(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

lynzi>> I drink ginger tea when I feel very bloated. I drink one cup of tea a day, alternating between the teas. Jia lat, I hate chix essence, can't stand the smell. Herbal chicken also. Guess have to curb my "fear" of these and start drinking.
<font color="green">coyote...
hmmm ok.. alternative.. take bei fong pill... which is good also but very heaty...
as usual i cant take also haiz.....

you dont look violent to me on facebook leh...

i think i am stress.. but dont know is for work or for self haiz...

coyote is ttcing but waiting for next cycle heee

ur hubby maybe right too...but is this mean u cant come in here also??

yes... i learned my lesson..... sigh...
<font color="0077aa">Amy> Sometimes I share the same sentiments with you, find the kids annoying when they make a big fuss...I think it is normal to feel this way...</font>
peapea>> Think we shd juz concentrate on getting our bodies back to good health first then worry abt TTC. =) My hubby always tell me when he see me frowning on hearing kids crying or screaming tat if we have kids will be like tat one. =x
amy: i love both chicken essence (especially the ones with ginseng) and herbal chicken soup! you'll have an easy time in your 1st trimester avoiding the tonics while i will probably be a walking zombie in mine when i can't drink any of those!

lynzi: i love ginger tea! good idea to drink when having AF. i'm going to do that the next cycle!
Amy- correct, cannot take raspberry tea during both O n 2WW. I think fruit/flora/herb tea shld be fine, I know cannot take green/black/caffine tea.

xiu - u must be puzzled y am I here when i am not ttc-ing. hahaha.. I mean not ttc-ing now, juz had m/c so must wait for 2nd AF den can ttc.


Red Raspberry Tea and Pregnancy

Consuming red raspberry tea during pregnancy and even before pregnancy has proved to be extremely beneficial. When trying to conceive, red raspberry tea leaves are given to a woman because it is said that red raspberry tea and fertility go hand in hand. Red raspberry tea is known to be an effective herb. It contains fragrine which is a very strong alkaloid - this tones the muscles of the pelvic region and the uterus in entirety and lengthens the luteal phase. The berries also contain a rich assimilation of vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin B complex along with several minerals like phosphorous and potassium. The leaves of this plant are first brewed and then given as a concoction of tea. It stops constipation that most women face in the early stages of their pregnancy. The fertility rate of both men and women increases when they take red raspberry tea in combination with red clover. Along with that, red raspberry tea and miscarriage are also known to have a connection. The tea helps to prevent miscarriage by helping the fertilized egg attach to the uterine lining and stay attached there. Read more on
•Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy
•Herbs During Pregnancy - Pregnancy Safe Herbs
Red Raspberry Tea During Pregnancy

Along with that taking red raspberry tea during pregnancy has many benefits. Some are listed below:
•It prevents hemorrhage. While helping in toning the uterus it also helps in postpartum hemorrhage from an atonic or relaxed uterus.
•It eases morning sickness.
•It relieves nausea and abdominal distress throughout pregnancy.
•It increases blood circulation.
•It benefits the immune system and aids in the bone development of the baby. Read more on brain development in fetus.
•Red raspberry tea helps to eliminate any complications that might occur.
•Red raspberry tea help to induce labor as well. They reduce the pain during and after labor.
•It allows to have a minimally painful delivery and speeds the recovery.
•It reduces the chances of a cesarean, rupturing of membranes or a 'forceps' delivery.
•It helps in the ample production of breast milk.
•Red raspberry tea improves contraction during birth. It encourages the uterus to function without any tension by allowing the contracting uterus to work more effectively thus helping to make the birth faster and easier.
Amy- correct, cannot take raspberry tea during both O n 2WW. I think fruit/flora/herb tea shld be fine, I know cannot take green/black/caffine tea.

Amy/peapea - same, contradicting thinking.

xiu - u must be puzzled y am I here when i am not ttc-ing. hahaha.. I mean not ttc-ing now, juz had m/c so must wait for 2nd AF den can ttc.

sjx - I cannot take heaty items too, coz my TCM med already heaty. Of course I don't look violent in FB haha...gd at deceiving...


Red Raspberry Tea and Pregnancy

Consuming red raspberry tea during pregnancy and even before pregnancy has proved to be extremely beneficial. When trying to conceive, red raspberry tea leaves are given to a woman because it is said that red raspberry tea and fertility go hand in hand. Red raspberry tea is known to be an effective herb. It contains fragrine which is a very strong alkaloid - this tones the muscles of the pelvic region and the uterus in entirety and lengthens the luteal phase. The berries also contain a rich assimilation of vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iron, vitamin A and vitamin B complex along with several minerals like phosphorous and potassium. The leaves of this plant are first brewed and then given as a concoction of tea. It stops constipation that most women face in the early stages of their pregnancy. The fertility rate of both men and women increases when they take red raspberry tea in combination with red clover. Along with that, red raspberry tea and miscarriage are also known to have a connection. The tea helps to prevent miscarriage by helping the fertilized egg attach to the uterine lining and stay attached there. Read more on
•Herbs to Avoid During Pregnancy
•Herbs During Pregnancy - Pregnancy Safe Herbs
Red Raspberry Tea During Pregnancy

Along with that taking red raspberry tea during pregnancy has many benefits. Some are listed below:
•It prevents hemorrhage. While helping in toning the uterus it also helps in postpartum hemorrhage from an atonic or relaxed uterus.
•It eases morning sickness.
•It relieves nausea and abdominal distress throughout pregnancy.
•It increases blood circulation.
•It benefits the immune system and aids in the bone development of the baby. Read more on brain development in fetus.
•Red raspberry tea helps to eliminate any complications that might occur.
•Red raspberry tea help to induce labor as well. They reduce the pain during and after labor.
•It allows to have a minimally painful delivery and speeds the recovery.
•It reduces the chances of a cesarean, rupturing of membranes or a 'forceps' delivery.
•It helps in the ample production of breast milk.
•Red raspberry tea improves contraction during birth. It encourages the uterus to function without any tension by allowing the contracting uterus to work more effectively thus helping to make the birth faster and easier.
Thank you so much ladies. I just had to vent out somewhere n had no where but Here to do so. I feel better today.
I m so glad I found this forum n chose this thread.
Sometimes I feel so ashamed for wanting to give up so fast when there are so many of you who hv gone thru more. I salute your patience ladies. Still hv lots to learn.

I hope to deal better with my friends pregnancies n announcements.

I wanted to share this with you all. I actually started a diary on my TTC journey. Maybe one day I can give it to the kid sO that he/she will know hw precious he/she is. And also for me to read n remind myself in e future about this journey. He he I do not know hw long I will write but just write la.
sjx>> Juz apply the medication first and hopefully wun be full blown cold sore.

xiu>> Thanx for making me feel better. =)

tangerinez>> But u forgot tat I will suffer when it's past the 1st trimester. =x I think it's coz I dun like herbal stuffs, tat's why my body is in such a terrible condition. =(

coyote>> I had thot raspberry tea is for helping wif AF only lehz. Coz tat time lynzi said drinking raspberry leaf tea will help to "clear" all the old blood out.
<font color="000080"> Amy >> I'm either in DPO9 or DPO7. Can't really tell cos I don't use OPK and I woke up late around the O date, so BBT not accurate :p Anyway I wasn't really trying this cycle cos still supposed to rest.

I agree about the screaming kids... some days I feel "If I was a parent, I would have my kids under control!" and some days I worry that I secretly hate children, esp since I'm not the type that will go and coo at some friend/relative's baby. I think if my cat scratched my kid, I'll side with the cat :p</font>
<font color="green">peapea..
heee welcome!

u got 2 long posts wahaha system screw up again...

it is nto full blown yet... and i drink vit c to slow down

when i got cold sores mean.. no BFP liao.... alway one.</font>
hee Amy, was trying to encourage you. Anyway our taste buds sort of change during pregnancy right, so maybe you will grow to like them. If not, I think you will also take them, for the sake of your baby =)
<font color="green"> tethysea!!!!
we are buddies for 2ww!!!! me also DPO7 to 8!!!!!
but... u got any symptons?? me cramp and cramp and cramp....think u got higher chance than me
Sorry for the late reply. Not very 'punctual' in here coz' busy at work and extremely tired when I get home. To ans your question regarding testing for female hormones. Yes, there are such tests. What your doc shld do is to rule out thyroid so that's 1 test to be done. But since all the tests will involve drawing of blood, might as well test most of them at the same time. The other impt test is the Day 21 progesterone test to see if you're ovulating (not recommended for those with irregular periods as ovulation will be hard to determine and the test will be wasted). Testing for Estradoil level is also recommended though I think not all doctors know its importance. Estradoil testing is done every few days after ovulation to check the level in the blood (It shld be increasing). I've also done LH/FSH blood test, testosterone level, etc.

I recommend seeing an endocrinologist specialising in reproduction. My Endo actually sent me for a series of tests on my 1st Consultation just so that the treatment could be better tailored to me. Even though I knew I had PCOS before I went to see the Endo, the tests further confirmed my condition and excluded some others which are similar to PCOS as well.

Hope this helps.
Wow...today alot of posts! Milo reporting, how's everyone?

Lynzi! Glad to see your posts - all the advice from the expert. How's the little one?
tethysea>> Haha.. *Hi 5* Same here. If my dog nips my kid, I will side wif my dog also. =p

sjx>> Not full blown yet? Quickly apply lots of medication on the area. I find it helps in preventing it from gg to full blown. =)

tangerinez>> If tastebud changes, tat will be good. If not, will have to grit my teeth and eat for the sake of baby. =)
no lar.. i will still hang around here. i have to say ever since i came to this forum i've learn quite a fair bit of the pregnancy and preparation. I get to know there are mothers to be like me are also facing the same issue of pressure like me and it makes the journey much more bearable.

The fact there is a genunity and yet maintain annoymous behind the screen helps me to be able to bear the heart out ... haha

Does the gynae know that your AF is haywired? For me, I can't exactly do the Prog test on Day 21 coz my ovulation usually takes place b/t Day 18 - day 21. So, taking the test on Day 21 is not accurate for me.
no lar.. i will still hang around here. i have to say ever since i came to this forum i've learn quite a fair bit of the pregnancy and preparation. I get to know there are mothers to be like me are also facing the same issue of pressure like me and it makes the journey much more bearable.

The fact there is a genunity and yet maintain annoymous behind the screen helps me to be able to bear the heart out ... haha
waves>> The doc knows, so wan me to mointor my AF cycles first before gg for the blood test. But, the prob was tat after 2 normal cycles, AF went MIA. =(

Sorry if u have mentioned this as the thread moves very fast but have u gone for a scan to check your endometrial lining? If it's too thick and preg is ruled out, u can get Norethisterone from the doc to get your period coming. Endometrial lining that's too thick and not broken down is a risk to getting endometrial cancer. just my 2cts worth.
waves>> No lehz. I nv went for the scan tat u mentioned. I am now doing TCM, so nv went to gynae. But thanks for telling me. I will see wat my TCM advises tomolo. =)
TCM and western meds shld work hand in hand. That's what I feel. So, I don't actually share too much info with my TCM practitioner and gynae unless i know they are not against each other. lol
hey ladies, one quick question. Ttc can drink coconut water? Lately, I took quite often as the fruit stall at my workplace sells. I do know that those expecting are advised to take nearer their delivery (if I'm not wrong) but not sure if it would be too liang for those ttc. Today having abit of sore throat so thought it should be ok...sipping it now. :p
Wow, this thread is so active.. haa..

nb01, ginger, xiu03,peapea, shi jia xin,
Thanks ladies, noted for the supplements le.. =D

Anyway, i tried using the concevie plus ytd.. FINALLY, got chance to use it bought it liek 1-2 weeks ago.. Totally no chance to use it.. haa..

I asked him whether is it like cant feel de, too slippery den cant feel? He said NO immediately haa.. Hubby say e feeling very good, even better den normal, which never use... haa.. He say SHIOK~!! lol...

I thk it is more smooth ba.. I Keep asking him the feeling but he just cannot discribe lo.. haa.. But i guess it is quite nice ba, the feeling.. haa..

But still personally preference la.. haa.. =D

Anyway, i've some short forms to ask.. haa..

What is:
1) 2WW --> 2nd World war??
2) BFP
3) BBT --> Body Temperture?
Miloqueen >> coconut water is too liang ... try not to drink too much ..

SJX >> Why u leave me out again ?!?! I'm also in 2WW ! Did u read baby's post .. good review bout conceive plus ...
Mrs Ho,

For us, i feel quite good too la.. But personally preference le lo..

TO me i feel it will not be sticky after it drys up.. Tho after applying feel like going to be sticky but wun leh.. I like.. haa.. If not its gonna be very messy for e bed le.. haa.. =D
A Big Hi to All on your TTC journey.
For all your Ovulation and Pregnancy needs, please visit <font color="0000ff">www.bbshop01.blogspot.com</font> or email <font color="0000ff">[email protected]</font>

High sensitive OPKs and HPTs @ <font color="0000ff">$0.50 to $0.60</font> per strip.
Clearblue digital ovulation <font color="ff0000">(smiley face)</font> 7 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$45.90</font>
Clearblue digital pregnancy with conception indicator <font color="ff0000">(tells how many weeks pregnant)</font> 2 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$27.90</font>
Clearblue Fertility Monitor and 20 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$220</font>
Clearblue box of 20 sticks @ <font color="0000ff">$46.50</font> (with free HPTs)
Lucky packages incl Pre-seed/Conceive Plus, Basal Thermometer also available.

Fast delivery guaranteed and Next day delivery is also available.
2ww- 2 weeks wait (to be pregant hopefully)
bfp- big fat positive (on the pregnancy kit hopefully)
bbt- basal body temperature (the temperature that shows up to 2 decimal places)
waves>> I think I will wait and see wat my TCM says tomolo first abt my missing AF. I am kinda adverse to western medicine (no offence) now coz my AF went MIA the 1st time when I stopped take Yasmin.

I understand how u felt. Were u on Yasmin out of choice or for regulating of period? BC is very bad for the body.
<font color="aa00aa">Gd luck to Starrie, SJX, Mrs Ho, Tethysea &amp; those in 2WW...

Half of the day has gone...Hurray...

Baby> 2WW is 2 waiting wk, BFP=Big Fat Postive </font>
waves>> To regulate menses. B4 I went on Yasmin, my menses were irregular, but not as bad as now. Dunno izzit due to age, getting old liao, so my system sort sort liao. =x

miloqueen>> Ya lorz, will concentrate on TCM for now. I believe it shd be able to help me. =)
<font color="000080">SJX >> Can hold hands! :D No symptoms leh... just boobs pain only. And bloated lar, but that always have after O.

Baby >> Here's a glossary to help you out!

AF = Aunt Flo (period)
BFN = Big Fat Negative (preg test)
BFP = Big Fat Positive
CD = cycle day
DPO = days past ovulation
BBT = basal body temperature
CM = cervical mucus
EWCM = Eggwhite cervical mucus
BD = "baby dance" (sex)
HPT = Home pregnancy test
LRD = longan red date tea
LMP = Last menstrual period
OPK = Ovulation predictor kit
2WW = two-week wait (after ovulation and before period is supposed to come)</font>

I was like u. I was given Yasmin and then Diane-35 (can't remember the number) to regulate period. Then I met my husband who advised me to stop immediately due to the bad effects it has on the woman's body. I did so when I still had 5 packs of Yasmin left. I believe that my PCOS was also brought on partly due to this as noone had diagnosed me with PCOS till after the yasmin/diane episodes.

If TCM makes u confortable then go for it, there's really no harm. I hope everything will be fine for u soon. Jia you!
waves>> And I continued taking until last July, for like at least 3, 4 years. Now all my hormones and cycles are so screwed up! =( I will stick wif TCM first and hopefully will see improvements in a few mths. Thanx for yr encourgaement! =)
waves - Tks for sharing on the tests. I don't understand, u mean Yasmin one 1 hand helps to regulate menses but on the other hand will have side effects? What type of side effects?

baby - seems like conceive plus is better than preseed in terms of feel.

i was thinking, it's really really hard being a woman.

during menses, you get the cramps and aches
then soon after u get the O symptoms
then soon after u get the PMS
then the cycle repeats itself again

and when u are finally pregnant, there's all sorts of funny symptoms: nausea, incontinence, backaches, eczema etc...
