(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Hi girls, pains me to hear what some of you went through. Jiayou! I'm now waiting for my next cycle to start 100mg clomid. Let's all hold hands together and go through this journey. I hope GOD is reading our thread and hearing us!

My gynae did check on me when I was on clomid. Prob like 2eggs n only 1 is of a gd size.. my gynae said no need so many eggs de, 1 is good enuf..
Sjx, usually the doc will start on the smallest dosage of clomid which is 50mg. I didn't respond well to 50mg so my doc upped the dosage. If you are under doc's help on clomid, usually need to go for scans to check the growth of the eggs. The last I was on 100mg, I only had one egg.

Really hope we can all graduate soon!
Sjx, no worries
actually its confusing for me too. Some scans that I did when I wasn't on clomid showed that I had mature eggs which means I can ovulate on my own. Which is why I'm really not keen on clomid. But maybe my egg quality isn't that good? I feel western docs like to give clomid to assist ovulation so it's easier for them to monitor the cycle especially if you are doing IUI.

I think this coming cycle, I'll try to combine TCM or acupuncture with the western treatment that I need to go through.
<font color="grey">morning ladies...grey sky grey mood...

Morning gingerbreadger...
I am working full time here.. but i really hope i dont have to work.
i discussed with my DH, he only allow me to stay home if I got twin.. boring...

Morning phylee...
well.. for me my left tube not functioning... my right eggs are not good enough hence I hope this July Clomid can help me

u receive my reply?
Good morning ladies

Sjx: reply received and replied u le...

Ginger: I stop working even b4 ttc ;p can be quite bored sometime thou....
<font color="grey">Morning Pinkz...
Done and replied!!! looking forward heee.....
Wah... so envy!!! i wanna stay home too

Morning Siu Ping...
I really hope and pray hard!
i hope the egg come out on the right side, and i really can conceive...

hey all! i tink its great not to be workig.. hahah.. esp pinkz. see. it works for u...

i'll prob consider that.. if i were to embark on ivf.. cause its quite a hassle.. gg for hte blood test and docs' appointment.. but tinking whether to take half day.. take leow.. like quite wasted.. duno.

i'm gg for more blood tests tis month to double confirm my low progesterone and will be put on drugs in july. should be clomid i think. i've read quite a lot of success stories on clomid, so good luck!
good morning gals!!

this thread is back to fast moving again..

gingerbreadger, my longest wait for the marine parade TCM is more than 2 hours.. that is when i go at 12pm.. =.="

Just wondering what other tests need to be taken other than HSG test...??
<font color="grey">gingerbreadger...
really considering IVF? try out TCM first before going through ivf..

when i went tot marina parade tcm, i reached ard 7.30 but only get to see him ad 10 plus... more like 3 hours more of wait.. faint..

<font color="grey">Siu Ping...
I read the link that you pasted..
for me i cant take Dong Quai ( 当归), my gynae said that I got endometrosis not suitable to take..


morning ladies!!

reading about what you guys shared last night, makes me worried if i shld go and get myself tested... someone recommended me to go marine parade TCM too..

gingerbreadger, im working full time while ttc-ing. quite tiring,but need money la... work stress still managable so still ok

siuping, thanks for the article. as a matter of fact, im taking Dong Quai paste (liquid form) every morning.. i find it helps for the energy... helps my concentration

this morning we woke at 5am to bd before went back to sleep... feel like zombie now... still no +ve OPK!!! so frustrating
<font color="grey">morning peapea...
have u ever consider to invest Clearblue Fertility monitor?
personally i feel it is useful as it take ur morning first pee...so it more consistant and simpler than OPK

sjx> me aso tinking of buying the monitor.. but its realy a very expensive.. but it seems easier and more convenient..

i'm planning to do ivf next yr April (tentatively in our timeline plan). we're very open with the idea of it. we're currently seeing tcm as well. maybe towards 3rd quarter of 2011, we'll try iui once, before ivf. because we're thinking, the longer we drag ivf.. the chances of succeeding will jus decrease exponentially.

i'm working full time too. act i tink difficult to concentrate.. i'm tinking about ttc very often.. haha (kinda explains y i'm here quite often, quite scared one day my IT dept come n pounce on me n question me y i here so often..)
gingerbreadger, i know what you mean... sometimes in office i cant help but to think... esp when i go toilet... hahaha... but i think try to use work to distract us!
Good morning ladies.

Working tuesday.

sjx>> saw your colour, at first thought something goes wrong to my eye sight again..lol. then realise it is in grey colour. :p

I am having constipation!! need to intake more fruit le.
<font color="grey">Peapea and gingerbreadger...
i bought online at Amazon.. so for the monitor and 30 sticks i paid ard 200plus.. which if buy in Singapore will cost cost to 400
i dont know lah but i think it is a good investment for me as i dont feel that pressure
and yes it is very convenient..
which u wont miss it..

do u want to consult tcm and gynae to see whether is it a need or must to go?
as hor IVF is very ex and not gurantee..

haaa ya grey! my mood today :p

Greetings to my dearies!! Morning!!

How's everyone?? Pls do not give up and little dragon coming your way!

Baby Dust to all of you!!
hi gingerbreadger.. i too agree wif sjx to explore tcm.. but do give tcm a period of time as it takes time.. its a long and stressful procedure if decided to opt for ivf.. who knows u might strike even before ivf?! the $$ component is another deterrent factor.. keke..

btw, i hv read up a book from the library "What he can expect when she's not expecting" is about a couple process of trying to conceive and exploring all the various options they could ever try on.. quite an interesting book which im asking my hubby to read too.. :D
SJX >> hw can you change the font color for ur post ??

peapea >> Wah 5 am ! Good job ..

Ladies >> Wat is the estimated cost for IVF or IUI ?
<font color="000080">Morning girls! Suddenly find the part when AF is still here is the most relaxed part of TTC... don't need to worry about O or AF late or bbt... haha!

Haven't seen a few people in a while (in particular a few who are really way past their AF due date!) Hey who have good news never share ah?

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>AF due date</TD><TD>Last AF</TD><TD>CD</TD><TD>Cycle Days</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>TCM</TD><TD>Special issues </TD></TR><TR><TD>Amy</TD><TD>29-May</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD>58</TD><TD>38-41</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>long, erratic cycles &amp; PCOS </TD></TR><TR><TD>bunny</TD><TD>3-Jun</TD><TD>2-May</TD><TD>44</TD><TD>31-34</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>sonel</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>21-Apr</TD><TD>55</TD><TD>40</TD><TD>Dr Ben Tham (TMC)</TD><TD>Dr Zou</TD><TD>PCOS, Adenomyosis </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jessica</TD><TD>5-Jun</TD><TD>8-May</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>28-30</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Olivia</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>20-May</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>PhyLee</TD><TD>15-Jun</TD><TD>16-May</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>29-30</TD><TD>Dr Charles Lim (Mt E)</TD><TD>DR Tan (Clementi)</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>sleepygal</TD><TD>16-Jun</TD><TD>18-May</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>28-29</TD><TD>Dr Jason Lim (SGH)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Clomid </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lil'thing</TD><TD>17-Jun</TD><TD>20-May</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>bearGE</TD><TD>19-Jun</TD><TD>21-May</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>sunshine</TD><TD>24-Jun</TD><TD>21-May</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>Dr Ho HK (Mt A)</TD><TD>Dr Tan Siew Buoy</TD><TD>D&amp;C (Sept '10) </TD></TR><TR><TD>SJX</TD><TD>28-Jun</TD><TD>29-May</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>30-35</TD><TD>Dr Peter Chew</TD><TD>Dr Tan Siew Buoy</TD><TD>Septate womb, left Etopic pregnancy, mild endometrosis </TD></TR><TR><TD>peapea</TD><TD>29-Jun</TD><TD>29-May</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>30-32</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>PGHua</TD><TD>4-Jul</TD><TD>9-Jun</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>28-30</TD><TD>Prof Wong (NUH)</TD><TD>DR Tan (Clementi)</TD><TD>Cyst removal (Oct '08) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Siu Ping</TD><TD>6-Jul</TD><TD>7-Jun</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>30-32</TD><TD>Dr Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>Ban Choon Chan</TD><TD>M/C twice 2010 </TD></TR><TR><TD>xiu</TD><TD>8-Jul</TD><TD>1-Jun</TD><TD>14</TD><TD>36-40</TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>Dr Zou</TD><TD>PCOS </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Ho</TD><TD>10-Jul</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>28-30</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>D&amp;C (Jan '11) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starrie</TD><TD>15-Jul</TD><TD>10-Jun</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>- </TD></TR><TR><TD>tethysea</TD><TD>15-Jul</TD><TD>9-Jun</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>32-41</TD><TD>Dr Lien (Mt E/Mt A)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>D&amp;C (May '11) </TD></TR><TR><TD>MiloQueen</TD><TD>15-Jul</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>32-41</TD><TD>Dr Joycelyn Wong (TMC)</TD><TD>tbc</TD><TD>suspected PCOS </TD></TR><TR><TD>E-cups</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>26-30</TD><TD>Dr Geraldine Tan (TMC)</TD><TD>Dr Zou @ AMK</TD><TD>Long cycles w/o clomid </TD></TR><TR><TD>nb01</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>35-38</TD><TD>Dr FM Lai (Camden)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>PCOS </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mrs Carice</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>32-43</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>PCOS </TD></TR><TR><TD>chattybear</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Dr Han (RH)</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>D&amp;C (Apr '10)</td></tr></table></font>
yeah.. i am currently with gynae and doing tcm.. so if nex yr april.. we would be exploring this option for 1 year..

actually ivf is not as ex... if u get it done at kkh.. the actual costs is about 10k for each cycle.. the govt subsidises 3k for 3 cycles. for hte 1st 3 cycles, you can use medisave:
1st cycle: 6k
2nd cycle: 5k
3rd cycle: 4k

so effectively for 1st cycle ur cash outflow is about 1k.. and so on

yeah.. i noe its not guaranteed.. but the chances r high.. under 30, the success rate in kkh is 50%. after 30 is 40% and it jus falls exponentially..

of cause if you do it at private, the success rate is higher, as they are more renowned gynaes around. but it comes with a higher costs as well, and no govt subsidies, and hte amount u can use from medisave is lesser by 1k per cycle.

(i'm sorry if any of you find this quite disturbing.. i'm not trying to promote ivf.. jus sharing..)
tks gingerbreadger.. so tis is how it works.. did hear something abt subsidies but din really go find out how it works though..

sjx.. iui also doesnt guarantee.. heard from the nurses that most couple hv to try a few times in order to increase the chances of preggie.. some may take even up to over 10x..

ya, jus like bd.. except the good part is tat its all good troops.. cos the bad ones are washed out.. therefore increase the chances of preg..
<font color="grey">gingerbreadger...
Not that I wanna discourage you but just to share with a case with you.

My friend's colleague she also went kk do, there is a lot miscellanea charges which is not subsidies. For her first ivf she spent around10K plus after subsidies
IVF will affect not only ur financially, but emotionally and mentally
u will need to take those injections (which I hope u dont need) therefore physically pain involved

If u going ivf, u really need to do well preparation for ur body else it will be really waste of money if you are not
U need to tiao and get ur body ready so u need to tell ur tcm to assist u in this... for example once implanted, tcm need to help u to make the baby stick well... so all this cost a lot emotional and u cannot stress.

Do prepare well before u go ahead to spend the money and it is recommended that if u go ivf.. it will be good that u stop working for a while.. as ivf is also very time consuming..

wah.. reali... i tink expect to spend 10k plus after subsidies thou.. i'm expecting less than 5k act.. i got a close fren gg in 3rd quarter, will get the costs from him..
yeah. i read bout the injections.. n must go for counselling.. tink i'll stop work if i realy were to do that..

but i realy hope i'll bfp before that... so no need go to that step.. but currenlty.. mentally prepare myself... and lay out my plans..
Hi ladies! Greetings from Taiwan!

Doing a quick post before going out. Don't have time to reply individually as thread is moving fast again (wait up for me!) and just skimmed through.

Regarding table for late AF, sonel and Jessica are away from holiday so lets wait for their good news when they return!
Amy's AF is delayed again so she is seeing TCM. Think bunny just reported that CD1 is 1st Jun so can update. So next on the list is Olivia! Any good news? Hee..
I think my memory is super good to remember all the gals details. Hahaha...

As to those thinking of getting Fertility Monitor (gingerbreadger and peapea), can consider getting from bbshop coz hers is for monitor and 20 sticks and it is around $200+ so similar price to SJX. Don't buy from normal retailer coz super ex. Just monitor alone without sticks is already close to $300.

As to TTC full time, I am currently not working too! Think kwxy and pinkz also not working but they strike already so think I am the only one left here. Hope good news comes my way soon too! Hee...
