(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Eliz, mebe ur gynae is juz being prudent and hope to help u catch an early O if any? My gynae also said the same thin to mi during my previous vist hee hee

New cycle new hope! everyone, ganbatte!

Jo'smummy:Retrack, u referred Pre-Seed, its a lubricant right. I didnt understand earlier. Wat i meant was that i had sex before ovulation and that would increase chance of having a girl. Tts wat i read...not abt using the pre seed lubricant...sorry a little blur:p
<font color="aa00aa">Meinme,
before 2ww can.
during 2ww cannot do foot refloxology.
Cos u may not know yet that u are preggy n foot refloxology might cause mc.</font>
Ya mummies, just wan to share..Fitflop is not suitable for Pregnant ladies...hehe..i just knew abt this last week...so if we ttcing, then better don buy..if not hav to keep for almost 10months!

lynzi, ya cannot do foot reflexology...but they highly recommend hot stones massage for ttcing and when pregnant..as its very good blood circulation..good for baby!
Thanks Lynzi. I been doing foot reflex, be it before or after O!!!

Jo's mummy, I've letting go the cheap OPK, 58 x OPK and 2 x HPT, total 60pc at S$25 with free postage, let me know if you want to take over. Expiry is Jun 2012 onwards.
Jo's mummy, I been wearing Fit Flops for some time! Why cannot wear? Please don't tell me this is why I never kena for so long? Birkenstock can?
<font color="0000ff">im also wearing fitflops leh.. wear quite long olredi wor... hmmm

on another note... saw some red earlier... dunno to be happy or sad... lol... if its here i hope it will come properly.. dont peek a boo with me... sigh... </font>
Hi mummies:
Good morning...
Just to share and ask your opinion:
I have been having this discomfort in my uterus since the past two days. It feels like something is moving and have cramps on and off. No pain but discomfort. Anyone knows why this is happening and do you think i should get it checked?
here is wat i read abt fitflops..


Can I wear FitFlops if I am pregnant?
Again, we’d recommend that pregnant women check with their obstetrician or GP first, before engaging in a fitness routine based around, or a lot of walking in the FitFlop. Because a pregnant woman’s tendons are more susceptible to stretching, minor variances in gait and foot flexion caused by use of the FitFlop might lead to muscle soreness or hyperextension. Note: Walking in FitFlops is an excellent way to get back in shape post-partum.

so, to be safe (KIASU) better don wear..but there are some ppl who wear it during pregnancy..confused...
missy, don b sad..if really come, wish u strike next cycle! if not hope its just false alarm u can get a BFP soon!!!
Morning ladies !

Jo mommy, I saw some preggies wearing fitflop and thought it suppose to help. I was even thinking of buying new pair when preg. Lucky u share the info ! Better to play safe.

Anne_raj, i read from previous posts u in 2ww?
Could the discomfort be due to implantation ?

Missy, could be a false alarm ?
<font color="0000ff">hmmm maybe false lor. becos now nothing. lol. last night when i saw red, then i erm... "dig" to see if got more or not then like not the usual red... so hoping its implantation lor... *cross fingers*

hmmm fitflops helps! i find after wearing it, my legs more toned... then i also lost wgt but duno if its becos of my change in diet also.. muahahaha</font>
mommytq: u think so...ummm...i will wait next week, my menses supposed to be due on 20.I will wait and see la. Im having the cramping feeling even now.
<font color="0000ff">anne - cld be due to uterus expanding also... something abt being preggers. so the uterus starts to erm... change ? something like that... hehehehe... cramps are also supposed to be normal</font>
mrng ladies~

these few days i oso hvg uneasy feeling ard the uterus area, like near the c-sec wound oso..smtimes can be abit painful too. last time couple of mths aft i delivered in aug'09, i found a tiny lump on my right nehneh..near the areola, went for a surgery to removed it, thank God it's just some blocked glands. n these few days, the wound on the nehneh is hurting too! seriously duno wat's wrong with me. was off work early ystrday and since was at j.pt, wanted to see gynae. there r 2 ard the area, but both oni cm in the evng. in the end, i bought a cheapskate HPT. tested this mrng, BFN! AF not here yet..cos my cycle quite luan all these while (aft delivery).. if based on a 'period tracker' app on the iphone, it predicted my next AF shld b on 14 jul. sigh...looks like i shld get my pads ready liao.

so normal 'fertile period' is like frm 13th day onwards from the first day of AF huh? so if i were to use a OPK, normally on which day then start to use..to avoid 'wastage'?

same, generally..if striked, i dun mind the gender. as long as healthy baby. i already hv 2 girls...if wan a little more balance, then wld prefer to add more 'yang' to the family!
I have 2 colleagues who are pregnant also wearing fitflops.

Good luck missycandy..

Just to share, i came back from gynae yesterday and apparently i may not be ovulating despite catching the LH surge on the OPK. It may be that the lining on the uterus is too thick and i did not ovulate and therefore a signal must be given to start the menses which is why there is LH surge.
A Big Hi to All on your TTC journey.
For all your Ovulation and Pregnancy needs, please visit <font color="0000ff">www.bbshop01.blogspot.com</font> or email <font color="0000ff">[email protected]</font>

High sensitive OPKs and HPTs @ <font color="0000ff">$0.50 to $0.60</font> per strip.
Clearblue digital ovulation <font color="ff0000">(smiley face)</font> 7 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$45.90</font>
Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator <font color="ff0000">(tells how many weeks pregnant)</font> 2 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$27.90</font>
Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$220</font>
Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$46.50</font> (with free HPTs)
Lucky packages incl Pre-seed/Conceive Plus, Basal Thermometer also available.

Fast delivery guaranteed and Next day delivery is also available.
<font color="0000ff">LH is a hormone which is in our bodies... apparently, all of us have it daily.. so when u test with opk, u will get a faint line... but when u are going to ovulate, there will be a sudden increase(surge) of this hormone... thats where we get our positiveS... </font>
Mrng ladies!

Missycandy, hope it's jz implantaion spotting u got ok! perhaps BFP on ur way alr.

Fatbobo, wat ur email add? i can share wif u instruction of using OPK.
ET, some steps la when i bot opk the seller sent me one cos fatbobo no clue abt hw to use..so i share wif her..if u wan i can send to u too.
think timing of when to test is also an important factor. the hormone level is highest during our first morn pee.. so recommended to test ard 10am onwards...

correct me if i'm wrong! cos i've never got a positive on opk before!!!
jaster/et:: errh.. according to the 'instruction'..yes. "...best time to test is 10am to 8pm. do not use first morning urine."

this instruction seem really useful for a kuku like me..bahaha.. thanks so much to donkey agn. it has a table to suggest when to start testing depend on length of cycle too.

so but hor.. HPT works best on first urine or oso owas avoid the first urine har?

sorry all.. me n my dumb qtns!
Thanks donkeymami, me also curious only.. :p
I always morning test once, evening test once.. hee.. I managed to get opk a few times, then confirm with Clearblue Smiley face, so far, i got it every month i test except the first month and one month i didnt test.
ET, u managed to detect ur LH surge but egg may not released according to ur gynae rite?

So wat advise u got from yr gynae then? try clomid?
Cannot use first morning urine for those cheap OPK because it's considered as "stored" overnight. Best time for testing is 11am to 7pm. Cannot drink water for 2hr to ensure that the urine to be collected is not too diluted for detection.

You must use 1st urine for the ClearBlue ovulation monitor which is working on a different logic.

Usually, ovulation day is your cycle days minus 14days, depends on your luteal period which is between 12-16days. Start testing about 4-5days before ovulation.
it's implantation spotting lah! u juz tested +opk nia, how can so fast menses come? i think high chance leh...

u suspect u preggie rite? if so, e cramp could be due to e expansion of e uterus... normal!

jo's mummy:
i've been wearing fitflops leh!
me too leh! a lot of small lumps in my left breast after i gave birth to #1... went to specialist, did ultrasound scan and he said it's normal... so i left it... but it sure does bother me, cos i dun feel any in e rite... juz e left, then sometimes very irritating...

so wat made u go for surgery?
oops...OPK muz store in bottle? I juz pee on it one leh hees....is this why I can nvr get +ve OPK?

2WW is so tortourous..but then again, I prefer 2WW than waiting for O coz O will then involve some "work" to be done hehehe....

juz experience abit of CM....wondering if I'm O-ing late...had a bad experience last mth when my cycle is 53 freaking days!!!! so I've wrongly presumed my supposedly late O days to be 2WW and nvr even do anithin haha =p
missycandy, very high chance of BFP lei, comingchamp is right in a way so stay positive

Jaster, new cycle new hope but anyway u not TTC right now rite? yr boy still so young...u can slowly tio yr body 1st....

donkeymami, how's yr TTC this cycle? at least u noe u are ovulating properly every mth so jia you, it will be yr turn to strike next!
comingchamp:: actually gp took scan of my neh n said shld not b tumur, but the doc refer me to specialist in sgh to b safe. seen the prof n she said might grow in size. (btw, the lump is protruding out de.. not juz lumpy feel)... so she scheduled me for surgery at NCC.
i see... mine are small lumps, hope it wun affect breastfeeding for #2... cos when breastfeeding #1, my left side lesser milk than rite... so i wondered if it's some ducts blocked, then e specialist said no...
<font color="0000ff">thanks charlotte
will try to be positive. as long as i dont see anymore red.

jo mummy - me wrking.. if not cn meet u... hee...

comingchamp - lets hope so ba... my cycle also messy... so dunno wad is wad anymore.. lol</font>
Hi experienced mummies here. Anyone here knows if u can get preggy if continue Bf? But no menses. Any way/supplement to start menses so that can ttc next one? Wait it out seems long.
missy, saw ur family photoshot...its a NICE album!!! Kirsten is so pretty!!! I'm sure Jovin will LOVE her so much!! ur hubby so cool manz..nvr smile one! n don mind i ask ah...wats ur CUP size...kekekek...
donkeyami, ya, doctor prescribe clomid to me, take from cycle day 2 to 6 and go to scan on cycle day 15 to see whether is there egg growing.
mrng ladies!

fatbobo, i thk doc usually will encourge to remove if the size is significant to play safe. Take it easy ok

My SIL also removed lump or cyst alr when she still BF her gal aft surgery also can con'td jz bf the other side.

Charlotte, this cycle ah? i BD alternate days dunno when I O also on CD28 still the same no special feelings haha.
Ur AF due soon? hope u dun see red ya

Missycandy, jiayou!

<font color="0000ff">LOL!!! jo mummy, u want to guess ? LOL!!! aiya... kirs still small la... looks will change.. like me.. i feel after having kirs, i look like crap... sigh... pregnancy does damage to me... lol... but i dun mind la.. as long as i have my kids... =P </font>
