(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

think it's held somewhere in orchard... usually fri or sat afternoon... check out its website for e schedule, search mayer marketing... it can be quite kua zhang wan, cos all slots were filled when i wanna register last quarter... so i had to ask for extension, now then quickly sign up 1st...

yah, male troops die faster... hmm, then maybe cos e female troop was oreidi waiting when u ovulated... so even though male troops swim faster, oso not as fast as e female troops oreidi waiting at finishing line...
Jo, this Fri am going to see Learning Kidz classes and clarify more on the curriculum. If they can convince us, mostly likely might sign up. Else may sign enrichment classes while waiting MFS or enrol in another private CC. Hope i can conclude this Fri. Like Learning Kidz area but its fully aircon so sure prone to virus.

Ya, juz read the manual for reference. I now CD 10, so gan chiong to see +OPK. Still thinking if should juz BD n BD or juz once.....to ttc a boy.

Donkey, dun give up hope k? Maybe u just take a break and BD when u feel the mood. Who knows u may strike when u least expected it! I m also trying to convince myself not to stress too much....
<font color="0000ff">wednesday blues.
Awgh!! I type so much and all disappear... forum recently super not stable

<font color="0000ff">DotzZz </font>
Its definately more ex. If you can wait, join those overseas spree like birthday direct/Party city. The wait is usually ard 3 weeks

<font color="0000ff">comingchamp </font>
Thanks. I'll go check it out. This month super bz! I overbooked myself! Plus there's hubby and my baobei's birthday. Faint!

<font color="0000ff">Missy</font>
Cheer up! Its mid week!!!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1"><font face="Comic Sans MS,Tahoma">Happy Mid week everyone!! Happy BD'ing :p</font></font></font>
<font color="0000ff">sigh. dont say olredi. disappointed n angry with hb. told her olredi need to bd. he still go n diy. -_-" @##$#@#%#%@#%!@#!@ so didnt do it last night!</font>
missy : understand how u feel. I told hubby to do so but he dozed off while waiting for our boy to sleep. Luckily he woke up in after 1hr &amp; remembered, he even reminded me to use the Pre-seed. So this month bd 4times. hopefully will kenna.
<font color="0000ff">canopy - good luck hor... we only did it 2 times.. sigh.. hope can strike... but quite disappointed now... i so angry with hb... told him u dun wan bb is it!!! told u olredi need to do it!!! -____-" this am ignored him. hrmpf!</font>
missy, one time only also will strike! can still bd tonight! jia you ok!

Charlotte &amp; mummytq, y red raspberry tea?
missy : i agree with Jo, 1x oso can strike la, moreover u still bd tonight or tomorrow as well.
We will bd again probably 3days or 4days later. =)
jo's mummy, it's for regulating cycle and toning of womb muscle. Not suitable to drink during 2ww and when preggie..
Morning mummies!

Missy, cheer up ya...understand how u feel when the O period is so precious to us and sometimes dh just screw them up. Anyway on positive note, i have 2 friends who striked with just 1 BD so still got chance ya! Doing it tonight again, jiayou!

Canopy, ur dh so cute leh...still can wake up and remember...hahaha! The current preseed really not user friendly with the applicators. This time round I want to put more liao...last cycle i only put till 2.
dun mind me hor... but actually from my pt of view, i find e scenario a bit funny leh... i can imagine how upset u must be... but why he go jerk off when he can bd wif u? anyway, u did bd tis cycle so still not too bad... still got chance!
<font color="0000ff">comingchamp - becos i fell aslp after putting my girl to sleep. then he say i so tired dun wana disturb me -_-"</font>
<font color="0000ff">if bd tonight then the troops also not very good right? we BD-ed mon n tues am. then last night he BD in the early AM. means wed. then if tonight after 12 we do. will be considered thurs am. aiyoyo. quality not that great right. sigh.</font>
Hi ladies!

Jz back frm training.

Will cont'd to BD to9 &amp; fri then stop for this cycle to really cover all ground!!!

Missy, i also curious since u alr BD yest AM why ur hubby still clear off his troop last9 (as in this mrng) i heard best to let troops takes 48-36hrs to replenish so tat more concentrated.
babyL, will try to take it easy the prob wid BD alternate days is i not sure whether i O-ed or not so like tat also somehow stress myself lol.
<font color="0000ff">i think hb hornie. lol!!! he still young boi ma. muahahaha! hes not into these troops info one la. he as and when will diy. lol.</font>
<font color="0000ff">ya last time when no bb. he wil wake me up to do it. now he wun wake me up. tsk tsk. i shld ban him frm xxx for 1 mth. lol!</font>
missy, agree, those mens r really hornie...got ppl let them "hoot" still they wan watch porn n diy..knn...hahahaha....

donnkeymami..yeah..me too will bd tonight..last night purposely bought orh luah for his dinner...kekeke...then tonight will buy the taiwan mee sua with oyster...
donkey, sometimes my hb wake me up middle of nite abt 3-4am wan diao me, i kick him away...disturb my sleep...soli ah for my cho lor wordings..
<font color="0000ff">wah so much oyster! lol! make sure its clean lor! yesterday i went to eat with my frn oyster omelette. end up we both lao sai. zzz. lucky i ate like 1/4. my frn ate 3/4 of it. whahahaha. so she lao more than me. so horrible.

ya sometimes hb disturb me to xxx. i will also be in deep sleep. or will just push him away. lol! its like hello! wahlao. dun wana do when ppl awake before sleeping. want to do when pple sleeping. very kns la. =P</font>
missy, think my hb eat until sianz also bcos alternate day i buy for him..then after finish eating he will say not delicious lar, oily lar blah blah blah..then i will tell him, u wan take supplements o eat this? he keep quiet...bcos he don like to take supplements...while im stocking myself with lotsa supp from gnc...

me myself don like oyster..hahah..think should b clean..nvr hear my hb say ls leh..

canopy, ur hubby always so sweet de...
<font color="0000ff">lol!!! good luck hor! maybe we will be same march again hee hee hee. just hope i wont have to be in confinement again during my bd. boo hoo.</font>
hehe...same same..good luck to both of us...

still remember i celebrated my bday with my best friend at Carousel for high tea..then at night eat bday cake at home with hb...midnight admitted to hospital and deliver my boy the next day...

think this time if strike will b end of march..hopefully...pray hard!!
missycandy, yr HB not 30 yet? opps sorry to say that but he looks mature lei...haha....he sure hate me....no wonder he so horny lah, tot why he's past 30s then so strong, haha...
missycandy, no wonder u says he still young boy kekeke

my DH is rabbit this ur 35s alr...but i thk his stamina no good la got weak arms cant BD for long lolz.
<font color="0000ff">trying to post so many times but keep error *exasperated*!!!! knsss

Ya look mature is gd so I dun look like cradle snatcher! Lol!!

Hmmm ok la hb younger than me 10mths. Hee.

But I think certain age will peak again right? </font>

i m not sure how to put the word here..i went to HSG test today...HSG test fail!!!! gosh....
i guess i am the 1st patient fail the simple HSG test..just want to check whether my tube is block..

and doctor suggest do Lapo...arghh...anybody here do lapo b4?
