(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Fail me HSG test cant proceed...what they need to insert to vaginal already insert..i dnt hav pain also..but when start the procedure, they say the tube unable to move further in..so only front part photo able to take..and they says and my gynae call me say the appearing is narrowing..

so i duno want proceed lapro or not? beside want induce O, but if the tube block, no matter how many eggs i have during O also not use..
<font color="0000ff">donkey me 30 le.. Hb nxt yr 30. Hee..

Airy, oh dear... Did dr explain anything ? Wad r d possibilities? Hmmm any pros n cons? </font>
u are a young mum! wah, ur gal older than mine, but u younger than me by 2 yrs! gd ah!

laporoscopy is wat i went for when i had ectopic... think if blocked and u dun wanna do laporoscopy, will have to do ivf liao... basically, they will make 3 small cuts... put e camera thru, then scrap out watever... recovery quite fast, but still surgery... so if wanna conceive after, may have to wait 2 cycles... then quite ex... maybe mine was emergency, so i had to pay abt $8k...
you can see comingchamp explanations..haha is quite clear..

thanks. dont mind sms me ur hp i can call u? 91395310
I am more concern is how much pain after surgery? i hav to get my brother help me to take care Jean..can i walk straight after surgery? and i just do somehow like mini confinement only right?
can, i'll sms u tomolo afternoon okie? now not very convenient to tok...

hmm, as for pain... i remember it being very painful after e ga wore off, then they gave me a painkiller jab... i continued to sleep it off... by e time i discharged, there was no pain liao... i juz took e ponstan, and no pain subsequently... i even stopped before i finished wat was given me...

but if u going in in e morn, then u may feel groggy when u discharge... for me, my surgery was done at midnite... finished at abt 2am, slept nearly all e way till 10am, then i juz felt slightly weak liao... think it's very impt tat u get to rest for e 1st day... subsequently, i was quite ok liao... but will still need ample rest, i lay down whenever i could... and no carrying ur gal for abt a mth...

yup, i did some sort of mini confinement... but only foodwise lah... i still bathed... then drank lrd tea loh... gynae will give iron pills...

sure, of cos not now..i will call u when u convenient talk..now i also not convenient talk..

ok mean 1st 2nd day is critical time..must get rest..but after that will be allright can walk as usual can do anything as usual but not carry heavy things rite?

sorry asking so much. cos my boss(hubby) is not around..so i must prepare everything esp for my daughter..so i will ask my brother come in for 5 days (should be enough rite) to take care of her for all the school, eat and enrichment class.

wa like tat i also want do at midnite...so can sleep all the way..maybe i request doctor do that leh..

thanks! the reason is i want do now, cos hubby not around also. and anyway take a break from TTC. and this weekend, my friend family(i stay at my friend house now) is coming, they got cook so they can cook for me to eat de..so i dun nd worry much about the food also.

ok thanks for all the info. i will call u after u sms me ok..let me know the time can chat.
morning ladies, on half day leave this afternoon, hubby got meeting so i need to fetch our son from childcare. =)

Airy : sounds serious, must take care. Pray for u. =)
Mrng ladies!

Airy, lapo is still a procedure but the recovery is fast tat's why it's vy common procedure for removing cysts. My fren did her in KKH (removed cyst) she told me not painful. Is consider a surgery so can deduct from medisave i thk. ur gynae will fix prob for u during procedure if diagnose any.

Not sure if u can request to do procedure at midnight cos comingchamp is ermengency case. Think u nit to pay for surcharge if wan to do it in midnight.
<font color="ff6000">Morning all.

Jo's Mummy, my hb is born in Nov, a scopio. Is urs a scopio too?

Airy, take care. All the best.

oh dear, hope u can get some advise from comingchamp and ur doc...hope everything will be smooth for u...

Apple, my hb is a Libra..if he is born 1day later, he will b a Scorpio...
<font color="0000ff">i got a dark opk again yesterday -_____________________________-" looks like body haywire. lol! kns. anyway thats my last OPK. sigh</font>
hi donkey.. hi everyone... came in here sometime back.. n occassionally a silent reader.

Airy:: im sure this will juz be a simple procedure just that u need to hv a good rest after that. i believe even if it's a day surgery sort..can request to stay in for a day. can tell your gynae/hosp there's no one to pick you up or to take care of you at home? wish u a speedy recovery..

n everyone jia you.

since late last yr i had 'targeted' to start TTC from june (this yr).. i was with donkey frm the aug'09 thread.. my AF was like super haywire until last dec i started to take BFW. for the next 1-3 mths..ok, seeing abit result dat it's regulated le... but sekali may super late agn! super-duper sad. ): nw all's luan agn. kaoz!

are there anything else i could do to like prepare for a TTC or something? i seriously duno hw to count wat days n all.. cos still quite messy now! sigh!

oh dear, hope u can get some advise from comingchamp and ur doc...hope everything will be smooth for u...

Apple, my hb is a Libra..if he is born 1day later, he will b a Scorpio...
Hi Fatbobo, i'm still here hvnt graduate

If ur mens haywire, can try to use OPK or monitor or CM (Cervical Mucus) to determine ur fertile window every mth. If not can BD alternate days starting from CD14-CD24 to cover all ground but vy siong.
missycandy, think u better go for a scan mayb u preggy tat's why MS MIA? cos some pple cannot detect pregnancy hormone from urine meaning can see +ve on hpts.
<font color="ff6000">fatbobo, I was suppose to be in aug 09 thread too. chatted in there for first few weeks. not sure if u will rem me. my nick use to be naivesg.

can refresh my mind? is cm also one of the sign of bfp?
donkey:: jia you.. im sure u'll gradate frm here real soon.

i was considering to get some OPK.. juz bought a bought (of 5 test) couple of days back.. but felt abit sayang to use..like so expensive.. n if test all neg.. very xin tong! ): for CM hor.. (smtimes i really envy u all..noe hw to monitor n watnot!)... like smtimes i read hw u gals check the texture n stuffs....but i see mine..like forever clear not think or sticky... smtimes oso totally like dun hv de lor. am i sick? does it mean that i dun O at all arh? ):
Thanks. i thnk i will go for it, to make sure my tube is not block, my womb is clean, and remove whatever dirty inside the womb. so after that will take rest, and 'tiao' my body..

maybe after that, i will have natural ovulution liao..so i take a break 2-3 months, then start TTC journey again..
how you check for your CM? usually for me whenever i go to toilet i'll wipe and see the cm on the toilet paper lor... =) check everday and everytime.. u will get the hang of it!
jaster:: yeah..smtimes i try to check by observing after i wipe.. n smtimes even use my fingers touch the paper, but like never ever get thick de leh! does dat mean im not ovulating properly?
missycandy, ya u shd go see n chk if u BFP since yr AF so much late....or check with clearblue again to double cfm.

Airy, ya clear everything out, maybe u will easily strike after that...good luck, be strong!

Btw, any ladies here wan to buy Naraya bags? Not doing sales here hor, just that I am going to BKK next mth n if any of u ladies wan to get anything, its cheaper compare to SG. But pls must either self collect from me for big items, if not u can bear the postage n I will send it over to u....
fatbobo, you can buy those cheaper test strips from online shop. let me know if u need contact.
But there is pros &amp; cons using opk. My gynae doesn't recommend cos the result may not accurate eg. urine diluted cos drank alots of fluid but for those hv irregular cycle is better than nothing at least hv some gadge jz mayb nit to BD more days to cover all ground.

Or else can try to hv sex at least 2-3times a wk will also increase ur chance.
missycandy, catalogue? I am not a pro-seller lei, just helping u mummies a favour...but u can take a look at this blog but not mine, hopefully she dun come n scold me, just borrow.....or u can take pics n send to me see I can find for u n pls include the prices u willing to pay then will gauge for u gals....thanks

<font color="0000ff">stretchy ewcm spotted !

Eh Charlotte, will take a look later n see if I like anything
thx very much in advance! Ho Ho! But im planning to go hy or bkk. Just thinking when. Heee.

Comingchamp , yeah!!! Bd tdy, Tmr, day after! Hurhurhur</font>
missycandy, u got let perfect photograohy take yr family photos before? how's their service? I saw yr photos on their website....they having a promotion now!
<font color="ff6000">fatbobo, I got a girl coming to 10mths already. And I am still bf occasionally every night and morning once la....so my AF still not back.

So I dun have the most obvious sign of bfp! that is no AF........
hello morning...

successfully used pre-seed on wed nite but hb dunno i used it
will used it tonite again!!

ya mummies wan to ask u all, during this 2ww, can we go for massage?
hi ladies~ TGIF.

btw..i hv another qtn. is it common to hv brown discharge for 1-2days 1wk b4 schedule AF? normally for my AF..it wana cm will cm.. will not hv such brown discharge before de.

aiyo..hw cm nearer n nearer to my wana TTC mth... lu lai lu many probs. ):
