(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

<font color="green">peapea...
ur monitor told u test already???
dont worry lah will one lah....

who is casey anthony?? where to read?


sjx, cuz first time using FM so FM will require me to start testing from CD 6. acc to my calculation, if O will usually be CD 17. anyway, you have used the monitor before right, does it really identify ur peak day? i remember last cycle u O late... so did it correspond?

ladies, in case u girls are interested about the casey anthony case

<font color="green">peapea
i total i used 2 cycles only..

when i first use FM.. it told me to test on CD6 too.. so i guai guai followed... and it took me 15 sticks! KNS...

then 2nd round...i play cheat... i test on CD10 heee... and my peak on CD17...

but last month... i never use heee... as not TTC mah... but whose know without FM, my CM told me my peak...
<font color="green">tangerinez
can!!! tomato is very good!!!!
but do u know what... fresh tomato juice is best to give ur hubby! as it very good for their sperms
whahaha </font>
SJX: ya i heard about that! but he hates tomato juice! hahaha... must find a way to force him to drink

how are your symptoms today? still sama sama?

i am starting to believe my AF is just round the corner. whole night backache last night

i think i couldn't detect my O this month cos my entire cycle is shortened, possibly because my cycle is starting to mirror my SIL's (just started staying together from May)
Siu Ping >> Wah ur TCM so power ah .. which TCM u visiting ? Can detect sperm &amp; egg meet ...

Peapea >> Is this case that the mum killed her own daughter &amp; buried her ?

Amy >> Sure will giv u my AF no prob .. juz take it hehehe
Morning Ladies!!

Although slept early at 11pm, but i still feel so tired... Maybe i have over stretch my sleeping timing for the past few days liao.

Me wearing all black today. See you ladies this evening.
mrs ho, yup yup the case of mum killing her own daughter. the jury decided yesterday she not guilty... hearing news of kids dying is very sad esp if it is murder... hai
Mrs Ho>> Not too sure yet. Now in office in waiting mode for preparation of meeting. Sianz arr.... Hopefully boss dont give me all her reports in late afternoon, if not, i confirm will be late de.
Praying hard can finish my work on the dot.
ladies. looking forward to the meet up tonight! I'm wearing a colourful dress today. DH calls it my tetris dress cos of the colourful blocks. haha.

anyway, been reading the posts of the ladies in 2WW. i also 2WW, been resisting to test since to date, all i've got in the past cycles were BFN! But yesterday, my bestie called me from overseas to tell me she dreamt that i was pregnant. So test this morning lor. What what do you know! BFN. Gua gua.....sians.... DPO9 btw.
sjx> how to play cheat with the FM? so if the FM tell u to test, but u dont test. will it react anything? or jus merely skip one day. cause i tink cd 6 is too early too.

i jus went to see gyane today.. he did not prescribe me with any meds!! cause after the 2nd blood tests, he says my progesterone level is 23, not as bad thou hte passing mark is 30. its jus that i ovulate very late. and my hubs sperm is above average, so we stand as good a chance. hais. quite disappointed that he dint prescribe me any meds to increase my chances. he ask me to try natural for another 3 more months..
Look forward to seeing you ladies later!

DPO9 is still very early. As I said, most pple get +ve only after DPO11/12. Still have chance!

At least hubby doesn't have a problem so that is good. Now with the help of monitor, you should be able to tell when you O and will have a very good chance! Think abt it this way, natural is always better than using meds. So chin up!
ladies. i think i am ready to embark on medical intervention in my quest for a dragon baby. i havent seen any gynae or tcm yet. so i'm really not sure about my body's condition or my DH's.

however, we are both 32, healthy, non-smokers. my period is also very regular and i think i ovulate normally (based on positives OPKs each month).

So, what preliminary tests would you ladies suggest me and DH to go for? I was thinking of going to Dr LC Foong at Gleneagles, but am worried that his costs may be very high for preliminary testing that can be done elsewhere?

Any suggestions?
<font color="green">tangerinez
my symptoms is cramps.... breast very heavy.... and tummy ache afer drink milo whaha
dont anyhow think.... but are u close to her heee.. only close then cycle will mirror

cant stand reading news that mommy killing their own kid!! where me here desperately to have one
and there people dont treasure!

ya i dont test.. and it wil keep prompting u to test every day.. till day 25 i think...
dont worry... just keep take good care of urself.. u be back to normal and have a dragon bb</font>
I think the first question to be answered if whether you want to go Chinese (TCM) or Western (gynae). But from what you are saying, I think you are more inclined to find a gynae?

Personally, if you haven't seen a gynae before, I feel that you should think abt going to see the same gynae for both prenatal checks and when you are pregnant as the gynae will know your history and you might find it easier than trying to source for a new one when pregnant. And like what you have said, if both you and DH seems to be in good health, most good gynaes will know the standard tests to do, like ultrasound, bloodwork etc..

If you want a few good gynae recommendations that are affordable, I think some ladies here have a few. Think you need to let us know if you want female/male gynae and preferred location.
<font color="0077aa">Olivia> Try testing this weekend...Gd luck!As for test,for u, can do a ultrascan to check ur ovary, womb, uterus, etc. Hsg test to check if fallopian tube is block and PAP Smear..For dh- SA test to analysis the quality and quanitiy of the troops...</font>
Dear Ladies, see red liao. AF reported. Though sian but at least I know now my cycle regular. (last AF 6th may, this mth also 6th).

I wont give up de. just a little disappointed this morning. OK, new cycle new hope once again. Going back to see the tcm this sat....

SJX, yes, the TCM uncle at marine parade.

Mrs Ho, my TCM at Marine Parade Central, Ban Choon Chan.
Harlow ladies! Amy reporting!

Wun be seeing TCM today coz she will not be in. Hoping she will be in tomolo so tat can see her.

Having very bad backache now, dunno izzit due to restless sleep. Losing sleep over my AF now. =x

Mrs Ho>> I want yr AF! I dun mind "sacrificing". Haha..
Amy >> So will u be joining us since u r not going for ur TCM ? Come meet us la .. then i can hand over my AF to u ... hehehe ...

Siu Ping >> New cycle new hope ... jia you ...

SJX >> u still hav so many symptom ?? I've not seen any yet ..
Mrs Ho, ya. New cycle new hope. But hope this cycle will be the last cycle...hahaha

Anyway, I will be continuing with my LRD, Red raspberry tea, royal jelly, supplements etc...
SJX: tummyache after milo, sounds like lactose-intolerant like me!

hmm, quite close to SIL, or at least we spend much time together, at least 4 hours everyday? her AF came yesterday and i started feeling the backache. ya coincidence i know haha.

Siu Ping: jia you!
<font color="0077aa">Diamond 22> Get well soon!

Olivia> Prices varies depend on gynae &amp; hospital. For mine, the ultrascan is $20, hsg is $200+, PAP Smear is $30. DH's SA test is ard $80. Blood test is $100+

Amy> Come and join us la!</font>
tangerinez> thks

gingerbreadger, i won't be going so early. Ard noon maybe cos open till 3pm....uncle ask me no need queue when go see him this sat (only for this time no need queue). Other time will still have to folllow the queue. what time u going?
oo how come this time no need queue?

i'll be going very early bah. last mth we reach at 7:30, by the time our turn was about 10-ish. tink this time we'll try n reach at 630-ish. its easier to q earlier.. than q later. got once we reach at 11, q-ed until 2 plus 3.. very hot.. so a bit irritating to wait..
I didn't do all the tests so cannot help you on pricing but xiu has given you some figures. But like she has said, it varies from gynaes and hospitals.

Get well soon!

New cycle new hope!

Do join us if you can since you are not going TCM. You don't accept PM so please PM me if you want to come and I can send you the details.
the later u reach, will queue till very late one. is gd to go &amp; queue earlier. dun know y this time no need queue, uncle just said so. He had high hopes that I will be preggy when i went to him last sat. Nvm, this coming cycle will sure succeed....haha
<font color="000080"> Today is jeans day for me :p See you all in a few hours time!

Amy >> So are you joining us tonight? :p

Diamond >> Get well soon!

SiuPing >> New cycle new hope! Jiayou for next cycle

Olivia >> Better to go to same gynae for everything, that way your records all with one doc. I can tell you Raffles is very expensive lar... maybe try TMC? I think of the private hospitals that's the most affordable.</font>
hello happy here

Wah tonight is the dinner? enjoy ladies
) and have lots of fun!

Yesterday hubby and i went to buy balloons and went to the beach to release them.
Mrs Ho, xiu, nb01, tethysea>> I can't join u gals. My feet are "injured" by my shoes yest, can't walk properly. All bruised and swollen now. Juz now go see doc still kenna laughed at. =_="
since it's so quiet here, i'll create some 'noise' by asking for help.

anyone knows which brands of adult milk powder carry the lactose-free formula? and it cannot be low-fat.

the reason i am asking is, i am actually underweight and am trying to put on weight. i do the healthy 3 meals but it's hard to snack when there are so many things we can't eat when TTC. so i turn to full-cream milk powder instead.

currently drinking nespray but i'm lactose intolerant so on good days there is a lot of wind in my stomach, and on bad days i get diarrhea.

i am fine with meiji fresh milk but it's cold and troublesome to make warm.

any suggestions? thanks!

*edited: sorry, just found the answer. it's ENSURE and have no idea why i forgot about it cos i used to take this regularly a few years back*
boring.. zzzz...

let me provide some entertainment.

Life is like a penis. it's short, but seems so long when it gets hard.

Dear guys, your penis is not pinocchio's nose. it doesnt get longer everytime you lie about its size.
<font color="0077aa">Muhaha...gingerbreadger... ur last sentence on the pinocchio's nose makes me wanna LOL...</font>
Hi gals,

Will be going down later for the gathering but I don't think I will be staying too long wor.. Firstly super tired today (too many dreams of luxurious yachts etc last night), secondly, tomorrow morning have meeting and thirdly my DH will fetch me there and wait for me so don't want to let him wait too long.. See ya later! I'm not wearing very nice/formal today wor cos no meetings etc today..
those r from leticia tweets. u all got watch noose? its damn funi.. theres the maid leticia by michelle chong. when friday comes. i tell u all one more funi one.. haha
tangerinez, u r like me. Underweight n drinking full-cream milk hoping to gain some pounds..hehe.. I am gaining some weight since m/c by eating almost 2hrly inclusive of full-cream milk nitely with supper. Although lotsa things cannot eat but still can snack, let me share with u my daily meals:
7am- instant ceral @ home
8.30am - a slice of bread @ work
12noon - lunch
3pm - fruit
5pm - teabreak (bread/cake/dessert like red bean soup)
7.30pm - dinner
9pm - fruit
11pm - milk with bun/pie/muffin/etc

Gd one there gingerbreader, I shall share with my DH..wahahaha....
tangerinz - herbal life can help to gain weight by drinking 1 glass right after meal. But is pretty expensive, $70 per bottle.
coyote: so we are both trying to gain weight! wow, your days would pass very quickly with 8 meals a day. hmm, let me see what i am currently having:

7.30am: full cream milk
9am: bread with cheese and margarine
12noon: lunch
4pm: full cream milk
7.30pm: dinner (with 2 bowls of soup)
10.30pm: full cream milk

your menu looks a lot more exciting! hahaha...

i am 'afraid' to eat too much as i stay with the in-laws and am not comfortable to let them know we are TTC (further stress). already my DH likes to comment jokingly that i am a pig cos i get hungry very soon after dinner so i don't dare to want to eat more.

i didn't know herbal life helps pple to gain weight! i always thought it's for slimming. thanks for sharing!
<font color="green">back!

dont mind me asking... do you believe in Him? (ur TCM)

should i say congrats to you heee.... new cycle new HOPES!!!!!!

Mrs Ho...
yes i got a lot symptoms~ but more likely AF report....can feel the "flow"

i realise only milo leh!!!!! dont know why... hate it! i need to find substitute morning drink for coffee!!!!
^5 to those in 2ww. *pray hard + keeping fingers &amp; toes crossed*

Siu Ping: i saw a TCM who told me something like the egg and sperm met. sadly it didnt work out in the end. i was depressed!

gingerbreadger: ROFL!!!!
