(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Jo, icic... I want preschool/CC, think hub wont be keen in playgrp. Btw, The Skool House is under NTUC? is it the one at AMK Hub? Or u meant My First Skool? I register my First Sch n all on waiting list! Sianz!

Am going to O this week, so happy n excited! Hope we all can huat n grad soon!

Missy, huat huat hua ah. You working or not working? How come order tinkat?

Canopy, looks like you have covered your base, huat ah.

I want boy, HB wants another girl! I do when I see smiley.
<font color="0000ff">hmmm i wan a boi. hee. the app in iphone doesnt show that i will O in june becos no AF. lol. cannot find my O. oh well. maybe tmr am then do it. if not then tmr night. see how.

anissa, im FTWM. no time prepare food. then buy also sian. so for now trying all the different tingkats. lol!!! have tried first cuisine and kims kitchen. now trying chu yi. will also wana try empire. house of catering. le xin. just try lor. hehehehe. saves me hassle of thinking what to cook. only need to cook rice.
Mei, I order tingkat from neo garden too when I working part time 1 year bk cos very lazy to cook n my culinary skills so-so only...very troublesome to think of what to cook....

missycandy, u damn good lor....try every catering company liao n tell me which is the best then I can consider to order so save my time n effort to cook n think of dishes to cook everyday....so far only try neo garden, at first eat ok, not bad but after 2mths sian liao, keep repeating the same dishes lei....but its prompt in sending their food
Missy : I just cancelled my tingkat, Last day will be 11 july, too sick of the food, used to with empire food for 2mths, then now 2mths with Jessie catering.

Meinme: ok la, we r just more active this month.
see if got lucky this time round.
It Seems like recently a lot of MC cases from the other thread....very sad, some can MC on 10 weeks so must really be careful during the 1st trimester....

I dun feel that I have hope for this mth...shd be gone case, need to go bk to gynae for clomid liao. My HB was asking me if there's hope to strike this cycle since we worked extremely hard, I dun dare to tell him shd be gone case, so just tell him wait n see....sigh...dun wan to disappoint him yet
the tread is fast...me catch no ball..
little update for myself...

Family problem- hubby start disccussing with me liao..think is the best for him to come back to discuss...haiz..the realistic question come liao..where shd we stay next year? me and Jean back for good? or just let her continue study there? cos his contract is unknown...and we also renovate the house to prepare to back for good..haiz....and i must maintain the permit live! but we cant fly here fly there every 5 months anymore when Jean is going P1..
and most important is company start check spouse status already.whether they stay with husband, or away not together...all because of the allowance!
this problem finally come...big headache to us...house just start hack, antoher problem come soon...

TTC isssues- i am stopping TTC 2-3 cycles. today 1st day seek TCM...do accupunture..and i confirm no O...

House issues=- i continue stay at rental room...so far ok and good! but think of pack again for moving back my house and pack for go back Qatar...then i sian!

stay positive!
<font color="0000ff">airy im a bit blur. were u planning to come back for good without hb? or planning to go back qatar? hmmm... when does hb contract end? end of the day, do u all wana be in qatar or here in SG ? will hb's co be able to give him a job here in SG?

charlotte - dun give up hope babe... its been awhile yes. even i feel it. every mth i try to be positive. so this time round im tryin to cover all the bases. i really hope to strike this cycle.. im quite tired olredi. emotional roller coaster ride. super buay tahan. sigh. screwed up body too. lagi sian. makes us all spend unecessary money too. sigh.

canopy - hmmm... lol! il be trying a few to see how it goes... like trial 10 days.. then 1 wk outside food or i cook if i have time... then following week tingkat again... i do agree after awhile it can get quite sian.. lol! when i was in sec sch, my parents also ordered tingkat... but so sian. we didnt continue for long. lol.

charlotte - what i like u may not like leh... plus the menu changes... so it will not be easy to judge also... i think if u really not fussy abt food.. can eat la... like 1-2mths... then after that 1-2wks of outside or own food.. then another 2mths catered food... rotate lor...
Misscandy, good question!!

1) his contract end dec 2012. so we renovate house now(is start and ongoing).
2) Then me and jean back for good somewhere around Cny 2012. and he hav to back for good la after finish his work.
3) My Resident permit(RP) there expired Oct 2012.
4) My Passport expired Jan 2013(all of us)
5) so all dump together.
6) if we back for good, so dont care the RP expired la..just back for good nia..
7) Now problem come liao: His company start check liao whether spouse and child with them or not...cos too much and too many people take allowance, but family not with them. they start to check liao..
8) And we cant fly here fly there anymore just because want to maintain our RP..must decide a place to stay..(this only applicable if he get new contract after dec 2012)
9) He will JOBLESS in Sg...if back for good on Dec 2012...
10) so if he get extention of his contract, mean after dec 2012...we have to stay there!! else all the allowance gone, and is not easy for jean to get the new school...since now she have school there, have to decide..

aiyo, i also dont know la....
wa like tat my house renovation liao i cannot stay!!! i hate all this!!!

really a big headache....is horrible and complicatied family problem
<font color="0000ff">what you can do is, renovate the hse here. rent it out. get secondary income also good. keep one room for all yr stuff.

but when will u knw if HB's contract gets renewed? if it doesnt then big problem right?

if it does get renewed, it will be best to jus stay in qatar... since jean olredi has a school there... plus the extra allowance for spouse will be good too... plus u rent out yr plc here... also get more allowance...
actually, me too! have juz signed up for e free classes by mayer tat they conduct for their oven customers... think it's different when we do it hands on and trial and error... i even went to my neighbour's place to pick up some tips from her!

my gynae says if wan boy, gotta bd 1 day after seeing +opk and ewcm... so i think u can bd again today, since ur smiley was yesterday?
<font color="0000ff">comingchamp, hmm i tested dark line on sat and smiley on sun. we BD-ed early Sun morning &amp; early mon morning. do u think enough? last night didnt do. hb knocked out 2hrs earlier than me. and i didnt wana do all the legwork. lol! maybe tonight will see if can do it ba... sigh..</font>
Oh my, sure sounds a major headache. I have been hoping for hubby to get posted overseas so that we can enjoy another culture/country before megan turns 7 but reading your situation now, looks like its better to stay put, esp i get all the family support i'm enjoying now.

I haven't attend any classes from Mayer though i bought the kitchenaid. Where are the classes held? Maybe i go see see what else my kitchenaid can do. haha.

Jiayou!! So excited for you.. i shall double up next month!!
<font color="0000ff">eliz - thk u thk u. i also excited. but im worried if nvr kena. cn long pia. sigh. think tonight must do it. just to make sure. lol. if i strike cn u make me 1 cupcake. thk u. wahahahaha!!!</font>
When i was trying for my gal, hubby and i BD almost everyday ah! hahaha.. Coz they say male troops die faster..
<font color="0000ff">maybe shld have cupcake gathering. all bake. then ask lynzi to put the icing on it for all of us to spread bbdust. WHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!</font>
ai yo... dun read too much abt bad stuff in the forum okieE? only scare yourself nia.. and by the way... why no hope leh? =P no see red still got hope de lah..

wah! i read ur post until i also headache... if i'm in your shoe i really dunno what to do!

gd luck!!!

and to the rest of ladies... jia you!!!
ahahah missycandy...ONZ!!!!

hv u gals ever heard of this old wives' tales whereby if u sit on the bed of a lady who juz delivered her bb, it will bring bb luck??!!! teehee!
DotzZz (dotzzz)

Doesn't work for me lor.. My good frd gave birth few mths back... i sat on her bed like nobody's biz and nothing
Jaster, I can feel that no difference for this mth...its like every other cycles....so women instinct no hope this cycle, properly got to go bk see Dr Wong for medi

Dotz, yes heard b4....Mark Lee wife lor, she go n see on Zoe Tay bed to eat vermicelli...think so n then she strike lor but this is up to u wherther u believe it or not
OooooOOo...darn!..i'm still hoping to sit on my buddy's bed after she deliver in Sep! =p esp when she's hving a boi and i want a boi! kekek

but then...now my thinking hv changed...juz gimme a 2nd kid and i'm oki with ani gender hee hee
<font color="0000ff">doesnt wrk for me leh. then i also go rub so many tummies also like that. kns. kns. kns.</font>
Charlotte, still must eat vermicelli? aiyo..so mafan
btw, same here...though I wana tell u to stay positive &amp; optimistic, I'm also hving a gut feel dat this cycle will fail and I oredi start hoping my AF will come soon so I can go back to my gynae again for more advice haaa
<font color="0000ff">eliz, saw u order frm wilton spree. eee. so horrible hor. was contemplating to join or not last time. lucky nvr join. hee.</font>
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Missy</font></font></font>
Sigh. Worst spree organiser ever. Luckily i just ordered 2 bottles of sprinkles. Its not alot $ but i just don't like taken for a ride.
I'm thinking maybe she take our money to use 1st then now refund us.. Nv place order at all. After all its interest free $ for a few months!!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Charlotte / Dotzzz</font></font></font>
I'm beginning to be thankful. At least i have my gal. Cannot imagine if i don't even have a #1!
Now i'm advising my newly married frds to start early.. don't wait till its too late. Hee..
<font color="0000ff">hmmm maybe lor. horrible.

dun give up hope ladies! our turn will come soon... have more faith... i knw easy to say... wait i come back with BFN.. ill start to get EMO n rant again... wahahahaha.. knsssss...</font>
BabyL, i intend to put my boy into playgroup while waiting for the CC. I've registered him at YWCA and My First Skool(under NTUC) all nearby my house not inside AMK Hub. See which one has vacancy first. For The Little School House, I dont intend to put him there as the school fee is even more expensive than Learning Kidz. Oh ya I received ur Manual for the Boy and Girl. Will just read it as reference as think that some of the method is opposite from what I read from the Shettles Method.

Today is my CD13, dunno when is my Ovulation. Just BD whenever my hb wants..LOL..last nite purposely put my boy to sleep with his ah ma so tat we can BD..hahaha...

Missy, jia you &amp; huat ah!!
donkeymami, maybe rest for 3days for ur hb to "replenish" the sperm and BD again..who knows the egg may rupture late..don give up ok?
<font color="aa00aa">Missy,
dont emo..hugsss
hehe..your suggestion very cute leh..icing of babydust.

i also went for free cooking lessons at mayer after i bought my oven.
The chef tania quite good with pastries etc.

i get what u mean.
Its a matter of wait n see regarding your hubby's contract.
Btw my dh decided not to take up the overseas posting.
Im soooo relieved.</font>
Airy, tricky...tricky. Where do you want Jean to do her education. If Singapore, how strong is your case for HB to get a job in Singapore, also can you get a job in Singapore easily? dual income is better than single. This part is crucial when no.2. come.

Missy &amp; Canopy, jia you jia you jia you to the little swimmer in you. HUAT ah.

jo's, ah ma will understand, kekeke, jia you jia you.

I can do on weekdays as Fri &amp; Sat are "sleeping with mummy" days for my girl. Kind of "challenge" if falls on that 2 days!!!
donkeymami, my cycle quite close to yours. I'm at CD18 today. My cycle is usually 28-30 days. But my Gynae told me peak is CD21-24, I need to go back for a blood test on CD24. You may want to continue till this Sun to be on the safe side.

Last cycle, I only BD on CD15 and previous cycles I stop at around CD16-17. I think I BD too early.
sweetie, we are cycle buddy..CD19 for me today.

Same as Jaster, why ur gynae said peak is 21-24 days? tat's oli for those having long cycle like 35-38days bah? will see if i can BD again on wed for the last time.

Moreover, i think I alr O-ed cos no more watery &amp; clear CM, now become yellowish &amp; lumpy.
donkeymami, ya totally agree with sweetie...u never noe u may O later than u expected. I also usually stopped BD on CD16 cos all along tot I O ard CD14-15 as my cycle is 30days, scan already then realise that my follicle only16.9mm on CD15 so according to gynae I properly O on CD16-17...
Charlotte, ya when i went for scan at Cd13 alr 20mm so this mth i started BD on at CD13 lol.

Will see if still able to BD again on wed which at my CD21 i thk shd b cover all ground even i O late rite? haha
donkeymami, I think u are Ovulating properly, shd not be a problem as u are already 20mm at CD13, thats a good news....mine only 13mm at CD12 so I suspect I properly dun have a good egg inside...
A Big Hi to All on your TTC journey.
For all your Ovulation and Pregnancy needs, please visit <font color="0000ff">www.bbshop01.blogspot.com</font> or email <font color="0000ff">[email protected]</font>

High sensitive OPKs and HPTs @ <font color="0000ff">$0.50 to $0.60</font> per strip.
Clearblue digital ovulation <font color="ff0000">(smiley face)</font> 7 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$45.90</font>
Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator <font color="ff0000">(tells how many weeks pregnant)</font> 2 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$27.90</font>
Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$220</font>
Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$46.50</font> (with free HPTs)
Lucky packages incl Pre-seed/Conceive Plus, Basal Thermometer also available.

Fast delivery guaranteed and Next day delivery is also available.
I'm also puzzled why Gynae say peak is at CD21-24. Maybe because I'm on clomid? This is the 1st time I'm taking clomid.

I didn't use opk last cycle, but for previous cycles, I O around CD15. This cycle, I KS abit, I BD from CD14 onwards on alt days, I intend to stop on CD24. Very tiring.

For mummies here who have taken clomid, does it cause any delay in O or menses? This is my 1st dose of clomid, and this cycle is different from previous cycles. Up till now, I still don't have +opk and there is no CM at all.
sweetie, the blood test on CD21-24 is to make sure that you've ovulated and the hormones level has increased, not ovulating on CD21-24. My cycle is 32-34 days, I O around CD18-20.
sweetie, i remember when i take clomid, i cant detect OPK+ too, but scan by gynae can see big egg. SO just bd! Some said Clomid will reduce CM, so u can use preseed to replace clomid.
MeinMe, I called the Clinic twice to confirm. The lady told me to BD from CD21 onwards. She said CD15 is too soon. I'm also puzzled, but I BD from CD14 onwards to be on the safe side.
ELiz, great link! I also need keke..but the prices seem pretty high hor...or mebe dat's the normal price for cake toppers? hee...nvr buy before but am looking out

Sweetie, I take clomid and I think it's suppose to shorten menses leh..at least for mi la..coz my cycle is too long...may be more than 30 days kind...but this round, i tink haywire...gynae is suspecting I O on CD7 or CD8!!! And yes, clomid will reduce CM! =p I also dun hv hehe

And hor...with or w/o clomid, I cant detect OPK+

anyway, mon morn bd liao... nite how to bd? if i'm ur hb, i oso surrender! hahaha... now sounds very gd though! enuff time for e spermies to be replenished...
