(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!


Yasmin is a birth control pill. What it does is to block ovulation from happening and also to thin the uterine walls to allow period to come on. Bearing in mind that this period is not a real period as it is brought on by the use of drugs by tricking the brain to think that it is at the luteal phase and conception didn't happen. Even if conception did happen, the fertilised embryo would not be able to implant as the uterine wall would be thinning during the 2WW.

There are many types of sides effects for women on birth control pills. Nausea, headaches, acne,
increased blood pressure, breast tenderness, bloating, weight gain are just some of the side effects. The risk of breast cancer is also increased by the use of birth control pills.

For women who were prescribed BC pills to regulate their periods, they would experience periods monthly but when stopped taking, some experience a lack of period or their period basically goes haywire. This I can attest to it.

I just think that prescribing BC pills is jsut a way that was taught in medical schools so when these docs see their patients, this is the only way they know. Unless they read up, they would never know actually there are other better ways to manage such a condition.

waves - u r really gd in info. Den this birth-control pill is no gd, use condom better.

amy - haywire for how long?
Hehehe...I think my first AF is coming soon, expect it to be next wk ;) Wish me luck that my AF will report having a nice cycle days.
yasmin is one of the BCP with least side effects le. but still, if can, best not to take.

the reason why i switched from my original gynae to the current one, is because the previous gynae kept pushing me to take BCP.

she kept saying pre-marital sex, cannot! must use BCP! i was like hello, this is my personal choice. moreover me and boyfriend (now husband) are very stable. if really get pregnant we will take responsibility de.

totally dislike gynae who just conveniently prescribe BCP for nothing.
<font color="ff6000">Coyote> Gd luck to u.Tink next wk I will O...

Waves> U are really our Guru!So informative

Tangerinez> Yaloh. Being woman is tough. If only man get to go through what we are experiencing, they will be more appreciative towards woman...</font>
<font color="green">yeah finally free...

the cold sores seem to be controlled... hope it wont fully formed

no coconut water at all!! and hor.......... for banana.. we cannot eat those long one!! as that one super cooling also


MRS HO!!! conceive plus!!! wahahahah....
oh ya!!! we are together 2ww too.. but i really hope i dont have to use at all wahaha....

those who are in 2ww!!
what are ur symptoms??? let share!!
me ... cramp cramp cramp... backache now also.. and a lot watery CM...
and ah i like very hungry at this moment... then super full when i see the food very thirsty.... cant sleep!!!!! kept walking up...
*raise hand*

cramp, wake up to pee at night, sleepy, hungry, thirsty, dizzy, tired, indigestion, yellow pee, dry hands, lots of dreams at night

alot lar... most of the symptoms similar to O, PMS and PG. DUH!
SJX: good one! i was wondering who will be the brave one to say that to gabriel.

Oh, and DH keep complaining my body very warm. he refuses to hold my hands now cos too warm. Haha...
<font color="green"> i dont have tire leh.... but i got dry hand... and lot of dreams which i cannot recall at all...
i was reading on the net.. they said dpo 9 can start testing i am thinking isnt toooooo soon??
<font color="green"> tangerinez!!!!!!!! body warm is good sign heee SHOOO AF to you!!!!! me soooo opposite.....my hand is super icy cold, guess me really BFN....as super cramp!!!

of course!! cant stand people posting baby stuff or pregnancy staff here!!!! cant TELL FROM THE TITLE MAH1! IS TTC not PREGNANCY!!!! ARGH!!!
wahaha... i like so emo NOW~~
SJX: you can try if you really want to. but i suggest not to in case disappointed. i tested this morning. dun even have evap line lor. hahaha...
If you want to test early, can test from DPO9 but think most pple will not see +ve result until abt DPO11/12.
sjx - I have the 1st sentence exactly same as u hahaha... But he is not wrong leh. Coz we are gng to be mummies real soon. Yes!

tangerinez- gd lah, warm shows that u got improvement mah.

sjx - wait for late menses den test bah. Now test even if +ve will be very faint or may not show. Don't waste $$$.
SJX: but my body feels feverish when i am O or PMS too. hahahaha... so, this symptom, not accurate for me.

the symptoms that gives me hope are peeing at night and dizziness but dizziness could be due to vertigo which i used to suffer from last time. so i'm not hopeful at all.
<font color="green"> tangerinez and nb01
i dont dare to test.. whaha.... scare disaapointment

i did! thanks!!

wahaha u so kind, me like RUDe~~ wahaha... think she got scare away by me properly cursing and swearing at me heee...
my menses alreay late wahaha but.. it becauase I o late this cycle.. thinking only BD once.. will strike or not..
<font color="aa00aa">The reason why it was so hard for me to get bfp is cos of taking yasmin for years.
It thins my lining that even after i stopped for few mths, my lining was not good enough for the fertlised egg to stick,
If u are thinking of birth controls, dont take pills nor jab nor iud..just use condom unless u really dont want to have anymore kids after having 1 or 2.

Worse still, diane 35 cause bloatedness n some women even gained so much weight.
Some even get heart palpitations at times.</font>
<font color="green">coyote..
i am not thinking of pregn.. more like when is my damn AF coming...the cramp just kept attacking me

i was thinking to take birth control before... lucky i did
sjx - but u test or don't no diff right? Still will cramp isn't it? Or u are worry that the cramp is due to pregnancy?
SJX >> U wana test so soon ?? Don't la .. if test shld b i test first rite .. i tink i'm b4 starrie &amp; u .. let bb settle down properly first ... shoo all our AF away !
<font color="green">coyote..
for my past 3 pregnancies.. i dont experience cramps...
only AF then cramp.... i wont be testing lah.. as cramp to me mean AF coming mean my endometriosis is getting worst...
but !!!! i still hope this cramp is for NORMAL pregnancy </font>
sjx - not all pregnancies have same symptoms.

Mrs Ho - AF from all of u, too much for me liao lah...hahaha... u want to flood me ah..notti mrs ho, i m gng to tell mr ho ur bad...hahaha
<font color="green">Mrs Ho
u so mean .. u want coyote.. to be over flow...
but seriously... coyote.. i dont mind to pass u my AF plus my cramp :p whahaha...</font>
wah another bad bad ger SJX!!!!! I don't want ur cramp lah... notti notti

SHOO SHOO AFs away from bad gers - mrs ho &amp; sjx.

Ok i did my best liao huh, don't come and flood me...hahaha *scray*
Tangerinez n Dee!
I have e same symptoms as u all. My hands feel one kind that I keep wanting to wash em! N I keep waking up around 4am n I Also hv funny dreams :-( . Cramp n back ache too that I need to stretch my back n walk so that I m comfy.
<font color="000080">coyote >> Don't worry about that first lar... hope your 1st AF comes soon! I also sorta just hanging out at the moment :p

tangerinez >> Yar everything is sama-sama... might as well not have symptoms right? LOL. </font>
happy: maybe its late implantation
no see red still got hope ok!

ladies: i cant join u all tmw, my colleague last minute has some family prob, she swopped her nite shift with me.. so i am on afternoon shift tmw.. u gals enjoy ya
hope to join the 2nd session
Happygolucky >> scare metot u bfp but still sianz haha

Starrie >> oh not gona see my cycle mate !!

Sjx>> u horrible wana gif her the cramp also faintz
dun be jealous, times flies wan... i had to wait 2 cycles too when i 1st joined e thread... now i can ttc liao!

anyway ladies, u all really too fast for me... think i got like 15 pages of archives to read!c
lynzi>> U were on BCP before for a long period of time too? Like 4, 5 years kind? Were yr menses haywire too when u got off the BCP?

coyote>> Dun worry, me wif u in this wait too. =p My AF haywire 2nd time in 1 year. 1st time was MIA 3 mths last year in Aug. 2nd time is now, MIA for 2 and half mths liao, and counting. =( I really really hope this will be the last screwed up cycle!

sjx>> Glad to hear the cold sores are under ctrl! =)

Mrs Ho, sjx>> Haha.. U gals shd give me yr AF and cramps this cycle! I need tat. =p
SJX, opps then I better stop drinking entirely. I used to like the long type of bananas (you refering to del monte or dolma brand types right?) but I seldom buy them nowadays. Wah...seems like ttc need to keep away from all these nice food, even fruits also cannot leh.
Morning Gals.

2WW coming to an end for mi. DPO14 tdy, tested BFN (tcm uncle asked mi to test tdy) this morning, now a little brownish discharge, tummy feels like AF coming....Haiz, so much for waiting &amp; was hopeful not to see red.

Tcm uncle was so nice. Went to him last sat, read my pulse &amp; said hopeful to be successful, egg &amp; sperm met together le. He even said will go HM &amp; think how to help mi sustain my pregancy in 1st trimester so that recurring m/c dun happen again.

I guess the formation might not be successful this cycle. Coming to think of it, I rather now formation not successful than ltr pregnant le not successful. Thinking this way makes me feel better. Luckily I hv a supportive DH.

Jia you to those in 2WW &amp; those testing for O.
<font color="aa00aa">Gd Wed morning ladies...Mi dressed in purple today...

Siu Ping>Dun be dishearted! It's heartwarming to have a thoughtful TCM physician and a supportive DH...The same old words: New cycle, new hope. Dun give up! cheers</font>
morning girls!

siuping, wah, ur tcm can tell egg and sperm meet liao ah...

sjx, im trying to get use to fertility monitor... now i worried i wont see peak... hahaha

have u guys heard about the casey anthony case? very sad after reading it..

<font color="green">morning ladies...
sorry tonight cant meet u all liao.. DH coming back heee.... wanna go fetch him

my cold sore.... full blow over the night

quite painful...

ya ya the bananas alway sell in NTUC ones... i only eat that kind of bananas.. but my mum and aunties told me no no...
TTC is troublesome lah... especially for woman like me with so much condition... no pain no gain!

ur uncle is the one at marina parade is it????

