(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Daphne/Happy ~ my DH not so supportive 1 leh.. today I told him I saw a very fainttt line... den he only told me "orh.. few weeks later den test again loh"
WALAU... still ask me to wait for few more weeks... I can't wait!! argghhzzz

anyway if really preggy, i cannot continue my Royal Jelly issit?

hmmm... tonight I better go eat my fav medium rare steak.. i like it to be bloody bloody 1!! If really test preggy few days later... my DH confirm ban me from eating bloody stuffs... LOL

ying>faint line more or less confirm le leh. Haha. All the best to you! My last AF almost same as you, mine was on the 26th. I haven't gotten a HPT so that's what helping me to resist to test. Think if I buy liao I sure next day test. Hehe.
ying: faint line is confirm i think... must watch what u are eating
Happy for u

This cycle i think can not make it, mu husband got sinus so he take antibacterial my gynea said can not concieved

so i cancel the appointment n must wait for another cycle huhuhuhuuh -_-!
hello!! im here!! was away due to training etc... so not too active this week....

and nope, no bfp! very sadly... AF was one day late and i thought got chance... but end up... hai.... now waiting for O

just wondering, is lynzi around??? can share more about the consumption of kampung egg to help O??
ladies, check with you all. if i wan to go gynae check see why try so long still nothing, which part of the cycle should i go? straight after AF or around the period i think i ovulating?
if you see a faint (coloured) line on a 'manual' test kit, then yes, the clearblue digital will show the result. it is supposed to be able to test a BFP 4 days before AF is due.

if BFP, it will show: pregnant, then 1-2 weeks or 3-4 weeks. (note this is from date of conception, not date of LMP)
Daphne >> Good chance leh ... u r good tat u can resist ... if me, i tink i already tested many times ... hehe ... how long shld ur cycle b actually ...
queenly> jus go anytime. first visit there is no right time. after first visit, then the dr will advice u the nx round when is hte right time, cause 1st visit he most likely will need to do tests n brief u and all..
Mrs Ho> Past 2 months was 32 days...but more commonly 37 days. But there were once 43 and 47 days as well. So wait a well more first lor. Haha.
Mrs Ho>No symptoms at all! Except CD32 had very bad cramps and very very light spotting at night. No sore boobs, nothing. So I'm very confused....haha...
Yoz anyone miss me? Hahaha *thick-skinned*

yingoinkoink - Faint line sounds very positive, probably just that it is too early ;)
coyote: me! i was wondering why you so quiet. hope you are feeling ok..

daphne: test soon, and good luck!

ying: remember to update us tomorrow morning!

baby dust to all!
happy> i think 36.92 is ok la..i got 37.11 before..

i went to see Sinseh Chen Qiu Mei last week...she gave me some chinese herbs to boil & drink...hope it helps me...have to take bbt again...i just gave that up 2 months ago coz it's stressing me...
Tangerinez- was busy at work, so didn't post. Think my weight gain stablise already, at 43 and it's not going up further.

Happygolucky - occasionally shot up is fine, I had that too. As long as it doesn't go to fever point.

Longtaizi- whiout branch are u seeing dr tan? Yes she wants her patients to chart bbt and she will advice u when to BD.
Coyote: you are good! Keep it up up up! I need to learn to be more hardworking like you. I'm still 41.

It's mid week ladies! Good morning and good day to all!
Good Morning ladies..

Today morning I used clearblue digital kit to test... BFP!! result = 1 ~ 2. So tat means I'm preggy for 1 ~ 2 weeks issit?

hmm... actually im not excited! im feeling stress and afraid.. maybe bcoz few months ago I just M/C =(
ying- YES YES YES the first in Aug, congrats!!!!! Hooray hooray hooray ha ha Keep the spirit up and this time is going to be successful ok
oh, by the way, it means you are pregnant for 3 to 4 weeks. the clearblue counts from date of conception, but gynaes will count from date of last menses.

have you made an appt with gynae? should be able to see baby heartbeat in 3 weeks time!
eh my LMP on 21/06.. but i always got long cycle(ard 45days).. so very difficult to calculate the date... =(

intend not to make an appointment first.... maybe 2 or 3 weeks later bah!! *pray hard*
Happy - Ya I stop my Royal Jelly le... only continue my folid acid!! Now too early to see Gynae liao lah.... so gonna wait for another 2 or 3 weeks bah!
ying : congrats .... take it easy ... dont think abt past ... look forward for ur appt .... maybe you should call the clinic to fix the appt 1 - 2 weeks later ...
If LMP is 21 June, den u r in your 6th wk now. But if long cycle/late O den minus roughly a wk. U shld b in ur 5th wk. Kekeke...my agaration. Next wk or wk after can see gynae liao loh.
I've been in this forum for almost more than 6 months... i always tell my hb the terms we used and also the recent activity in forum on how many ladies got preggy last month... and he went "Soon... our turn... God is pouring baby dusts on us!"

I was like !!!!! when on earth he speaks like that?! *chuckled*
