(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

child rearing sounds funi.. haha..

i married young too! i married at 23 technically, but overplanning... turning 29 nex yr.. regretted not ttc-ing early.. kinda tot the 1st-2 cycle can get it..

june is my 4th cycle ttc-ing.. i'm quite kiasu kind.. haha.. 2nd cycle i went to do fertility test already and went to see tcm. but heng i went to do the test, then realised i got the low progesterone problem..

agie, to have your bbt around your range is actually better... because i remember that in the past before i started taking red date tea and all, it was only in the 35-ish range but after consistently taking red date tea, it start to hover higher... means your womb is warm...

the best is to take the temp the first thing when u wake up... some of us put our thermometer beside our pillow. wake up first thing take temp. better to take in the same environment and same timing everyday

but i personally find it stressful... esp when first thing in the morning wake up see temp drop
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it is good u have the thinking as i feel it is very true to start young else.. a lot issue like what i am now..

Mrs Ho this is how i do it

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me ah.. 31 this year.. getting gan cheong to TTC liao..

gingerbreadger, when i started ttc-ing, i also thought can strike within first few cycle... but it turns out, even my friends of the same age are having same difficulties! most of them took like 7-8 cycles before they strike!
peapea, so good lor.. im in 30s liao still TTC #1... married young but love to play.. tot can TTC @ 25 then will strike.. in the end leh.. see lah.. 5 years liao.. not even an egg...

My O is on the CD19/20.. cos poistive OPK mah.. but the straight thing is that temp up one day down one day for CD19/20.. confused...

Now sinking into depression.. dun knw why got strong feeling this is a failed cycle..
hmm.. peapea.. so 36-ish is an indication of warm womb? but i din take LRD.. tot of starting but forgot to ask my tcm.. so should i start?

guess im bit lucky cos hubby will wake up at 6am every morn to pop the thermometer into my mouth while i cont zzz.. :p

hope i dun get too stress but jus wondering if im dng the correct way..
relax e-cups.. putting urself under such stress is inevitable but u hv to let go else u will feel even more disappointment (even if it is not).

take a deep breath gal. *pat pat**
agie, if you start to realise your mood goes up and down as acc to ur bbt then stop...

ecups, hugs... you BD on CD20.. hopefully will strike... bbt is a very mysterious thing... a lot of things cant explain one....

sjx, im a kanchiong spider... hence very kiasu ;)
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tat so sweet!!!!! my hubby wont ever do that for me...

seriously.. i think u need to put bbt aside.. u are stressing ur self unnecessary
why dont u just depend on OPK ? i can really feel ur stress and eager...

i am sorry that i am behaving negatively to you but for u here i am trying u all as my ttc sisters... so i feel bad for u.. take a break gal.

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E-Cups >> Relax Relax .. dun let TTC make u sink into depression .. it'll not be good for TTC .. have an open mind &amp; heart .. then we'll get results
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u are not.. u know ah my hubby and i really very regret that we should have started young.. and shouldnt have drag when we hit late 20s..
my hubby and i we are together for 10 years lah... but it only on the 7th / 8th years we officially start ttc
haahaa.. peapea.. ok.. if i start to go bonkers i will stop my bbt.. but tink my tcm will scold me for not listening to her.. buhaha..

yea sjx.. tts really sweet of him to offer his help when i heard from dr tan tt i hv to start charting.. hope it cont though.. keke..
SJX, *hug hug* no worries.. i understand.. cos i understand everyone is facing the same sttress esp when the chart look like roller coaster lor.. dun worry.. im getting there...

Peapea, thanks darling.. me hope so.. Dr Zou say that my womb must be too used to cold liao.. that s y temp alsways sso low..do u drink everyday for your LRD?

Mrs Ho, Angie, your temp are higher than mine.. is ok.. good.. try not to take ocold drinks... me too used liao.. from young.. so need longer time.. and will listen to peapea.. LRD!!
ecups, my temp used to be like urs... flunctuate like crazy!!! cuz like u, i keep taking cold drinks..

i have stopped a lot of stuff such as my dosage of tea, erm cold drinks, green tea. been taking LRD, dom on some days, dang gui paste daily and only drink warm water. it helps in the sense i dont feel myself so cold easily... which is good! =) waiting to detect O before i switch over to chicken essence...

both of us in the same boat of cold womb!
sjx... yes, same same.. same as sunshine too rite? :D

e-cups.. i also take cold drinks occasionally cos of hot weather but i know i sure gana cramp when af comes.. but im too used to drink 1 vitagen straight from the fridge before bedtime, which im still trying to stop! :X
Peapea, agree with the rest that you're still young. It's good to start the ttc journey early and take it as it comes. You still can afford some couple time while trying, so just travel with your hubby and enjoy the 'freedom' first. Maybe monitor for another few more months before taking more serious tests like hsg. No harm visiting a gynae as I was told should do pap smear if you're above age 25 and sexually active. Seriously don't think most gynae will laugh at you.
SJX, we're same age similar problems too. Hope can strike together this coming cycle. Keke!

When did you ty the knot? I did so in 2008 so coming 3 years liao and my mum getting anxious. Told her I went check up yday but didnt dare to share outcome with her as I'm worried she will be upset/ worry more. Sighs.

Mrs Ho, saw your red font. :p
<font color="grey">e-cups...
ok good.. maybe u share with ur tcm and tell him that u are stress do bbt and see what he said

u seeing the chinatown one or ntu??
do u know she is going on leave?!! me suppose to see her this week ending up to see her next monday
she wont scold u if u wanna stop bbt.. just tell her u feel pressure and stress , she will understand..

mrs ho!!!
have liao have liao haaaa
yeah peapea.. i tink its realy good u started earli.. someting which i realy regreted not doing.. wana have alone time...

the LRD i tink canot drink evreyday... cause its very heaty.. the red dates... wait will nose bleed.. ahaha.. alternate days bah..
miloqueen, congrats! u got the color font too! ha!

gingerbreadger, the tcm physician said i dont have enough Xue so need to take red date drink everyday but without the logan. need to take more soup with beef and liver too... cuz not enough Xue will in turn affect the sperm and its travelling process to reach the egg....

hence the reason im taking RD drink and dang gui paste daily =)
<font color="green"> MiloQueen >> My turn to teach u hehehe </font>

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<font color="purple"> sjx.. yes yes.. they called me last wk.. i went chinatown one..

appt supp to be yest but they called me last thur said she taking urgent leave this week.. so they managed to squeeze mi in last friday night..

so far bbt still quite ok.. so prob will do 1 full cycle and see how it goes.. kee..

tks for teaching hw to change font color!
<font color="000080">E-cups >> *HUGS* Don't be discouraged... if bbt gives you stress then just stop for a while bah.
The LRD and chicken essence really helps! And quitting the tea and cold drinks also
My temp used to be like yours, now is more like Agie's range liao. And I only quit the cold drinks for one cycle ;)

peapea >> I am one year older than you, so I guess I'm between you and gingerbreadger :p I wanted to start trying earlier but finances cannot make it... </font>
<font color="grey">peapea...like that u should take dang gui, it help in producing blood
do u take supplement? if u can, take iron pill

ok i am so going to tell her i going to use clomid see what she said...

ladies you can try to use

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tethysea, u really nvr touch a sip of it.. omg.. and here im sipping here and there..?? but i really scared of the chicken essence leh... should drink in the morning or night also can..?? Also hor.. u guys buying the BRANDS one har...??
ecups, yup i bought brands one... not sure if shld drink morning or night lei...

sjx, im taking dang gui paste. nv take iron pill... i think the dang gui is enough... hee

tethysea, weeee u are one year my senior! this year quite a few ppl same age as u tying the knot... my cousin wedding is like this month... same age as u...

looks like im the youngest here!
<font color="grey">e-cups...
heee that may explain why... for me too i dont drink cold or ice or soft drink at all tooo
and i love chicken essence...and should drink in the day when u wake up

e-cups> i planned to ttc in march 2010, so in jan 2010, i stopped my teh. last time evre since i start work.. i drink teh twice a day... i read elsewhere.. tat its no good for ttc-ing..

tink within the past 5 months.. i drank less than 5 cups.. which was like HEAVENLY when it touched my lips... haha
<font color="purple">sjx.. dr tan did ask me.. i told her i was on 6 cycles before.. she jus noted it down..

so i guess im the oldest here?! :p
gingerbreadgirl, my role is semi admin... i need to conduct trainings and attend meetings etc at times... but recently busy with admin work so more desk bound... i usually open one internet explorer to dedicate to the forum and refresh when i need a break from work... (which is damm often... ha!)

<font color="green">what's up with the font color now ... haha ... TTC aside for the minute ..

gingerbreadger >> cuz we r efficient &amp; effective workers ma ... hehe
