(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

gingerbreadger: yep... i took 12 cycle over a period of 1+ years. 3 cycles, break. 3 cycles, break. then 6 cycles.

in fact, i was given another 2 cycles double dosage. i got scared and seek TCM help.

yep, i know about ovarian cancer. i told DH i will probably die first than BFP.

<font color="purple">amy..
then ah. like a lot leh haaa

ya O late.. then ah got bd lah but my hubby troops had kept for around 3 weeks inside -___-
i am like telling he is giving rotten troops lor!

dont take anymore.. as maximum is like 6 cycles only leh ..

u make me wanna go see my tcm as she is like angry with me wahah... thinking to gatecrash in

ignore~!! whahaha....
<font color="000080">HappyGoLucky >> If your DH is too, erm, enthusiastic, may not be good for preg esp in the first few weeks. Some people will get spotting after BD.

Agie >> new cycle new hope!

gingerbreadger >> Ovulation pain not everybody has, and not every cycle will have. For me it's like a sharp pain, and I usually only get it on my right.</font>
no worries... i stopped taking le.
Wow, the thread moving very fast. I only have the time to read now.

Sonel, I hope too that my boss pass me some bb dust.

Gingerbreadger, dun give up. Continue with the tcm &amp; u will see the result soon. Jia you.
I think maybe cos my uterus lining is already thick? I oso dunno. She said cannot then dun do la..
The Dr gave me only 0.5mg Clomid.. I will try for 2mnths as recommended. After tat no more! Too stressful!
Yes yes yes!! V happy laaa!! First time see +ve hahaha. Act i dint wana test leow, tats y use e watsons one. tot wun have since so late leow. If not i wld have use e cb to c e smiley face!!
Tml bd again! Beta play safe. Haha
But my hubby gg to legs soft leow, coz we did it yest too. Haha
Ha ha..Tom ask hubby to drink kopi o 30mins b4 BD..Helps the troops to swim faster it seems!!
In another article I read the woman actually masturbated after BD to have another orgasm to suck in more troops...not sure if it works but sounds FUN!!
Talking about all these..I oso want to BD but DH says " NURSE SAYS NO SEX until AF comes!"
Starrie >> Jia you .. enjoy ... I tink i O on tues where i saw +ve .. BD yesterday hopefully can catch the train ..

Gingerbreadger >> Lie in bed elevate ur butt .. sweet dream tonight liao hehe ... but DH sperm only replenishes at least after 2 days ..

2 Happy >> Good luck ...
<font color="0000ff">happygolucky - abt the orgasm after BD, might not be advisable. i remember someone mentioning it. becos when u orgasm, u not only suck, you also push. so there might be a chance u push n suck push n suck. so might affect the swimmers. not sure if u knw what i mean. lol!</font>
hahaa.. actually quite tiring u noe... have sex leow.. still must masterbate.. no energy la..
normally i'll lie there n end up sleeping, then wake up 2-3 hrs later to wash up.. haha

mrs ho> normally i oni bd alternate days.. but now see +ve. tink increase chance lor.. so these 3 days bd NON STOP. haha

can i ask u girls. if +ve leow. does it means confirm got egg release?
<font color="purple">MORNING LADIES~!~ it FLYDAY!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!! whooohooo

during 2ww best not take flu med!

yeah!!! bd bd bd wack ah~
but u funny lah...
anyway egg release is minus... if i recall correctly..

HappyGoLucky ...
i got endometrosis, sad to say it is one of the cause for my ectopic..
ladies got endometrosis.... cut down meat intake... and take DHA

O-ing this week... just bd and wack!! good luck for all !!

<font color="0077aa">Gd morning ladies...Finally it's fries-day! But later gotta a course test to take, so abit scare...
Spotted the 'red devil' today but glad that my cycle day has been shortened to 30days aft consulting the tcm... </font>
<font color="0077aa">missycandy> Mi. 1st consulation is $80, subsequent is $60. ultrascan is $20 or $30. Forgotten the price, have to refer to my receipt..</font>
all - yeah FRIDAY!!!!!

xiu - gd that ur AF is getting better.

Its now 3.5wks after m/c, I will start my exercise regime from this wkend.
Candy; I get wat u mean... We shall stick to our conventional butt up method.
Xiu: E doctor didn't mention endometrosis. I read abt thickened uterine lining n gt paranoid. Apparently to be diagnosed with Endo, the uterus lining has to be of certain thickness. So I guess mine is the pre- period thickening.
Starrie: good luck. Update us if u feel any symptoms in this two weeks! Then we can start our own TWW thread. ;-))
gingerbreadger, Starrie, Mrs Ho: good luck!!!

HappyGoLucky: dont read too much. 平常心.

xiu03: new cycle new hope! i hope TCM will help to shorten my cycle too.

missycandy: xiu03 is right. the scan is $20.
Hi Gals,

Can i join in? TTC #1 and my cycle not very regular. Now i'm CD2 hope i can strike soon =D
<font color="purple">HappyGoLucky...
to know whether you got endometrosis, the common sympton is cramp.. ur AF come u have cramp and the cramp more like pain
i found online for the common symptoms which i feel it quite true...

The most common symptoms of Endometriosis are:

* Pain before and during periods
* Pain with intercourse
* General, chronic pelvic pain throughout the month
* Low back pain
* Heavy and/or irregular periods
* Painful bowel movements, especially during menstruation
* Painful urination during menstruation
* Fatigue
* Diarrhoea or constipation

Hi Piky..
Finally manage to have time to log in.

Ladies, IT'S FRIDAY!!

today dpo1. tested opk just now, still have faint line. wondering will it suddenly turn darker again.. wahahah.. Too many strip for me to play with. Maybe will test it again later of the day to double confirm. :p

peapea>> where are you?

nb01>> Wake up le ma?

gingerbreadger, Mrs Ho and Starrie>> Guess we are in 2WW together? JIA YOU!!!
sjx>> Today really very quiet lehz..

bearge>> Yr comment abt too many strips remind me tat I have nv tested OPK after knowing my AF MIA again. Haha.. =p

Good luck to all those in 2ww! =)
amy>> guess you should start play with your strip. :p Hubby always stare at me whenever i bring 1 and my hp into the toilet. As i will be playing games while waiting to read the result. lol...
