(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

<font color="blue">StickyBFP
u see the website, it said must buy a set which include OPK and etc.... possible to buy separately?

by the way how do we use? is it the same as pre-seed?
<font color="blue">Starrie...
i told my hubby my CM maybe too acidic to his troops hence pre-seed help to balance it.. that Y he agree to use heeee</font>
Ladies, I'm back from my hsg test. Results no good, was devastating at the moment I hear from the doc that my tube is blocked on the left side. So I'd need alot of luck to get BFP. I guess I feel much better now after recollecting my thoughts and knowing where my problem is. Hopefully, DH's troops have no issue so that we have 1 less problem to battle with.

Any one know if tcm can help to improve chances given my situation? Which tcm to recommend etc? Should hear from clinic on the detailed reports soon and will move on to tcm. Sighs...

For those who are going to do hsg, just like to share my experience with you. The procedure is about 15-20mins and I didn't experience any pain. First part of the procedure starts with a pap smear like insertion, then the doc would place the dye in and let it flow first. Initial strain when the spectula is inserted below and throughout the process slight cramps which are bearable. In the event of a blocked tube, one would feel greater pressure as the doc injects the dye. Second part requires you to adjust yourself to under the xray machine before the doc injects more dye. The doc may ask you to tilt to left or right for clearer xrays. Overall, nothing unpleasant and you need not worry too much. Nurse will pass you a panty liner for your use after cleaning up. So far, I feel alright since returning home.
It's ok, I feel better now. Kind off suspect something is not right after trying for over a year. Doc said there is still 50% chance and he had heard of successful cases. Of couse, can do surgical procedure where they will use wires to try to unblock the tube. I think I'm not opting for that unless it's a last resort. Will hear more from my gynae when the reports are out.
<font color="blue">miloqueen
guess ur situation is the same as me but my is not block my is more like not functioning... dont worry u still got the right side..
if you want, u can follow me but will spend a bit moneny that is when come close to O, go for a scan to check where is the egg location before BD
i need to do that to prevent ectopic pregnancy...

TCM cant do much on the tube.. but i heard the marina parade one can.. but i never go to him as i dont really like him
SJX, thanks for the info. I'm likely to try the marine parade tcm as it's nearer my place. I guess we need extra luck for every cycles! Hope the eggs on my right can work hard and mature most times...

Did you ask if there will be any health conditions should one side of the tube be not functioning well? I'm also worried if such a condition can develop into something else when older. Will be asking gynae this when I see her.
hi sjx,

i've seen dr tan last fri. gotten 6 dosages and also charges me for consultation as well.. :) not too expensive ba.
<font color="blue">MiloQueen..
there are a lot reason for it, common ones are smoker, drinker, multi-sex partner...
and guess what!?!!? i am non of them -___-"

in order to improve my condition, i even quit caffeine.. so hope this time will help

I havent go but i going for next cycle onward to prevent it
for me i got my ectopic last year in July.. then rested for 4 months and got it again in Jan when i officially trying... damn suay haaaaa
so.. gynae advise me to go scan every cycle lor

mind sharing how much is ur??
sjx, $30 for consultation (same as hubby) then $10 per med dosage (1 dosage is to be taken for 2 days)

but hubby med dosage is cheaper, less than $10/dosage, about $9 i tink.
<font color="blue">Agie.. ok about the same as me...
consistently see her.. i got a lot good feedback of her
especially when i was chit chatting with her patient while waiting... a lot got conceive by her and trying for 2nd one..
then they also shared with my Mark Lee also see her</font>
miloqueen> if u wana go to e marine parade one, my advice is to go WAYYY earli. its easier to wait earlier in the queue. last wkend i was there at 730, by the time my turn, it was 10 plus alreadi. its a easier wait compared to my previous time when i started queuing at 11..
Neither am I in any of the categories. I have cut down on caffeine as well and now got to really quit to improve my chances. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

I've also heard that hsg clears the passage and therefore sort of increases fertility. Will continue to work hard these few cycles while exploring tcm. Already told my DH we got to work harder liao...:p
gingerbread, wow he's also that popular ah?? Only 1 doc right? Possible for you to pm me address and contacts?

Sorry har, 7.30 you're referring to am right? I thought only JE got the queue from wee hour thinggie.
Sjx, ya, will continue wf her.. was specifically looking for her cos of mark lee's wife successful preg actually.. :p

Almost went tong ji, but manage to find out she came out on her own..
miloqueen> can't pm u.. u dint activate it i tink.

Blk 81, #01-636, Marine Parade Central.

ya.. 730am... saturdays n sundays they open from 830 to 1/2pm. they can't make appointment. only 1 doctor available.. can go there n queue earli.. then u and ur hb can take turns to eat breakfast..
ladies.. jus curious.. not sure if its a taboo topic, cause never realy seen it being brought up.. those having probs.. have u all considered iui/ivf? cause i was tinking of embarking on it next year if we were to have any problems.. cause the success rate drops exponentially as the months passes by..
oic...wah will plan w DH our trip there. Maybe I try tomorrow night since he doesnt need any report.

For iui/ivf, I've not find out the costs yet but I will try after perhaps 1 more year of ttc. Really hope all of us can graduate through ttc naturally and need not consider these other options.
Hi gingerbreadger, we tried iui once before which my gynae suggested. But I guess we were too keen to try tt we did not manage to relax cos expected to bd again on tt particular night, which obviously failed.
ok ok, thanks alot ginger. Saw somewhere mention 10am-10pm maybe info not up to date. Anyway, will be off on weekday 1-2 weeks' from now will try.
hugs... got solution to unblock the tube de... my left tube was removed cos of ectopic lorz...
dun worry... things will work out...
Gingerbread, I went to the marine parade tcm yesterday. Reach abt the same timing as Urs &amp; yesterday's queue seems shorter. The med cost $120 for yesterday's visit.

Maybe one day we in the same queue without knowing who is who.
Thanks stickybfp, we jiayou together. I'm glad I have all of you to lend a listening ear and give advice in this ttc journey.
starrie, don't apply too much. I think instructions say whole 'spectular' (provided) but you can fill just half to start the ball rolling. No harm trying, maybe he'll get hooked. :p
Miloqueen, opening hrs for marine parade tcm:

Mon-wed-thu-fri. 8.30 am - 3pm
Sat. 8.30 am - 3pm
Sun. 8.30 am - 12pm
Closed on Tuesday n public holiday.
hi Miloqueen, cant rem exactly cos it was 2 yrs bk.. wat I rem was.. 1st hv to go bk gynae near O period when she check when the egg is coming out. Then fix a date to go bk in the morn where hubby hv to surrender his army to send to the lab to wash out the bad n process the gd ones. After a few hrs when his cleaned up army is back, gynae will call u bk n prepare for the process. It felt like a pap smear kind of process except tt they would expect u to lie down quite still wf elevated butt for abt half hr then u r free to go home. Minimum movement n no hsework.. expected to bd again at night to maximise the chances.. but quite stress for hubby cos morn aredi once. Need to hv a lot of understanding btwn both.. hope I did not miss out anything else though..

Everything including hubby procedure costs abt $500.
agie, thanks for sharing. Procedure sounds acceptable but I think the DH's part abit challenging. Mine this morning he was abit of 'struggling' to get his troops for SA test as he woke up abit late and cant get into the mood. I can't help much too, see him also kelian...keke
No prob.. really need to relax else the mood is jus really killing.. cos expectation is there..
Tts why gg for tcm but also gg bk to my gynae for review next mth.. :p

Hi gingerbreadger, my post as above.. ;)
Agie, fully agree. Need to relax as building up too much stress will only do worse. We're already so stress by work and now on top of work, ttc. So need to take things by its course, hope my faith in mother nature will not disappoint me (keeping my fingers crossed).
Wah this thread back on track heeee
Using iPhone now so can stated my color...

Don't worry u still have right tube just ping Chang xin ttc if want precautions just go scan for evey cycle
For me I going for clomid next cycle

Hi stickybfp
Hugz.... Don't worry ur right will give u a stickybfp

Hi agie
Yes I heard that too
Plus she is like a professor for tcm in fertility
Meant she must have some standard
Rem to give lotsa support to hubby cos I realised keep pumping hubby wat to do is a daunting task to him though guys r less vocal (my hubby is one). So my expectation kinda went down n soften the whole approach over time.

Sjx, jus wish all of us luck.. gd luck to u on ur clomid cycle.. I been on it for 6 cycles with 1 or 2 mths rest in btwn.

We are all trying our best. Jia you everyone! We must believe we can do it. Be ping Chang xin cos what's ours will be ours.

Miloqueen, dun mention.
