(2012) Ivf/icsi Mommies Support Group

Hi mc and blur xuan, Dr June Tan also said will give me steriod to mature bbs lungs later ... guess most doc will give to mums with twins...

Just bumped into a colleague who's expecting twins today. She's 36 weeks now and still looking good! Hope all of the twin mummies here will have a smooth journey to delivery too!
Hi ladies... Headache big time. My girl now decide she wants to latch and simply dislike bottles even Nuk. Teat touch her lips, she will swing her head, wave her fist and slam her butt on me... Omg! End up latch her. She is on total bf still. Sigh....
Tanny, may not work but hv you tried the pigeon perialistic plus teats? Or medela calma? My girl only takes the pigeon p.plus ones.

In the end, sometimes bb just need some time eventho we r rushing to get them on bottles before ML ends.
Hey mummies, do you apply ruyi oil regularly to prevent discomfort or only when bb show signs of tummy discomfort?

And how to keep sterilised bottles ah? Mine when its sterilised and freshly taken out, i will shake off the water droplets then assemble and store in airtight containers~ am i doing correctly? Sometimes the insides will have water droplets for quite a while, is it ok?
Heartbeat, relax... For bottles I do the same way as u. Sometimes leave it overnight. For ru Yi oil... My mum massage on my gal tummy and feet every weekday night after her evening wipe until she was like 3 mths old. Weekends my mum dun come over and we can't b bothered. Haha juz dun stress yrself. Now a lot of things I can't b bothered like how I bathe my gal, I used to have a sequence now I juz treat her like a toddler and shower her. Somehow she must get used to water in her eyes after all she will go swimming soon ... But food wise I m v v v particular. Only can eat what my mum and I prepare
heartbeat, we apply ruyi oil on belle diligenty sincr new born teice a day, once in the morning after shower and another time in the evening after wipe. belle is 9 mths now n we still do diligently daily. even when we travel, i will pack along. it keeps belle warm after a shower.

i will put ruyi oil n rub my 2 palms together until warm n cup one palm over her belly button. the remaining ruyi oil i will rub on belle's back n the bottom of her feet.
Morning ladies: just drop to check whether do anyone experience rib cage pain during ur pregnancy. Currently I only 10wks and on off having this problem. Is this normal?
Mc.. M gg for natural if can.. coz my boy head down n gal head up... I not sure my doc will give or not coz fish oil n calcium pills oso didnt give she prefer natural intake.. so I only on multi vits... Gg bk on thurs n see she got give or not..
Joanne.. u r in which week n doc gave u e steriod??
Thanks Luvnhope... Hopefully they can stay till at least week 37.. Hehe..
Thanks Catherine and Hazel for sharing! Lousy mummy me still didnt know can everyday apply, still staring at the ruyi oil daily and wondering hard!

Catherine, haha, how you know i very stressed? Indeed leh! Ok ok, hehe

Babysmurf, maybe you have heartburn? That is pregnancy symptom and i had it in 1st trimester also. Cannot be bb kicking you since its still early, most likely heartburn. Try to take food in smaller amounts and sit up straight after meals.
Heartbeat, bb can't talk and we do not know what to expect ... Of cos stress. To a certain extent u want to do this do that.... I used to document down what she does Now I juz bo chap. All I do is make sure I read and talk to my gal everyday. U will b amaze if u take out yr Hp bb will smile automatically. At least for my gal she did that when she is 2 mths old till now. Enjoy the process without stress .... Have fun
Heartbeats, totally agree with catherine. No hard & fast rules. Mostly trial & error, use our mummy instincts and common sense, and enjoy the journey. They grow up too fast.

I have ruyi oil but I don't use it daily as my girl was having daily bowel movements and all seemed ok so I didn't bother to introduce one more extra thing if not necessary. These days as she is moving to eat solids & changing her diet, when I see she has a discomfort or did not poo that day, I will apply as per hazel described
Heartbeat, if u think it's tough at yr current stage, wait till yr bb can crawl, flip etc that's even worse. Every stage is juz building us up. I m now at the stage of playing wrestling everyday. Tiring but v Interesting... The smiles, high 5, clapping of hands, hand shake,Boo, aye and giggles will make u say nvm la.....they r juz innocent. One thing U need is a lot of encouragement from family, hubby, frens, colleagues .... I survived through their constant check on me....
Catherine, you are fortunate. I am not so afterall. Thought mum do my confinement for me should be better than CL but end up alot of clashes. I keep to myself till i blow up last weekend. I was even having very negative thoughts i have to snap myself out of to keep away from post natal depression.

One example is feeding. My mum is over zealous. Every cry bb makes is time to feed. Even if last feed was less than 2 hours, she will ask me to feed. I say time is not up but she say then give a small 20ml first. How can? Then next feed how much to give??? Also she keep forcing me to feed less than 2 hours safe to bb delicate digestive system? Mine premature somemore! These 2 days i notice even at 2 hours, bb can spit up small amount of milk means still havent fully digest so should not give so close interval right?

I am going crazy i tell you.
heartbeats....i can understand how u felt that's why i rather spend the money to engage a cl rather than rely on family member cos i really think in case of conflict, u can tell cl to listen to u but difficult to tell mother or mil to listen to you.

take it easy and maybe u need to ignore them at times...boh bian...take care. ...
Heartbeat, Hmmmm cheer up ok... I gave my mum the free hand. I told her we r newbie and we will listen... After all she looked after her siblings, us, my niece. She is v particular about hygiene and my bb well being. she is not those strict mum that dun allow me to go out during confinement etc. she does feed my gal like yr mum b4 time is up not knowing its colic. We all learn together.... That's all I can say. Cheer up. U juz need to let go. After yr confinement more stress will kicks in.
heartbeat, the prob comes when u r more knowledgable than the caregiver. in this case, ur mum. has your mum taken care of new born in the recent years? bbs these days r different fr bbs of last time (ie when we r small). eg, many years bk, collic is so uncommon.. anyway, just ignore ur mum. cannot keep feeding bb like that, it will cause indigestion n more issues. *hugz*
I take it easy ... I jus latch and see how later. Feel like buying the parklon mat! Hazel is it good? U use right?
My bb got blocked nose. PD gave nose drops but other than that, any natural way to help clear? I read before some of you suck out from bb nose, is it for this reason? Use the nose aspirator or how to use our mouth?

My bb also has wind. Was given colic med. I m applying ruyi oil also. What else can i do huh?

Hazel, my mum has experience with term babies but not preemies thats why my fight with her. She has been asking me to add FM to EBM too which PD say cannot and i have to correct her much to her displeasure.
Heartbeat, my gal has sensitive nose juz like me. My mum pharmacist colleague recommended a oil(only one drop) to put on bb pillow.... Now bcos of her we dun sleep in aircon room. Fine with me I dun need aircon. Hubby has a big adjustment. Let me know if u need the name of the oil
heartbeat, fm n bm, cannot mix together. just feed bm first then top up with fm. best way is to suck out with our mouth. but the risk is if bb is sick, may pass the germs to us.

do u use a dehumuliser in the room bbs sleep? i hv sinus problem but belle nv has any issue even in.aircon room coz we use dehumuliser every night.

u can also rub bb balsm on bb chest, lneck n back n the bottom of the feet. as long as bb is 3 mths old, can use. also, olbas oil for bb also helps. put 1-2 drops on a tissue n tug it in its bolster.. as long as the smell can come out good enough. i dun recommend put on the bolster directly, coz bb can tose n turn eventually n bb's eyes may rub on oil accidentally. same rationale in not putting on the pillow. anyway, bbs dun need pillow, like belle now turns n flips when sleep. a pillow may not be safe

anyhow, no need to get unduly worried with sensitive nose. aslong as it does not disturb the bb, is ok. hv to let them outgroe it at times, if not, later grow up how? cannot possibly avoid outside environment or aircon plcs right?

belle has some running nose at times due to change in temp, at time can hear the slight blockness at night when she sleeps. i leave it alone as long as it does not discomfort her. eventually, it will go away.
heartbeat, yes colic drops n ruyi oil helps. belle has bad colic. she was on colic drops for a while. i slowly cut the no of times per day to eventually completely off colic drops. hv to do gradually. cox cannot let bb be too reliant on it n also cannot take it off immediately also as bb may still hv colic. belle's dr taught me n i use my discretion n judgement
Oh, my bb nose not due to sensitivity. My boy, he spits up milk and recently got 2 occassions milk came out thru the nose and then after that can hear congestion. I tried to suck thru mouth but he got a shock and so did i, end up nothing done. I use the bulb aspirator and only got out some nose shit. So brought him to PD. Give him the nose drops and he tore the whole house down with his wailing. Sigh~ feel so stressed, hope he feels better soon.

This is linked to his colic also which i read will take some time to go away. Sigh~ so stressful when bb not well. Hazel, were you using Dentinox? How long did you use it for, say a month? I am mindful not to let my boy be too reliant also but as long as colic is there, he wont feed well then will keep spitting up and have nose issues. Can see he is in discomfort. Last night keep crying every hour, koala also cant keep him down for long. End up sleep in my arms on my bed then ok for a short 2 hours. Haaa~ pandaland here i come. This morning, hb and i looked hideous.
heartbeat, belle used to vomit n came out fr nose too! just carry the bb upright when milk comes out fr nose. i left the.nise block caused by that alone, it went away on its own.

belle was giveb rid wind. belle was on bottle 2 when eventualy i cut it. slowy. after 4 mths, colic will slowly go away.
hi tanny,

has your baby gone back to taking the bottle huh? yeah is a process..

hazel and catherine : can share on how do you all go about preparing the baby food huh? i am totally clueless on when people say freeze the stock ..meaning how long can they be store huh? i have signed up for a weaning talk ..hopefully will learnt more.
sunbelle, i dun freeze any of belle's food. i made her food daily in the morning n keep in thermal container. i prepared the inh
gredents the night before. ie, brown rice, a small pc of meat n fish, veg like pumpkin, also a small pc. then a few slices of 1-2 fruits, papaya, pear, rock melon, etc. i put all in the pot n add some water n put in the fridge.

my maid will put the pot on the stove n cook till boil at 630am. aftrr that put the bot into thermal cooker. i will take it out at 8am, blend n put in thermal container n off to work.

that will be her bf n lunch. dinner, my parents will feed cereals,with tge puree jar bought fr supermarket
Sunbelle, I guess the 'stock' u refer here is like what my mum is doing. She cook 1 big pot of soup per week for my gal like potato carrot corn soup, fish soup, si sen soup etc. all without salt then she divide into portion for me to cook daily. I either use to cook porridge or as water to add into her cereal. At times if I do cook, I will take out some soup and use it to cook her porridge. Trust me the soup taste great. Once I put the stock and rice in the slow cooker and went back to sleep. I totally can't sleep!!!! The smell of the soup was so yummy it kept me awake. I tried freezing purée but got scolded big time by my mum.
Sunbelle : she still refuse bottles
I see how it goes. When I return to work she has no choice but to drink from bottle, spoon or cup.

My Burmese maid came yesterday.. She like quitehardworking, keep asking to do chores. First day let her do housework - sweep, vacuum, wipe floor, windows n watch me cook. She likes washing the best I think. She also v on wanting to show me what she learnt at the agent place on cleaning high rise windows (exterior). I ask her to wake up 7am and let her rest at 9pm. No night duty. Anyway since I latch now.. Seems she can work non stop. Unbelievable, also dun wan to rest. At night she takes an English Burmese dictionary to learn!
hi hazel and cat,

thank you very much for sharing with me on your preparation of food. yeah makes me hunvgry when reading cat's posting on the yummy soup. hehehe

Hazel, you are very diligent in daily preparation of your gal food hehee ...yeah does belle still drinks lotsa of milk after being on solid food huh? Elis leh?

Tanny : do you want a brand new my first year Bottle huh? went to bro place seems tat he oso never open and use it. cos i bought that time cos read from web is similar to nipple shape. ..if you wan, i can send by post to you.

is it worthwhile buying a jumperoo huh? walker i tink is useful. yeah any comments huh? cos jumperoo pretty expensive and takes up space leh.

tanny : your maid is so hardworking leh..i am impressed. how old is your maid huh?
Sunbelle, physio therapists at kkh dont recommend walkers, they say bb will tip toe alot if walker and walker dont allow them to see their own toes so they cant coordinate that part when learning to walk. Just sharing ok? Cos i happened to ask and they told me and passed me pamphlet also.
Hazel its gd Belle still wants to drink. My mum tells me by teething age, some bb wont want to drink and can lose weight. My boy still blocked nose today, sound like a 'pig' now when breathing~
How do you all train bb to sleep at night without wanting to play/ask to be carried? Nowadays i am lucky if i can catch 1 hour sleep, its that bad. So daytime i have to sleep alot and thats not easy having to pump in between as well.
Sunbelle - will pass for now first. if need I let u know again.

My helper is 29 yrs old. Like it started to drizzle and she shouted rain and scrambled to bring in all the clothes. And ask me if can close all windows. And when quite free (cos im thinking what to ask her to do), she suggested to cut all garlic and put in container in the fridge for easier cooking and says its taught by agent. Seems v happy and also singing softly in kitchen. At least cheerful sort?
heartbeat, i didnt buy any walker for belle for the reasons u mentioned. belle loves to eat n drink milk. even medicine n chinese bitter tcm stuff she will open mouth n take willingly.

the carryung bb to sleep part, i hv done that many times when belle was smaller. so bad until my arm has bad blood circulation, accumulated over the months. now, at times she also like me to hug her n sleep.. my left arm is so bad until is painful since last wk. i just went tcm a 2nd time just now... tuina, electric therapy n ba gua.
heartbeats...did u bf both together or one by one? having only 1hr sleep is really tough....

Instead of the traditional walker that you put the child inside, i bought those push type previously for my boy so the child can use it as a support and can learn to control where they are going cos no push no move unlike the normal walker.
Sorry, back to ask the same qn, how do you suck out mucus by mouth? Really use mouth or use with this? Suck only when can see mucus in the nose or can suck out mucus we cant see but can hear? My boy still sounds like a pig today.

Wow hazel, is good that belle wans to drink . So she can get all the necessary nutrients

Yeah heartbeats, after hearing what u say on walker, it jus gave me a stop warning in having a walker. Save money too

Hazel : mi too suffering from backache n been to tang Shan few times but cannot really resolve. The one opp marine parade NTUC. Which one u go to huh?

Heartbeats : what I did is early morning when she woke up, I draw all the curtain to let light come in n let her play. Near to her sleeping time, I dim light n draw curtains ...
sunbelle, i go to yu guo at kembagan, 5 mins walk fr my plc. i will take a no on way bk first, hv dinner n shower already then go. if not got to wait usually
How to clean those badly oil stained hood (filter)? Mine is terribly oily after my CL leaves. Now asking my maid to clean the whole house..
Bbliss, I change my gal next term shichida class to a better timing .... U may soon hear from them. Unfortunately I din manage to change her instructor. I was told my gal instructor only take bb classes argh.....
Ok mummies, now I need advice on e supplements for breast feeding, I'm in my 34 weeks now. Should I start to stock up now or after delivery. What should I get n where?
Hi juvi, will ur hubby be able to help u buy when u r on confinement? If so, dun need stock up now cux u may but even need it if u ve ample bm supply..
Hi Ladies, I am in melbourne city now! Arrived yeaterday morning after a 7 hrs flight. Belle was a good girl thru out the flight. She slept in the bassinet but was easily woken up by cries of other bbs and she can climb out of the bassinet easily even when I zip up the cover. So, I carried her to sleep supporting her head with pillows. Felt more at ease that way. We arrived in melbourne airport SG time 4am (oz 7pm) and she woke up. But she nv cry. All my luggages were opened up as I found my tsa combination locks all opened. Not sure by SG or oz side. Is just me n hub. It will be good if we hv an extra pair of hands coz lots of things to bring.

I carried hot water flask, water bottles n bb food too. 100ml rule didn't apply at all at SG customs.

Is 3 hrs ahead here but belle didn't have any time difference. The weather fluctuates greatly in one day. Yesterday was a hot day reaching 35 degrees! Today was rather cool n chilling when the wind blows at abt 15-18 degrees. Belle seems to enjoy the cool weather. I am all prepared when it comes to her clothes. She has one lugguage of her own.

Brought her to melbourne aquarium today. She was so engrossed looking at the sea creatures! Tomorrow we will be off to Yarra valley to stay in a cottage in the woods for 2 nights. Will bring her to healesville sanctuary there to see the oz animals. Now, holidays is all on her.

Just my experience to share for those mummies who plan to bring their bbs for holidays. Is tiring but it is great having her around. Is her first flight but not her first overseas though.
Wow hazel, so happie that belle is coping well in the trip

Yeah great to have a trip together heheheee...enjoy yourself !

Hi Tanny, has your gal outgrown the refusal of bottle phase huh?

Mi now preparing to go back to work so now selling all my excess goods from diapers M size , pigeon breast pads, breast milk storage bags, play gym etc ....hope to clear all before going back to work.

Jus wondering how many solid meals do u start a 6 mth baby huh?
