(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Sjx - Oh so stabbing pain is normal.

Nb01 n bearGE- today is my first day having tingkatdelivery dinner, we like the food. Tasty yet not too overly seasoned. Shall monitor further.

Wah I give up! HPT is BFN. I m so sick of POAS n seeing BFN. I just quit. So irritating that I cried. One of my friend just told me that she is pregnant. I no hope already la! Sianz!
HappyGoLucky, dun give up. How many days are ur AF overdue? It is just a matter of time that we can make it. We will have our own bb de.
Lmp: 28th may
AF due: 28th June
Saw Gynae last thurs n was told that uterus wall is thick n it is either period coming or maybe already preg. So I tested again today as I was told to do so. It is neg. N I dun feel preg anyways. Thanks babe. I just feel so down n emo now. Should feel better when I wake up Tom.
happygolucky: Dun despair! Big hugs...

gals: The instructions on the bbshop HPT test kits states to dip into urine. Means we can't pee directly on it right? I just received them and tested a BFN hahaha... but I dun even know my DPO so it's fine. Next cycle then.
sarahfaith>> Haha.. In tat case I can really totally give up taking BBT.. Too stressful and tiring to purposely wake up to take le.. =)

Dear AF, why ain't u here yet? =(
<font color="0000ff">sayang happygolucky - dun give up babe! soon.. soon...
u have all the sisters here to walk with you n share with you too... if need just take a short break... some have said that they dont get BFP til 1week after AF due... cld be due to late implantation or whatever... n since no red.. still have hope... most of us... cnt take it when frns or relatives announce their pregnancy.. feels like a stab in yr heart... as much as happy for them.. just feel crap for ourselves... im surrounded by so many preggers im beginning to feel like im losing it soon... lol... but everytime i say i wana give up... i still carry on... i just wish to get a BFP... and i hope God will give it to me soon... on our part, we have to be extra super hardworking... when we get opk +... anyway, hope u will strike soon and the others too! JY!!!</font>
tangerinez, happy> Jiayou and don't give up. New cycle new hope...*hugs*

nb01 > our dinner gathering confirmed? Need to pre-empt you that I may be late becos of work commitments. Have been very busy these few weeks but still hope to join all of you and will try my best to make it.
misscandy > agree with what you said. Sometimes, I think this ttc journey is a way of God teaching us to treasure what we have when we eventually have our own bundle of joy. Have faith and I believe the day will come for all of us.
<font color="000080">coyote >> Dunno leh. It's something new for me. I guess hormones still haywire.

HappyGoLucky &amp; tangerinez >> Maybe tested too early lar. Late implantation? No see red still have hope!

Longtaizi >> My only symptoms early on were sore boobs and VERY sleepy (8pm can feel like 11pm).

Amy >> I guess you skipped a few cycles lar... wedding is very stressful, esp when you are DIY bride! Hope your AF comes soon!</font>
<font color="0000ff">amy, missing AF can still Ovulate. just monitor yr CM. if u sense might be going to O, test with opks... if not, u might wana go see gynae to induce yr AF...
<font color="aa00aa">Morning gerls!!
Im still here being a silent reader.

Can understand the frustrations.
Missy is rite..quite a no of ppl dont detect bfp till af is delayed for a week.
Hope u are one of them who fall into that category.

Amy, Nb01, and to the ladies with low body temp,
i was like u girls too.
Dont be discourage.
Must be very very strict with yourself..zero cold stuffs.
No tea especially green tea, be it hot or cold.
I know its not easy to abstain but if this is the one n only reason thats stopping u from getting that sticky bfp, im sure u will do it.
I kept telling that to myself cos i know im not like others who can get it easily n say its an accident.

Coyote, Sarahfaith,
mc is very painful.
I had it twice n it doesnt make it any easier second time round.
Mc taught me that i can only do so many things but its still up to God...that made me closer to God.
U must have faith that since u have got it before means u can bfp again..u just have to persevere, be extra careful n cautious.
I hope u girls will be blessed with sticky bfps soon.

u can take chicken essence esp during your 2ww.
Better to take the plain one without any other herbs.
Once u test bfp then must stop taking chicken essence.
During first tri is very crucial..cannot bu body.
After first tri, can start back chicken essence but not so often.

To all the ladies that i have known here, hearing bfp news is like a stab in your heart but pick yourself back up n make u a stronger person.
The journey is not easy and only those here will understand it all..take comfort in each other n persevere!
Im sure one day God will take pity n bless everyone with healthy, sticky bfps.
Keep trying n never give up..jia you!
Tons of babydust for all lovely ladies here.</font>
<font color="green">morning ladies!!

Hi Lynzi!
nice said
you take good care of yourself too

Hi tethysea, HappyGoLucky &amp; tangerinez
which DPO are you all in now?

me... still having cramp.. and got cold sores on my lips... not one but 2
dont know what happen to me!!! very sian!! </font>
Lynzi, many thks for the encouragement. I also had 2 m/cs &amp; hope for another BFP soon. Was a lil emotional juz now when a team mate of mine juz given birth this morning. If only mine last one was successful, ur EDD would hv been ard the same.

Guess god just have everything planned for us. So much things that we did but it all depends on how our fate is.
morning all!

hi lynzi, thanks for coming in to give your encouragement =) hope everything is ok on your side!

happygolucky, i hope you are feeling better today! hugs... give yourself some time. you are not alone. many of us feel like giving up at times too but still hanging in there

siuping, i feel the same way as you... all about fate... and also right timing
Gd mornign gals,

Lynzi come in often and chat... *hugs*

OMG, im still spotting. rather than bleeding.. *faints* it is day 5 days liao.. jialat sia.. although the spotting is red &amp; just abit.. i scared leh..will kena infection bo
I call the nurse ytd but she say should be ok.. but if still continue to bleed then got to go A&amp;E..boohoo..
<font color="green">e-cups..
i think dont go back KK... quickly go to a gynae to check... day 5 still bleeding after HSG is way tooooooo much.... sorry ah.. i dont really like KK and i seriously doubting them....</font>
Hi ladies, the thread is so busy compared to last fri!!

Happygolucky, sigh my AF came on the dot on sunday. At least urs is still MIA! Nv press on and pray is a bfp

I am losing hope. Really very down. Yesterday took a day off at work and went out with my hubby. We ended up quarreling
I guess is been a very difficult time becos our bb wld hv due this week. We heard another frd got pregnant and make it even more harder for us and we asked ourselves if we had anything wrong to lose our first bb

Some of you in 2ww are showing good signs
press on and take care of the body ;)

Sorry to rant here .
E-cups: the nurse a bit contradicting leh. "should be ok but if continue go to A&amp;E". sounds like nothing yet sounds so serious. if tmr still spotting maybe you go see gynae? at least have an ease of mind also good?

good morning all! i am so damn grouchy today. waited for 20 min for the bus, only to see 2 buses at the same time. late for work for 15 min. in the bus ride, surrounded by a bunch of "FT" who kept talking loudly and acting like young girls. super pek chek!
ecups, better see a doc... just for a peace of mind.

happy, hugs.. have faith ok. it is not easy but dont give up... there are many here whom have tried for very long..
this morning i itchy hands go test again, just for the fun of it, i think i'll definitely become a POAS addict haha.

lynzi: thanks for the info. ignorant me didn't know 1st trimester cannot take tonics.

SJX: i never tested +ve for OPK, either i missed it or i never O at all. i've always had CM in my cycles but this month don't have. didn't know my body so atuned to my stress level haha.

your AF never come, maybe got hope! cold sore maybe too dehydrated? drink more water?

happy: hugs! maybe once you and DH cross this week, it's like a milestone and you will feel better emotionally and can get good results real soon!
happy, u got to be strong.. your little angel is up down praying for u... ok...*hugs*

tangerinez, maybe she also dun wan me to worry too much bah... i will see how again tonight..
Dun be grouchy.. u live in SG.. face it.. our gov are more taking care of them more than ourselves.. what a disgrace!
Good morning ladies!! Bear reporting!!

coyote>> ya, i saw your pic posted in fb.
Hope you enjoy your tingkat.

Happygolucky>> Dont feel depressed. Maybe try testing in a few days time. As what the ladies mentioned, maybe your implantation is late. In the meantime, pls take good care of yourself.

e-cup>>i agree with peapea. Go visit your gynae to have a peace of mind.

To the ladies here in 2ww, JIA YOU and take good care of your health. dont carry heavy things, walk slowly. Treat yourself as a pregnant lady as 2ww is a crucial moment. No No to cold drink and food. Be good girl!!
<font color="aa00aa">Ecups,
i think u better go see Dr Tan just in case.

pls dont blame yourself.
Why not u n hubby do sth to remember your angel by?
It might give both of u peace n calmness in facing this together.
I went to east coast with my dh n my boy..we let go a bunch of balloons to commemorate the edd.
Will do that again this 15 july for the second angel.</font>
<font color="green">e-cups...
sorry ah i really dont like government hospital, as i hate when they take patient so light hearted...

what is FT haaaaa....
i doubt i have chance.. as my tummy now blowing bubble , i got bad cramp, got a lot watery discharge and like wanna go LS
more like fat hope as these symptoms are the same as my AF..

i just wanna complain!!! although i am not pregnant or i have a kid! but i do have some knowledge...
i got this friend just gave birth, and her baby got jaundice.... so i just sharing with her some tips and trying to comfort her... she is like giving me this attitude " you dont have baby or even kid, dont know ur guidance is right or not"!!!!!!</font>
SJX: FT = foreign talent, mostly referring to people from India or China who come to SG to get a job.

i totally know what you mean! even though we do not have kids yet but we have knowledge right! haiz.. dun bother about your friend. maybe just stop giving her advice.
<font color="green">tangerinez...
well... understand now.. but if u see my facebook... i am referring an article referring to FT here think we are rude, irritating and disgusting... which i try not to agree with it... but hard...

i realise hor.... for ladies ttc-ing... like us tend to read out more... do u realise?</font>
lynzi - that's a gd idea

sjx- she cannot be considered as ur frd lah, so insensitive. Slap her ah... sorry i am violent this morning..hahaha. Hao xin mei hao bao!
sjx - I agree we read more, but sometimes I will wonder am I reading too much? Coz it may cause unneccessary worries, for me lah.
its like that de..
though we know alot of theory but to others, they will always feel we don't know anything.

so i just keep quiet. (though i know, quite xinku esp we know the little knowledge will benefit them alot)
SJX: i think i have read that article before. well, then this FT can jolly well return to her hometown. we dun welcome her anyway!

by the way, i dun have the FB of any of the ladies here. how can i go about adding you ladies?

hmm, i agree we read more and sometimes we know too much and stress ourselves unnecessarily haha. but for me, my little pea-sized brain makes it hard for me to remember many stuffs, so i have to keep reading and reading.
tethysea>> How many DPO are u? Seems like good signs! =)*shoo AF away*

missycandy>> I wasn't bothered to even test OPK already. Juz whack when feel like it. =x Bu still waiting for AF to report coz dun think I O at all.

starrie>> Welcome back! =)

lynzi>> Missed yr advices! Were there any special things u did wif regards to yr low BBT? All teas also can't? Coz I am taking some tea tat's supposed to be safe for TTC one lehz. Oh no...

sjx>> Cold sores? Better go see doc and get medication to apply. Will take at least a week to be gone. And DON'T lick yr lips! I also dun like to go KKH! Yikes! Avoiding my blood test appt to test HSG until much much later. =x

happy>> Dun despair. We are all here holding hands in our TTC journey. =) And dun worry abt ranting here, coz we are all here to share! =)

tangerinze>> *Hugz* Me also feeling very grouchy.. 1st, my colleague put a baby rocker she wanna give another colleague rite beside me, when she knows full well I also TTC. Made me so pissed. Duh... =( Feel like asking her to take it away. =x 2nd, juz received sms from my fren announcing her baby's birth yest. Happy for her but also feeling "sour". =x
<font color="ff6000">Morning ladies....

SJX- Cool down! Some people are juz doubtful becos they think we are inexperienced. Juz ignore ur frend, sometimes the kindness is not appreciated....

E-cups> Take care and hope the spotting ceases soon...

Happy> Cheer up and be strong!Dun be dishearted and our 'dragon baby' prayer be heard soon...</font>
amy, aiyoh... your colleague very insensitive lei... maybe she think she showering u with baby dust la... ha!

coyote, if you bfp, shld stop raspberry tea too k... cuz it is meant to drink nearer to delivery date in order to strength uterus for birth... when i heard about that i felt worried... like does it mean will strength our womb and hence AF comes... but that is just my silly thinking...

speaking of tea, im only taking red date tea now.. but now and then, when i get very depressed, i will just heck and take green tea and red tea
<font color="green"> coyote...
today u really very violent wahaha....

u know what.. u all got the same thoughts as my hubby!!! my hubby stop me from reading all about motherhood books and article.. as he said i am stressing myself..
i dont know should i agree with him or not.... i just keep quiet...

i dont have to see doc as i got the medication..
i am thinking is it moy hormones for screw up that y i got cold sores?? that is what i read from lah....

not all people suit Raspberry tea leaves.... especially with condition of endometrosis like me...and during 2ww and O u also cannot drink </font>
peapea/sjx - the raspberry tea cannot be drink during O n 2ww n 1st n 2nd trimesters. I am drinking now since not ttc-ing hoping to strengthen the uterus.

sjx- for ur sake, I am violent lah..hahaha...
coyote>> Think raspberry leaf tea cannot drink during 2ww lehz. I am drinking ginger tea, hibiscus tea, cituris leaf tea, which is supposed to be "safe". Am I to stop drinking these?

peapea>> I wanna laugh when I saw yr comments. Maybe lorz. Juz tat she dunno I dun like it. I am being sour grapes. =x

sjx>> My doc mentioned stress also will cause cold sores to come out coz it is in our bodies already.
<font color="0077aa">Amy> wow, u are drinking quite a number of tea...what are the benefits of hibisucs tea and cituris leaf tea? I only know that black/green tea is cooling and advised not to take while ttc-ing...</font>
haha same.. my hubby tell me to drop all the reading and to trust God that He will provide a child for me and him. haha he said all these reading up and googling are making my life very stress. which is true lar

The more u read the more stress we are... :S
xiu>> Forgotten le.. Had read up online before but forgotten. =x But these were supposed to be safer tea for consumption when TTC and even when preg.
<font color="aa00aa">When i was ttcing i avoided those motherhood mags..not helping me to feel better when seeing those baby pics lor.

oh so nice to be missed..hehe
u can drink ginger tea during af so it will help to lessen your cramps and also warm your womb.
Once af is over dont drink so much.
U are drinking lots of tea leh.
For me after af, i took chix essence on alternate days.
During 2ww, i took LRD and chix essence alternately.
And the LRD must take while its still warm.
Some days i will take the herbal chicken soup too.

dont bother to give your advices to such ppl.
U will just end up being snub at..no point.
Only give when they ask for it..i have learn to keep my lips shut esp with those other frens outside who may not know much and think they are better at child rearing.</font>
Hi ladies!

Our meetup tomorrow night is confirmed. I will send out the confirmed meeting list later. See you there!
Now I keep having contridicting thots. On one hand, I wanna have kids, on the other hand, I dread it when I hear kids screaming in public places or when their parents dun control them and let them run all over the place. =x *Sighz* Maybe I shd juz stop TTC for now.

amy, i have same thoughts as you.. and i really appreciate how on weekends i can enjoy myself and have a good rest with hubby... hahahaha

so i told hubby, maybe also good la no kids

happy, i also think the more we read the more stress we are... hahah i have stopped reading too =p
