(2012) Planning for Dragon baby?

Yeap..!! Gonna b very excited huh... Hee rem to drink lots of water n dun pass out e urine.. Nid to b in full bladder to push e intestine away..
haha no no.. is to do the ultrasound scanning.. coz the intestine n bladder is on top of the uterus.. so once ur bladder is full, den the gynae can see the uterus then can see the zygote (baby cell).. if u go later, still can hear baby heart beat.. n their heart beat can be seen like star twinkling..
Hi mummies:
Im eagerly waiting for next week to test and see if im preggie...

How about you guys any news?
TT: im supposed to have my menses next week. So thought to test on that day.
How long are you trying?
Hi Anne

2nd for me too, jus tried recently lol. 1st one turning 6 mths soon. Wan to quickly haf 2nd den can close factory.

Hi Irene,
My boy is 14 mths now and thought of trying for no 2 and close factory.lol.

Age is also another factor cant wait for long.
Sending my boy to CC end of the year.
How old is your no1?
It's a boy too. Hope to haf a gal so haf alot pretti dresses to dress her

Actuali 1 yr is gd gap but I prefer dragon den snake lei... Hopefully our 小龙女 faster come. I presume u wan a gal this time round too?
Irene: yes me too...i was surfing Gap and Old navy, so many nice baby gals clothes...I really hope it works for 2012.
hi hi.. my #1 is 3mths.. i think by the time i conceive my gal is already 6mths liao bahz.. n i oso prefer dragon than snake.. hee..
Hi ladies, am new to this thread.. am also starting ttc-ing recently..
Hope can gain some insightful tips here..
Good luck to all!
Hi ladies,

If you are considering to purchase OPK/ HPT, Pre-Seed, Conceive Plus, Clearblue Digital OPK/ HPT, basal thermometers, and TTC supplements, do check out http://babydustshop.blogspot.com

Recently, Jacelyn Tay (ex Mediacorp Actress) shared one of her success tips in conceiving easily is drinking organic raspberry tea that improves the health of her womb. Do try out this tea which is now available at Baby Dust Shop.

PS: One of the partners of Baby Dust Shop is now pregnant and all products are now sprinkled with tons of sticky babydust (for good luck)!
Haiz.. AF reported tdy.. In e morning i was still tinking got hope.. During wrk e flow came.. Sad.. Gotta try harder..
Hi all, I'm new to this thread. had #1 by luck and TTC 2nd one but till now, me and hubby still don't really know how to make baby. we try missionary position. when his p is hard, then insert there right? but it's difficult to get it in and his p will soften a short while later. he feel uncomfortable in missionary position. other positions we find it even tougher.
anyone can advise?
Trinity, thks for ur advice. its more of the process of baby making tt we don know. his p must be really hard to go in? he just place there and do the body thrusting for his p to go in?

gd luck to u too.
Haiz.. I tink normally 1st one din come with expected den 2nd one purposely to be nt careful still no newa.. But before my 1st pregnany i had lots of kiwi.. Jus nw read a chinese article it says tt having more kiwi will increase in some vitamins or wat to aid in getting preg...! So im gonna haf more golden kiwi..!!
Hi I'm new here. I have been trying to TTC for the past few months. This thread seems to be filled with activites compared to other threads. Hope to know a few friends here to share our ups n down. I am on TCM medicine.. n seeing some of u suggested some fruits.. not sure if it'll have effects on the med? Perhaps i hv to ask the chinese doc on the next visit
Hi Kitty, don't think fruits will have any effect on med but always heard my mum say oranges will 'wash away' the effect of med. Why are u on TCM? your menses not regular?
Hello all, am ttc for #2 and failed 3 cycles already. AF just reported. Sigh.... Hope to jiayou this cycle! Good luck to all!

Kitty, I think some food may neutralise med so it might be good to check with doc. For fruits, am not too sure though...
Hi Chicky, thanks.... Lets jiayou together! Think m going to see TCM this week to check on my health. Hope can help...
Hi Chickygal, i always feel cold in office, so thought go n tiao yang. anyway, TCM med will take time to kick in.. so i wont have to panick later.. it does help to raise my temp.. a little for now. though doc say not enough.
My cycle is chaotic.. Last tue my cycle jus end n few days bk i had some stains.. Den i test it's negative leh..!! Nt so soon will show +ve right..??
I went to TCM last Friday... Same as before, had liang (cold) womb. Need to take med and tiao... Have to avold liang food and cold drinks already. Haiz.. For the sake of ttc, i must persist! Hope this cycle can make it.

Btw, TCM said dun keep the sperm troops for too long, 4 days before last BD is gd enough. Else too much semen, swimmers cant swim up...
chickygal: ya lor.. mine very irregular.. this is my 2nd AF after my delivery in April.. but e stain was about 2 days onli.. den went off liao..
Hi ladies,

My gynae never take my blood tests, never give me calcium pills and never ask me to do pap smear.

Is this normal?

Should i request for it? =(

Just wondering the following

I've 10kg of excess wgt fr my last pregnancy (close to 2 yrs back) n if i were to have another child nw, will the leftover excess wgt incr the chance of me needing another c-sect?

Dunno whether to try for another child nw or to wait till i lose te excess wgt...

i'd like to join in too.
i'm planning for #2. #1 is boy, 24 mths old. dun mind if #2 is a boy or girl.
Hi, me too planning #2. just had a chemical pregnancy. detected +ve for hpt last sat but got spotting and faint line yesterday. AF here today.

#1 boy is 16 mths old. prefer #2 to be a gal but now think it doesnt matter as long as baby healthy. hope to have 2 years gap. not sure able to do it or not?

anyone taking FA now ? does it make one put on weight ? i hv been taking it for 3mths and feeling so fat..sign...
i have a clear blue fertility test kit (can detect estrogen and LH level, can detect up to 5 days before ovulation day, so increase the chance to try for baby). i'm willing to let go at $220 (guardian selling price $310+), condition 9/10.
clear blue fertility sticks(to use with clear blue fertility test kit) - 14 sticks, willing to let go at $35 (guardian selling price $82+ for 20 sticks). expire - April 2012.
i don't need it anymore as i'm 33 weeks pregnant. interested, pls pm me. tks.
Hi All!

I'm expecting my 1st child and hope anyone can share wif me some infos.

i'm opting TMC as the prefered hospital and would like to know which gynae is recommended. my main concerns are budget, location of the gynae's office (i stay ard Bugis) and lastly, the experience of the gynae.

anyone chose TMC as well? which gynae u choose? any advice is appreciated as i'm pretty clueless on wat to expect.

Thanks and regards,
Hi Vince, u prefer a male or female gynae? R u patient??

I m seeing a female gynae at tmc. Often had to wait more than an hr on weekend even with appt. But I love her she gives me the assurance and comfort!!
Hi Cat,

me n my wife hav no preference but she slightly favours a male gynae cos male gynaes ae more gentle?

how much is ur package? wat to consider when signing up wif certain gynae?

Hi Vince

My gynae is Benjamin Tham @ TMC. He is patient and gentle. Package starts from week 12 but I forgot the price. Waiting time approx 15mins unless he got emergency delivery.

Hi babypom!

how can we check out the prices of the packages from diff gynae? did u opt for 1 bedder? how much cash did u come out wif?

