(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Jaster, you are so smart to guess it. Hehehe..just to try my luck. And I can only BD once...still so sian that I cant manage to change the appt date. Hope can still see big egg at CD 13 and go home BD.

Baby L,
hahahaaa... cos i'm searching how to conceive a bb gal mah... =P so got read a bit.. huat huat huat ah!!! for you huat a baby boy wor!!! and big egg coming your way!
Jaster, oh....hahahaha! Gal i think its easier leh...just BD till you tested +OPK and you stop. Mine has to trial and error to BD 2 days after +OPK then 1 day upon +OPK. If all else fail, BD upon see +OPK! Huat huat a gal for you too!!!

Btw, I dunno if you have a "manual", I can send you to see how to try a gal. Let me know if you are keen!
Jo, your name should be EXXX LXX right? your surname is 3 letters? Think same surname as me...just need to confirm coz I cant find Exxx Lxxx.
DotzZz (dotzzz)
I'm @ Simei

Looking forward to see my gynae this sat... but sianz coz cannot BD since hubby is unwell and on antibodies.
Eliz, I'm at Marine Parade! not so near but same side of the island hee hee

U seeing ur gynae to scan? mebe ur hub will get well by Sat?
Whr's ur gynae? Though I like my gynae but TMC is just so far for mi haha
Wa everyone is working hard. While bathing this thought came to my mind. We have to work hard to make ends meet at work, go home lk after children to make their brain synapses meet then at night still have to BD to make egg n sperm meet. At end of day we r really dead meat. Haha I sound like a lunatic poet
Jo and Jaster, okie! I email u both tmr! If possible, can PM me ur address? Hahaha! The manual maybe u all have seen before, am not sure.... My friend's friend tried n succeeded. But its not guaranteed lah! Just read for knowledge ya... Hehe...

Jo, added u liao!
<font color="aa00aa">Eliz,
will your hubby finish his course of antibiotics by this weekend?
If yes n he is well, can still bd leh.

u with yvonne chan rite?</font>
Jo, I sent you the email already...

Jaster, just added you on FB.... =)

Nite mummies...happy BD-ing for those who o-ing...enjoy!
hi ladies.. TGIF

Anyone with kid at 1 yr old? What is the best age gap for the next one?

Last month, i lost #2 cos heart beat stopped. I think I love my #1 too much cos in my heart I not very keen in having another one but hubby wants another one..

Btw anyone still doing dream feed?
anyone styaing in Yishun? I looking for a school and will switch my baby to toddler class once she reaches 18 months. Currently she is in IFC.

blissful, i was laughing away when i saw your post ..lol
hi ladies, gd morning.
Had a great BD last night, tried using Pre-Seed for the 1st time. Not too sure it was correctly used as there's no user manual in the box. I reckon someone might have taken it from the shelf as it is opened when i bought it from guardian and i didn't mind it cos it was the last box.
Hubby has commented very slippery &amp; wet, and thus less grip. I remembered Missy has commented the same thing as well.
Finger crossed that it will work. =)
<font color="0000ff">hey canopy, i havent tried it yet. lol! but i did comment that i worry abt that. hmmm not as much friction. as it is, im quite wet according to hb. so not sure if it will affect. =P good luck hor! heeeeeee!!!!

bliss - im at sembawang. hmm. which part yishun u at. u cn consider sending to the ccs along sembawang road if you r not too far off... if not cn try eager beaver at safra yishun.. im nt sure where else in yishun. u prolly have to google. my girl is currently at starlearners.
Morning ladies !

Jaster, don't angry with your mum le. No ill-intention from her

Blissfulmother, I like your poem. How true ! All energy sap at the end of the day just for the family.
thanks ladies, had BD on 27th &amp; 30th Jun, and will be trying again this weekend. Hubby is kinda keen to have #2 now that #1 is in childcare. Previously he's indifferent. Told him that brownies got twin; and a few ladies got preggie using pre-seed, he immediately asked me to use pre-seed before bd last night. =)
Morning ladies!

BabyL, u sent me the "manual"? I din received leh...

canopy, wohoo..."had a great BD last night"..kekekek...should b working!! hope u will hav BFP 2weeks later!!
canopyhaze, kudos!!! I've also bought it sometime back but hee...hvnt got down to using it yet..
JiaYou! haiz...this week has been veri stressful for hb so he hv totally no mood haha....hope we can try this wkend manz hehe
mommytq: yalor, went for buffet, movie when i was on leave on mon &amp; tues. Going on leave next tue &amp; thur as well, going marina mandarin for buffet, then, dentist, then, shopping for laptop for hubby; then go to my mum's place.
BabyL,thanks for the add at fb...in case i cant recognize u, u say hi to me ya! see u on Sun! hope the CC have good offer and we can enrol our kid there!
hi bliis ling
i stay in admiralty but i will be sending my child to kinderland in civics centre. not sure if it is good but i chose it due to convenience though my colleague whose daughter was there says it's not bad. sheesh i hope my gal can adapt to cc man...

yo mummies may i know wat's preseed? then if it is v slippery then wont the sperms not b deposited far inside the vagina since the ahem keeps slipping out?
I was so blur abt preeseed and went to check with the pharmacist where it is and asked him if its any good.

He replied me : Erm, i don't know, i don't use it.

Then when i read the box, i realized preseed is a lubricant!! So paiseh!!!
Eliz, you are so funny.

My Gynae asked me to BD from 9th Jul onwards, every alt day. But 9th Jul is actually CD21. I'm thinking isn't it too late? On the kiasu side, I better BD from CD15 onwards till CD24.
<font color="aa00aa">Bliss ling,
i like the Little School Hse at occ.
Enrolled my boy there n paid for regn fees but in the end decided not to as my mil find its quite troublesome for her to send.
I did went to see eager beaver at safra yishun but not keen on it due to the cleanliness n they shower the boys n girls together.
There is another Little School Hse just opened at admin building of the hosp..can go check out.
They should be having open hse soon n if sign up during open hse the regn fee is waive off.
There is also carpe diem cc at yishun poly..heard its good too.

im at admiralty too!!
Which blk u at?
Mine is opp the free clinic..near the market.

Preseed is a sperm friendly lubricant.
It promotes good ph so that sperms can live longer n aid them in swimming up to meet the egg.

sounds like a great bd.
If u find it too slippery, can adjust n dont put all in..reduce the amount.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Missy,
im not sure of Ben Tham first charges as it varies according to your needs n the medication given.
U can just call up the clinic to ask..the nurses there are helpful.
His package is $600 starting from 12wks.</font>
Lynzi mine is near e admiralty park

Wa Ur mummies so daring to ask a guy abt preseed. Normally this kind of things like condoms etc I will ask female staff cos I Paisei haha
hehe blissful, i'm more paiseh than u lor..i buy online one..dun even want to ask anyone face-to-face..feels awkward keke
btw, my gal is in kinderland too! hees..but not at civics centre
so far i find the teachers there not bad...very receptive to feedbacks
lynzi : i filled up the entire tube! My hubby jokingly said that he can jerk off some of his troops into the tube if he's travelling. Wow biangz~
<font color="aa00aa">Blissful,
i hope u not at the blk of the water tank incident..hehe

wahlao..thats a lot sia!
I think thats more suitable for ang moh.
Usually us asians can fill up until 2 or max no 3 mark.
Oh what your dh said is true.
I got one fren got bfp that way!
Her hubby too tired to bd..she so desperate told him to jerk off into syringe n immed insert it in.
Im amazed!</font>
<font color="0000ff">canopy - lol! yr hb is funny! lol! tell him jerk off inside if u nvr use then smelly. n lil swimmies also die liao. lol. unless u try to freeze n defrost. hmm... lol. cnt imagine freezing sperm n keep in yr freezer. wahahahaha!

aiya. i test hpt neg leh. so now af is missing lor. sigh. wana go see dr tham. for ttc. since he seems very nice

blissful - ooo. u cn try semb too. lol. but i think a lot of the schs no spc. sigh.

wa. water tank blk. *pukes*

ok gotta go do some stuff. sigh. be back at night.

tonight goin to watch transformers with hb. heeheeheeeee!!! </font>
<font color="0000ff">lynzi - lol!!!!!!!! wow! eh maybe i shld try that... idea leh... then dun have to do anything la. let him jerk off shoot into the syringe then i faster insert... idea idea.... no sweat also... WAHAHAHAH!!! </font>

wa touch wood man!!!my blk should b quite safe cos i stay top floor then neighbours mostly open doors so v hard for ppl to hanky panky hee

wa lynzi, missycandy tt's like being doctors doing iui on oneself

i din even know can buy online. tell u when i first bought condoms i will check if cashier female or if there's a queue behind me cos everyone can c wat i buy or sometimes i camouflage under other items n hope cashier quickly scan n put into plastic bag...cos i dun wan ppl to know i bd hahaha
ha now i m smart i ask hb to buy instead hahaha
actually now i buy i m not tt paisei already cos if i buy my baby's norm w me so no bd how to have babies right?no precaution i might b carrying a troop hor...

Jo, I send you the email from the one shown in your FB. U didn't receive it? I go back home and check again. Strange... See you on Sunday if can bump onto you.

Going home now...have a great weekend mummies!
