(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

peapea>> Yup, she's my aunt - my mum's cousin. =) She had told me need to see her to "tiao" my body at least for 3 mths. =_=" I dun think she takes appt over the phone. U can try walk-in, but u muz go early in the morn to queue for the # 1st.

amy, how long is waiting time? cuz this sat no time to go early morning =(

coyote, my hubby dont want to travel... he keep saying want to save for our baby... but im like, no baby yet!!!!!!!!!
amy, how long is waiting time? cuz this sat no time to go early morning =(

coyote, my hubby dont want to travel... he keep saying want to save for our baby... but im like, no baby yet!!!!!!!!!
bear: congrats! happy for you! work hard these few days! hee..

SJX: your SIL quite insensitive wor. maybe she is excited about her baby but she should spare some thoughts for you. it's ok babe, think about how your DH dotes on you in other ways! stay happy!
sjx>> *Hugz* Dun be upset. My colleague sitting next to me gg to give birth next mth liao. I super sianz, esp when my cycle is still so hay wire! =(
<font color="0077aa">Peapea> Can suggest a short trip to ur hubby and perhaps the baby can be "Made in overseas"...Haha</font>
xiu>> I dun think she gives me discount also lehz. =p

peapea>> The waiting time is horrible one lorz - very long. Tat day I waited for almost 2 hours after reaching to see her. Think Sat only open half day lehz. Maybe u shd go on weekdays better.
<font color="purple">bearGE...
i have been trying... and really trying very hard....

wahahah ur aunt turn out to be a popular doc actually!!! she confirm will help u

Happy and Xiu03
i know they meant well but it just ourselves how much we can take it... no matter what.. we are woman see u.. we very much will be affected by emotional
somehow i can tell my hubby feels uncomfortable also... but i think he cover better than me...</font>
<font color="purple">amy...
u just sitting beside you...
after my ectopic pregnancy and return to work after mc... my table, front, side and left all announcing pregnacy! and as days and month grows.. i am like seeing their tummy grow... and my tummmy is growing also! but fat!!!
that is ten time worst!</font>
peapea - my DH doesn't travel too. He wants to save $ to buy his gadgets and look after our furbies. So I travel with frds.

Amy- My TCM says needs to tiao at least 6mths for the effect to take place.
sucha good weather to sleep in!

Siu Ping: maybe your boss has passed you some bb dust. good luck!

Starrie, Mrs Ho, bearGE: BD and good luck!

SJX: cheer up... weekend is coming. we have to keep our mind positive while TTC-ing.
i see my SIL every week with her 2 kids and her #3 otw. looking at her tummmy each week do put me down too. but, i tell myself... soon i will be like that! (hopefully its BFP and not weight gain! ;p)

Amy, SarahFaith, peapea: hope TCM can help you gals.
Peapea, it's ok. Have learnt to manage disappointment, self rationalization I call it haha! I can't help but think if I do strike one day, I think I will be so happy like over the moon. Still hopeful although chances slim for me, shall wait patiently.

Xiu, no see red means got hope. Stay positive maybe you hit jackpot already??

Amy, wah so the tcm is your aunt! Your are so lucky, still rem you earlier have some apprehensions about going to a relative but I think now you must be relieved you make that move.
hey ladies, if i dont get +ve opk, how do u noe whehter the 2ww has started? sinc htey call it 2ww.. so its 14 days? cause now, i'm 2 weeks away from my af..
amy, but weekdays working a bit difficult lei... her opening hours quite office hours... unless friday i rush down after work

miloqueen, ya, i keep finding silver lining every cycle to stop myself being so disappointed

xiu, i also want to go short trips... but my hubby and i cant agree on where to go.... we thinking bkk cuz cheaper but in our hearts, we really want to go hk... just that he still feel tickets are ex... hahaha... i think he just want to save money la
Peapea >> Oh isit ? I stay inside Whampoa ..

Starrie >> How isit ??

And gals, i saw my chart in FF .. and the lines intersect on MONDAY ! But i only BD yesterday ...

Think i'm not gona make it on time for this cycle .. But i did see a darker line on Tues instead ..

mrs ho, im staying at mcnair/towner area there... near the overhead bridge that links to whampoa market... hee...
sjx>> Haha.. I know she is popular, but didn't know she popular in fertility also. =O *Hugz* U definitely had it worse than me. But still, chin up! Our baby dragon will come to us! =)

coyote>> I think it may differ from ppl to ppl. My colleague got preg after 3 mths of TCM. Sarahfaith mentioned tat case - 3 weeks. Mine is at least 3 mths.

sonel>> Thanx for the encouragement! =)

Miloqueen>> Wah, u still remb tat. Ya lorz, now feeling relieved! I was telling my hubby got hope liao. Hee.. =)

peapea>> Wed and I think Fri is until later - 7pm. But u still have to go get queue # early morn or u try calling to see if u can book appt (not sure how long before u have to book). Tat's why I go on Wed. =O Rush down after work.
<font color="purple">coyote..
i know how u feel.. me too

me suddenly feel so tire and sleepy haaa. stupid weather!
make the environment so nice to sleep...
peapea>> Not yet. Dunno wat's wrong lehz.. =( Hopefully will come by this week. I recall one of the gals who took TCM coz of MIA AF waited 2 weeks to spot and 1 mth for AF to come full force.

Btw, gals, anyone can advise how much LRD can we drink a day? I think I am overdosing on it. =p
lrd is vrey heaty... if u drink too much.. u mite end up falling sick.. sore throat, phlgem.. i drink alternate days... but stopped recently, cause i'm choking on my own phlgem..

i tink it jus took me a zillion times to post this entry!!!! args
<font color="purple">amy
i think one day a cup is enough

see doc, drink more water

u also facing posting issue?? so irritating right... even the adminstrator told me it fixed but i really doubt so...
<font color="000080"> Hi Amy! I guess the stress really made your cycle haywire. But even without AF coming, you might still ovulate leh. My sis hasn't had her AF since Feb, still managed to strike in April!

SJX >>*hugs* Here's a baby dragon to motivate all of us!

starrie, gingerbread>> Drink more water and take care.

sjx>> Me also having probs posting. Oh no, I drink one flask (abt 500ml) a day since Tues. =x
yesss!!! i emailed her. she say cause hte forum is busy, a lot of ppl posting. thats y will like tat. tell me to wait 5s later or 10s later n try. its damn irritating. sometimes i'll give up n not post leow.

its happening again!!!

BEE LEE>> r u monitoring? this is very irritating!!
tethysea>> I also wish I am as lucky as yr sis to strike despite no AF. *keeping fingers crossed* =) But I doubt so for my case. =( I like the dragon pic! So kawaii!! =)
Miloqueen>> You should let her know your situation etc so that she can give a proper diagnosis to your condition. She is actually pretty good, last time she cured my brother had the hand foot mouth disease even before the whole saga became a big issue and then the govt gave instruction that all TCM are not allowed to treat hand foot mouth disease. Can give her try, I have seen her for many years..

Siu Ping, SJX>> Ya, the current TCM I’m going to gives pills which my mom feels is still medicine, so change to Dr Tan should at least help to regulate my cycles.. Thanks a lot for the advice!

Peapea>> Yes, you should give them a call to make an appointment.. But if they give you an appointment which is super long later, if I manage to go down this Friday, I see if I can make appointment for both you and me..
But be prepared even if make appointment, have to wait there for very very long.. In the past, we used to wait from late morning till their clinic close.. A lot of people go there for treatment..

Amy>> Wow! Really coincidence wor! I have been seeing her since sec school, that was like more than 10 years ago! Haha.. Hope she can help me at least regulate my cycles..
Hi ladies! Rainy weather today. Nice weather for sleeping in except I got woken up really early due to a stupid contractor forgetting that I changed my appointment. @&amp;#@^#

Such a cute dragon pic! I like!

I can hold hands with you and peapea this cycle. AF just over and counting down to my O.
Good afternoon ladies.. I just went to the Gynae... I really like the nurses there n the Dr is very confident.Does not even stop to think when u ask a question.
Anyways, he says my uterus lining is very thick.. Cud be AF coming or BFP..must do HPT again in a week's time. He also prescribed Clomid..lowest dose..Anyone has any side effects from Clomid? I am hoping I dun hv to take em!!
Tingkat issue again. BearGE - tingkatdelivery says my area will deliver ard 3-4pm for dinner, is this normal? I will only eat at 7.30pm, will the food go bad?
SJX >> I realise this posting issue only happen in the day, where all of us r posting at the same time .. at night, when i post, i dun face this problem ...
coyote>> the veg will turn bad easily. there is not idea to keep for too long. Maybe you can call them up abt your concern.

tethysea>> i like the dragon pic.
cute cute.
I hv probs posting too.. N I work with patients so cannot keep trying and by the time I get a chance to log in again the thread wud hv moved way ahead. Hehe..

Starrie: I hope it is a BFP too but I dun feel anything.. No signs of aF coming nor pregnancy..boobs are as flat as ever!
bearGE - I checked with both, their delivery to my area are:
Kim 4-6pm (they say will leave my food at my door and I must consume b4 8pm)
Tingkat 3-4pm
Hi All,

I think the thread was moving so fast, no one saw my last post about LRD!

Can I check if it's really safe to drink LRD during 2ww and when you are pregnant in the 1st trimester? I was reading some articles on chinese herbs, and longans are not recommended for 1st trimester. The physician at Ban Choon Chan also adviced not to take herbs during 1st trimester, and Red dates is considered a kind of herb?

Can anyone confirm?
tethysea - tat pic is so cute, a little dragon holding its security towel

Happy - I like ur sense of humor..as flat as ever...hahaha... Not all pregnancy symptons will appear when strike.
happy: now is pin chang xin ok!!

my hubby need to be away from sat to tues.. hahah i think its my fertile period.. and i am tagging along :p

i am facing problems of posting
coyote>> hmm. i guess you can give them a call and tell them your concern. 3-4pm is abit too early le. Is like late lunch timing lor.
tethysea: the pic is so cute!

HappyGoLucky: hope its BFP for you!!!
anyways, no side effect for me when i took clomid.

Starrie: yes yes tag along! hehehe!
