem to be able to zzz at ease..i searched internet and read books and found out that he was suffering from reflux. Did ur boy throw out any transparent fluid that smell acidic? I checked with my PD, as bb still young, instead of medication, he suggested us to burp him well, maybe even burp 2-3 times in a feed, after feeding, carry him straight for at least 30 min...my boy was better now, no more hard stretching at night...maybe u can give it a try..=)

and yes, we need to watch out for our diet as we are still breastfeeding, my younger twin was on full breastmilk for 1st 2 mths, so his reflux should be caused by my diet according to my PD >.<
avoid beans, broccoli, cabbage and other food u know might be gasy.

btw, i bought my Medela spare parts and bottles from SMH forum too, its cheaper compared to retail shop. Search for "Medela" in the forum and u should be able to find a few sellers.

Hi Joanne
regarding storing e ebm, i read that we can mix ebm of different timing, but can only mix when they are of same temperature. For eg, ur 11 pm ebm alrdy in e fridge, u put ur 3 am ebm in e fridge for a while before u mix them..i have been doing that.

i gave pacifiers to my twins since 2nd mth i think, but my older boy still dont seem to like it while my younger boy has been using it whenver he wanna sleep. Its indeed useful when it comes to both bb crying and now as we are training them to zzz longer at night, we found that my younger boy who is sucking pacifier goes back to zzz easier than my older boy who dont suck pacifier..=P
Hi Shiko.

My boys throw up some mlk at times only, mayb once out of 5 feeds. My PD also says cld b reflux n also advises to burp them durin middle of a feed. Also to elevate their beds at 35-45 deg angle. E burpin part is v siong, we already burp them ard half an hr after feed, really cannot tahan another 30 mins of carryin them straight, hope e bed works...

I bought my parts fm mothers@work already, v ex but nochoice need them urgently..

Do u gals hv e prob of one breast draining better than e other durin a pump? I hv tat prob - if i pump for 20-25 mins, i can get 150ml fm one breast but only 50 or 60ml fm e other. Think it's blocked ducts but even if i manage to open up e ducts this time, they get blocked again next pump. How to resolve e blocked ducts once n for all?
Hi Pooh,
ya, the elevation of the bed is also another way, we tried almost every way we could find from internet or according to PD advises, cos my boy's reflux was quite bad and prolong, heartached to see him whined in discomfort..luckily now he is much ok and hopefully ur boys recover soon too! =)
Shiko, how long did it take for yr boys to get past their reflux?

Ladies, i'm not sure how much longer i can take this daily routine of 3-hourly feeds, burps, diaper changes, cries, cuddles n pats, breast pumping etc. I feel like i'm drowning n going mad, m so scared to wake up each time
My boys are going through the phase of fussy evenings now... anyone has any tips on how to survive these evenings? Its so tiring cause my boys just wanna be carried around, put them down and they cry!

Joanne, my boys are taking the pacifier already and I wash their pacifiers a couple of times a day with soap and hot water. I used to sterilize together with their milk bottles but find it too time consuming.

You may want to consider a rocker. I find the type with wheels more practical, can easily move it around the house. Kiddy palace has it irrc. Couple of friends who has it all gave the thumbs up. Im still contemplating cause my house is like a kindergarden already!
Hi Pooh, same here! But we must perservere, it will get better! My boys just passed 2 months and despite all the tiredness, its very happy to see them growing and improving day by day. I still remembered my younger twin had problem sucking when he first came home and could take an hour but still not finish his milk. But looking at him now, he finishes his milk in 10mins, big achievement imo. Hang in there, Im sure things will get better! And yes, I feel we need a little break here and there, some time to ourselves eg, else will go mad!
Hi Joanne,
Yup, I did not press the button at all for the whole pumping duration. The pacifier I just keep rinsing with boil hot water a couple of times a day and sterilise once a day.

My boys started sleeping through the night as in wake up every five to six hours at three months old when they hit about 4.7kg. Didn't train them, they just decided to sleep through themselves. I agree the initial phrase is really tough, tiring and crazy but it will be over soon.
Hi Pooh,
actually since 1st mth, my younger boy had slight stretching but that time my CL and elders at home told me it was normal for baby to stretch like that, it was until 2nd mth when the stretching turned really bad and my boy started to whine then we did research and realised it was reflux. Then think it took abt a mth to get pass the reflux, but my PD actually said reflux can last till 6th mth so depend much on how you take care of it.

I had the same agony as u when my boys were only 2 mths old, that time CL just left and maid was the only extra helper we got. That time my older boy was going thru growth spurt, younger boy was having reflux, couldn't remember how many night we actually carried 1 baby each and slept in living room sofa. On top of that, i actually woke up every 3 hrs for pumping in order to keep my supply going.

Turst me, things will get better as your bb growing as they will soon adopt patterns which will be easier for you to handle them. 1 way my hubby and i adopted is we take turns to rest. Every night, boys take turn to zzz with us and maid, and as my hubby sleep quite late around 1-2 am, i always go to bed as early as 9-10 pm, so hubby will take care of e feeding when i was sleeping. After 2 am onwards, i will then handle the feeding for 1 of my boys while maid handle the other.

If your parents or in-laws are unable to help out, maybe can consider engage a maid if finance permits. For my case, my parents is not reside in SG and we are not staying with in-laws, so maid is really useful because 1 adult:1 baby really not enough...>.<

it's a process and give yourself more time and believe yourself that u can do it! most impt, rest as much as you can!!! jia you!

Tks for e encouragement. We dun hv a maid cos hubby doesnt like havin a stranger ard in hse. Plus we hv heard n seen so many horror stories abt maids.

So it's jus e two of us at nite. Hubby has been really great, has been on leave last week n takes on all e night feedings for both babies n majority of e day feedings as well so i can rest.

My MIL will b comin over in e day time to help fm tom onwards when hubby goes back to work. But at any one time, it's jus two pp lookin after e two boys. It's extremely tiring physically n emotionaly.

Hope my boys get past the reflux period soon, it's painful to watch them squirmn wiggle in agony everyday.
Hi pooh,
I was like you initially, didn't want stranger in house but as time pass, we realised that one adult to one baby is really very tough and we are now in the process of getting a maid. Think about it, when the boys start crawling and learning to walk, it's gonna be even tougher as your full attention gonna be on them in case of accidents. You definitely need a clean area for them to have their activities too. So I feel a maid would really help and we can sometimes take a break to recharge.
my milk supply also that low once. but do consider the benefits of breastmilk for our bbs rather than just the cost. i think some BM is better than none. i started my twins on half bm half formula from day 1. they are growing well.. most impt is ur well being and health, dun feel too stress cos it will affect milk supply. mayb u can arrange for a massage lady to come giv u a gd 1 hr massage. during my confinement, this is the time i most look forward to
moreover, the lady also can help me clear block ducts. like you, also have no time, so pump every 4-5 hrs. r u drinking enough water/soup? a mummy who has lots of milk and bf till 1 yr old shared that she drink a glass of beverage every hr. Well, but we twins mummies always so bz. quite unlikely we can follow that. for me, i will have a water bottle with me when at hm, so more convenient for me to drink water.

about the breastpump, i just let my PISA run on its own. cos the initial 2 mins is massage function, helps to stimulate. unless i'm in a rush, then i'll swtich to letdown after 1min.

I introduced pacifier on day 5. really helpful. my girls only need it usually for night time if they r over tiring or grouchy. otherwise, they can fall alseep without it. i usually wash pacificer using the bb dish detergent then put in hot water to sterlize. didn't put in sterlizer. i only wash once a day or whenever it drops on floor. now they grown up, i just wash, dun sterlize.

my girls didn't use yaolan at all cos they can fall asleep in their cot. my SIL introduce yaolan and her bbs sleep well and for a longer duration cos bbs feel more secured. so worth a try..
Hi Pooh,
i share the same thinking as Serene, none of us like stranger in e house and we heard many tales abt maids also, but like what Serene said also, 1 adult:1 baby really quite tough. Furthermore, other than taking care of bb, there are houseworks waiting to be done..>.<

Even like now, i go back to work, my hubby's job is home-based, but daytime we still get my mil come over to help out. My boys nowadays stay awake longer than past and each of them requires attention, so my mil and maid will handle 1 bb each, sometimes my hubby might need to leave his work desk and help to make milks when both crying.
and when both sleeping, then my mil get to rest and maid can start clear the housework.

Of coz it's not easy to trust a stranger, so maybe engage one early to give yourselves more time to train her =)

afterall, u urself have to be fit both physically and mentally so u can have energy for ur boys! =)
block ducts may also be due to the bra u wear. u shld be wearing non-wired bras and not too tight. even now, i occasionally still get block ducts. i'll soak my breast in warm water, make sure my nipples dun hav dried milk crust, massage breast from under armpit area and best way to clear it is hand express actually.

you really need to take a break from all these. see if ur fren or aunties can pop over to help u for some days. some help is better than none. we mummies need to maintain our sanity to go further!! maybe taking some time away from the bbs helps. (e.g. that u can hav a short massage or sneak out for some shopping)

mayb u wanna try giving ur bbs a wipe down in evening before changing into PJ so that they will feel more comfy. just take a small basin of warm water and towel, but make sure close windows so they wont catch a cold. nowadays weather so warm and humid. you can try turn on aircon for abt 1-2 hrs to cool the bedroom too. if it is a colic issue, may need to giv med to ease the wind.,
Thk u so much gals for all ur advise..;)
And i agree with pooh, really not easy this period.. But we must preserve for this first few months.. Time will passby soon... I hv no time for tv, shopping etc now too.. If i want shop, my hb got to be on leave n help my mum else how she alone cope? Time is different now.. We cant go shopping easily as bring two bbies out are really no joke.. Worry abt outside virus too.. Wonder how rest of sister do now? Is it seldom go out too now?

Hi serene
I dun like maid too but know tt after i go back to work, my mum need a helper definitely.. But will not want maid to take care bbies, mainly do hsework n cook.. U oso hiring? What country maid u looking at? Currently i hv burmese maid, she really cannot make it.. Do things super duper slow.. Headache.. I need to get another new maid soon and looking at filipino maid in these 2 months time before my maternity leave end.. Any gd agency to recommend?
Hi Joanne
just sharing some of e points i took when selecting maid. According to my agency, filipino might be better choice if u r hiring to take care of babies, as most of them are christian so no issue abt cooking pork and easier in communicating.

requirements we set when browsing biodatas:
1) not too young: as they might still be playful, we looking at maids from late 20 onwards. But also not too old like 40+ as need them to have energy to take care bb esp at night.
2) married and have kids themselves: so they are experienced in handling kids and earning money is their ONLY goal for coming SG...>.<

my maid has been with us since my boys 1 week old, so far she is ok and she actually more experienced than me =P. After my CL left, not only she handled my bb well, we are satisfied with e housework also...as hubby and i have agreed on taking care bb is our main priority, so housework we are not really v strict, as long as not dirty la..=P
I hiring filipino maid too. The agency I went to is A1 employment. Can search online. Recommended by friends. Still waiting for her to arrive at end August.
Hi shiko n serene
Thks so much for ur advise on maids.. Shiko, can advise me ur agency too? Also, how much both of ur agency charge for the agency fee?
Ya, many oso say i shd hire filipino maid so guess burmese is a super wrong choice.. Sigh..but do u think i shd look at ex sin maid or fresh new maid? Do u give her off day and how much r filipino salary now? Seriously, i hv forbea now to get another maid as waste alot of $$ on this burmese maid.. Stress.. I really cant afford to get a wrong maid again gals else how my mum gonna cope..;( thk u so much gals for ur advise.. Love this forum page to share tips n exchange..
Thanks beautifulseeds, I am actually also thinking if I should shower them in the evening. Cause I read that bbs sleep better after evening showers... and it can form part of their bedtime routine.

Hi Joanne, I also hired a helper cause of my twins. Although my initial intention was for helper to do housework and cook, I specifically told the agency I wanted someone with experience looking after kids. Cause imo, housework/cooking is smthg that anyone can pick up in time, but not everyone can look after kids. Besides, we wanted someone who likes kids cause she will be growing up with them and likely to become their playmate in time to come.

Anyway lucky I stated my preference as such, cause my helper turned out to be pretty trainable and good at looking after kids and so she is now taking care of their feeds... its great cause it means I can have a bit more rest at night!
Hi Joanne,
i will PM u my agency contact, as for agency fees i need to go home and check e contract =P
for me, i insisted i want a fresh maid and even willing to wait for 2 mths for application, as many advised that lower chance they will make friends if they never come SG before..of coz not 100% guarantee also la...=P

when i signed contract that time, it stated $400 with NO off days, but after i signed then e new rule announced saying maid entitled at least 1 off day per mth, i did check with my agency, she said my contract is not affected, so now we just wait my maid finished her debt then see how things goes..
Hi neona
Is ur maid fresh or ex sg maid? Thks for ur advise..;)

Hi shiko
Thks so much for the contact.. Any reason why u choose this agency? For fresh maid, does ur maid take time to long time to learn? Mine oso fresh burmesemaid n i thot is gd as no friends here but to my surprise, she make few friends (neighbour maid) in 2 mths time.. Am now very headache as with 2 bbies, dun hv time to go agency with hb too so wonder when can i pay the agency a visit and finalise the maid..;( really welcome any gd ahency with gd feedback on their filipino maids.. Thks all..
you r right that bbs sleep better if they have a nite routine. we start the nite wipe down the moment our twins came hm on day 3. then started bathing them at nite as well when they are about 3mths. but not on those days when its super cold. now my gals know that 7plus is shower time, 8pm drink milk, after that they will sleep till next morning 6.30-7am. when they wake up, they just play by themselves in their own cot while my hubby and i will get ready to br them to infant care and for work.

hi gals,
i also had this BIG headache about maid earlier. hired 1 fresh indonesian maid 2mths b4 i delivered. teach for long time still cannot make it. change to ex-sin maid, everything want to do her way and has attitude issue. so we decided to not have a maid anymore. In the end only my mum, hubby and i took care of our twins for 1st mth. it was very tough and tiring initially. 3rd mth onwards, sent my girls to infant care. We are very glad we made this tough decision. They hav adapted very well to the environment and the teachers dote them alot cos they r very indepedent (dun cry for attention, will fall asleep on their own) and very sociable (will interact with teachers and other infants). At night, my hubby and i are taking care of them all by ourselves with occasional help from our parents.
congrats to those popped already. am still hanging on at 31 wks 3 days..now twin boys weighing in at 1.7kg and 1.8kg. hope to hang on till they surpass the 2kg mark.
mine has prev sg experience - completed her 2 yrs contract, went HK for a short while but didnt like it, and now back in sg with me. I initially wanted a fresh maid without sg experience, as I had the same concerns as everyone here. But the agent persuaded me to get someone with some sg experience so easier to train. Given that your twins have already arrived, I dont think you have time to train your maid? FOr me, i took a week's leave to train her up on her timetable, and that was before my twins arrive.. my maid is from Indo btw.

Anyway, mind me asking y is your burmese maid not working out well? Cause given current situation, no time and busy with your twins, I wonder if its possible to make it work with your current maid?

Your gals at 3 months can sleep for a good 10 hours straight? So envious!!!! My boys just turned 2 months and the longest stretch they sleep is 3 to 4 hours only. They are now on 2 hourly feeds on average... very tiring! I tried to up their milk volume to stretch to 3 hourly feed, but milk came out from their noses I got so worried !!
Hi Joanne
i found this agency by recommendation from forum too, and it's case-trust so tot shd be ok. But actu i contacted 3 agencies at e same time, requested biodatas for viewing and it happened that this agency have candidates that fits my requirement. And among e 3 agencies i contacted, this was the only agency stated NO off days in contract and salary seem reasonable for fresh maid. Other agencies actually quoted $30-50 more for maids with same experience.

But FYI, my friend who also engaged maid from this agency, she hired an ex sin indonesian and later she complained to me that maid having attitude prob..so by luck also =P
my twins r 6mths old alr.. but from 3wks old, they can sleep 4-5 hrs straight, 3mths onwards abt 8-9hrs and only from 5mths then sleep for about 10-11hrs straight. i read from the books that we shld give bb as much milk they can take in daytime so that they have "reserve" to sleep thru the nite. therefore in the daytime, we feed them every 2-2.5hrs when they cry. As i'm giving half bm half formula, after 6pm i will only give formula so that they will feel fuller at nite.
Hi neona
She has no memory for things we tell her before.. She still cant cook after train her for 3 mths.. Her food very salty n she still can say ok.. Not healthy to me.. She cry very sad when i asks her wash my bb girl clothes last time n i spot thru my camera before i give birth.. Seems she miss her daughter alot n i am scare.. Her heart is not here when working.. Even my cl oso say tt.. When asks her observe the fire, she go wash plate n forget abt it.. So scary.. N many other mistake she makes tt i shall not bring up.. We try give her many chance but still make same mistake.. Oh ya, she can iron clothes without iron the pocket.. Steady hor.. So how can i trust her to handle my bbies? Will u trust her? Am having headache as if she cant cook, how can she help my mum? Both me n my mum give her so many chance is oso because we lazy to train new maid again but for long term, think we hv no choice..;(

Thks shiko n beauTifulseeds for ur advise on maid too.. I dun wish to use maid too but hv no choice to asks mum to take care my 3 kids plus loads of housework..;( btw shiko, how much is ur maid salary and is the waiting time long for a new maid? Thk u..
i am also getting a maid no choice as i will have 3 to take care. In laws and parents are not an option as they are much older than us and they are not living with us. Making them come to our house daily is not wise. I am getting a new fresh no experience filipino maid. I still will be staying at home so i will train maid on the job as i go along. I will also only be getting her after the baby arrive.

Beautiful seeds have the so called "great perfect babies" where they drink and sleep well. My no 1 even at 21 mths hardly sleep at a straight 10 hrs at night. Every 2-3hrs he will wake for milk or water. tried all methods he will still wake up. He is a light sleeper too. So no worries about feeding babies at night. to me , kids dun drink milk forever and its always good to drink milk as its nutritious. Lack of sleep is part and parcel of being parents.
Actually it took sometime for me to get used to my maid cause I've not had a stranger live with me before so was not used to the lack of privacy! But what to do...

Joanne, your maid really sounds like CMI!!! I thought worse come to worse you can just get her to do the housework and cook and NOT touch the babies, but looks like she cant even perform the typical household chores! Hmm are you entitled to a replacement maid from the agency? For your next maid, perhaps good to consider experienced maids (SIN experience secondary). At least they can do basic chores and cooking. No joke looking after twins, especially when they need attention at the same time.

Beautifulseeds, your twins routine is ideal! I heard from friends that their girls tend to get into a routine earlier then boys... so I need to mentally prepared! Haha.

Anyway, I started showering them at night, yesterday! And they slept for 3-4 hours straight! Yay! But of course, I had a lot of explanation to do to my mum and MIL who werent quite for it...
Hi Joanne,
my maid salary is $400 with NO off day, my agent said in case in future we decided to give her off day, can minus $20/day from the salary
Hello everyone! Been a while since I posted... congrats to those mummies who have popped, sounds like u are doing pretty well! Im now at start of third trimester, think some of u like joleen are around same or slightly further on than me?

Re domestic helper, I'm also thinking whether to get a helper or not. Have my parent to help, but I think it may not be enough. Thinking whether to leave job eventually or not. Good to listen to some of your experiences.

Did any of you manage to tandem breastfeed? I hear it's such a challenge. The good thing is good time management.

Also, can I ask - how do you take your twins out when u do? Do you use a stroller (if so, two single, a double or tandem?), or do you use slings?
Oh also wondering.. are u ladies interested to start a new Facebook secret group for Twin Mummies 2012? it will be PRIVATE n only seen by those who r members... I think the 2011 Twin mummies thread had started one too. Thought maybe it's easier to connect this way?

If u ladies are interested, can let me know. Maybe can either PM your email add or something n we can add on gradually.
Hi all. Think a large part of maid issue lies wif luck - if u end up wif a gd one, u're really lucky; otherwise, i think it will bring u even more headache...

Beautiful seeds,

Think our situation q similar - no maid, n i also plan to send my boys to infant care once my maternity leave ends. I think it's gd for kids to b in an envt wif other pp/children, develops their social skills at e v least, n stimulates their learnin if they end up in a gd school.

But I hear a lot abt babies/toddlers falling sick once they go infant/child care. Was this yr experience as well? Wonderin if babies on bm will fare better since their immunity's supposed to b stronger...
Hi all,
You all have been very active! Motivates me to use my hubby's laptop to post something! Many topics going on at the moment...

Im trying out Domperidone, at day 7 now. Max I pumped was 110ml and sometimes it can still fluctuate high and low. Its still not sufficient and Im like beautifulseeds, bm in the day and fm at night. Should I take fernugeek and Domperidone at the same time? Those who take, does your supply increase like from 40ml total to 200ml total by day 10? How does the increament goes?

How are the poo of your babies for those on partial or full fm? My girl hasnt pooed for four days now. Like my elder son when he was newborn, he also pooed only once in many days. Any advice?

I engaged a Burmese helper when I was on my last month of bed rest. She mainly does housework while my mom helps me to nanny the twins. My son is supposed to go childcare. However, he has been unwell so these two weeks Im juggling him and the twins with my mom. But I also think its good for now, cos at least Ive been through it and I know how I should schedule the timings.

The helper is okay. Like some of you said, she can be quite slow in housework, or not too clean. But she will initiate to clean the rooms and floor, shelves, toys, etc. every day or every other day. Plus she will apologise if she did wrongly. So far its okay. Just that my neighbour is also a Burmese helper and today I realised that mine is looking out of the door and window quite often. ;p Hopefully she is not showing her true colours now. Of course language is also a barrier, so my mom will demo and she will follow. We were afraid that the helper will be too smart, so shes quite naive so we let it be. Also, $400 per month with no off day.

Yes, children who go child care fall sick more often. If possible, let them recover fully (like a week) before sending them back. But its rarely possible especially when we have to go back to work...

But for now, its one step at a time. I cant wait for my girls to grow up!
Hi gals
Just curious whether wht my cl taught me is correct? She says to use detergent to wash all bottles after each use, then after detergent wash, got to rinse 3 times of water to ensure no more soapy foam inside before sterilize using my avent sterilizer.. I feel quite stress when all 3 bottles are running out for each bb and had to sterilize asap in case they asks for milk again.. And find the process of cleaning is long so wonder is this method all of u r using or only me? Any other shortcut method in case bottles all use up n bbies r crying for milk? Must we rinse 3 times each time after detergent wash?I remember last time my boy washing of bottles not so tedious neh n i use only boiling water but cant recall got use detergent or not.. Hope to hear fr u gals on how u do it.. Also, how long we need to sterilize bottles like this? Till bbies one yr old or??

Hi skyanne
Is it all burmese maid the same? For mine, she can look here n there when cleaning window or car instead of where she is cleaning.. She makes friends easily too.. Just 2 mths n she know of a friend who can give her bread..also, we r surprise when my neighbour congrat my hb on my delivery so he asks how he knows and answer is my maid tell his maid.. We r surprise as we just asks her clean the main door n she can tok to my neighbour maid too.. Also, my mumnotice she can clean the same spot 20times as her eyes r lookimg outside.. There was once, my mum saw her stand infront of window n waving down.. She curious and ask who she wave to and she say baby.. Then later she say is 4-5yr old angmo bb downstair.. Omg.. Steady right so if we let her go fetch my son fr school, think she will know more pp...my mum say she is a very kpo pp...
Anyway, my sil had recommend her ex filipino maid to help me find one ex sin maid who has 2 yrs singapore maid experience n she can cook, do hsework n take care 2 kids before last time.. One thing is we didnt go thru any agency n i hv to find out how to apply her come over documentation.. Abit funny n wonder can we do it..she is 42 yrs old n has a 16yr old son.. Wonder a maid at 42 yrs old is it too old? Any thots gals? Is it we can apply the maid to come over ourselves? Anyone do this before? Thk u gals..
Hi all,
Btw I remember when I had my son, I read on the Avent pacifier that it cannot be sterilised. So I have not sterilised them before, just scald with hot water. Do correct me if Im wrong, or perhaps different brands are different.

Hi Joanne,
Yes, we also use the Kodomo baby accessories wash to wash the pump and bottles. Because they are on partial fm, its more "oily" in a way, so its better to wash with detergent and then rinse. I think I also rinse about three times to make sure that there are no more soap inside. But Ive about twenty bottles for me to pump, store my bm as well as make fm. I think you might want to get more bottles to make life easier... Im also considering to get another pump accessories set so that I wont have to sterilise every three hours after I pump. ;(
Oh dear, your maid like not very "innocent" wor. Mine is more naive. First time working overseas and she has not seen many of the appliances, so far she also know the Burmese maid opp our house, partially also because we seeked her help initially to check on some matters. Fingers crossed, I hope that she remains like that.
Oh ya, Joanne, my helper only does housework. My mom helps me with the taking care of the babies and cooking. We dont really dare to let her cook cos scared that she never wash clean. Also cos their taste is v salty, sweet and oily. V unhealthy for my boy at home...
Seems like my maid does the most things here... housework, cooking and looking after my twins. Nowadays she handles most of the night feeds, I will just pass the boys over to her and she will return them to their cots once done. Frees up some of my time so I can pump. Its tiring to wake up every 3 hours to pump... requires so much determination!

Hi Skyanne,
My twins are also on partial BM/FM. One poos regularly like few times a day (golden mustardy type) whereas the other poos on alternate days (dark green type). Which I read and they say the dark green colour is due to iron in the FM. I think as long as both are eating and sleeping well, gaining weight, tummy not hard &amp; bloated, not constipated, shouldnt be overly worried

Hi Joanne,
some people sterilize till 6 months once start solids, some sterilize till 1 year. So depends on you. Usually I just wash with detergent and rinse with water to make sure not soapy, then sterilize. I thought thats sufficient already.
Hi Skyanne.

Can PM me e details of e agency fm which u engaged yr maid? Ty...

My boys r on full bm n poo v often - b4/after every feed n stimes in between feeds. Each poos ard 10 times a day i think, n poo is yellow/seedy.

How's yr milk supply comin, hope it has improved? I was not told to take motilium straight for a certain no. of days, but think it was given to me v early in hospital, think fm D2 or 3...
Hi gals
Do ur bbies sleep in aircon room after bb full mth? Recebt weather super hot especially at night so hope n wish to turn on aircon.. But worruy they catch a cold..especially when need to change pamper at middle of the night.. So wonder how u gals do if want change pamperwith aircon on? Willthey catch a cold? Also with aircon, i hope they can sleep longer at night..;)
i used avent pacifier for my no 1 before and sterilised it too. the rule for me is if got steriliser then use lor. if outside or overseas then dun bother . use detergent and hot water will do. Babies are pretty resilient.

joanne, my eldest son sleep in aircon all the time. even in hospital remember its aircon environment. they only catch a cold if the temperature isnt consistent. So leaving them in aircon with a constant temperature will not catch a cold. This is scientific proven. They do sleep longer with aircon, less disturbance and its the right temp for babies or even adults to sleep in. Change nappies, just go ahead, you aint going to take 30mins to do so, abt 3-5 mins and u are done.
Hi neona, your helper seems so powerful! My helper can be quite blur and forgetful so we do not dare to let her look after or feed the babies. Even with my elder son, we also try not to let him "stick" to her. Partially cos she's doing housework the whole day and can be quite dirty and sweaty. We also dont want him to be too bonded with her... Will heart pain. Haha...

Pooh, full bm is sooo good! =) The agency is Far East Employment Services - Agustina 64693738. My hubby settles the employment.

My milk supply is slightly better than when I started the pills. Its D10 now and its sometimes erractic. Max only 130ml, often is 70ml. =( My gynae told me to take for ten days and then break for a while. Going to take the lactation tea and fernugeek for a while. Why is my supply so low???!!!

Joanne, I actually didnt know that we dont have to sterilise the bottles when they hit around one year old. I sterilised for my boy till he was 18 mths! Waste my electricity... Haha... Now we only scald the bottles.

My boy used to sleep in the air con, but we realised that his respiratory system is rather weak and its harder for him to recover when hes down with a flu. So now my hubby insists that we "suffer" with him - no air con. I guess it depends on your babies, whether they can take it or not. Like you said, they can sleep better than without air con. My girls are preterm, so we try to avoid it. Even no fan blowing at them... Cos sometimes we already hear sneezes. Those with preterm babies, were they like that when they came home? Now they are able one and a half months old.

Yup, my younger girl pooped on the fourth day previously and now on the third day. Hopefully she will be more regularly...

Time seems to fly by... Will be going back to work in two more months. Tick tock tick tock... Who takes care of your babies when you return back to work?
Hi mummies, how is everyone coping? I hv given birth to a pair of twin boys on 31 jul...now doing my confinement ....my milk ss is not enough for the twins so supplement it with fm....

Wats the arrangement for most of you when u return back to work? I seriously doubt my mil plus the maid can handle the 2 babies...
Hi Skyanne,
Yah, we feel quite lucky to have this maid given that we've heard so many stories! She's not the 'blur' type. But I'm also concern about my boys getting too close to maid leh, I wouldnt want that to happen! And my maid is the kind that will rush to cradle the boys whenever they make noise. Pros and cons!By the way, I had my maid wear apron when cooking and tie up her hair at all times. I find it necessary as she handles the children.

Hi Snowy,
Congrats on your boys! Did you manage to carry them to full term?
My milk ss also not enough for both, so currently is BM for day and FM for night....

Hi Mummies,
I wonder if your twins are on scheduled 3 hourly feeds? How do you do that? My boys are now waking up every 2 hours if on FM and 1.5 hours if on BM. Should I up their feeds to try and stretch the time in between feeds? Im exhausted feeding at such short intervals but how do I do that so as not to over-stress their small tummies? My boys were born at 35 weeks and currently 2months 2weeks.

Just hv a gd cry last night.. Both bbies dun want sleep at 8pm onwards though we hv feed them full.. I hv to pat one after another bb till 11pm without rest at all n my boobs r so sore due to exceed 5hrs n still no pump out n my massage lady had loosen the ducts so very soon, i feel feverish..;( so i call up maya n she says i shd try latch on but my aerola area already crack after boy suck..then she advise me to use hand express since pump will make it worst but is too tiring to do hand express so i still pump but using small power.. I try turn on my aircon hope my boy will tahan longer fOr next feed but i am wrong, he still wakeup every 3 hr to feed plus i try to pump twice every 3 hrly too as i worry fever comes again.. My boods r feeling so sore n i dun know why too.. I complain to my massage lady say i want give up breastfeeding since so tough n always fever which i cant hv else who take care bbies in day time..last night i sleep only 3hr and had feel feverish twice today though hv try pump but just dun know how to empty it..;( i tell maya why see others so easy bf like tromso whereas i so jialat.. Oso my supply still miserable though she has unblock the ducts n she says i am restart fr scratch so supply sure no build up yet..;( think i hv the energy to continue bf only when my boy can sleep thru ( gal take care by hb), any tips on how to let bb sleep thru? Else very very tired.. I was so busy last night tt i dun even hv chance to accompany my elder son.. Seeing him stare out of window makes me feel he is so bored..;( he even look sad when pass by bbies room n go to his rm to sleep.. Really feel so upset tt i drop tears again...

Hi neona
Can advise whats ur agency name n contact? Also is she a ex sin maid or new maid? Filipino? Married with kids? As i desperately must get a maid in soon so need to see more biodata n learn what to look out for whether ex sin maid gd or new maid gd? Desperate in getting help now.. Thk u.. Btw, how many ml of milk r u feeding now?
Hi neona, my twins are born at 36w2d...no ice required &amp; mild jaundice, so was discharged together with me.

My boys are on 3-4 hourly feed depending if they show signs of wanting milk..I think bcos they are mostly on fm so can stretch longer...my bm ss is pathetic...

Joanne I hv an elder gal too..I try not to neglect her in case she thinks I love didis more...I guess that is also one of the reason why my milk ss is low cos I did not dutifully pump every 3 hrs. I hope u can quickly get a helper in to lighten your load.

Hi Joanne, u seriously need someone to help. Can your mum or in law come help look after one twin while your hubby looks after another while you try to rest for a few days? My maid is new from Philippine wait is 2 months. So I still waiting for her to arrive end aug. salary is 400 and off once a month after fifth month.
